

I originally wrote this for Patreon on November 12th 2016. I no longer use Patreon and have replaced it with my website (here) but thought I would share some of my old blogs with you for FREE to show my appreciation for you visiting my website! <3


Last weekend Antisocialdisposition and I went to New Orleans. We left at around 8pm on Thursday and drove through the night, trading driving and sleeping when one or the other of us got too tired. Arriving at around 7:30am, we immediately went and got some breakfast, then headed to City Park to hang out. Oh my gosh I loved City Park and really want to go back and explore it more! There are so many huge live oaks just begging to be climbed and hugged and appreciated. Of course the first thing I did was climb on one, sitting on one of the long, low branches. We had a few hours to kill until we could check into our Airbnb so we walked around for a while. It made me so happy to see the big patches of wildflowers they have near the entrance! City Park backs up to the New Orleans Museum of Art and they have a free sculpture garden so of course we checked that out too. I’ve uploaded some videos and photos of some of the artwork we really liked.

As soon as we were able to, we checked into our Airbnb and showered, it’s surprisingly hot in New Orleans in early November! I was super happy with the Airbnb we found, it was really private and comfy and nice, I would definitely recommend staying there and would love to stay there again. We went for lunch at Seed, which is a super yummy vegan place, and then walked to the French Quarter to meet up with some friends. We hung out with them for a bit and then I went off on my own to explore Bourbon Street. This was a Friday night and there were so many people everywhere! Most of them were drunk or on their way to being drunk. It’s so weird to me that in the city of New Orleans you can drink 24/7, wherever you want. Outside the city you would get in trouble for drinking on the side of the street but I guess they let people drink all over the place in the city because it’s one of the reasons so many tourists visit.

I people watched, went to a few stores (they have a Lush store! I had to get a couple of bath bombs), watched some street performers, and I even spent a bit of time in a VooDoo shop. They had some really great books about crystals and magic and tarot, a small selection of herbs, lots of talismans and dolls, and a lot of magic kits. I’m fascinated by so much of this so of course I spent a while in there just milling around looking at everything. I bought a book called Circle of Eight by Jane Meredith that’s about creating magic in your local area, I’m about 80 pages in and really enjoying it. I plan to start having circle with some family and close friends to incorporate some of the things I’m learning into my life and practice. I’m interested in so many metaphysical things I feel like I’m kinda all over the place and know a tiny bit about a bunch of different topics. I want to dive into one particular thing to have a more in depth understanding of whatever that one thing is but it’s so hard to choose what that thing will be! I guess I’ll let myself explore a little bit of everything and let my interests organically point me in the direction of whatever it is I’m meant to know more about.

On Saturday I spent the morning modeling for a super nice photographer, Mysa Photography, then spent the rest of the day walking around New Orleans, looking at all the pretty houses and then going back to our Airbnb to take five HUGE self portrait sets. I haven’t been able to go through all of them yet but the first one is up in the galleries and a few of my favorites are below!

We spent all day on Sunday driving back home. Blegh. That was a super long drive, especially since neither of us wanted to go back to work/school on Monday. I’m hoping we can go back to New Orleans again sometime soon, and spend more time there next time! And next time I want to go to a cemetery!

Have you been to New Orleans? What was your favorite part about it? Where should I go next time I visit?

All members have access to this complete 82 image self portrait set by clicking here.