I originally wrote this for Patreon on September 9th 2017. I no longer use Patreon and have replaced it with my website (here) but thought I would share some of my old blogs with you for FREE to show my appreciation for you visiting my website! <3
This set was taken in our first airbnb when AD and I were in Chicago. I say our first because we stayed at this one for the first night we were there and then the rest of the time we stayed at a different one. We wanted to stay in this one for our first night because it was AD’s birthday! This airbnb was so adorable and small but had plenty of space and great natural light to shoot with. They had a huge mirror off to the side of the bed which was of course great for photos, so Edgar suggested for me take a few self portraits with his Leica while he photographed me taking them. I had never used a Leica before but got the hang of it pretty quickly. You can see the photos I took and the photos he took in this set! We also utilized the window above the head of the bed that had a very wide windowsill for a few shots. I got in the windowsill and posed a bit and then he even got a photo of me jumping down! Edgar likes to use vintage cameras as props for shoots so it was of course fun for me to play with all the cameras. =D
What are you doing this weekend? I’m going to a gem and mineral show in Winston Salem NC today! I’m very excited to see all the beautiful crystals and probably spend more money than I should on getting some for myself and for a little project I’ve been working on. I can’t wait!
The videos I’ve uploaded this week are: the nude yoga video for September (over 9.5 minutes long!), 24 fun nude body movement boomerangs, and a 3.5 minute video of me placing crystals on myself for a chakra cleansing meditation.
All members have access to this complete 52 image photoset by clicking here, the nude yoga video by clicking here, the body movement boomerangs by clicking here, and the crystal chakra cleansing placement video by clicking here.
V & baby
Video members now have access to:
vlog with the story behind this photoset of V & her son
- 24 image complete photoset
36 minutes Scorpio Full Moon life reset video from May 2019 – watch me reorganize my crystals and magickal supplies
- 14+ minute nude yoga video
First Look members now have access to:
everything above
12 minute vlog at Colorado National Monument (Live Life For You)
- 6 minute vlog at Colorado National Monument (before I found the cave!)
V & baby
I originally wrote this for Patreon on February 25th 2017. I no longer use Patreon and have replaced it with my website (here) but thought I would share some of my old blogs with you for FREE to show my appreciation for you visiting my website! <3
This week’s photoset was taken by Takama Photo (formerly known as Marc Andre Photo), a talented and engaging photographer local to Charlotte. He told me to bring anything I might want to shoot with, so of course I brought a couple of my skulls and some of my crystals and they made it into a few of the photos. Marc got some fantastic light in the studio and I really love these images. I’m excited to share them with you, I hope you guys like them as much as I do!
Last week’s post about crystal grids has me wanting to share how to cleanse them. There are many different ways to cleanse crystals, so you can choose which way (or ways) work best for you. Why should you cleanse crystals? Crystals not only send out their own individual energies but they soak in energies as well. When you use crystals in a grid, for energy healing, or any other purpose, it’s best to cleanse them first so that they don’t have any unwanted negative energy in them. How often should you cleanse crystals? Right after you acquire them, before using for ritual or healing, and every so often at whatever frequency you feel is best based on how often you use them.
-Ways to cleanse crystals-
-Set them in a windowsill or outside during a full moon
-Waft sacred smoke over your crystals
-Bury them in the earth, either straight into the earth or you can wrap them in cloth before you bury them
-Use reiki energy to cleanse your crystals
-Use other crystals that have already been cleansed, such as surrounding your crystals with quartz points or placing them on an amethyst druze
-Bury them in a bowl of flower petals. The petals you choose have their own energy, so you can choose petals based on what energy you would like to immerse your crystals in (rose for love, lavender for healing and relaxation, etc)
-Use nearby sound vibrations, such as Tibetan or crystal singing bowls
-Set them in a windowsill or outside in the sun (not all crystals should be cleansed this way, some will fade from sunlight such as amethyst, citrine, and rose quartz, so make sure your crystal can be in sunlight before you use this method)
-Run water over your crystals (water can badly damage or ruin some crystals such as selenite, malachite, and desert rose, so make sure your crystal can handle water before you use this method)—————————————————————————-
Check out the videos folder for 3 new aerial silks videos!
I’ve also added a practice/preliminary positive affirmations video. Honestly I hesitate to upload it because it’s not what I want the final video to be like, but since I have it I might as well share it. I had a few minutes and wanted to see how long it would take for me to read out all the positive affirmations I had written down. The message and feeling in it is exactly what I want but for the real video I plan on it being different visually, not just me sitting talking into the camera. What do you think?
All members have access to this complete 36 image photoset by clicking here.
I originally wrote this for Patreon on December 18th 2016. I no longer use Patreon and have replaced it with my website (here) but thought I would share some of my old blogs with you for FREE to show my appreciation for you visiting my website! <3
I have been reading a book that I found in Marie Laveau’s house of Voodoo while we were in New Orleans: Circle of Eight by Jane Meredith. It’s about creating rituals and magic based on your relationship with the land. It has me thinking a lot about rituals that I want to begin and magic that I want to create. It definitely inspired this self portrait set I’m sharing today.
Everything has been so up in the air and unfinished and scattered since we moved. I’m looking forward to the time when we are completely unpacked and settled and can really start getting into a routine again. A priority for me (after making art for y’all of course) is to learn much more about magic and energy and all things metaphysical.
Antisocialdisposition had a few shots left in his camera so we set up a shoot to finish off the roll involving a circle of eight with some of my skulls and larger quartz crystals. I’ll be sharing his photos as a bonus for everyone (a public post!) in a few days. I took the opportunity to shoot a large self portrait set in the circle after our shoot to share with you. I’ll be incorporating this kind of imagery/props/theme in future sets. More crystals and bones, some of my favorite things! Yay!
What are your thoughts about incorporating metaphysical imagery? Let me know in the comments!
Antisocialdisposition‘s 35mm photos:
All members have access to this complete 90 image self portrait set by clicking here.
Home with my Parents
Photo members now have access to:
- blog post with the story behind these photos
20 image complete photoset I took of my parents
- 16 image BTS photoset of Portraitmami photographing them during their weekly hair cutting ritual
Video members now have access to:
everything above
4 BTS photos & 6 BTS clips
- 13 BTS boomerangs with Portraitmami
First Look members now have access to:
everything above
36 minute video of me rearranging my crystal display in my old room – a full moon life reset
16 minute nude vlog of an Introduction to Ecosexuality
Home with my Parents
Nova in Circle