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  • Self Portraits in Utah


    *sigh* Hello friends! I was just outside to make this video but then a bunch of my neighbors decided to have big loud machines so it kinda made more sense to do it in here. This week I have a bunch more self portrait sets and BTS videos from my cross country road trip last summer, well its not even last summer anymore, summer 2019, that I’m sharing with you for both the photo/video/PWYC members and for first look members. First look gets more access to more things, as usual, but I’m excited to share these with you. I really love all the self portraits that I took last…. summer 2019. It’s kinda weird watching them and looking at them because I know it’s me, but it’s a version of me that’s no longer with us, it’s kinda like looking at a ghost in a way. It’s me but it’s not me. It’s me then, it’s not me now. It’s hard to describe. But I have those photos that I’m sharing with you.

    I want to talk about the nude yoga video, bc I’m technically sharing what I’d call a nude yoga video with you this month. I’ve been doing nude yoga videos, I think every month since 2017. They’ve increasingly become less like traditional what people would think of as yoga and more of… like energy releasing more than yoga, especially this month. I’ve felt a resistance to “traditional yoga” over the last few months and I’m not exactly sure why. I guess what I’m really trying to say is, I may not do a monthly nude yoga video in the future. I might discontinue those and change it to something else. I would like to focus more on self care and community care and healing and energy healing and energy releasing and energy in general. I think over the last couple of months I’ve stressed more about the nude yoga video like “oh when am I going to make it” and all of that stuff. It’s started to become something that I’m not really enjoying as much anymore so I thought that since there are like… over 30 that you can watch from the past that you might not necessarily miss them in the future if I don’t continue them. So I’m considering discontinuing the nude yoga video and doing something different instead, like energy healing stuff so I’d love to hear your feedback if you have any. That’s something I’ll probably start next month or December or maybe 2021. I haven’t decided yet, but I wanted to give you a heads up that’s something thats going to be changing soon.

    I want to focus more of my time creating content that I share for free with everyone. Of course the more extensive content will be for members. I think part of what I have been missing has been having things to share with people that weren’t behind a paywall, and I think that while I’m not a fan of capitalism, I still have to live within it so I do at some point need to be paid for my experience and my art and my time. At the same time, that makes my content less accessible to those who can’t afford it, even though I do have a pay what you can membership, I realize that $5 a month isn’t accessible to EVERYONE. I want to make more content that’s for everyone, and I’m considering a change of… the weekly posts that I make for yall that comes out on Saturdays, that has a handful of the images from the whole set that yall have access to. I’m considering making that blog post accessible to everyone, and, like currently, only members have access to the FULL set and the FULL video. That’s something I’ve been thinking about. I already do have a free post, I think it’s every Tueday. I have them scheduled through the end of the year… I think it’s Tuesdays. I’m feeling like I want to benefit more people and I can do that if I have more stuff that’s free.

    I’m also continuously pulling further away from doing nude art. Not because I don’t love it. I definitely extremely very much DO LOVE nude art so much. The attention that it gets me from people is not the attention that I want, so I want to make it more understood by my audience, members and non members/just people that follow me. I want to make it more understood that my nudity is not consent for you to sexualize me. What you do on your own time by yourself that I’m not involved in is up to you, that’s none of my business, but as soon as sexual comments come in my direction… like I’ve been harassed this week through people commenting in another language that I had to translate but it’s still rude as fuck, also very much sexualizing me. That further reminds me how much I am extremely uncomfortable with that and that is violating my consent. I love nude art, but it, based on people’s perception of it, that I have no control over, that brings a certain kind of attention in my direction that I don’t want. I’m going to be backing away some from making nude things and sharing nude things potentially, so that I don’t get the attention that I don’t want, and making things that are “fb & ig safe” in order to share my knowledge and experience with people without getting the kind of attention that I don’t want which is sexualization.

    I will forever have a very special place in my heart for nude art and I will probably never fully stop making it or sharing it, but it is not my focus any longer. I am much more than a naked body and I think it’s time for me to show that through the things that I’m putting out there. Just wanted to let yall know that. If you’re only here for the nudity, that’s cool, but I’m much more than a naked body, way more than that. That’s a cool thing about me, I have a body, so do you! But yeah, I have a spirit and a heart and a mind that is within that body that needs to be respected, and I believe that I will have more respect and less violation of my consent through sexualization of me if I don’t share as much nudity as I have been. So I’m going to figure out some kind of balance for that. I don’t know exactly what that means yet.

    Be prepared for potential changes such as what I’ve already mentioned: discontinuing nude videos every month and doing something different, potentially sharing these weekly vlog posts for everyone, not just members, and making it so that it’s continuing to be members that have access to the galleries and archives of my work, and posting and making less nude content in general. So head’s up there.

    I appreciate yall so much, you’re the reason I’m able to do any of this at all. Literally this is my full time job is my website and doing things for yall and making art that is constantly changing I suppose. Art that I haven’t really made this year. Yeah…. I am so grateful for yall for allowing me to have this as my full time job. I dreamed of having this as my job, for years, and that dream happened and it exists in real life now! Now I’m ready to dream of new things. I don’t exactly know what that is yet, but I’m working on it and making little steps in that direction, and we’re gonna see where that goes. Thank you for being what is making me able to do that at all. I appreciate you, I love you, I hope you have a wonderful day and a wonderful weekend. I’ll talk to you next week. Bye!

    Video/PWYC members:
    click here to view the full 61 image self portrait photoset near Canyonlands at sunset
    click here to view the 8.5 minute energy release and body connection video

    First Look members:
    click here to view the self portrait photoset I took in Utah (Edge of Sunset)
    click here to view the 2.5 minute BTS video

    Click here for the gallery passwords

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  • Self Portraits at the entrance of a Colorado cave


    Hi friends! So this week is a little bit different. You might not really notice much different, but I usually use my cell phone for these videos but this week my cell phone is locked away in a drawer for at least the next few days because I don’t want to be on social media so I’m making myself not even touch my phone so I don’t accidentally be like “oh I wonder what’s happening?” get on social media and then be on there for like 4 hours. So yeah, it’s in a drawer and the drawer is taped shut and I’m not going to touch my phone until Friday at the earliest, yay me! I’m taking this video on my fancy digital camera which I haven’t used in a while so it’s probably good that I’m using it.

    This week I’m sharing a… I think it’s the last photoset that I took in the cave in Colorado. I’m not going to say too much about it because I already told you about it last week and there’s also videos from when I was actually there that you can watch. I feel like I don’t have to go over the cave in Colorado anymore, but you’re going to have some awesome photos and BTS video from that to look at. The first look members… I believe it’s another 1 or 2 sets from Goblin Valley, so I’m excited to share those too. I don’t have my computer open and my list of all the things but I’m pretty sure that’s what it is, I’m pretty sure it’s content from Goblin Valley. Hopefully I’m right, I think I’m right. I don’t want to have to go search and find what it is but I’m pretty sure it’s from Goblin Valley.

