Doubles with Eva Luna & KH
Hi friends! Ok so I am excited because I feel better since I have more of a plan for what I want to do with my website. We are officially into February which means it’s our last month of the weekly things like this. I’m excited so here we go!
This week I’m sharing double exposures that I took of Eva Luna & KH from my cross country road trip in 2019 at that nude beach that I’ve already told yall about a couple of times because I’ve shared.. I think this is the last thing I have to share from that day with them. These are the double exposures that I took of them. The landscapes are from Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks from earlier in that same trip when I was in California. I think they’re super beautiful, I really love how they came out. There’s also behind the scenes video for this photoset, so yay!
And then first look folks, I’m sharing the double exposures… this is a whole double exposure week. I’m sharing the double exposures that I took of Dawn, also known as coconutdreamin in the past. They’re so dreamy. The doubles…. I think it was last week, I shared me posing for Dawn, and this week it’s Dawn posing for me for the doubles so it was in the same place. I have BTS of this as well. The doubles, the landscape part of the doubles is from Glacier National Park in Montana from my cross country road trip, and the photos of Dawn I took in my house in NC, in… I’m pretty sure it was November or December of 2019. Dawn cut their hair also recently, so this before Dawn cut their hair, but Dawn has short hair now also, pretty exciting. Yeah so I don’t want to make this super long because my plan is to make some of these videos early so that I can get ahead so I can plan more exciting things for yall, and also so that I can get a head start on the mass upload of everything once March rolls around, so excited for that.
If you’re new here and you haven’t seen the past blogs that I’ve done in the last month, I’m doing an overhaul of my website and February is the last month of these weekly posts like this. In March I’ll be mass uploading everything from my backlog and all the things from First Look will be available for everybody. I’m also I think going to make one membership tier and it’s just going to be sliding scale, that’s what I’m thinking about doing because I feel like, just makes the most sense, it’s the most simple, and it also means that everything is accessible to everybody and you pay what you’re able to pay. I’ll have more information on that soon, I’ll be rebuilding my membership page, rebuilding my whole website yay! Not really excited about that because also how do I brand?! So yeah that’s something I’m thinking about a lot is like, do I wanna do branding for my website? How do I do that? What do I want my colors to be? What do I want my fonts to be? What do I want to emphasize? So right now I’m really focusing on I think… you might be excited for this, because I think most people that come to my website are most intrigued by nude gatherings, which… I am excited to tell you… I don’t have any official plans yet but my plan is to make a plan for virtual nude gatherings! So yay! That’s really exciting to me. So yeah I want to focus on virtual hangout things, nude and non nude, like educational opportunities where I share the knowledge that I have and you also share the knowledge that you have because I’m not a guru that knows everything. I know a little bit about a lot of things so I want to share knowledge, not just dispense it. I want to.. what’s the word. I want to circulate it around, I want to facilitate the sharing of knowledge, not like “I hold all of it and you have to be a certain way in order for me to share it with you” no. So I’m excited about all of that, the potential for all of these changes is pretty exciting, while it’s also scary at the same time. You know, life changes are scary but also exciting.
So yeah…. I’m going to do a quick recap of my plans, even though I’ve kinda been doing a recap of my plans here already. Weekly posts will continue as they have been through February and then will be no more. I will hopefully in March mass upload all of my backlog and first look into the galleries for everyone. I’ll be redoing my website, restructuring my memberships. If you’re already a member this won’t affect you, because everything will stay the same for you basically, you’ll just be most likely having more access to more content because it’s in my backlog right now that you’ll be getting in March, hopefully. March is the plan. Starting hopefully in March I’ll be doing at least one monthly members-only video virtual hangout community gathering thing. I probably will have themes or topics for us to talk about. I would like to have some kind of structure around it but I don’t want to just be talking AT you the whole time, I want to have a conversation between us.
I will be, OH! I haven’t told yall this yet. Or… I might post about it before this comes out. On February 12th, it’s a Friday, I will be… what’s the word… a special guest maybe? I will be helping with a, they’re calling it a playshop, which is exciting. I’ll be a part of a playshop called EcoLove Playshop that is hosted by Lior Allay & Jenna Citrus. I’m very excited because it’s centered around loving ourselves and loving the earth and coming together as a community to do those things, so I’m really excited about that. I’ll put the link in the caption below so you can sign up. (SIGN UP HERE!) If you’re not a member of my website it’s $11 to register, but as a member, you get to join for free! So I’ll share with you the code to get in for free instead of having to pay for it, so yay, another perk to being a member, is events like that that are pay to register, you’ll get to register for free! (EDIT: You must be a member of mine, Lior’s, and Jenna’s sites to receive a free ticket.) I’m really excited, I think it’s going to be really beautiful. I’ve already sent Lior my two cents to share in the slideshow, and I’ll lead a short energy practice for us. I believe I’ll be at the beginning of the playshop, so I’m excited to do a little thing at the beginning and then experience it with you, yay.
What else? On the third Saturday of every month is going to be the Art Share through Going Beyond the Lens. That’s going to continually happen. Those are free, whether you’re a member or not those are free for everybody. I’m excited about that. If you have art you’d like to share with us, I’ll share the signup info below also! (REGISTER HERE!) There’s a recurring eventbrite for that through May I believe, is what we have it scheduled through, so far. The plan is to do it every month, we have the recurring event go through May for now. Yeah! I’m excited! I hope you are too.
It means a WHOLE lot that you’re here in the first place, at all. I really appreciate that you’re here through these changes and updates and… me trying to figure out what I’m doing. It means a lot, so thank you. Yeah… I hope you have a wonderful day and I hope you enjoy these double exposures, I really love them and I hope you do too. *blows kiss*
All members:
click here to view the 36 image double exposure photoset of Eva Luna & KH with Sequoia & Kings Canyon National Parks
click here to view the 15.5 minute BTS video
Click here for access to my archive of 12,500+ photos & 2,000+ videos
Click here for the passwords, they change the 1st of every month
First Look/All Access members:
click here to view the 37 image double exposure photoset of Dawn Iler aka coconutdreamin with Glacier National Park
click here to view 16.5 minutes of BTS video