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I grew up around nudity / How AWESOME my family is


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Hi friends! I’m making this video immediately after the video I made for last week because I’m going to be out of town a lot this month and I wanted to make sure that I still had lots of things to share with you. So I’m preparing early. In this video I’m going to share the story of like how my family is cool with nudity. So, all the way back to the beginning, when I was I think it was before Elementary School even, me and my sister and my mom and my dad, we used to all have like family showers because everybody has a body and everybody needs to shower sometimes and like, why not do it together? And then once my sister and I got old enough to start going to school my dad stopped doing nude things with us because he was concerned of Child Protective Services being called on them or something, even though nothing like nefarious was going on. If me or my sister mentioned that we’ve seen our dads penis, somebody would have had like red flags and be like, what? So he didn’t want to risk it, which is understandable, but also sad, I guess that’s the world we live in. Rape culture is real. So even though it was totally innocent in our family, my dad just he didn’t want to risk it.

So growing up, my mom would like use the bathroom and not close the door. I knew early what periods were because she had a period And I like, me and my sister learned what that was early on before we even started our periods. Yeah, like nudity has never been that big of a deal in my house, in my family. We have always had really open discussions with my parents. They’ve always been of the mind of like, if you want to know something, then ask us and make sure you actually want to know the answer because we are going to answer. And if we don’t know the answer, we’re going to do our best to find the answer for you. But if it’s something you don’t really want to know the answer to, then don’t ask the question because we will answer it honestly.

I think that was a really big part of why nudity is really not a big deal for me and also why I find communication to be so important in relationships, which, I mean, even if I didn’t have that experience growing up, I still probably would think communication is very important, but I think that laid a foundation… I think I just saw a frog hop off of a leaf and onto another one! So cute! Okay, I’m gonna try not to be too distracted. I think that that foundation of communication and honesty in my family really set the foundation for my ability to communicate openly and honestly with people even about things that are difficult and complicated, I’m kind of the mind, I would rather over-communicate than under-communicate. I’d rather talk about something like five times than not talk about it at all. I want to be on the same page, or at least as at least in the same book, close to the same page.

So I started taking nude self portraits, probably before I was 18. I don’t have… I don’t have I have not shared any self portraits from before I was 18 on here. Don’t worry. You have not seen underage Bunny. The youngest I was in any of the photos that I’ve shared here I think, was either 18 or 20, so not to worry about that. I would not share those… actually I don’t, I would have to search to find the stuff from when I was younger. Yeah. I just started taking nude self portraits really early on when I got a camera. I was like taking photos of my friends nude. I’ve taken photos of my parents nude. I’ve taken photos of my sister nude. What else…

Once my sister and I got older like over 18, there was no more worry of child protective services, so my dad kind of stopped being super cautious about his nudity around us. So a regular occurrence here in this household is we will have haircut day. It’s usually on Sundays where we’ll get naked because who wants like tiny hairs all over their clothes? So we’ll get naked and we’ll, my mom will cut our hair. That’s where I get my nice haircut. My mom does it, I get the same hair cut my dad, he just gets more because he gets like his beard trimmed and stuff. So have haircut days and we’ll just like hang out naked in the kitchen and talk and chat and get out hair cut and then of course, like rinse off after because tiny little hairs, all over are very itchy and tickly. 

And, Yeah,  it’s no big deal to like…. I’m naked around the house all the time, like most days I either don’t get dressed at all or I will put clothes on like halfway through the day when I’ll have to go outside or something. Yeah, nudity is just not been a big deal. Like nudity for me is not attached necessarily to sexuality. You can be nude and not sexual and you can be sexual and clothed, so nudity and sexuality are not the same thing!!! And that was made clear to me through my upbringing. I’ve had a lot of experiences being naked around other people that were not sexual. And I think that, I think that that a lot of people have only been nude in sexual experiences and that’s why a lot of people associate nudity and sexuality the way that they do, but I don’t. They’re very different things and I hope that more people start to learn and believe that too.

Because, yeah, like I want nudity to not be this taboo, weird thing. It doesn’t need to be. Everybody has a body, like we’re all born naked. We all like, we all exist in these bodies that don’t have clothes on them until you put clothes on. So, yeah, I think nudity is wonderful. For me, It’s such a wonderful way to be in my body. I feel like I’m more connected to myself when I’m nude. I feel like I’m more able to connect to my surroundings and the earth when I nude. I’m more able to realize that I have a body when I’m nude because a lot of times I’m like in my head and don’t even… like I’m just like a floating brain and sometimes I need to be reminded that like, oh, hey, I also have a body and I also can feel things with this body, and I also need to take care of this body and it’s easier for me to realize that I have a body when I’m nude. It’s like moving around…. Oh, I feel my arms on my torso or like, wow. Okay. I feel my thighs rubbing together. I have a body! Remember? So yeah, I feel like I take better care of myself when I’m nude. I feel like I’m able to enjoy my body more when I’m nude.

So, yeah, that’s my nude story. Also, the week that I’m sharing this video, I will be in Cleveland, Ohio with my parents and my sister shooting for Nudism.TV, which I think is going to come out next year. So we’re going to be on TV naked as a family and I’m so excited!!! It’s gonna be so fun! I’m really excited to see how it turns out and have this experience with my family. I feel like there probably aren’t very many people that can say that they are naked with their family in general, and then I feel like of the people that can say that there might be even less that can say that they are going to be on TV naked with their family. So I feel really special and honored that we have this opportunity. I’m so excited! I think it’s gonna be really fun. Okay, I think that’s all I have to say to share right now. 

So, I think that was probably also why it was pretty easy for me to get into the nude photography and modeling world, because nudity was already not this, like, scary thing for me, it was just like another part of life. So, I hope that if you have considered being naked around other people, I hope this encourages you to be able to do that. And if that’s too scary, don’t force yourself to do something that you’re not ready for. If you do want to have more nude existence in your life, it’s totally cool to start doing that just by yourself like in your room, sleep naked, dance naked, hang out, and do normal things, like eat breakfast, naked. It doesn’t have to be this big deal. It can just be a part of your life. If you want it to be. Also, if you prefer having clothes on, that’s super awesome too, everybody’s different. Everybody has different wants and needs and I hope that you do what is best for you. Yeah, okay. I love you! Have a great day! Thanks for being here! I’ll see you later. Bye!