I originally wrote this for Patreon on December 2nd 2017. I no longer use Patreon and have replaced it with my website (here) but thought I would share some of my old blogs with you for FREE to show my appreciation for you visiting my website! <3


    If you’ve been here for a little while or you have archive access, you’ve probably already seen some of the sets that Edgar and I created last time I was in Chicago. We created so much that day and I’m excited to share this bathtub set with you! We started out with a plain bath and then added one of my favorite bath bombs from Blood Lily Bath that turns the water dramatically black. The bathtub was huge and super slippery of course so it was actually pretty difficult for me to pose in but we were able to create a lot of really great images despite the bathtub challenge.

    In other news, my birthday was on Thursday (Nov 30) and it was wonderful! Antisocialdisposition took some time off from school and working on the NASA USLI project to spend extra time with me which made me feel extra special. Wednesday night we drove almost 2 hours to Greensboro to watch Devin Townsend in concert. He is one of AD & my favorite musicians and we have made it a point to see him every time he visits anywhere near us. The 2 times we saw him before this one we drove all the way to Atlanta (4 hrs away)! The show was amazing as always, and I bought my favorite album of his (Addicted) at the merch booth before we left. It has been playing nonstop in my car since the concert. We got home late, went to bed, slept in and had a lazy morning, then he went to campus to work for a few hours and I had the afternoon to myself. I treated myself to an awesome bath, complete with a crystal grid of course, and read from my new book that AD got me for my birthday, The Hidden Life of Trees. I’m only a couple of chapters in and I really love it so far! I worked on a special new project for a couple of hours, then AD came home and we went to our favorite sushi place! I’m one lucky human.

    I hope you have a fantastic weekend filled with all of your favorite things! <3


     Video tier! I’ve just uploaded:

    10 videos to show you how I celebrated my birthday (Devin Townsend concert, bathtime with crystals, & sugar consumption yay), a butt-centric body movement video, &9 cheeky boomerangs with my sister Gemini.

    All members have access to this complete 36 image photoset by clicking here, the 10 videos to show you how I celebrated my birthday by clicking here, the body movement video by clicking here, & 9 cheeky boomerangs with my sister Gemini by clicking here.

  • FREE! Bathtub self portrait set!

    I took this in May 2017 at an airbnb in the mountains of NC.

    That airbnb was SO adorable and photogenic! The bathtub is one of the main reasons I chose that particular airbnb on that trip. You may recognize it if you’ve been following me for a while. =]  SO MUCH ART came from that weekend, it was the first patron/member sponsored trip I ever took. It feels so incredibly amazing to be able to go somewhere with the intent of making art with no restrictions, just my imagination and my heart.

    YOU are the reason I am able to do this! YOU are who I create for (other than myself, of course). It’s YOUR support that keeps me going, including on this 2 month cross country road trip I’m halfway through already! Holy shit, time really flies. Join my *FREE* mailing list to get updates and access to the (more than) daily video blogs from my trip!

    If you’re here on my website, I APPRECIATE YOU!

    Click here to enjoy this 40 image self portrait set

    If you’d like even MORE content from me, consider becoming a member! I share something with them EVERY SINGLE DAY <3