    Yesterday at the end of the day I decided that I’m not going to be on social media or my phone at least until Friday at the earliest. So I taped my phone away in a drawer and now I cleaned the whole house today and I did all of my laundry and now I’m like… what am I going to do? It’s funny how much I realize now I’m on my phone, because when I’m not on it I’m like “wow suddenly I have so much more time!” It’s wild! Yeah I’m really glad I’m not on my phone. I don’t know about you but I sometimes struggle with having boundaries with my phone. That’s something I’m working on. Also I’m taking this video early, this is.. I think today is Tuesday. I usually make the video on Thursdays. I’m taking a technology break but I’m still going to obviously be doing my weekly content for yall, so I’m not 100% off of technology because this camera is technology and my computer that I’ll be on probably Thursday is technology. I’m just not going to be on social media and I’m not going to touch my phone. I don’t have a lot to say this week because not much has changed. I’m probably not going to be leaving my house for the next 2 weeks, which will be interesting, especially while I’m not using my phone I’m going to be like, finding things to do. Which is kinda funny because I remember before back in the day I used to be like “wow I do all these things and I don’t have time for all the things I want to do!” and now today I’m like… “hmmmm what am I going to do? I don’t want to watch tv, what do I want to do?” I can’t go on a walk because it’s raining, except I’m probably going to still go on a walk, I have a rain jacket. It’s amazing how much more time you have when you’re not on your phone.

    I don’t have much to say this week so I’m going to stop this video so I don’t keep rambling but I just wanted to say that I love and appreciate every single one of you so much! You are literally what keeps me fed, literally what keeps me with a roof over my head, literally what makes it so that I’m able to do any of this at all, so thank you, you mean the world to me. It’s been so awesome getting to know some of you more personally. Some of you, especially some of the newer people who have joined, I haven’t.. I don’t think we’ve ever had a conversation, so if you want to talk, you can comment on this post or send me an email. Yeah I think yall are awesome and I’m glad you’re my friends and I’m glad you’re here. I’m always open to hear what kinds of things you’re interested in, because I continually know that I’m going to be changing and shifting things with my website. I still don’t know exactly what that is yet, and I’m going to continue to mention it so nobody’s surprised when something changes. I’m of course going to let you know what the change is before I do it, and I don’t know what the change is yet because I haven’t decided!

    I don’t have an infinite supply of nude art, and I’ve had a total of 2 photoshoots this entire year and I’ve taken like 2 or 3 self portrait sets this entire year and it’s like the end of September. My backlog won’t last forever. I feel like I’ll have started some kind of content before I actually run out of content to share. I’ve stopped modeling completely, and like I said I’ve done 2 photoshoots this year. I’ve been slowing down a lot, and reevaluating what’s important to me and yall are the reason I’m able to do that. That’s amazing, thank you so much. I think that bigger better things are coming. Maybe not even bigger, just different. Maybe not even better, just different, I don’t know. I keep thinking about meditation and energy healing and I keep taking videos of nature and I know I’m going to do something with them, I don’t know exactly what that is yet. Probably videos of meditation and energy healing haha. I feel kindof… I don’t want to say stuck… I’m in the liminal space between who I was a little over a year ago, who I was in the photos I’ve shared this weekend with yall. I’m in the liminal space between that and who I’m becoming, who I’m growing into. I’m figuring it out, day by day. I don’t actually know what I’m doing. Does anyone actually know what they’re doing? I don’t think so. I’m just glad yall are here with me. I appreciate you all. I love you, and I’ll talk to you next week! Bye!

    Video members:
    click here to view the full self portrait photoset of me at the entrance of a cave in Colorado during my cross country road trip last summer
    click here to view the BTS video (+2 vlogs from before I found the cave)

    First Look members:
    click here to view the complete self portrait photoset in Utah (Going In)
    click here to view the BTS video
    click here to view the complete self portrait photoset in Utah (My Own Canyon)
    click here to view the BTS video

    Click here for the gallery passwords

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  • Self Portraits IN A CAVE!


    Hello friends! It’s raining again which is why I’m not outside. This week I have some really awesome photos to share with you. I have the first photoset that I’m sharing from my time in the cave on my cross country road trip last summer. I was… if you followed all the videos I made every day last summer when I was on my cross country road trip, then you know what happened before I took these, and after, because I talked about it in the vlog. If you’re new to my website I’ll do a quick recap. I had just gotten to Colorado National Mounument and I came in through some back way somehow and didn’t realize that I was actually in Colorado National Monument. I was trying to find McInnis Canyons, and while I did find the parking lot for it, I didn’t trust my van to drive where I really wanted to be, so I gave up on McInnis Canyons and I drove around the park, which is Colorado National Monument, that I didn’t actually realize was the monument because I never went through a gate. You know how at the entrances to most national parks and monuments and stuff, they have a little house thing that has a person that works there that answers your questions and takes your fee to get in and stuff, there’s usually a gate. Apparently I went in through some back way and I never saw a gate so I didn’t realize I was actually in the park.

    I ended up sleeping at a trailhead in my van, I just parked at a trailhead and slept there overnight, which I was not supposed to do. The next morning I got up and as I was driving I noticed across the canyon that there was a cave on the side of the canyon, and I wanted to see if I could find it. I parked where I assumed was close-ish to the cave, on the side of the road, there wasn’t actually a parking spot. I’m still not completely aware that I’m actually in Colorado National Monument, I just thought I found some cool ass road. Looking back I should have known, but I never saw any official signs and I didn’t know. I was just real happy about where I was so I didn’t question it. I traipsed around for a little while and I took some videos on the side of the canyon, I hadn’t really found anything yet and I was about to give up, but I was like “you know what, I’m gonna continue walking over here and see what I can find” and I FOUND THE CAVE! I found the fucking cave! So I of course completely celebrated and was super fucking happy and really excited about it. I took a couple of self portrait sets in the cave and some more videos and I’m sharing one of those self portrait sets with you today. There’s like 8 minutes of video that I’m sharing from that cave also, so you get to see me really excited about it. After I was in the cave I went back to my van and I hung out there and had lunch in the van in that space that I parked that wasn’t actually a parking spot. A park ranger parked behind me and started interrogating me and thought that I had alcohol, and thought that I had all these drugs with me and thought that I was like… since I had a mason jar of water which they assumed was moonshine which… why does liquid in a mason jar automatically equate to moonshine in most people’s minds? I don’t get it, I just drink water out of them constantly. So he saw the “moonshine” and thought that… he had seen me parked at the trailhead and he thought that I was like… trying to like (TRIGGER WARNING) commit suicide. He thought I was gonna like drink my ass off and then walk off a cliff or something. Why do all of these “safety official people” people who are cops, why do they always go to the worst possible outcome? I just don’t get it. Anyway. I lied a bunch, a lot, pretending that I didn’t sleep there overnight, because I didn’t want to get in trouble, also fuck cops.

