Babel Tower with Kyotocat
Wow what a wonderful and magickal day this was! Kyotocat came to visit us a while back and we took her here, to one of our favorite places in the mountains of North Carolina. We spent most of the day hiking, exploring, and taking photos, and if you know me at all, you know that’s my absolute favorite kind of day. We were lucky that nobody showed up while we were shooting because this is a popular trail, but Antisocialdisposition hung out near the main entrance to this part of the trail to help deter people from showing up unexpectedly and so he could warn us if we needed to get dressed. I already shared the set I took of Kyotocat that day, it can be found in the November 2016 gallery and includes one of my absolute favorite photos I’ve ever taken. I’ll share that one at the bottom of this post so you know which one I’m talking about!

This one is of Kyotocat, one of my favorite images I’ve ever taken:

Stunning photo!
Thank you so much!