Virtual Nude Gathering: March 19th!
Saturday, March 19th at 1pm eastern
What to expect during a virtual nude gathering:
vulnerability + awkwardness – this is part of the magic of these events, we’re all choosing to be in this together!
meditation + movement practices to connect with our bodies and each other
honest sharing of feelings + emotions – we’re ALL encouraged to participate
a non-sexual environment of acceptance + love
What to expect after a virtual nude gathering:
feeling seen and heard as a unique and valuable part of a community
being more comfortable (even if only slightly!) without clothes on
an increased sense of interconnectedness
a deeper sense of connection to yourself and your body
If you’ve wanted to join but haven’t yet, now’s your chance!
Click the banner below for more info and to apply to join us!
Resources for Artists: How to Find Opportunities as an Artist
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Hey friends. Thanks for coming here again to my website. So happy you’re here! Excuse me. Hi. So, in my last Vlog, I talked a little bit about this residency that I’m applying for, by the time this video comes out. I will have already applied, but as I’m recording this I haven’t submitted it yet. I wanted to follow up about it because I think that, or, I’m pretty sure that a lot of people would like to put themselves out there in that way, for opportunities as an artist, but they don’t know where to freakin start at all. And don’t even know how to find these opportunities. So I wanted to share with you where I find them and how you can do it too.
So there’s this amazing website called CaFE or call for entry. I believe it’s call for entry dot org. And what this website does, is it connects artists with a bunch of opportunities, things like residencies, things like workshops, public art, exhibits, grants, awards. All kinds of opportunities that are geared toward artists. So if you’re an artist and you are like, I really want to put my stuff in the gallery show, but I don’t know where to start you go to this call for entry website and sign up as an artist and then it’ll… you can search through all of the calls and you can search for certain kinds of calls, and if you only want to look for exhibits or if you only want to look for residencies, or if you want to look for anything at all that is potentially available to you. They have all kinds of stuff on there and there’s, it’s constantly being updated. That’s where I found both of the residencies that I’ve applied for. I applied for residency last year that I did not receive, which I was sad that I didn’t get it, but I also can’t expect myself to get everything that I want always. Especially if it was like my first time applying for a residency ever. But that experience applying for residency last year really helped me with applying for one this year because I already had my artist resume created. I already had a lot of like generic kind of responses written out for the kind of questions they would ask for residency. So this one they did have more questions and different questions, but it didn’t take me as long to complete this application than it did for the one that I did last year because I already had a lot of stuff already figured out and put together and I already had kind of figured out a system of how to like figure out what I’m going to even say. So that helped me a lot, just doing it last year, even if I didn’t get the residency, that really helped me to be able to do it this year a lot quicker and easier, and with less stress and less time.
So back to call for entry. If you sign up as an artist, you can search. And you can also sign up for their email list, which is really helpful because they’ll send out like new opportunities to your email that they think might work for you. And they also, I think it’s the… it’s either the most recent things or the things that are about to be due, like expire in terms of like you have until this date to apply but they’ll send out a whole list of like, here’s a whole bunch of potential things that you could apply for that are due in the next two weeks, or month, or so. Or here’s a whole bunch of stuff that is brand new that you might want to apply for. So you can get emails sent to you of all these potential opportunities and then you can just scroll through your email be like, oh, this one sounds cool and click through and do your thing.
Another cool thing about the call for entry website is the applications to all of these things like the residencies gallery shows, exhibitions, like workshops all the things, you apply through the website. So not only does it help you find the opportunities, but it also helps you like put yourself in the running for those opportunities. When you apply and say you submit images or something for your portfolio, it’ll have those images in this website already so you can just reuse them for different applications. If you want to use the same photos. So it’s helpful because everything is all in one place. Yeah. It’s been really helpful for me. I think it would be harder to find the opportunities if I was just searching randomly and I probably wouldn’t be able to see as many all in one place if I was just on the internet somewhere else.
So this website is call for entry dot org, that’s spelled C-A-L-L-F-O-R-E-N-T-R-Y-(dot)-O-R-G. This is not a sponsored post or anything. I don’t think they do affiliates, but I just the site has helped me as an artist do I just wanted to share it with you. Yeah, I hope I get the residency we’ll see! And if not, I’ll take another failure because each failure gets me closer to a success and I learn with each one.
So, yeah. Hopefully this helps you as an artist. If you’re wanting to get yourself out there. If you have any questions comment below or send me an e-mail, or you can like submit stuff through my survey. I’ll link that below and yeah. I hope you have a wonderful day! I’ll talk to you soon! Bye!
Click here to check out the Call For Entry website!
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Virtual Nude Gathering THIS SATURDAY!
Saturday, February 26th at 1pm eastern
It’s official! Virtual nude gatherings are BACK!
If you’ve wanted to join but haven’t yet, now’s your chance!
Time until gathering:
Click the banner below for more info and to apply to join us!
Virtual Nude Gatherings are BACK!
