Waterfall self portraits
Video members now have access to:
- vlog with the story behind these self portrait photosets in the NC mountains
- 22 image complete photoset
- 14 image complete photoset
- 10 minute earth connection meditation
- 13 random videos from the archives
First Look members now have access to:
everything above
25 image complete double exposure photoset of Tiffany Helms on Bainbridge Island
15.5 minutes of BTS video
I originally wrote this for Patreon on November 25th 2016. I no longer use Patreon and have replaced it with my website (here) but thought I would share some of my old blogs with you for FREE to show my appreciation for you visiting my website! <3
I love taking self portraits, but I love modeling for photographers too. There’s nothing like seeing yourself the way others see you.
Colorvibes is a local art student, photographer, and model, and has started taking figurative nude images on film (and digital). We finally met up one day a few weeks ago right when it was starting to get cold when the sun went down. I took her to a spot I’ve used once or twice for photos and we shot for a couple of hours. I love seeing how others view and use places that I’ve shot at before. There are always new ways of seeing places and things that I hadn’t thought of. She was kind enough to allow me to share our photos with you.
Do you remember when AD and I went to the mountains for our waterfall weekend with Drake Avenue? If you don’t remember or are new check out this post if you’d like to read the blog/look at photos. He sent me the behind the scenes film photos he took that weekend! He said I could share them with you too. =]
All members have access to this complete 31 image photoset from Colorvibes by clicking here.
All members have access to this complete 19 image photoset from Drake Avenue by clicking here.
Click here to view this photoset taken by Darius Ollison at a waterfall in South Carolina.
Click here to view this photoset of me taken by Antisocialdisposition at a waterfall in the NC mountains.
I originally wrote this for Patreon on October 22nd 2016. I no longer use Patreon and have replaced it with my website (here) but thought I would share some of my old blogs with you for FREE to show my appreciation for you visiting my website! <3
I’ve already made a blog post about our waterfall weekend when I shared the Instax so instead of a blog I’ll share some fun facts about me! It’s been a long time since I did fun facts on here so it’s about time for more. =]
- I have a growing skull collection. I currently have a pit bull, a cow, 3 deer, a badger, a rabbit, 2 mice, & a raccoon. We just found the raccoon in the woods this week!
- I’ve never paid for a skull, they’ve either been gifted to me or I’ve found them. I found the pit bull during a shoot several years ago at an abandoned mill.
- I started collecting crystals & rocks when I was really young. I have become more and more preoccupied with them.
- My breakfast every morning is a fruit & veggie smoothie. I make a few days at a time so I don’t have to make them every day. 90% of the time they’re 100% fresh fruits & veggies, but sometimes when I don’t have enough I’ll use some frozen fruit.
- I drink a nettle infusion daily. It has lots of vitamins & minerals (& tons of iron!), and is good for your urinary, digestive, and immune systems. Plus it helps me drink more water.
- I freaking love lime tostitos and cheese puffs. And just about everything sugary.
- I never thought I would but I’ve grown to like beets. When I was a kid I would eat SO MUCH of that canned cranberry sauce at Thanksgiving and one time there was some round red-colored stuff in a bowl and I just knew it was cranberry sauce so I ate some but NO it was BEETS and I was SO disappointed. I didn’t even try them for years after that. Beets are actually really good in smoothies!
- I’m making plans and moving towards living in a campervan full time. I am totally obsessed. The plan is to buy a big work van sometime late next year and spend the year after that building it out to become our new mobile apartment. Hoping to move in when AD finishes his engineering degree.
- I have 2 associate’s degrees: Associate in Arts & Associate in Fine Arts. I think I’d like to go back to school to get a bachelor’s but I’m still not sure yet. This summer I was planning on going back but changed my mind.
- I’m better at meditating when I have crystals and I’m sitting in the bathtub.
Ok enough about me, now for waterfall photos! Antisocialdisposition took photos of me & I took photos of him. This is becoming a trend and I rather enjoy it.
All members have access to the complete 16 image photoset of me by clicking here and the 12 image photoset of AD by clicking here.
Click here to view this photoset of Antisocialdisposition at a NC waterfall.
Click here to view this photoset of my sister Gemini near one of my favorite waterfalls in North Carolina.
Someone walked by when we were taking these photos!! But thankfully didn’t give us any trouble.
Click here to view this film photoset I took of Notrlygrace in Tennessee double exposed with waterfalls from West Virginia.
I originally wrote this for Patreon on September 24th 2016. I no longer use Patreon and have replaced it with my website (here) but thought I would share some of my old blogs with you for FREE to show my appreciation for you visiting my website! <3
Last weekend we went to the NC mountains with our friend Sean (aka Drake Avenue) to make lots of waterfall/nature nudes. Antisocialdisposition and I got to the campground Saturday night around 9pm (1 hour before closing and quiet hours) and set up our tent and a hammock for Sean. We tried sleeping some until Sean got there (he was shooting a wedding and couldn’t leave until about 10pm which that had him getting to camp around 1:30am) but our fellow campers next to us were drunkenly loud and playing music until the wee hours of the morning. We asked them nicely (twice) to quiet down, and the guy on the other side of us yelled across to them “it’s after quiet hours, BE QUIET, and have some respect” (something along those lines), but they continued to be drunkenly loud until probably about 2am. Grrr.
We got up at 5:30am on Sunday to shoot at a well-known waterfall before anyone else got there. We had several hours with no interruptions, people didn’t start showing up until about 10am! It was great to be able to shoot uninterrupted for that long, I was honestly expecting people to start showing up sooner than they did. The big waterfall was in The Hunger Games and has become more popular than it already was since being in the movie. Remember the scene where Katniss finds Peeta near a waterfall and he had painted his face for camouflage? That was at the bottom of the big waterfall in some of these photos! The photos we took were all around the middle section of the falls and at another waterfall in a different part of the park later in the day.
Sean brought his fancy panoramic pinhole camera to work on a new series he just started. He mentioned he wants to keep those images off the internet and have them only viewable in print or book form so follow him on social media to see when that’s available.
Photos of AD were taken by me, photos of me were taken by AD, and photos of AD & I together were taken by Sean. =]
All members have access to this complete 37 image photoset by clicking here.
You can purchase bundles of instax from this day HERE and HERE! They’re ON SALE!!!
Click here to view this photoset taken by Darius Ollison.