
Menstruation with Portraitmami

Daily Photo Blog members now have access to:

  • blog post with the story behind this menstruation photoset taken by Portraitmami
  • 4 image mini set

Photo Gallery members now have access to:

  • everything above
  • 31 image photoset

Video Gallery members now have access to:

  • everything above
  • 36.5 mins of BTS video from this shoot
  • 8.5+ min nude yoga video for this month!

First Look members now have access to:

  • everything above
  • 72 image photoset by Celeste Call
  • 7+ min BTS video with Celeste


  • DouglasPierce

    The Red Maple set though! ‘OMG! I love seeing you interacting with trees. So many great shots! And watching the video of that shoot, I was impressed with how quickly Celeste worked. So many shots in such a short time!

  • bunnyluna

    Yesssss i love that set so much! Celeste is so amazing and she does work surprisingly fast! There’s another set we took that I’m waiting to get back from her, I’m sure you’ll love it just as much