Bette Machete & Tank
This was a really fun shoot, not only is Bette Machete always a joy to be around, we also got to play with Kara Perry‘s pupper Tank! Bette lives in a suburb on the opposite part of Charlotte from me, so we were looking for a place to shoot in Charlotte since it would be mostly halfway for both of us. Kara was so generous and offered her ADORABLE studio apartment for us to shoot in, I’m so thankful! It’s the perfect space for a relaxed indoor shoot (we shot this in December). Kara had to go to work, so she left Tank with us and I met up with her later to give her keys back. Bette and I took turns photographing each other and Tank joined us for some of the photos!
I’m typing this up on Wednesday (May 1st) because it’s important to me to post reliably, and I’m currently on a 2 week trip through West Virginia and Tennessee! I like to have things scheduled in advance so I know you’ll always have consistent posts!
I just got to WV yesterday and I’m staying with my friend Sasha Jacobsen who is a fantastic friend, host, and yogi! We went hiking today on a trail that led us to an old mine, took a bunch of awesome photos, and met a man who had found and caught a black snake and stumbled upon us just as we finished shooting. Thankfully he was nice and didn’t give us any trouble about Sasha being nude. He just seemed to enjoy having people to talk to.
Today was Sasha’s first nude photoshoot (other than their self portraits!) and I feel honored that they trusted me with that privilege!
After shooting we went to a crystal shop that’s one of the best and most reasonably priced shops I’ve been to! I splurged and got myself a star rose quartz sphere that I absolutely fell in love with. Once I touched it I just couldn’t put it down haha.
We drove to an impressive waterfall that’s right off of the highway and hung out below it for a couple hours. There were butterflies EVERYWHERE, it was magickal.
I’m here in WV for a few days, then I’m off to Nashville!
If you haven’t already you should totally join my private snapchat!! I update it several times a week with BTS from shoots, full photosets, random stuff from my daily life, and LOTS of nudity! All First Look and All Access members immediately have lifetime access to my private snapchat when they sign up (just add me and let me know it’s you!) or if you don’t want to be a First Look or All Access member, you can purchase lifetime access to my snap via my shop!