

I originally wrote this for Patreon on December 2nd 2016. I no longer use Patreon and have replaced it with my website (here) but thought I would share some of my old blogs with you for FREE to show my appreciation for you visiting my website! <3


Early post this week because WE’RE MOVING THIS WEEKEND!!! I’m so ready for this big change and can’t wait to start creating in our new place. We will be renting a couple of rooms from a good friend of ours in her nice big house built in 1940. We’re going to have our first roommate! She’s super awesome and I’m stoked to get to see her all the time. We’re going to be hippies together: composting, planting an herb garden, learning more about crystals and herbs and essential oils, hopefully even learning some witchcraft together. I’m also dreaming about hanging aerial silks from the big tree in the back yard!

I was going through some old photos the other day and found the first nude self portrait set I ever took with Antisocialdisposition from way back in February 2010! We look like babies! We were both over 18, don’t worry, we weren’t ACTUALLY babies. I thought I would share this nostalgic set here with y’all.

We took these in my childhood bedroom at my parents house. We had been dating for a little over a year and I think that even then you can tell how close we are and how much love we have between us. In December we’ll have been together for 8 years. We moved in together about 5 years ago and have been married for over 3 years now. Time flies. I’m so excited to grow old with him. <3

(EDIT: Little did I know that in March 2019, after over 10 years together, we would be having the divorce conversation, getting legally separated in April, and he would be moving to another state in May… but that’s a story for another time. It was amicable and we are still friends.)

This week I also wanted to share another set from our time in New Orleans. I’m finally getting through a bunch of them, I took a huge amount of photos while we were there. The Airbnb we stayed at was super cute and had the best wood floors and an awesome staircase! I just had to take a ton of photos with those stairs!

All members have access to this complete 21 image self portrait set with AD by clicking here.

All members have access to this complete 71 image self portrait set by clicking here.