Saturday, February 26th at 1pm eastern
It’s official! Virtual nude gatherings are BACK!
If you’ve wanted to join but haven’t yet, now’s your chance!
Click the banner below for more info and to apply to join us!
Official Poplar Tree Tattoo Tour!
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Hey, so I haven’t officially done a tattoo tour yet for y’all and I know I’ve been talking about my tattoos a lot and you’ve seen them and I’ve showed photos and stuff, but I wanted to do like an official tour for y’all today. So, here we go. I might need to move the camera some or like have some weird angles or something, to show you everything or probably just stand on my bed. I don’t know. So I know you’ve seen some of it. And I’m currently like I think I’m getting my next session is next week. So by the time you see this, I’ll already have my next session and it’ll look a little different, but this is where we are. I’m recording this mid-January, but this is going to be shared, I think early February, probably.
So yeah, I don’t want to… I’m doing it now because I don’t want to do like a tour when I still have a tattoo that’s healing. I want it to already be mostly healed before I do this. Because if it’s really fresh, it’s like bleedy and irritated and frustrated, and it like sometimes looks a little scary. So, I’m doing this since I’m healed from my last session and it’s before my most current session that’s going to happen next week.
So, here we go. I started this tattoo in September of 2020. We have been doing it about once a month since then. I’ve had a bunch of sessions, we’re over 28 hours into this tattoo. It took 12 hours just to get all the outlining done and we’re getting closer to getting more of the color done. We started color a few months ago and my leg and butt are finished. We’re working up my hip now. So right now, we’re mostly just that we’re working up from the bottom. So the last thing to be done will probably be my arm.
So all the outlining has been done, but we’re working on coloring it all in. So I’m going to stand up to show you the base of my tattoo, and then we’re going to move up from there. So my tattoo starts down here at my ankle with the… see if I can get closer… with a little frog. And it’s the base of the tree. This is a Poplar tree, some Poplar flowers, lemme move again. So from the front, this is what you see. Here’s the side, my leg. And the back… got my butt done! So excite!
So on my hip, I have a red tailed hawk. All of these creatures in my tattoo I have a personal relationship with, and I mean, obviously the tree too like, I grew up in North Carolina and a lot of these are around my house or I’ve seen a lot. So here’s my butt I’m gonna go over here so you can see more. I have a little snail on my butt. Isn’t it cute? I love the snail! So this is where we finished off last time. So my butt and leg are done. We’re working up. I’m guessing we’ll probably do this Cardinal next. You might be able to see. Let’s see. Nope, too far.
You might be able to see the couple of red lines here. We did a color test last time, sometimes people are allergic to ink and tattoos. And that as you can imagine causes a big problem. The most common color to be problematic for people, in terms of being allergic to ink is red. That is like, if somebody is allergic to the ink it’s most likely going to be red ink. So those little red lines. Right there on the, on the Cardinal. Those are a color test to make sure that my skin will heal with that color, and thankfully it did. So I probably won’t have problems with red. So that’s going to be all red. So, Cardinal, we got, the tree comes up my whole side. So this front, this cat was already here.
I can see in the back. Let’s see if I can point to things, so the cat was already there. Here’s all my branches. Have a dragonfly. It’s going to be painted or not painted, it’s going to be colored in blue dragonfly. On the back here, in the center, this bird, that’s a bilateral gynandromorph rose-breasted grosbeak. And I know you probably are like what the fuck is that? The rose-breasted grosbeak is a bird that I think is more North like Northeast. I haven’t actually seen any in person. This is the only bird that I don’t have a personal relationship with, but in I think it was 2020 scientists and researchers found a bilateral gynandromorph rose-breasted grosbeak and what that means is, it’s the bird, but since it’s bilateral gynandromorph, that means it’s half male and half female, which is really fucking cool. I’ll put a link below with the like an article with information about that. But I was like, I need a half male and half female bird on me. So that’s why that one’s there. It’ll be colored in really cool. So that guy.
I have a hummingbird up here. It’ll be a ruby-throated hummingbird. So there’s my back. For now. And front goes across here, this is a Carolina Wren. I’m going to this is going to be one of those black and blue butterflies. More tree. This is a tufted titmouse. They’re so cute. We had one when I was a kid. Well, there’s a baby one that fell into our truck when I was a kid and it was too young to be on its own yet, but it was old enough that it didn’t really need a parent. So we fed it like dry cat food that we had soaked in water to let it get really soft. We fed it that for a little bit and then once I started flying and seemed ready to go. We let it outside and there was like a couple of other tufted titmouse, that seemed to adopt it in our backyard. So so cute. So that’s this.
