

I originally wrote this for Patreon on November 25th 2016. I no longer use Patreon and have replaced it with my website (here) but thought I would share some of my old blogs with you for FREE to show my appreciation for you visiting my website! <3


I love taking self portraits, but I love modeling for photographers too. There’s nothing like seeing yourself the way others see you.

Colorvibes is a local art student, photographer, and model, and has started taking figurative nude images on film (and digital). We finally met up one day a few weeks ago right when it was starting to get cold when the sun went down. I took her to a spot I’ve used once or twice for photos and we shot for a couple of hours. I love seeing how others view and use places that I’ve shot at before. There are always new ways of seeing places and things that I hadn’t thought of. She was kind enough to allow me to share our photos with you.

Do you remember when AD and I went to the mountains for our waterfall weekend with Drake Avenue? If you don’t remember or are new check out this post if you’d like to read the blog/look at photos. He sent me the behind the scenes film photos he took that weekend! He said I could share them with you too. =]

All members have access to this complete 31 image photoset from Colorvibes by clicking here.

All members have access to this complete 19 image photoset from Drake Avenue by clicking here.