Formations at Dusk Self Portraits
Pay What You Can & Video members now have access to:
vlog with the story behind this self portrait photoset I took in Utah during my cross county road trip last summer
- 37 image complete photoset
2 minutes of BTS video
- 19 minute video talking about reparations (content warning: I speak about injustice and violence toward BIPOC)
First Look members now have access to:
everything above
36 image complete double exposure photoset I took of Eva Luna & KH outside of Portland
15.5 minutes of BTS video
Formations at Dusk Self Portraits
Hello, good morning. This week I’m sharing another self portrait set from Utah last summer. I have a whole lot of self portrait sets from last summer to share so this is… another one that was taken outside of Canyonlands National Park outside of Moab. It’s the road that goes to Canyonlands… it’s I mean it’s not just Canyonlands within the park that’s beautiful, it’s everything around there, so I didn’t even have to be in the park. There’s a few places to park in little parking lots on the side of the road before you get to the park. This is one of the spaces I was in, and it’s fucking gorgeous beautiful, and it was just starting to get dark so it was dusk. I have a mosquito on me, wonderful. Mosquitoes have been so bad this year. So yeah those are available for everyone to see, including the behind the scenes which is really short because I was taking all of my self portraits very quickly, you’ll see in the video, and the video is only I think 2 minutes long. And I got I think 40 or 50 self portraits in 2 minutes. I took a lot of real quick self portraits over the summer, because I didn’t know if someone was gonna find me and walk up and be like “oh there’s a naked person here” so there’s that.
I’m also sharing with everyone a video that I made last year, I think it was this time last year honestly, about reparations. If you’re a BIPOC and that is kindof triggering for you… like reparations itself I think isn’t triggering, it’s an excellent thing that we should definitely be doing. Collectively, individually, and govts and stuff, reparations need to be given out for sure, there’s no question of it in my mind. But I did discuss things that could be triggering, like the reason why we need reparations. So if that kind of thing is triggering for you, definitely use your discretion on what’s best for you and your mental health and what you want to consume or not. It will not hurt my feelings if you don’t want to watch the video. It’s basically me just talking to the camera about reparations and about this article that I read about reparations which is amazing. I’ll link it in the caption below (CLICK HERE TO READ IT) so if you want to read that article, that’s available to you. I think it’s called The Case for Reparations by… I’m probably going to butcher their name but it’s Ta-Nehisi Coates. I’m not sure if I’m saying their name right or not, but hopefully it’s close. But it’s amazing, if you need more information definitely check the article out, I’ll link to it.
Other things that I’m sharing, First Look people are getting the photos that I took of Eva Luna & KH at a nude beach outside of Portland last summer. I shared some of the single exposures that I took last week with First Look, so this week they’re getting the double exposures which are super my favorite of course duh doubles are my favorite always. I’m excited for you to see those, I have BTS for that as well, I think it’s like 15 minutes of BTS, it’s a lot longer than my self portrait BTS video. I’m excited to share all that with you this week. I don’t have a lot to say personally, there’s not really been much going on for me in a little bit. I am finding a better way to schedule my days, or I’m in the process of beginning to find a better way to schedule my days, so that’s an improvement. I’m supposed to probably start my period in the next week or so, so I’m a little more emotional currently, which I’m kinda embracing a little bit, because I have a history of not really feeling my feelings, so I want to lean into feeling my feelings because I deserve to feel them. And so do you, you deserve to feel your feelings too.
This will be a short video today, I just wanted to say hi and I love you and I’m so glad you’re here. I’d love to hear what you think about all these photos I’m sharing with you, or what your thoughts on reparations are. Honestly if your thoughts on reparations are that you don’t want to do it or it’s “unnecessary” then I don’t want to hear your opinion, because I don’t think there’s a way you can convince me that we should not do reparations. I do think that reparations can come in the form of abolishing our government, and abolishing police, and abolishing ICE and taking all the money that’s in all of those things, including our fucking military, hello. All of that money could go into the community and that could be a form of reparations. Also individually taking money out of your pocket and giving it to people of color. All of those things are wonderful. Let’s be gay and do crime.
Okay I love you thank you for being here, I would love to hear what kinds of things you’re personally doing for reparations, or ways you think it could be done through the government. I’m kindof against the government I’m totally an abolitionist, but I think there’s a way to dismantle the systems that are in place and replace them with things that actually work for everyone, but it’s just going to be a process. So this video ended up being longer than I expected, but yes okay. I love you, thank you for being here, and I’ll talk to you next week, bye!