And then I’ve got a chickadee on the back here. See if I can show you this way. Little chickadee. They’re so cute. My elbow… my elbow is empty right now, but it will have a little spider and spider web in there. Elbow tattoos are painful as fuuuuck. They’re not fun at all. So that’s why I don’t want anything really to cover up the whole space. Like a spider web will be a way less painful, because they have a lot of open space and it’s not all colored in, but I… because I wanted it to not be blank, but I also didn’t want to kill myself with a lot of pain in my elbow because it’s not fun. Even just the stuff like around here was really not fun at all. So spiderwebs going to hurt. That’s gonna be okay. Lower arm. I already had this but I have a, let’s turn this way. This is a Luna Moth that will be colored in eventually. So yeah, that’s my tattoo.
Yay! Tattoo tour! if you have any questions about my tattoo, or how it’s going so far, or wanting updates, whatever, comment, let me know. I’d love to hear from you. Yeah. I hope you like the tattoo tour, it was fun. By the time I do another one I’ll have more color. I don’t know how often I’ll do these, but I’m for sure gonna do a tattoo tour when it’s finished, which will probably be another year from now. Thank you for being here! Thanks for watching! I love you so much, and I’ll talk to you soon! Bye!
PS- My tattoo artist is Alex Santaloci at Iron Ghost Tattoo in Charlotte NC!
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Ways to Support + Work Toward Goals
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Hey friends, I think this month’s theme is goals because I’ve already made a couple videos about it and I’m going to keep going. So I wanted to talk about ways that we can support ourself through reaching our goals. And this is not just advice to you, but it’s also advice to myself because I need to remember these things too. So usually when I’m making videos, it’s for you and it’s also for me.
So I have learned a lot about goals from Leonie Dawson, who is an entrepreneur mom, autistic person, artist, awesome human being who lives in Australia. (All her courses are here! All her freebies are here!) I’ve taken a couple of her online courses, which are really awesome and I super love them. And I have a couple that I’m signed up for that I haven’t completed yet. But some of the things that I learned from her about goals are, if you don’t have goals, of course, you’re not going to meet them because you don’t have them. But if you do have goals, it’s easier to meet them if you have like a larger overall goal, and then you can break it down into smaller actionable steps.
So like, for instance, as an example, one of my goals is to monetize my YouTube. So in order to do that YouTube says that I have to have at least 1000 subscribers and at least 4,000 watch hours over a course of 12 months in order to monetize. So right there, that’s a lot of information that I need in order to meet that goal. So if I want to get more subscribers and if I want to get more watch hours, that means I need to make more content and share it on YouTube because if I don’t make any content and I don’t share anything on YouTube, then, of course, nothing is going to grow. So I’ve broken it down to: I want to do at least one longer video a month and at least one short every week. So having more consistent content going on my YouTube will help me meet the goal of having more subscribers and more watch hours.
So, to kind of further break that down, if I want to do at least one longer video a month and one short video a week, it might be a good idea to just like write down a whole list of ideas of what my videos could be about because then I can like slowly go through and be like, okay I have…. so if I’m going to do one longer video a month, that’s 12 longer videos for a year. And one short a week is 52 short videos for a year. So if I go through and just like list 15 or 20 ideas for longer videos and like 60 or 70 ideas for shorter videos, then I have enough information that I can just like, look through my list and be like, I wanna make a video about this this week and go from there.
So right now I don’t have that list, so that would be my next step towards working towards the goal of monetizing my YouTube, is planning out what I would want to share. Yeah, so breaking down goals is really helpful in order to meet them. It’s not like I want to climb this whole mountain in one day. I kind of have to like, let me practice walking X amount of miles a day and then practice climbing smaller mountains and then practice climbing slightly larger mountains and then, you know, so yeah, everything is one step at a time. You can’t just like go from A to Z. You have to go through ABCDEFG, blah blah. So breaking things down into smaller pieces also makes it feel more doable.
Also, another way that I can work towards like meeting my goals is to have some form of reminder of what I’m working towards and also a way to like track what I’m doing and help myself continue to do it. So like I have… in my journal, the way that I have these like self-care habits that I do every day. I support myself and doing them by having…. Let me grab it, I’ll show you. This chart of… Let’s see, will it focus? Of like all the things that I want to do, and then the dates and then I color in if I’ve met those things. So, this is not really this like image example is not really goals, but it’s like these are things that I do to support myself every day, but having something visual like this and having it in a place that’s easy to see and I see it every day, it helps remind me. Oh, I haven’t done X today. So let me maybe do that. It’ll only take me five minutes or oh, It’s been a few days since I’ve done Y, so, maybe I want to do that today, but it’s helped me to have something visual that I see and is like, in my space that I’m there on a regular basis to remind me like, oh, there’s this thing that I can do because I kind of tend to float off into space like I turn into just like a floating brain and forget that I have a body and like all these things I need to do.
So when I have that visual cue of like these are some things that you can work on, that helps me a lot. So maybe you can have like a big poster in your room or like me, you have a journal that you like… I leave this journal on my bed, and I’m just like in my room a lot. So I see it and I’ll just like cross stuff off on it while I’m doing it, so having something physical and visual that’s in a place where going to be a lot, would be really helpful to help you work towards your goals or at least remind you of the things that you can work on. If you’re if you have time to do them.
