

I originally wrote this for Patreon on October 2nd 2016. I no longer use Patreon and have replaced it with my website (here) but thought I would share some of my old blogs with you for FREE to show my appreciation for you visiting my website! <3


Kyotocat came to visit last weekend and we made all kinds of art in the short amount of time she was here. I picked her up on Thursday night and took her back to the bus station on Saturday morning. She really wasn’t here very long but I feel like we’ve been friends forever already.

 I got off work early on Friday and Kyotocat, Antisocialdisposition and I went to my parent’s house so that she could take photos of me in their back yard. Afterwards we went to our friend Scott‘s studio to shoot the other half of some double exposures that AD and I started in Colorado & Utah. (Stay tuned for those images, coming soon!!! Holy cow you will love them.) I shot a roll of double exposures of her, AD shot a roll, and the three of us jointly shot a roll. You’ll know what I mean once I post the film, I’m still going through it but look for it soon.

After shooting the double exposures we played around and experimented with movement using my Instax. I took a few photos of her by herself and AD took some photos of us together. The resulting images are somewhat abstracted, moody, spooky, and interesting.  Kyotocat is open to experimenting and she has so many ideas of her own. She is fantastic at posing and is not only a wonderful model but an exceptional human being. I can’t wait to see her again and have more sleepy late night conversations.

All members have access to this complete 30 image Instax photoset by clicking here, the complete 7 image BTS photoset of AD shooting Kyotocat by clicking here, and the complete 20 image BTS photoset of me & Kyotocat shooting each other here.

To purchase some of these one of a kind Instax, click here here and here!