    So I was super lucky and I recognize that as a white person that’s probably why I was able to get away with it. If I had darker skin, I probably, who knows what would have happened to me. Definitely not getting away with it and not having any kind of repercussion. If I was Black that would definitely be different. I just want to say I acknowledge my EXTREME privilege and I appreciate that I didn’t get in trouble for this. But yeah that was part of that adventure. If you want to see more of my daily videos that I made when I was on my cross country road trip, I’ll put a link in the caption below (CLICK HERE TO SEE) so you can go look at all of them. Anybody can see them, I posted all over 100 videos that I made for free for anyone who wants to see. So go enjoy that, there’s a bunch of nature things there. Also good luck finding which video it is because there’s a fuck ton of videos, but enjoy your searching! Yeah so that’s what I’m sharing this week with everybody.

    First look members I’m sharing a photoset that’s over 100 photos from my time in Goblin Valley. I took several different sets when I was down among the goblins. The parking lot is up above the actual Goblin Valley, then there’s a big hill and down below is this huge valley of all the goblins. It’s really cool, unique interesting rock formations that they call goblins, and it’s a whole valley full of them and it’s wild and awesome. I took all of those different sets and bunched them into one really big set, so that’s available along with BTS video for first look members. It’ll eventually be coming for everyone else. I think that’s most of what I want to share today.

    Also I just wanna say my tattoo is healing very well. I’m in the itchy flaky stage, so that’s fun. I’m still washing it 2-3x/day, putting lotion on a bunch. I love it so much and I’m so happy with it! I’m excited to continue, I have 2 more appointments, I have an appt in November and an appt in December to continue. It’s gonna come up here and go here and across my back and down my arm, I’m excited!

    Okay this video is getting long and I’ve already told you some stories and also there’s nothing really new in my life right now because… what’s changed since last week? Not really anything. So! Yeah just wanted to say hi and I love you, and YOU YOU are the reason I’m able to do any of this at all. I appreciate you so much. It means the world to me that you support me financially and spiritually and artistically, and friendship-ly haha. Yeah it means a lot. I’m so thankful that you’re here and that I get to continue sharing with you and… yeah. Okay. I love you! MWAH! Bye!

    Video members:
    click here to view the full self portrait photoset I took inside a cave in Colorado during my cross country road trip last summer
    click here to view the BTS video

    First Look members:
    click here to view the self portrait photoset Among Goblins (also from my cross country road trip last summer)
    click here to view the BTS video

    Click here for the gallery passwords

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  • Self Portraits with Jenovax Lilith & Lucia Brea Quinn


    Hello friends! I brought notes because I didn’t remember this morning what I had planned to share for this weekend so, I have notes. Hello! It’s raining here today which is why I’m inside because I’m usually outside and I prefer to be outside but…

    I just got a massive tattoo started yesterday and I don’t want to walk too much because it’s like half of my left leg. I can probably show you. I’ve been wearing this skirt which is not super me but it helps me to not have tight things on my tattoo which is sore, obviously because I just got it yesterday. Yesterday which was Wednesday because today is Thursday and I always do these Thursdays, almost always, before the Saturday thing.

    So… it’s massive and it’s most of my leg. I’ve got a hawk right here, it’s a Poplar tree, and I have a little froggie down there at the bottom, little frog. So it’s like basically most of my leg. It has saniderm on it and it’s bleeding a little bit and also, what’s the word I’m looking for, sweating out some of the ink still which is why it’s shiny and blurry looking because it’s some ink coming out. I just got this yesterday and I’m so happy about it! It’s so big. I love it a lot. It’s eventually going to continue up my side and go across my chest and the top of my back and then down this arm so it’s going to be like half of my body. I’m so excited! Cover me with plants! So that’s the new thing that’s happened for me recently, basically is getting this tattoo that I’ve been dreaming about for probably a year. It’s going to be quite a while in process because it’s so huge and we haven’t even finished all the outlining because there’s still a lot to go, but I’m really excited and I love it already. So I’m taking it easy for the next couple of days and not moving a lot and probably elevating my leg, and not moving and walking around too much.

    Yeah so this weekend I’m sharing with you, okay so the photo and video and pay what you can people are getting access to the self portraits that I took with Jenovax Lilith & Lucia Brea Quinn I think I took these in like 2017 or something. These are photos that I randomly found that I somehow haven’t shared with you yet, so that’s fun. It’s from several years ago but I really like them, they’re self portraits that I took of us together. For video, that I’m sharing with yall, everybody… yeah all patrons have access to all the stuff I’m talking about. For the video I’m sharing… oh yeah! There’s 11 family vacation videos from when I was in Tennessee with my dad’s side of the family in 2018 that I’m sharing. I’m excited about that, they’re cool and fun, just hanging out at the cabin that we got and we did some hikes and stuff together so you get some videos of that. I have a nude yoga video to share with you that’s not the usual nude yoga video that I’ve been doing in the past. This one is with my mom and we’re doing energy medicine yoga and I believe you can hear my mom cueing us in this video so if you want to do it with us you can. I will be doing some of this, actually, I’ve already told you about the event I’m doing this weekend, which is the Body Language event with Going Beyond the Lens. I’m going to be leading our somatic exercise, I’m going to be leading us through the Wake Up, which is an energy medicine yoga sequence. I’m excited about that and you can do that with us and you can do more because there’s more than just the wake up in this video that’s me and my mom nude in the back yard doing energy medicine yoga!

    For first look patrons/members/people I have another photoset from Goblin Valley to share with you. I loved Goblin Valley it was so cool, and the BTS videos from that too. I think I still have a couple of sets from Goblin Valley to share. Yeah I just have so much, like I have plans through Halloween of the photosets I’m going to share with you. I know I still have more, I have enough to continue sharing photosets with you after that as well, that’s just all I have planned. I’ve barely created anything this year, but I think the backlog that I have is enough to get us through at least a few more months of weekly content, so you don’t have to worry about “oh Bunny won’t have anything new to share.” I still have new stuff, well it’s not really “new” but I have a tendency to hoard content for some reason. But I will have new content to share with yall for a few months at least.