Another way to help meet goals is to create habits around them. So for instance, one of my goals is to journal every day. I started journaling every day, January 20th of 2020 and I have journaled every day since then. I’ve already filled up…. this is my fifth notebook and it’s almost full like this is… the this is all that’s left. Actually already wrote all this. Let’s get there. This is what’s left.
So, the way that I have actually managed to journal every day is one, I have my notebook on my bed. Like I said, it’s like it’s available to me all the time. It’s right here. Two, I’ve built it into my routine throughout the day. So like every morning, as soon as I wake up, I journal what my dreams were the night before. And then every night, before I go to bed, I journal about my day. So I’ve turned that thing that I want to do into a part of my everyday life and it’s become a part of my like daily rituals and habits.
So if say like one of my business goals is to monetize YouTube, which means I need to make videos maybe instead of or maybe I can just have a goal of recording something every day, and whether it’s good or not. I’ll have something every day because if I want to post once a week, then if I record something every day, then I’ll have seven things to choose from by the end of the week. And then I can just post the best thing. For me, building those into habits and rituals has to do with like, including it in the things that I already do every day. So, like my journal, I wake up in the morning every day and I just I grab my journal because I have it at the top of my bed. So I don’t have to get out of bed. I can wake up, grab my journal, journal about my dreams and then I’ve already journaled and it’s the first thing in the morning. So like, maybe if doing a video, if I want to turn that into part of my like daily ritual, maybe I’ll have breakfast and then right after doing having breakfast, I’ll make a video and do that every day. So that way, it becomes like… I make a video every morning after breakfast. This is part of my routine. I don’t know if I’ll actually do that like after breakfast because my breakfast was like fluctuating. Sometimes I want it early and sometimes I am not hungry until like 1:00. So something that’s consistent for you that you do all the time, maybe you can like add another thing to it. So it’s like when I do this thing, then this thing also happens. Yeah, so creating habits around your rituals… or creating habits and rituals around your goals can be really helpful. Yeah.
And I can’t think of anything else right now. I probably will, as soon as I turn this off, but I also don’t want to make this video way too long. So I’m gonna sign off for now, but I hope this helped you, and I hope that you’re able to create some goals for yourself that are doable, and that support you and that become a part of your everyday. So, that way you are working towards your goals everyday, and growing and learning and changing. Yeah, because it’s nice to have goals. It’s nice to have things to work towards and it I feel like for me it kind of gives me a sense of purpose because otherwise I’m just kind of a sack of potatoes on the couch and that doesn’t feel super great to me. So yeah, I like having goals and I like working towards them and it feels good to have them because then it feels like I’m working towards something. I have something to look forward to.
And maybe, maybe you can like reward yourself for meeting your goals in some way or like. Say, if my goal to make a YouTube video every week, maybe if I do that for X amount of weeks, then I’ll take myself out on a date or something. You know, like building in rewards and treats for myself for meeting goals. Even if it’s just like, not the full overall, huge goal. If it’s like, here’s the first section of a goal. Once I get that done then I can celebrate and then that’ll help me continue and do more. Yeah. Okay.
I love you so much! Thank you for being here! I’ll talk to you soon. Thank you! I love you! I can’t do this without you! Let’s meet our goals together!
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Do you need focused time to work toward your goals? 📝
An Invitation: Queer Creative Coworking!
Do you have a list of things you want to do, but for whatever reason can’t get around to actually getting them done?
Coworking / body doubling is a process that allows for mindful preparation, a distraction-free environment + group accountability to help us work toward our goals. When we set up focused time on a regular basis, we are more likely to make progress on projects that matter to us.
- dive in with quick tips + review of community guidelines
- introductions (name, pronouns, intentions/goals for the session)
- somatic practice
- 1 hour of focused work/creation broken up into 2 x 25 minute blocks with an optional 10 minute break in the middle
- journaling +/ writing down plans for next steps
sharing our progress
Join us live on zoom!
Wednesdays at 10am EST
January 5th
January 12th
January 26th
February 2nd
Tickets are sliding scale, pay what you can!
Members of get FREE tickets!
This is an experiment! There are only 4 sessions scheduled to see how it goes, so if this sounds like something you’re interested in, join us while you can! I’m not sure if I’ll continue doing them in the future. ❤️
2021 Recap!
I enjoy looking back + seeing all the progress I’ve made over the year. It helps me realize that I did in fact actually do things + work toward my goals.
Sometimes my brain likes to tell me that I’ve done NOTHING + gotten NOTHING accomplished, that I’ve wasted the whole year.
Does your brain do that to you too?
Maybe looking back through your year to see all that you’ve done will benefit you too!
This post contains affiliate links. This means I may earn a commission should you choose to make a purchase using my link (at no extra cost to you!). I only recommend things I have personally used + love!
