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Studio with Tiffany Nacke

I recently released a double exposure photoset of me & Tiffany Nacke taken by Antisocialdisposition… this photoset was taken that same day! I still have one more photoset to share with you from this creative studio day, the film photoset I took of Tiffany!
CURRENTLY: I’ve been in a weird place emotionally and I posted a bit about it on my instagram story yesterday (Tuesday, you know, bc I always get these posts ready early so that I’m NEVER late). As much as I absolutely love sharing my art with you, it’s becoming increasingly clear to me that something is missing. I am feeling the need for some kind of shift, I just don’t know what that is yet. I know I want to focus more on love, healing, and inclusion, and less on “oh hey look naked people” because that just feels like it leaves so much room for the sexualization of my images instead of the celebration of humanity that they’re actually created to be.
I don’t plan on stopping creating, I’m just taking a break for a few months (through the end of the year) on creating anything new. I created SO MUCH this summer that I have a big backlog of photosets and videos to edit/upload so I know I’ll still have consistent content to share with you even while I’m not actively creating. I think the big to do list that I have is part of my stress, and I know stepping back from doing so much will give me the time and space that I need to sift through everything I’ve made this summer. I’m really excited to share all of the photos and videos I created on my trips!!!
Photo membersclick here to view the full set by Tiffany Nacke & click here to view the BTS set by Portraitmami
Video membersclick here to watch the BTS video & click here to watch the videos of me reorganizing/redecorating my room before my summer road trip
First Look membersclick here to view the photoset of June St Paul in Joshua Tree & click here to watch the BTS video