    My shifting in what I want to do here is going to go more towards videos and healing type of things like energy medicine and meditation and nature videos and stuff like that. It’s what I’m really called to do more lately. I haven’t really done a whole lot as of right now because I’ve got other things going on in other places, but I do have some ideas and things I’ve started for what I want to do.

     I don’t know, all of this like… everything’s changing in my world and continually forever changing like always. I just really appreciate that yall are here with me and spending time with me and supporting me and allowing me to have this as my life which is such a gift. I feel like so much more free than I ever have with any other job. And I don’t know if I would even… like… I guess I would say this is my job, if someone asked me I would say I’m a self employed artist, but I don’t know… making nude content or making nature videos and stuff like that doesn’t really feel like work very much to me, it’s just stuff I enjoy doing. Yall are the reason why I get to do it, so that’s really exciting. Yeah, I know that things are going to continue to change for me, and that also means the things on my website will continue to change. I just appreciate that yall are here and I’m excited to share all the things with you, whatever it ends up being! So I hope you enjoy all the stuff I’m sharing this week and I’ll talk to you next week! Mwah!

    Video members:
    click here to view the full self portrait photoset with Jenovax Lilith & Lucia Brea Quinn
    click here to view the videos from a family vacation in Tennessee in 2018 (WHYYYYYY do I hoard content?! haha)
    click here to view the nude energy medicine yoga video with my mom! She gives verbal cues so you can do it with us!

    First Look members:
    click here to view the self portrait photoset in Goblin Valley (Enclosed)
    click here to view the BTS video

    Click here for the gallery passwords

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  • Desert Rock Self Portraits


    Hello! *sigh* So if you’re into astrology you probably know that Mars Retrograde started on the 9th. It’s gonna be for 2 whole months and I’ve already been feeling it a lot. A lot of extra anxiety and my body has felt weird and weak and restless and harder to be grounded for me personally. I’ve been losing myself dissociating on social media and not being present, which I have recognized and it’s kindof an ongoing recurring thing for me. It’s not just during certain astrological transits. If I have any uncomfortable feelings at all it’s like “okay let’s distract myself from this and pretend it’s not real and ignore all my feelings” and I realize that this is not a good coping strategy. I mean it’s okay in the moment for me sometimes but usually it ends with me feeling even worse. So, I guess I’m starting this video by letting you know that I’m feeling a lot of weird complicated uncomfortable things recently, so you probably have too. I just wanted to let you know that all of our feelings are valid. This is also a reminder for me, because honestly I think that a lot of the things that I create, I really create them for myself. I have an understanding that as living beings we’re all connected, so anything I create for myself is really also for everyone else, and anything that I create for someone else is really also for me. Maybe that’s why I haven’t wanted to create hardly at all this year, I’ve felt really… disconnected from all of it. And myself. With the pandemic and being at home so much more and having so few social engagements, well basically none, except for online things. It’s really brought up a lot of past trauma things for me which hasn’t been easy. Hence, dissociating and avoiding my feelings. I just wanted to be open here with yall and let you know… not always gonna be happy, not always gonna be uplifting and creative and inspirational, you know sometimes I just need to sit in my shit, even though that’s hard to do.

    *sigh* Okay, I didn’t just come here to tell you about things that are uncomfortable. I also am here to tell you about thephotosets that I’m sharing this weekend. I have a photoset, another one that I took outside of Moab in Utah that I’m sharing with everybody, including the BTS stuff, BTS video. That’ll be for everyone. I also have the first photoset that I’ll be sharing from Goblin Valley, which is also in Utah, it’s just another part of Utah, a couple hours from Moab. The first photoset that I’m sharing from Goblin Valley will be available this weekend for First Look members, and the BTS video of that too.

    Yeah, so it’s kinda weird when I look back on all these self portraits from last summer. I remember experiencing them, and doing all of that, and it also feels like someone else. Because I did all of that before I really knew, uh… more of my gender identity. So it’s like, looking at a ghost almost. And I’m feeling emotional and probably gonna cry and that’s okay. I think part of why I haven’t wanted to create this year is because I have a better understanding of who I am and I have a fear of people misunderstanding my nudity as consent to be sexualized, because that’s the most uncomfortable thing for me and brings up trauma responses. And while I feel comfortable in my skin, obviously, when other people sexualize me and bring it to my attention, that’s when I have a really big problem. And for some reason when people see somebody nude on the internet it makes them think that they can send them a dick pic or expect sex from them or expect attention of any kind. No that is not the reason I exist on the internet. I’m basically here for the opposite of that, I’m here to affirm that nudity is not sexual. It could be, but that should not be the assumption. My trans identity is valid and sacred. I’m just tired of being perceived, as something that I’m not. I’m kinda just tired of being perceived in general, like please don’t perceive me. Most people’s assumptions of who I am are… wrong. And I mean it’s not my job to correct everyone and make sure that everyone knows who I am, because I value privacy and having things that are just for me. At the same time I want to be that voice and that image out in the world that affirms people like me. Cisheteromonogamy culture is so huge and their voices are so loud, that I almost feel like it’s my responsibility as someone that’s outside of that, to say that that’s not the only option, and that’s not the only valid and reasonable way to live. Also I feel like I put too much responsibility on myself, I’m just one person and I can’t open up the perspectives of everyone in the world by simply existing and sharing myself on the internet, but….. *sigh*

    I want yall to know that I value and appreciate all of you so much. The fact that I continuously every week come back to make videos and share content with you is… simply because I appreciate you and I couldn’t do any of this without you. So I greatly appreciate your contribution to me being able to know more about myself, and to support myself, and to hopefully make a positive difference in the world, even if it’s not huge, as long as it’s something. Yeah things are just hard right now. I hope that you’re not taking this Mars retrograde as difficult as I’m taking it. I know that I’m just doing my best so you probably are too.

    I love you and I’m thankful for you and I still feel like there’s major changes coming in terms of my website and what I offer here, but I’m still not sure what that is, but I’ll keep reminding you because change is inevitable. I’ve already changed and shifted things about my website a bunch of times already, I just don’t want to surprise you too much when things change again. But we have time because I don’t know what that is yet! Okay this video is getting long, and I don’t really have anything else to say, but I love you, thank you. <3

    Video members:
    click here to view the full self portrait photoset of me in the rocky desert in Utah during my cross country road trip last summer
    click here to view the BTS video

    First Look members:
    click here to view the self portrait photoset of me in Goblin Valley (Between)
    click here to view the BTS video

    Click here for the gallery passwords

    Comments Off on Desert Rock Self Portraits
  • Doubles with Tiffany Helms


    Hello good morning! Well, morning for you when you see this maybe, it’s not really morning here anymore. I’m really excited about this photoset that I’m sharing with you this week. I took it on my cross country road trip last year like most of the other sets I’ve been sharing recently and will continue to share because I took SO MUCH last year. I have a huge backlog and I’m really glad because I haven’t really made much this year at all and it’s already September.

