• V & baby

    Video members now have access to:

    • vlog with the story behind this photoset of V & her son
    • 24 image complete photoset
    • 36 minutes Scorpio Full Moon life reset video from May 2019 – watch me reorganize my crystals and magickal supplies
    • 14+ minute nude yoga video

    First Look members now have access to:

    • everything above
    • 12 minute vlog at Colorado National Monument (Live Life For You)
    • 6 minute vlog at Colorado National Monument (before I found the cave!)

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  • V & baby

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    I originally wrote this for Patreon on January 1st 2017. I no longer use Patreon and have replaced it with my website (here) but thought I would share some of my old blogs with you for FREE to show my appreciation for you visiting my website! <3


    First post of 2017! Thanks for sticking around, it means so much to me!

    I’ve been thinking a lot lately about where I would like to go with Patreon and what changes I can make to expand my creativity and my knowledge of the metaphysical and share as much of it as possible with you.

    I’m still mulling over some ideas but would love to hear your input! Would you be interested in different kinds of rewards? Postcard sets, sticker sets, ask me anything videos once a month, monthly one on one Skype hangouts? Please let me know your thoughts! I’m all ears. =]

     And because I love lists…  Intentions for this year:

    More traveling
    More artistic collaborations
    Learning more about everything metaphysical
    Go back to aerial silks
    Spend more time creating and less time on the computer
    Save up as much money as possible and buy a van before the end of the year (to build it into a campervan next year!)

    What are your intentions for this year?

    TODAY (April 7 2020) is a full moon, so here’s a full moon ritual I shared on my patreon back in January 2017!

    ::Full moon ritual::

    On the night of the full moon (or as close to it as you can get), think about what you would like to end, to get rid of, to let go, to release. What no longer serves you? What is weighing you down? What is in excess that you need to shake off in order to be lighter (not only physically lighter, but emotionally & spiritually)? Write down all of those things that you want to end. Make a list, write a letter, stream of consciousness, word vomit on a piece of paper, a napkin, the back of an envelope, whatever you have. Get a lighter or matches or whatever you want to use to create a fire. Take your paper/napkin/envelope and your lighter/matches outside (if there’s no fire ban in your area, please be safe, no forest fires!). Think about all those things you want to end, to let go of, to release. Light your list of all of those things and while it burns, imagine them ending, leaving, drifting away with the tiny pieces of paper that scorch and burn and disappear. Take a deep breath and let it out, all the way out. Feel yourself become lighter as those things that no longer serve you float away into the dark sky to never return.

    All members have access to this complete 104 image self portrait photoset by clicking here.