
FREE! Bathtub self portrait set!

I took this in May 2017 at an airbnb in the mountains of NC.

That airbnb was SO adorable and photogenic! The bathtub is one of the main reasons I chose that particular airbnb on that trip. You may recognize it if you’ve been following me for a while. =]  SO MUCH ART came from that weekend, it was the first patron/member sponsored trip I ever took. It feels so incredibly amazing to be able to go somewhere with the intent of making art with no restrictions, just my imagination and my heart.

YOU are the reason I am able to do this! YOU are who I create for (other than myself, of course). It’s YOUR support that keeps me going, including on this 2 month cross country road trip I’m halfway through already! Holy shit, time really flies. Join my *FREE* mailing list to get updates and access to the (more than) daily video blogs from my trip!

If you’re here on my website, I APPRECIATE YOU!

Click here to enjoy this 40 image self portrait set

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