    This photoset that I took last year on my cross country road trip is of a model that I’ve worked with 2 or 3 times before, Tiffany Helms, who is super awesome. I shared a photoset with yall recently of single exposures I took of her, and these are the double exposures that I took. Of course I’m really excited about them because doubles. We took these on Bainbridge Island where she lives outside of Seattle. What all do I want to say about this set? The singles that we took, we took before we took these doubles. We took all the doubles at a second location. The first location was that really cool abandoned spot that I shared with yall recently. This other location wasn’t super far away but we did drive to get to the trailhead for it. It was pretty awesome because there were like… what were they called? There was wild… food of some kind that I’m having trouble… was it blackberries? Was it… NO it was wild cherries! There were wild cherries on the trail that we were snacking on that was so awesome and it was great. On the way to this place where we shot. I don’t exactly know what part of the island we were on? I didn’t.. I wasn’t the driver during this shoot. Tiffany’s partner Jeff Waters was the driver for us and our assistant/lookout. We went to this place that was right next to the water and there was another abandoned building that was different than the abandoned building we previously had been to. We didn’t shoot inside of it but we shot next to and around it. I was most excited about the water and the beachy area because it looked beautiful so we have a lot of photos from that place. I hope my neighbor doing their grass isn’t too loud. I’m gonna get closer so you can hear me better. So yeah it was super fun, I had a good time. Oh yay maybe they’re done! Yeah… it was super awesome. I did the doubles a little bit differently than I usually do… or recently have done. Usually I’ll shoot a whole roll (I mean I kinda did it the same way, but) rewind it, and shoot over it again. Usually the first set of images is all just background images like landscapes and the second set of images I shoot are usually with the model. For these photos I was pretty excited with what we were creating and I actually shot a whole roll of Tiffany, portrait, like closer up mostly of her face. Then I rewound the roll and shot over it all over again with further away, with her more in the landscape. I think they turned out super amazing and I’m very excited about how they look.

    I usually did that kind of double where I would double the person in there twice, I usually did that with my medium format camera in the past. I’ve been having some technical issues with that camera for over a year and it’s discouraged me and I haven’t really been using it because of the technical issues. I think I really just need some new batteries, but it takes like 4 batteries. Or 8 or 6? It takes a lot of batteries so I haven’t really shot with my medium format camera in a while. These images I took with 35mm and I haven’t done doubles this way in a long time. I’m very excited and happy with how they turned out, I think they’re incredible. Tiffany is always really easy to work with, she’s a model and photographer so she basically… just tell her your idea and she runs with it. She doesn’t ever really need much direction because she’s excellent at posing, she is one of my pose inspirations. She’s really creative and bendy and I love her funky poses that she sometimes does. I’m really happy with how these turned out. I have the whole photoset to share with you and the BTS video, so look for that! All members have access to all of that.

     The first look members I have another photoset that’s self portraits that I took in Utah last summer that I’m sharing with first look. I’m sure you’ll love them, I love them a lot. They were also taken outside of Moab outside of Canyonlands. I’m pretty sure that’s where this set was taken. Yeah, similar to the other sets I’ve shared recently, I took a lot of sets off the side of the road basically. Beacuse the whole place, Utah itself is just fucking gorgeous. The whole state basically, the parts that I’ve been to, Southern Utah, the WHOLE of Southern Utah is very photogenic as you can see in my photos. I’m excited to share all that with you.

    In terms of personal stuff recently, I’ve been working with Lior Allay and Roarie Yum on our going behind the scenes, no, going behind the le… why am I tongue tied right now? Probably because I was just on a 4.5 hour video call. GOING BEYOND THE LENS, our project community group, we’ve been working on getting ready for our next event which is Saturday the 19th at 1pm eastern if you want to join, it’ll be about BODY LANGUAGE. I’m pretty excited about this because I think I will also incorporate a little bit of energy medicine in this because it totally relates, because it’s our body. I’m excited about that, it’s something we’re working on. The invitation email went out today, which is Thursday, so if you’re on that list you’ll have already received it by the time this video is released. We’ve been talking about future plans and goals and I’m pretty excited about the stuff we’re working on. I’m so thankful that they’re working with me, both of them, because I greatly admire them and look up to them and really super appreciate all of the things that they have to offer, and the way they move about the world. I just.. they’re both incredible people and I’m so thankful to be able to work with them. It’s been a labor of love creating this community together and figuring out what works best for us and what we need to shift and update. It comes with its own challenges but it’s been incredible and I’m so thankful for everything we’ve been able to do so far and I’m very excited for what will come in the future. We have lots of ideas and I know that time will be needed in order to get to all the things we wanna do. I’m just… we have big plans and dreams and I’m so excited to share it with yall whenever those things actually happen. For now you can join us basically every month for a free event.

    Body language on Saturday the 19th! Please join us! I’ll put a link down here! CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP FOR THE FREE EVENT!

    That’s all I have to say for today. As you can tell I’m in a better mood right now than I probably was in the last couple videos. I’ve been doing energy medicine yoga pretty much every day for over a week and it has helped tremendously with my feels, my emotions, my stress. I think your September nude yoga video, I think it’s gonna be EM yoga, energy medicine yoga, and I think my mom will join me for it. So… look for that! Coming soon! Yeah that’s all I have to say today, this is already a 10 minute video. I love you so much! Thank you for being here! Each of you are so important to the world and I know that you all have gifts to share and I’m thankful that you’re here and paying attention to me for whatever reason you felt like doing that. It means a lot to me. I love you, thank you, and I’ll see you next week! Bye!

    Video members:
    click here to view the full double exposure photoset of Tiffany Helms on Bainbridge Island, Washington during my cross country road trip last summer
    click here to view the BTS video

    First Look members:
    click here to view the photoset self portrait photoset of me with two Mesas in Utah

    Click here for the gallery passwords

    Comments Off on Doubles with Tiffany Helms
  • Formations at Dusk Self Portraits


    Hello, good morning. This week I’m sharing another self portrait set from Utah last summer. I have a whole lot of self portrait sets from last summer to share so this is… another one that was taken outside of Canyonlands National Park outside of Moab. It’s the road that goes to Canyonlands… it’s I mean it’s not just Canyonlands within the park that’s beautiful, it’s everything around there, so I didn’t even have to be in the park. There’s a few places to park in little parking lots on the side of the road before you get to the park. This is one of the spaces I was in, and it’s fucking gorgeous beautiful, and it was just starting to get dark so it was dusk. I have a mosquito on me, wonderful. Mosquitoes have been so bad this year. So yeah those are available for everyone to see, including the behind the scenes which is really short because I was taking all of my self portraits very quickly, you’ll see in the video, and the video is only I think 2 minutes long. And I got I think 40 or 50 self portraits in 2 minutes. I took a lot of real quick self portraits over the summer, because I didn’t know if someone was gonna find me and walk up and be like “oh there’s a naked person here” so there’s that.

