
Y0ungestelle Light Installation at Durham Fruit with Roarie Yum, Mikki Marvel, & Antisocialdisposition

First blog and photoset/video release of 2019!!! This one is really special because Antisocialdisposition was nice enough to let me share not only the photos he took of me, but ALSO the photos he took of Roarie Yum and Mikki Marvel with this light installation by Y0ungestelle at Durham Fruit! The full 20+ minute BTS video is in the video galleries ready to be watched too, so you can be a fly on the wall during the creation of this photoset!

Roarie messaged me and a few other patreon creators based in NC while she was working for Durham Fruit to set up a collaborative creation day, and the 4 of us spent all morning and part of an afternoon there shooting all over the large warehouse space. This is the first set out of 6 that I have to share with you from this day! I had an absolute blast running around naked and creating with friends. I hope to do something like this again sometime!

I’m going to share a silly set from this day with ALL members soon, so keep an eye out!