- Took lots of walks at parks
- Hiked in the mountains as much as possible
- Helped my sister Gemini move
- Reconnected with AD
- Went to a wedding
- Made new friends
- Cried a lot
- Had some of the most painful menstrual cramps of my life
- Visited/traveled to:
- Durham/Raleigh NC
- NC mountains
- DC
- PA
- Cleveland OH
- Microdosed mushrooms a few times
- Took a voice lesson
- Saw the Van Gogh immersive exhibit
- Learned about my ancestry
- Got tested for STIs
- Learned about my HSV1+ status
- Helped out at the local camera store
- Went to the mountains with my dads side of the family
- Got vaccinated
- Finalized my name change!!! I am SO excited about this!
- Tattoo appointment almost every month (finished outlining + started color… vlog post about all this coming soon!)
- Went camping with a friend
- Journaled every day
- Did energy practices almost every day
Let me know what you’d like to see from me in 2022 by responding to my survey!
- Redid/updated my website
- Created a welcome automation for my newsletter
- Taught Self Portraits for Self Discovery + Connection workshop for The Light Factory
- Created Self Portraiture for Self Discovery + Connection ebook + Inspiration + Planning workbook
- Created + shared Queer Nature slideshow
- Applied for a residency + didn’t get it (practice failing to get closer to accomplishing!)
- Facilitated peer support sessions
- Quit social media!!! Thank you Leonie Dawson for helping me feel like this was even possible!
- Filmed for Nudism.TV (with my family!) for 4 days
- Worked on meditations with Jenna + Lior
- Photoshoots:
- Facilitated virtual nude gatherings: March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October (total of 8 gatherings)
- Facilitated a first look at self portraits members only event
I was only able to accomplish these things because of the support from members of my website, thank you so much!
- Became an LLC
- Got a business bank account
- GBTL events: Jan, Feb x2, March x2, April x2, May x3, June x2, July, August, September (total of 15 events!!!)
- GBTL met up in person to create + facilitate backstage pass
- Many many meetings + video chats + text messages behind the scenes
Click here to learn more about Going Beyond the Lens
- Explore More Summit 2020
- Sales Star with Leonie Dawson
- Marketing Without Social Media with Leonie Dawson
- Black Friday Training with Elizabeth Goddard
- Intersex Period Pandel Discussion with Crystal Hendricks, Mari Wrobi, Nick Manchester, Yezenia León Mezu, + Sean Saifa Wall
- Identity + Representation Panel Discussion with Roarie Yum, Jade Wilson, Paige Wilson, Deitric Robsinon-Miller, Kiah Glenn, + John Robinson-Miller IV
- Breathwork For Aliveness with Jennifer Patterson
- Emotion Mapping with Dawn Serra
- Boundaries Class with Luna Dietrich
- Live Your F*ck Yes Life Summit (non monogamy + polyamory) with Amanda Katherine Loy, Chad Spangler/polyamfam, Leanne Yau/polyphiliablog, Ebony/Marjani Lane, + Jess Levity/remodeledlove
- Women Race + Class by Angela Davis
- The Language of Emotions by Karla McLaren
- We Will Not Cancel Us by adrienne maree brown
- Thief of Time by Terry Pratchett
- My Grandmothers Hands by Resmaa Menakem
- I Hope We Choose Love by Kai Cheng Thom
- Evolution’s Rainbow by Joan Roughgarden
- Rebloom by Rachael Maddox
- Seven Thousand Ways to Listen by Mark Nepo
- Written on the Body by Jeanette Winterson
Check out the organized list of HUNDREDS of books I want to read!
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🤝 book a one on one session with me
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💰 buy me lunch via venmo✨ THANK YOU MEMBERS FOR MAKING THIS POSSIBLE!!! ✨
5 Ways to Support Your Creativity
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Hi friends! I’m here to talk some more about creativity because I know that that’s something that a lot of you are really interested in and I obviously am also very interested, since that’s like, I’ve turned that into my life. So yeah, I wanted to share with you. I created this like, short list of five ways to support your creativity. I’m just going to dive right in.
So, I feel like a lot of us think that creativity just like comes to us and we’re just like hit or struck by the like lightning bolt of creativity and it’s something that we don’t really have to like work toward. It’s just something that like happens to us, but from my experience, if I wait for that then it kind of never comes. And you kind of have to like hold space for and create the, like, conditions for creativity to be able to thrive. So this five ways to support your creativity list is something I just came up with this morning because I was thinking about it and I was like, yeah, let me share this with you.
So the first way that you can support your creativity is by creating a routine, or a ritual, or a habit around it. So whether that’s every morning when you wake up, writing 5 words in your Journal, whether that’s every afternoon after you have lunch you doodle for 5 minutes, whether that’s once a week, you have a day set aside to walk around the park and take pictures. Whatever that works best for you is something that is a repeatable like consistent time that you set aside to do something creative, whether it’s five minutes, an hour, a day. And whether that’s every day, once a week, once a month, just like something that’s consistent that you can be like, oh that’s my day to be creative, and that really helps a lot. Because I feel like if I don’t make time for being creative then it kind of like goes to the wayside and other things become more important than it. So that’s a way that I’m able to make space for and ensure that I have like creative time is what I actually put it on my calendar and turn it into something that’s a regular thing. That’s helped a lot.
