
2022 Recap!

I did a 2021 recap last year and was really encouraged by it, so I’m doing another one this year! I have issues with object permanence and it’s easy for me to feel like I’ve done NOTHING, so looking back and writing up the major things that happened and the things that I accomplished is really helpful for me to realize that I did, in fact, DO THINGS!

I created this to help myself realize that I am accomplishing things all the time even though I feel like I haven’t. I did NOT create this to make you feel like you need to compete with me or for you to compare yourself to me. The last thing I want is to make someone else feel bad about themself. Everyone’s life and journey is different, and we are ALL VALID whether or not we accomplished ANYTHING AT ALL. ♥

This post contains affiliate links. This means I may earn a commission should you choose to make a purchase using my link (at no extra cost to you!). I only recommend things I have personally used + love!

  • Journaled every day (I started this Jan 20th 2020 – almost on year 3!)
  • Energy practices (almost) every day
  • Took many walks outside + at parks
  • Spent time w friends
  • 8 tattoo appointments – so much closer to being done with this massive project!
  • Went to Floyd Yoga Jam
  • Visited a friend in Boone
  • Got covid in August for the first (and hopefully only) time
  • Visited AD in DC x2
  • Solo van camping trip to Shenandoah
  • Solo van camping in Hocking Hills
  • Got STI tested in Feb, May, + Dec
  • Went to an Art Walk in my hometown
  • Went to friends + familys bday parties
  • Went to a family reunion in VA for my dad’s side of the family
  • Got a new passport with my name change and X gender marker!
  • Volunteered at the VAPA Center
  • Dyed my pubic hair blue x2
  • Spent over $2500 on van repairs (oil changes, inspection, window motor, fuel line, tires…)
  • Mountain trip with Abe at airbnb +  mushroom experience
  • 3x mushroom trips + microdosed several times
  • Helped set up and break down Sol Harmony Fest, my first time seeing behind the scenes of how a festival comes to life!
  • Housesit for my aunt while she’s out of town x2
  • Asheville trip w Abe (surprise trip that last minute changed but was still super fun)
  • Mountainpalooza with 15 of my high school friends! (year 4 and counting!)
  • Stayed w Granny for a week to help her out after she was in the hospital w pneumonia
  • Hosted a model + her partner, first time hosting in several years – since 2017/18?
  • Van camped w friends 5 different times
  • First group van camping experience! 13 people and 4 dogs in a mountain forest
  • Went to 2 bonfires with friends
  • Abe and I made a Duct Tape Dummy of myself

Let me know what you’d like to see from me in 2023 by responding to my survey!

  • AD tied + suspended me for the first time in years, my first suspension since my rope injury in 2016, first time at The Crucible
  • Got back into the local kink scene + started going to play parties
  • Got myself a doggie crate for my bedroom, for claustrophilia reasons, also for putting myself in time out reasons, and kink reasons lol
  • Did my first self suspension in rope
  • Went to PUSH – a fetish party in Durham
  • Went to 4 kink parties
  • Went to 5 rope labs
  • Had 3 rope mentoring sessions (so far)

I was only able to accomplish these things because of the support from members of my patreon, thank you so much!

  • Anti-planning Workshop w Elizabeth Goddard
  • Yoni Massage Workshop w Lior Allay
  • Nude Yoga (virtual) w Lior Allay
  • Feelings 101 w Dawn Serra
  • Advanced Master Program on the Treatment of Trauma from NICABM (5 part master class)
  • How to Build Your Business Without Social Media w Becca Tracey
  • Thai Massage Workshop w Ann Marie
  • Balls + Yoga w Ann Marie
  • Glow Yoga w Meridith Young
  • Laughter Yoga w Carolyn Keller Sells
  • Plant ID Walk – Know Your Weeds w I-TAL Acres
  • Psychedelic Breathwork w Monica McGee + Kendall Selfe
  • Ecstatic Dance w Katie Wells + Beatfarm3r
  • Howdy! Partner Yoga w Shawn + Marie Nuthall
  • Energy Medicine Yoga w Nicole Lafon
  • Nature Walk – Plants, Food, + Fire w Johnny Stowe
  • Defying Gravity: Acroyoga FUNdamentals w Kaelyn Rogers
  • Intuitive Movement w Claire Nagy-Kato
  • Teas Tonics + Tinctures w Willow Luna (my mom!)
  • Psychedelic Integration w Anjali Valea
  • Chakti Yoga w Lauren Nixon
  • Rhythm + Flow Yoga w Amber + Jimi Nedoff
  • Learned a suspendable futomomo and uplines (thanks AD)
  • Found a local rope mentor + started recurring meetings to learn rope bondage
  • Aftercare is a “bad word” w Zir Oya aka @mount.saintoya via Shibari Study
  • Rope Has an Image Problem w Christian Red via Shibari Study

Check out the organized list of HUNDREDS of books I want to read!

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