    I’m also sharing with everyone a video that I made last year, I think it was this time last year honestly, about reparations. If you’re a BIPOC and that is kindof triggering for you… like reparations itself I think isn’t triggering, it’s an excellent thing that we should definitely be doing. Collectively, individually, and govts and stuff, reparations need to be given out for sure, there’s no question of it in my mind. But I did discuss things that could be triggering, like the reason why we need reparations. So if that kind of thing is triggering for you, definitely use your discretion on what’s best for you and your mental health and what you want to consume or not. It will not hurt my feelings if you don’t want to watch the video. It’s basically me just talking to the camera about reparations and about this article that I read about reparations which is amazing. I’ll link it in the caption below (CLICK HERE TO READ IT) so if you want to read that article, that’s available to you. I think it’s called The Case for Reparations by… I’m probably going to butcher their name but it’s Ta-Nehisi Coates. I’m not sure if I’m saying their name right or not, but hopefully it’s close. But it’s amazing, if you need more information definitely check the article out, I’ll link to it.

    Other things that I’m sharing, First Look people are getting the photos that I took of Eva Luna & KH at a nude beach outside of Portland last summer. I shared some of the single exposures that I took last week with First Look, so this week they’re getting the double exposures which are super my favorite of course duh doubles are my favorite always. I’m excited for you to see those, I have BTS for that as well, I think it’s like 15 minutes of BTS, it’s a lot longer than my self portrait BTS video. I’m excited to share all that with you this week. I don’t have a lot to say personally, there’s not really been much going on for me in a little bit. I am finding a better way to schedule my days, or I’m in the process of beginning to find a better way to schedule my days, so that’s an improvement. I’m supposed to probably start my period in the next week or so, so I’m a little more emotional currently, which I’m kinda embracing a little bit, because I have a history of not really feeling my feelings, so I want to lean into feeling my feelings because I deserve to feel them. And so do you, you deserve to feel your feelings too.

    This will be a short video today, I just wanted to say hi and I love you and I’m so glad you’re here. I’d love to hear what you think about all these photos I’m sharing with you, or what your thoughts on reparations are. Honestly if your thoughts on reparations are that you don’t want to do it or it’s “unnecessary” then I don’t want to hear your opinion, because I don’t think there’s a way you can convince me that we should not do reparations. I do think that reparations can come in the form of abolishing our government, and abolishing police, and abolishing ICE and taking all the money that’s in all of those things, including our fucking military, hello. All of that money could go into the community and that could be a form of reparations. Also individually taking money out of your pocket and giving it to people of color. All of those things are wonderful. Let’s be gay and do crime.

    Okay I love you thank you for being here, I would love to hear what kinds of things you’re personally doing for reparations, or ways you think it could be done through the government. I’m kindof against the government I’m totally an abolitionist, but I think there’s a way to dismantle the systems that are in place and replace them with things that actually work for everyone, but it’s just going to be a process. So this video ended up being longer than I expected, but yes okay. I love you, thank you for being here, and I’ll talk to you next week, bye!

    Video members:
    click here to view the full self portrait photoset I took in Utah during my cross county road trip last summer
    click here to view the BTS video
    click here to view the video talking about reparations (content warning: I speak about injustice and violence toward BIPOC)

    First Look members:
    click here to view the photoset double exposure photoset I took of Eva Luna & KH outside of Portland
    click here to view the BTS video

    Click here for the gallery passwords

    Comments Off on Formations at Dusk Self Portraits
  • Desert Dusk Self Portraits in Utah


    Hello! I just dunked myself in this little spot, there’s a really big waterfall in that direction but it’s kinda a hike that way. I’ve been hiking today because my body needed to be in nature, my spirit needed some nourishment, and I’ve barely been in my body for days and I know that being out here is one of my most favorite and surefire ways to get me back into my body. Came out here, did some Energy Medicine yoga, did some jumping around just moving, dunked myself in water, rubbed my body all over. You know, coming home. I feel like it’s been a while. This is just a tiny bit of the amazingness that I’ve seen today and I’m so glad I came out. Today I think is Tuesday, I think I want this to be the video I share this weekend though because I feel really good and I’m right here and I just want to share the love with you. I personally have been having rough emotional times for over a year now, maybe I should get into therapy again. We’ll get there when we get there. This is therapy right here. These… sometimes these videos are also to remind myself more than anyone else, that I’m human and that I actually need breaks and I need to spend time in nature and I need time to do NOTHING. NOTHING. Unless I really want to, like hiking around in NC, or anywhere, or dancing around in my underwear or naked at my house, or lounging and just watching bingeing something. I deserve rest, I need to remind myself of this, this is your reminder. Rest could also be movement, rest could be… I mean rest is what allows you to take action. It’s just as necessary. Just wanted to share this with you. There’s campsites that way, yeah looks like it’s a pretty nice place to go camping. So… also… I would love to do more nude outdoor shoots and spend more time outside so please! Maybe I should put out a casting call, maybe I should put something in my calendar, even if it’s just with myself and no one else. I’m not sure what content I’m posting this week, I’m just doing this because I feel called to do it today. I’m sure whatever I’m sharing today, when you watch this today, is going to be wonderful because I’m really proud of all the work that I’ve created. I love you all! Thank you for spending so much time with me every week, or over time in the last like, 10+ years that I’ve been doing this. Anyone who’s followed my journey for any length of time, you’re wonderful, I super value you. I’m so thankful that you’re a part of my life. I look forward to continuing to broaden my horizons which in turn will broaden yours, I’m hoping. If not, I’m going to live my life the best that I can. I hope that I can share as much love and connection with nature as I can with everyone, because yall deserve it. I LOVE YOU!


