

I originally wrote this for Patreon on October 28th 2017. I no longer use Patreon and have replaced it with my website (here) but thought I would share some of my old blogs with you for FREE to show my appreciation for you visiting my website! <3


Gemini and I were both at our parents house recently and I brought my camera and some film along just in case I felt like taking some photos. We were looking for snacks in the fridge and saw a whole bunch of juicy looking cherries and knew that they would make a great (and messy) prop for a photoshoot. We have both been wanting to take photos with either blood or something that looks like blood for a while… cherry juice definitely looks like blood! I’m glad I waited until this weekend (the one closest to Halloween) to share this set with you. I think it’s the perfect set for this time of year.

We started out the shoot with some detail shots with cherries in them and then quickly started making a mess with them, dripping the juice all over her skin. By the end of the shoot she was absolutely covered in cherry juice! You can really see how covered she was in the behind the scenes photos and videos I’ve added to the galleries. Surprisingly it didn’t take her long at all to rinse it off. I thought it might stain her skin but thankfully it didn’t.

I’d really like to do a messy fruit shoot like this again. What fruit would you like to see?


I took a LOT of behind the scenes videos during this shoot, so members have access to all EIGHT of them! I think my favorite one is the one where you can watch me dripping the juice on her chest.

I’m also uploading a video of me doing a nude headstand, just because it’s fun and I like sharing videos with you. =] It’s wonderful to see videos from a year or so ago when I was first practicing headstands. I was so wobbly and I fell frequently. I’m so much steadier and stronger now! I think aerial silks has helped me a lot not only with strength, but also with balance and confidence in what my body is capable of. Now I want to learn handstands!

All members have access to this complete 50 image photoset by clicking here, the BTS photos by clicking here, the BTS videos by clicking here, and the nude headstand video by clicking here.

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