And also I want to say I’m not perfect at any of these. I know that these things work for me, but that doesn’t mean that I always like stick to them because I’m human and things happen and like, same for you. If you miss a week or a day or whatever, like it’s not the end of the world. You can always pick it back up. Don’t beat yourself up because beating yourself up really doesn’t help anything, it just makes you feel worse. So that’s the first one is creating a ritual or habit or routine around your creativity.
Tip number two is create a space for your creativity. So that kind of goes along with the creating a routine around your creativity. So the routine is kind of like a time a time space, right. So this space that I’m talking about is like a physical space. So whether that’s like I’m going to have a corner of my room, be just for my like notepad and pencil and pens and like all the things that I want like to draw with. I have this like little desk and that’s, that’s my creative desk or it might be you have a whole room. If you have the privilege of having that kind of space, like having like a studio space, and be like, this is my photography studio space. And that’s the only thing that it’s there for, and that is like the dedicated space for my creative photography stuff. If that’s possible, if that’s available to you.
If you don’t have the kind of like physical space like a desk or room, you could also like create temporary physical spaces for your art. So like maybe if you’re a writer, but you don’t have a desk, like maybe you share a desk with another person or you just like have to randomly find a spot in your house to do writing whenever you have time. Maybe to set that space and like turn it into that dedicated space like physical space, you could add some kind of ritual to it, like maybe like get a cup of tea and light a candle and like when you do that your brain is like, “oh I know what we’re about to do. We’re going to be creative because this is what you do every time you’re creative you like get a cup of tea and light a candle”. Like that’s the physical space that’s kind of created through that like repetitive like ritual of like creating like this isn’t my only, you know, I have to share this desk with someone, but when I do these things together, that means that like the space is for creativity.
Yeah, that’s the second tip or way you can support your creativity and that’s the having a dedicated space for it. Whether that’s like physical or whether that’s something that you set up temporarily.
The third way to support your creativity is to set a timer and do something, anything. So if I’m like, I don’t know what I want to do. Maybe I’ll just set like a five or ten minute or fifteen, however long timer you want on your phone and just like Doodle Draw Journal, take random photos, experiment like whatever your creative thing you want to work on is, do like five minutes of that. Even if you’re like, I have no idea what I’m doing. Just be like, it’s okay I don’t have any idea. I’m just going to experiment and play and I’m just gonna do it for five minutes. I’m just going to do it for 10 minutes. Whatever that time is that you’re able to alot. So within that ritual and routine of the first like time ritual, the first tip or way that you can support your creativity, that time ritual can be once a week. I’m going to at least five minutes. Every day, I’m gonna do three minutes of doodling, whatever.
And then you have also that dedicated physical space, that’s either permanent or temporary where you set a timer and do the thing. Just be like, I’m just gonna do it, whether you like it or not like is maybe not as important because you doing the thing is going to help your brain and your body remember like, this is a thing that I like to do and I do it repetitively and… no one is perfect 100% of the time. Like that just doesn’t exist. Sometimes we just need to give ourselves the space to like make a bunch of shitty art and that makes the space for us to have like the art that we super love. The time that you know, everything comes together perfectly. So as long as you’re just doing it, whatever it is and it doesn’t have to be perfect. Let the perfection go out the window, because that’s not important. It’s the act of doing it. When you do it, it’s more likely that you’re going to get something that you like because you’re doing instead of not doing it.
The fourth way you can support your creativity is through having, whatever your creative supplies are… so like if your’re a writer, your pens or pencils. If you’re like a sculptor, then your sculpting supplies. If you’re an animator or something, then your computer or your like markers or, as a photographer like me your camera, your maybe your tripod, whatever, whatever the tools are that you use for your creativity, put those in a space that you see often, and that it’s easy to reach and like “Oh my camera’s right there, I’m just going to grab it and take a few photos because I like I’m inspired!” If the tools that you use for your creativity are like hidden away, then it’s going to be harder for you to like see them and be like, “oh I have an idea” or it’s also going to be like a barrier to getting you to doing the thing. It’s like, oh, everything’s packed away. I don’t really feel like unpacking all that stuff right now. I’m just not going to do it.
Like make it really easy on yourself. Have it somewhere that’s like in plain view, easy to reach, easy to get to. So that as soon as you feel the like creative urge then you can just be like, I got it. Let’s go. Let’s do it! So that’s the fourth way that you can support your creativity, is having your supplies in an easy to see and easy to reach place. Having it just being easy on yourself.