    Hi! Since I didn’t remember what I was posting when I made the video the other day, I’m going to make a really short video just talking about the stuff I’m posting this week. Everybody is going to have access to the self portrait set that I took, it’s called Desert Dusk I believe. A lot of the self portrait sets that I took last summer on my cross country road trip have similar names because they were taken in similar places and all within like.. well most of them were within a few days of each other. So I never really have been very good at coming up with names for stuff and I don’t think it’s all that necessary so I just like… yeah a lot of them are named very similarly. This photoset was taken in Utah outside of Canyonlands National Park. I was driving on the road to the park which is pretty bare, there’s like nothing on the way there basically. Once you get out of Moab you’re just in desert wilderness, until you get to the parks, so I just parked on the side of the road and just… meandered. I took a bunch of photos so these are some of the photos I took in Utah. I also am sharing with everybody some stuff I took at Arabia Park/Arabia Mountain outside of Atlanta. I think it was late 2018? Like fall or almost winter 2018, I think it was cold so it was probably late 2018. (EDIT: It was February 2019) I went there, I have a friend who lives in Atlanta and I went down to see her, and another one of my friends met us there, and then I met a DIFFERENT friend who I had only known from IG and we all got together and hung out at the park and walked around and it was awesome. I have some photos and videos from that, it’s just nature stuff. I’m sharing a nude yoga video for this month this weekend. First Look people, I’m sharing the photoset that I took of Eva and KH, Eva Luna & KH, from when I was in Portland last summer. So basically just get ready for me to be posting a lot of things from last summer’s road trip, because I still have a fuck ton of content to share with you from that trip, and also I haven’t really made very much new stuff other than that but I still have so much of it to go through and share with you so I don’t feel bad about not making stuff. I need a break creatively, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and I’m proud of myself for giving myself that space because I do need it. Enjoy these photos and videos and all the things. I love you so much! I’ll talk to you soon, bye!

    Video members:
    click here to view the full self portrait photoset I took in Utah during my cross country road trip last summer
    click here to view the BTS video
    click here to view the photos & videos from exploring Arabia Mountain outside of Atlanta GA last year (this includes videos of me absolutely BLOWN AWAY because there was a fucking BILLBOARD with my NAME ON IT basically telling me to get a divorce lol)
    click here to view the nude yoga video

    First Look members:
    click here to view the photoset I took of Eva Luna & KH at a nude beach outside of Portland Oregon
    click here to view the BTS video

    Click here for the gallery passwords

    Comments Off on Desert Dusk Self Portraits in Utah
  • Columbia River Gorge with ExhibitphotoPDX


    Hello! Sorry my neighbors are mowing my lawn so it’s loud but I really wanted to do this, so hopefully it’s not too loud! This week I’m sharing a photoset that was taken last summer of me by ExhibitphotoPDX who I spent most of a day with in the Columbia River Gorge and it was amazing, we drove around, stopped at a bunch of places and took a whole bunch of pictures and it was so much fun. He brought us lunch and snacks and drinks and he had a cooler and we just hung out. We found this really cool waterfall that was right off the road. We found this structure that went over some water kinda… it was sorta like a pier but it was a funky shape. You’ll see it in the photos… that was really cool. It was very much within viewing distance of a major road, the main road that goes through the gorge… so some people probably saw me naked while they were driving. We just shot there really quick and then left so that if people were having problems with it, it didn’t really matter because we were gone by the time anything would have happened anyway. It was a really fun shoot, I really enjoyed it, and just exploring the Columbia River Gorge is amazing. I spent MOST of my time when I was in Portland in the Columbia River Gorge because it’s fucking gorgeous and amazing and all the nature and that’s exactly where I wanna be, of course.

    The First Look people are getting a big photoset that was taken by KH, this was also in Portland. I met up with her and Eva Luna, who is earthyeva on IG, I think she’s still on IG, I know she’s kinda not a big fan of it for a little bit so I don’t know if she’s taking a hiatus from it or not. Eva and I posed for Kisa, and then Kisa & Eva posed for me. The photoset that I’m sharing with First Look now are just the photos that Kisa took, and my BTS photos. I have I think it’s 2 photosets to share with you that are the photos I took of them, in the future, that’s not coming yet but it’s coming soon.

    Yeah that’s most of what I have to say today. I’m feeling emotionally weird today, and I know there are some astrological things going on today that are difficult so that makes sense. I’ve noticed… there’s been 2 people that I follow over the last 2 days that have said they’re going to be going offline, and they have HUGE followings… and I’m kinda inspired by them. Even with my measly 4000 followers, which is really not that measly, 4000 people is still a lot of people, but compared to the 22,600 followers I used to have before my original account was deleted in October 2018, I feel like 4000 isn’t that big. But compared to most other numbers and new people on IG it’s a decent sized account, even though it’s way smaller than what my old account used to be. I feel like people who decide to go off social media when they have huge followings, like one of these people have I think it’s 40,000 followers, and the other has 95,000 followers and they’re both like, I’m just gonna do something else. I feel like that’s very brave and that’s inspiring. I’m also wondering, what are they going to do to make money? I feel like so much of my job is on social media, and trying to make money that way. Honestly that’s probably why I don’t like social media that much, because it feels like a JOB. Because I feel like the things that I do on there should in some way try to start making me money or direct people towards me but I don’t like the way that feels. I don’t want my presence to be like “I’m here so give me money” that just feels gross to me. I want to actually connect with people, I want to actually help people and like share resources with people, I don’t wanna just be like “hey I’m here, I deserve money, you should pay me” but also I do deserve money and I should get paid. So it’s like, it’s complicated. I’m inspired by these people who are giving up their huge followings to do something different. It’s so loud, I hope you can hear me, I’m sorry it’s a terrible sound. But yeah it’s inspiring to me, and I’m also thinking about, if I’m going to continue being on social media… oh yay they paused for a second! If I’m going to continue being on social media, I’m going to need to do something different, and I don’t know what that is. Social media either sucks away my time and my life and my good feels and it leaves me feeling drained and shitty. OR the days that I can manage my time better, and get on, post something that’s meaningful, respond to comments and messages, and get off, those are the days that I feel a lot better. I know that  time management and self control is something that I need to work on in terms of social media. If any of yall are time management gurus, please reach out to me, I would like help. I’m trying to think of ways that I can manage my time better. Maybe I’ll only be online for like x hours of the day, and if it’s after this hour then I won’t be online. I’m thinking about doing that and I’m sortof starting to implement that a little bit.

