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Buddy’s Blue Room


Hello friends! Okay so this week I’m not on my period so I’m more present and not in pain so that’s nice. This week *clears throat* I swear I’ve been awake for several hours. Oooh a squirrel! There’s a fence right outside my window and it’s a normal thing for a squirrel to be scurrying across the top of the fence and I just saw one do that and it’s cute.

This week the photoset I’m sharing with you is a photoset that I took of self portraits in May of 2019 that was taken in a photographer’s house. I went to Nashville TN back in May of 2019, time is weird yall. The photographer hosted me, he had a lot of good references so I felt safe to be hosted there. The room that he had available for me was this blue room with a big really cool painting in it of a big face and there was a real huge mirror in there so I of course took advantage of the cool space and took some self portraits in that room, so that’s the ones I’m sharing with you today. I was going to be shooting with this photographer but he wasn’t feeling well so we ended up not shooting and I just stayed at his house. It’s this cool big old house and he had been renovating rooms a bit at a time. The bathroom was really cool, he had a clawfoot tub and a fancy walk-in tiled shower. I think I took a video of me taking a shower in that shower, and I don’t recall if I’ve share that yet or not. I have so much content it’s hard for me to keep up with what I’ve shared and what I haven’t. I should look and see if I can find that because I know I made that video, of me taking a shower in that cool shower. Yeah I really liked his house it was really cool and it was like, close to a lot of stuff. There’s some fancy restaurants that were basically walking distance, I could have walked to them, but I didn’t know how close they were so I drove and I was like “why didn’t I just walk?” I had a good time staying at his place and I… one of my two favorite colors is blue, my other favorite color is green, and if I had a third favorite color it would be purple. My colors are blue green and purple. I also really like brown but that’s beside the point. So of course this blue room with a big mirror and a cool painting I had to take some self portraits so, here you are!

The videos I’m sharing this week are from several years ago to be honest. Maybe 2017? 2018? 2016? I’m not positive, I could look but I didn’t look before this so.. whoops. From several years ago and these videos are of me doing aerial silks, they’re 3 different videos of me doing ankle hangs. So me just like hanging by my ankles in silks, so that was really fun, I love being upside down. Silks are the best, I love them, they’re so much fun. I miss going to the studio, I haven’t been in quite a while. Probably over a year now because with my budget I was either going to continue doing aerial silks or get a van, so you know which one I did. I got a van so I could do my cross country road trip. So yeah I haven’t done silks in a while, except…. now I have silks at home! It’s not the same though because this is.. the way I have it set up now is a hammock and what I super miss is the full on silk pole. They call it a pole, but it’s when the silk is, the two halves of it are coming down all the way to the ground so you have two separate pieces that are connected at the top that just come all the way to the ground. This, it’s one silk but it’s in a loop so it’s a hammock so its different but still super fun. I love hanging upside down! It’s very different from the classic silk setup, which I really miss, but my ceilings aren’t really high and it’s… the rig that I have is portable, I can move it, and it goes up to 11 feet, but it’s kindof an ordeal to move it. I mean, I can, it’s possible, but it definitely takes 2 people and I would LOVE to set it up outside and do some regular classic silk stuff on it and set it up that way. I have the ability to do that, I just haven’t because I don’t want to have it outside and get rained on and I don’t want to have to move it a lot so I’ve just left it inside because it’s always available for me to play on the hammock. I’m hoping maybe once it warms up again in the spring or summer, I’ll set it up outside for a longer amount of time and do some classic silk things. So the videos I’m sharing this week are me doing ankle hangs in silks from when I was going to the studio so it’s a few years ago. My strength is not quite what it used to be. I used to be way stronger because I was doing silks 2 or 3 times a week every week for a couple of years so I was really fuckin strong. I was doing like 6-8 pull ups at a time, I was really strong. I can barely do one pull up now, that’s how I measure my strength is by how many pull ups I can do. I’m not very strong right now, I still have some muscle, but yeah, I miss silks so I hope you enjoy these videos of me playing in silks and doing ankle hangs.

The first look people have a self portrait set that I took in Utah in the summer of 2019, I still have a few of those to share with you. So it’s the self portrait set and the BTS video. This one is in southern Utah. I don’t want to say exactly where it is because, most of the places I’ve been I don’t want to say exactly where it is. I feel like if I publicly am like “these are the places that I took photos” there could be not so good consequences to that. I’m aware of when “influencers” I wouldn’t count myself as an influencer, but, when people have semi large or large followings sharing locations where they shoot then suddenly a lot of people show up at those places and trash them, so I’m going to just tell you broadly… southern Utah. You might recognize this place if you’ve been there though, because of where it is. I’m excited to share this with you.

There’s still time if you’d like to join the Erotic Art event that I’m putting on with Lior and Roarie for Going Beyond the Lens. We have a special guest I’m so excited! that is going to be taking Roarie’s spot when 3 of us talk about Erotic Art before we go into the community discussion so I’m very excited for our special guest! So excited! So yeah if you’d like to come to this event, it’s free and it’s on freeconferencecall, so it’s a group video chat. Usually the events last around 3 hours, we’re going to be talking about erotic art the whole time. We have a slideshow that we’ll share with you that will show images and at the end we have an art share which is probably my favorite part, where people who are participating in the event have the ability to share your art with us and we’ll put it in the slideshow so everyone can see your art and we can talk about it. It’s always amazing and I’m always blown away by the art that people share, it’s really cool. I’d say that’s my favorite part of them usually, is the art share at the end. If you’d like to join it’s absolutely free, I’ll put the link in the caption below. Also if you’d like to submit your erotic art to be shared at the event please do so, I’ll put the link below also. Yeah come join us! It’s on Saturday November 21st and it’ll start at 1pm eastern, so yeah, coming up, I’m so excited, it’s going to be awesome.



I love you, thanks for being here, yall make my life. I know that I’ve been very up and down in terms of emotion and what I want to do and motivation, but that’s part of life so I appreciate yall hanging with me and being a part of this. Your support means everything, including me being able to have food on my table. It’s not just the monetary part of it. It’s the love and care that yall share with me, the conversations we have together, the feedback that I get from yall, it’s just wonderful. This squirrel is like.. you know how they flick their tail? It’s just sitting on the fence looking at me flicking it’s tail, it’s like *makes wooshing sounds & moves hand pretending to be a squirrel tail* it’s really cute, okay, um yes. I hope you have a wonderful day and I’ll talk to you next week! *blows kiss*

All members:
click here to view the 38 image self portrait photoset of me in Buddy’s blue room in Nashville TN
click here to view the 3 aerial silks videos of me doing ankle hangs (and some photos too!)
Click here for access to my archive of 12,500+ photos & 2,000+ videos
Click here for the passwords, they change the 1st of every month

First Look/All Access members:
click here to view the 16 image complete self portrait photoset in Utah (Other Side)
click here to view 2.5 minutes of BTS video

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