The fifth and final way to support your creativity is to have an accountability buddy, like have a friend that you say I’m gonna do art every Friday at 4:00 for five minutes or however long. But at least five minutes, every Friday 4:00. Tell your friend, be like is a thing that I really want to do and actually like think it’s going to be good for me and I’m telling you because I don’t want to just hold myself accountable. I’m hoping that you might also hold me accountable to doing this thing every Friday. And you don’t have to do with me. I just maybe… can you check in on me and see if I was able to do it every Friday, like maybe in the evenings like 5:00 or 6:00, see if I was able to do the creative thing at 4. Just having a friend that you can talk to about it and like to remind you or support you or encourage you through doing this thing. It’s really helpful.
And even if it’s not just like a single person. Maybe you’re going to post, maybe go post on social media be like “hey, this is my day and time to do this thing. Just telling everybody, I’d love to hear what your like art routine is.” Just if you are able to put it out into the world in a way that’s not just like it’s just something you’re doing for yourself, it’s some you’re doing that other people know about you’re more likely to do it and like hold yourself accountable whether other people that are also holding you accountable to doing it.
You also kind of in that same accountability vein, you could do like a co-working or body doubling session with someone or a group of people. Coworking and body doubling to me, I kindof use them interchangeably, but it’s basically like having a set day of time where you and one or more people get together, virtually, or in person, to do your own work individually, but like in the same space either in person or virtually.
So like for instance, maybe on Zoom every Friday at 4:00 is the time that I meet up with like two of my friends and we all like, we’re all in the same place, we might like chat in the chat box. But what we’re really doing is, like, focusing on doing whatever projects are working on. We’re going through photos, we’re writing up letters or, you know, but if it’s… it’s not necessarily like these are the things that I’m doing here. Will you make sure I do them? And also this is all the stuff that I’m doing, like, while I’m doing it. It’s more of like, you can do that. You don’t even have to really talk about what you’re doing. You can just be like, hey I’m going to do this thing. Thanks for being here with me. Let’s do it. Okay, bye.
And then you’re like, sitting all on the computer and doing your own individual work. You’re just together in a space. That’s another way for like accountability. Because like whether or not you actually discuss what it is you’re doing, which you can, or you don’t have to, just having another person working alongside you on their own stuff is like a lot of encouragement and accountability for you to also do whatever your stuff is. So yay, that’s the five ways to support your creativity! And I’m going to go through those again really quickly just because I feel like I rambled.
So here’s the list, five ways to support your creativity: create a ritual routine or habit around it. Have a dedicated space for your creative project or idea or thing. Set a timer and do something, anything, even if it’s like five minutes. Get accountability buddy or co-worker or body double. And store your supplies and a place that’s easy to reach and see so that you can use them in a pinch really quickly.
Yay! Creative things! If you liked this, please let me know. I might do more videos like this if you’re interested, I’ll put the link to my survey below and you can let me know what kinds of things you want to hear from me if you haven’t yet. And if there’s something that you want to like you want me to talk about that I haven’t yet. I’d be happy to hear your feedback.
Survey link is below and yeah, I want to make the things that you’re excited about receiving from me. So yeah, hope you have a wonderful day. I hope these tips to support your creativity are helpful to you, and I hope that you have an awesome day, weekend, whatever time it is where you are, okay. Have fun being creative! Support your art dreams! I love you so much! Thank you for being here!
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5 Steps to Produce Ideas / 5 Steps for Being Creative
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Hello, good morning, or afternoon, or evening… whatever time it is where you are! I’m glad you’re here. I think this month I’m going to talk about creativity. I’ve already talked about creativity a bunch, but I feel like there’s a lot of things to say about it. So I’m gonna keep talking about it because so far in the survey that y’all have answered. Some of you have answered.
Most people have said that they’re interested in…
How to be more creative? How do I get inspiration? How do I love myself more? How do I…. Ah what were the other things that yall have said? How do I be more confident in myself? How do I embody my true self? How do I… How do I make friends? How do I… be happy?
So I feel like a lot of the answers to a lot of these questions are kind of similar or along the same vein, or like have threads that go through a lot of them. And I think most of us struggle with the same things. Like I want to be creative. I want to be inspired. I want to be myself. I want to make friends. I want to be happy. And I imagine most of you also do.
So I recently shared to my my email newsletter that y’all may or may not be on. Hopefully you are. If you’re not I’ll put a link below if you want to sign up for it is free and I share stuff, occasionally. I try to do something at least once a month, but I recently shared on there a really quick blurb about this article that I found a couple months ago, that was kind of like a mini overview of a book that was written by James Webb Young in 1939, and it’s his like technique for producing ideas, which to me is kind of the same as like, how to be creative. It’s a five step technique, five. And I wanted to share some of that with you today because I think it’s really helpful, and I think a lot of us don’t really think about it in this way. So, yeah, I want to share that with you.
So, if you already saw my email with this little thing in it, you might be like, oh okay, I know what you’re talking about but if you haven’t, I wanted to make a video about it.
So the five steps to produce ideas / 5 steps for being creative.