    I continue to feel weird about my website. Nudity is a big part of my life, photography is a big part of my life, modeling isn’t something I want to continue doing very much unless it’s for specific things. But the way that I have my website set up it’s like “pay me for access to naked photos” and while there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that and it’s been wonderful for me for several years now, it doesn’t really feel quite right to me anymore. It feels really surface level and really… I’m not sure, it just… I continue noticing the need for change and I continue not having the answer to my need yet, and it feels weird to be in this liminal space. I’ve been through so many liminal spaces in the last year and a half. I feel like finding sturdy ground is sometimes a little difficult. But I also really like change, even though it used to terrify me. It’s funny, the things that were my last nightmare or the last thing I ever wanted, ended up being things that I chose for myself a lot over the last few years. It’s weird how things change. Yeah, so uh… I have plans and content that’s going to last me at least through Halloween, and I’ll probably continue with the way things have been just because it’s a few hours a week for me and it’s not like super draining or negative in terms of the use of my time, but I also am noticing that I keep pulling away from a lot of things and trying to make more empty space in my life. So I feel like something’s going to change with my website and I just don’t know what that is yet. I feel like I say this every week, but it’s true! Nothing is forever, and I do need some change, I just don’t know what that is yet and I appreciate you being along for the ride. I love you so much. Have a great day, bye. =]

    (Oh, PS…. I just wanted to tell you about one thing I forgot to mention in the video! At the end of my shoot with ExhibitphotoPDX, I was balancing on a rock (the one I’m sitting on in the very last image in the full gallery) and it turned over, causing me to fall into a tree and scrape myself up haha. You can see the scrape in the photo below taken by Jacob Webster at the nude beach gathering. Whoops! In some of these photos with ExhibitphotoPDX you can see the big bruise that was still on the inside of my leg that I got when I was at Lake Tahoe hahaha)

    Video members:
    click here to view the full photoset taken by ExhibitphotoPDX in the Columbia River Gorge outside of Portland Oregon during my cross country road trip last year
    click here to watch the short BTS video
    click here to view the video Intro to Ecosexuality (the nude version I shot before doing the clothed Youtube version)

    First Look members:
    click here to view the photoset of me & Eva Luna taken by KH at a nude beach outside of Portland
    click here to view the BTS photos I took during that shoot
    click here to view the BTS video

    Click here for the gallery passwords

    Comments Off on Columbia River Gorge with ExhibitphotoPDX
  • Tiffany Helms in the Ruins


    Hi friends! So this week the photos that I’m sharing with you are photos that I took with Tiffany Helms, you saw a photoset I think it was 2 weeks ago that I shared with you of her. We took I think it was 3 or 4 different photosets so this is another photoset from that same day. These are the photos that we took in this ruins place that we hiked to that was really cool. I don’t exactly know what it used to be, but it was this cool place on Bainbridge Island. We parked… so we drove like 5-10 mins from her house on Bainbridge Island and parked at a parking lot for a park and walked around and went to this spot and it was awesome! We took a bunch of photos there and I actually also have some photos to share with you on another date, another time, that Tiffany’s partner Jeff Waters took of me and some of them Tiffany is also in. This is when I had really long hair and Tiffany also has long blonde hair so we looked very similar. We also are around the same size and height and stuff so that was pretty cool, I’ll share those with you later. These photos are photos I took of her in this ruins area. I think they’re super awesome and I love them and there’s this huge cool tree and it was just fun exploring this place so I’m excited to share those with you. There’s some BTS video and stuff too.

    I think… I think this week the first look stuff that I’m sharing is a photoset that was taken by Kara Perry of Embodoe (on instagram) with a roll of my images from my trip last summer, double exposures, so I took this roll of landscapes and Kara double exposed over it with her friend Embodoe, I think her name is Emily? But her IG name is Embodoe so that’s the name I’m going to be using especially since I’m going to be tagging her in this so you can go to her page and look at all the things. I think these photos are super awesome. Embodoe was wearing lingerie that was handmade here in NC by WhiskeyDog Wares so if you need some handmade underwear things or lingerie, totally check WhiskeyDog Wares out, her stuff is amazing. There’s also a couple other photosets that Kara took with my landscape film, double exposures that she took of other models wearing WhiskeyDog Wares that I’ll be sharing with you in the future also. They’re super awesome. I love Kara, I love WhiskeyDog Wares, I’m really excited that they were using some of my film for that.

    What else do I want to share with you? I’ve had a weird couple of days, the full moon on Monday… I don’t know, has me feeling kinda weird. I’ve felt very stuck this week and like I want to just sit around and not do anything. I’m going to sit down. Yeah I’ve felt stuck this week, I’ve felt like I don’t know what direction I want to go in, I don’t know what my goals are. It’s been great to slow down on the live things online so I can recalibrate and figure out where I want my time to go. Yeah I’m still figuring that out. I don’t know where I want my time to go. I’ve been working on a special secret project with Lior and Roarie this week. I don’t want to talk to much about it in case things… you know… but, enough about that. Conscious Creativity was INCREDIBLE and exceeded my expectations. That was last weekend on Saturday. If you joined us I am so thankful that you did, and I would love to hear from you on how it went for you and what your thoughts are on it, what you liked, what you didn’t like, what you’d like to see more of, anything you’d like to change. I had an incredible time, we planned it for 2 hours and it ended up being 3. I was blown away with all of the vulnerable sharing that everyone did and the discussion that we had and the valuable conversation and empathy that we had with each other. The way that we… everyone was so respectful of each other and valued each other as humans and it was so wonderful and I super loved all of the movement things we did together. I think that was a really fun way to connect online even though we’re not in person, still being in our bodies is great and it’s something that I want to continue doing.

    I’m not sure what’s coming up for the future still, I probably will never know, but I’m glad that I have the time and space now to really feel into what works for me. At this point I don’t know what that is yet, but I have the time and space to figure that out. I’m thankful for yall for being here with me. If you have anything that you’d like to contribute in terms of ideas or recommendations or comments about how I run this website, about how I show up online. I’m definitely really open to that. I value your input and I value your thoughts and preferences and I definitely want to consider that in the things that I do. I really appreciate all of you for being here with me and for continuing to show up every week and for supporting me and for enjoying the work that I put out. I really don’t know what’s next, I really don’t. I definitely want to do more events, more workshops, more group things. Obviously online is accessible and offline in person is a little out of reach at the moment with the state of the world, but I would really like to in the future open it back up to in person events again, because those are so transformative and incredible and I get so much out of those and I know that the people who participate in in person events really get a lot out of them too. So yeah, if you have anything to share with me about your experience here on my website as a member, your experience as a participant in any of the events I’ve put on, I’d love to hear what you have to say. If you have any ideas that you’d love to see from me, let me know. I do plan on doing more video content, I don’t know exactly what that means yet. I think I’d really like to make some mediation and relaxation kindof videos. I have a lot of nature video content that I could use for relaxing ASMR nature meditation chill video things, which is what I’m kinda thinking about recently. Yeah I’d love to have your feedback. I love you, thank you for being on this journey with me, and I’ll talk to you next week. =]

    Video members:
    click here to view the full photoset of Tiffany Helms at an abandoned location on Bainbridge Island during my cross country road trip last summer
    click here to view the BTS video + photos

    First Look members:
    click here to view the photoset of Embodoe wearing WhiskeyDog Wares taken by Kara Perry double exposed over images I took of Wyoming and NC waterfalls
    click here to view the videos from a walk through the woods

    Click here for the gallery passwords

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