Step number one is gather your materials and resources, like gather your inspiration, gather stuff. So like if you’re like working on a project that has to do with trees, of course, you know, I’m thinking about trees all the time, then maybe you’ll gather books about trees. Maybe you’ll listen to a podcast about trees. Maybe you’ll take a walk in the forest to be among the trees. Maybe you’ll sketch trees, Maybe you’ll find some books about trees. Maybe you’ll see if there’s like some movies or documentaries about trees just like, gather all the information about whatever it is that you’re wanting to do or work on or like be inspired by. So just gather all those materials that step one is gather.
Step two is digest the materials. So that means read the book, walk in the woods, listen to that podcast, sketch those trees. You know, I’m just going to keep with this tree theme. That’s step two is like actually digest the material like absorb it and play with it and do some stuff with it. And I think number three is the most important part, most important step.
So the third step is to have unconscious processing, which in other words, is set it down and forget about it and do something else. And I think this is, Both amazing and also really difficult to do sometimes because if we’re like really excited about something we really want to like I want to figure this out and do it. Like I don’t know how to draw this branch perfectly, so I’m just going to try it 5,000 times. Sometimes, the best thing to do instead of like hyper focusing and like forcing and like doing doing doing making it go, go go, sometimes really, the best thing to do is just be like, okay. I’ve like done a bunch of this. I feel like I’m getting frustrated, I feel like I’m getting kinda stuck, so I’m going to set it down.
And do something else for a little bit, and that little bit can be a few minutes, a few hours, a few days, a few months. Only you know what a little bit is for you and what that works best for you. So, unconscious processing, let your like rational conscious mind, let go of it for a little bit and let your like, subconscious like instinctual primal mind mull it over in the background while you’re doing other things. So like not consciously thinking about it. This is unconscious, this is most important but also the hardest! Do all those things and then just let it go, and don’t do it. Just do nothing about it or just like set it aside for an amount of time. That’s step 3.
Step 4 is actually the aha moment, because while you’re in that do nothing step three, step four will naturally come. The, aha moment is when, like things like somehow like click together while you’re not thinking about it and you’re like, *gasp* I know exactly what to do now, or like, I just had the best idea!!! Your mind, and your brain, your body, like, everything’s always doing stuff behind the scenes even when you’re not really thinking about it. So sometimes, once you give it the space to like, not be stressed about it and just, like, doing something else. That’s when that aha moment comes and you’re like, Ohhhh I have this realization. Oh, now I know what to do. Oh, that tree, it just told me it’s story, The aha moment will come if you’re able to release that like force and do. So that’s step, four. Is that aha moment.
And then step five is when your idea meets reality. So once you have that aha moment, step five is like, okay, now that I know what to do, I’m going to do it, Now that the tree has spoken to me, I’m going to write it’s story. Now that the image of this perfect branch just appeared in my mind, I could now sketch it. When this idea just appeared out of nowhere after mulling over for a while, now I’m going to do something about it. That step five is doing something about it, like, whatever that aha moment was, allows you to get to the space where you could do the thing.
Yeah, I think in this society was like capitalistic white supremacist colonialist imperialist, like, all of the shitty systems of oppression that like most humans have on them. It kind of makes us think, in this society kind of makes us think that like, we have to force things in order for them to happen. We have to constantly be going doing in order to be like, worthy of making stuff or anything like, this society makes us feel like we’re not good enough and we have to be constantly producing in order to be worth anything and that is not true.
It in a material way, sometimes feels like it might be true because we live in capitalism, like it…. How do I say this? We live in these systems of oppression, and they make us think that we’re not good enough, and that we have to constantly be forcing and doing and going. But in reality, when we allow ourselves to slow down, and to do what really feels best in our hearts and our bodies and our minds, our souls, but really feels best to us, and what really actually works for us, which includes rest and doing nothing that unconscious processing. Then that’s when we can be our most creative.
When we’re not stressed, when we’re not freaking out, then we can be more of our true selves, which, in my opinion, out true selves are like infinitely creative. That’s like, a part of being a human, is the ability to be creative. So next time you’re feeling stuck and like you really want to do something creative, maybe you just doodle. Just like get a piece of paper and a pen and just do a lot of this and don’t think about it and just be like, what is, what feels good? Let me just scribble a whole bunch and just get some energy out. Like, it doesn’t have to be anything and lets your brain kind of turn off and just be like this feels fun to make shapes.
And see what comes from that. And if it’s nothing, that’s totally cool. You just like rested your brain for a little bit, awesome. And if you have some epiphany that that’s also cool. And you can do something about it if you want, but it’s not necessary for us to be constantly doing stuff all the time. And sometimes the rest and the doing nothing is just as important. So, if you want to be creative, there’s your five steps for how to be creative and produce ideas from James Webb Young from 1939.
Okay. Yeah, I think that’s all I have to share today. Thank you for being here. I’m going to add the link to the survey below if you want to tell me what kinds of things you want to hear from me. Yeah, I love you so much. Thank you for being here. It means the world and I couldn’t do any of this without you. So thank you so much. I love you. I hope you get some down time and doing nothing time sometime soon or today or tomorrow also.
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