Video members:
click here to view the full self portrait photoset I took in Utah during my cross county road trip last summer
click here to view the BTS video
click here to view the video talking about reparations (content warning: I speak about injustice and violence toward BIPOC)First Look members:
click here to view the photoset double exposure photoset I took of Eva Luna & KH outside of Portland
click here to view the BTS video -
I originally wrote this for Patreon on May 20th 2017. I no longer use Patreon and have replaced it with my website (here) but thought I would share some of my old blogs with you for FREE to show my appreciation for you visiting my website! <3
Celebrating 1 year since I got wrist drop! Well, technically the official 1 year is May 22nd but… close enough. =] If you’ve been a member for a while you probably remember this time last year when I got wrist drop from too much time and pressure on my radial nerve during a shibari suspension. I didn’t have the use of my (dominant) right hand for about 3 months and wasn’t able to go to aerial silks class for 7-8 months. Watch the video in the archives to see how bad it was… it was pretty bad. I couldn’t lift my hand from my wrist or do a “thumbs up,” it was just constantly limp.
Honestly, I’m really thankful that it happened. It taught me a lot about myself & made me appreciate what I have. I learned that I really need physical activity in my life & that I can really lean on Antisocialdisposition. I already knew that he will do just about anything for me but for the first week or two he helped me do things that you really take for granted when you have two hands to do it with and suddenly you only have 1: wash my hair, get dressed, open jars, carry lots of things, etc. I became more ambidextrous because of this and I even became more confident in myself over time because I learned that I could still do pretty much everything for myself with just my left hand. I did definitely have several days after it happened that I freaked out about it because I wasn’t seeing ANY improvement and I was so scared that it would never get better. It did, very slowly, but it did start to get better. As soon as possible I started doing yoga at home (only simple stuff I knew wouldn’t aggravate the injury). I honestly think it would have taken much longer to heal if I wasn’t staying active, exercising it as much as possible, saying positive affirmations, and visualizing it getting and being better. I am SO SO thankful that it got better. I am also thankful that it happened. It was a challenge and a lesson. It happened for a reason: for me to learn to appreciate what I have and to learn how important being active is to me because I really didn’t know that before. It strengthened me and it strengthened my relationship with AD.
What is something “bad” that’s happened to you that you now realize was actually beneficial in the long run?
To celebrate being able to do silks again, check out the 2 new silks videos I added! In one of them I somersault in the air to a single ankle hang, I mean how badass does that description sound?! It’s really fun. The other video is a crazy difficult core strengthening exercise: spinal roll down from straddle. You’re supposed to take as long as possible on the way down which is what makes it difficult and REALLY works your core.
All members have access to this complete 59 image self portrait photoset by clicking here and the aerial silks videos by clicking here.
Desert Dusk Self Portraits in Utah
Pay What You Can & Video members now have access to:
vlog with the story behind this self portrait photoset I took in Utah during my cross country road trip last summer
- 56 image complete photoset
4 minutes of BTS video
- 14 photos & 8 videos from exploring Arabia Mountain outside of Atlanta GA last year (this includes videos of me absolutely BLOWN AWAY because there was a fucking BILLBOARD with my NAME ON IT basically telling me to get a divorce lol)
- 8+ minute nude yoga video
First Look members now have access to:
everything above
36 image complete photoset I took of Eva Luna & KH at a nude beach outside of Portland Oregon
30.5 minutes of BTS video
Desert Dusk Self Portraits in Utah
Hello! I just dunked myself in this little spot, there’s a really big waterfall in that direction but it’s kinda a hike that way. I’ve been hiking today because my body needed to be in nature, my spirit needed some nourishment, and I’ve barely been in my body for days and I know that being out here is one of my most favorite and surefire ways to get me back into my body. Came out here, did some Energy Medicine yoga, did some jumping around just moving, dunked myself in water, rubbed my body all over. You know, coming home. I feel like it’s been a while. This is just a tiny bit of the amazingness that I’ve seen today and I’m so glad I came out. Today I think is Tuesday, I think I want this to be the video I share this weekend though because I feel really good and I’m right here and I just want to share the love with you. I personally have been having rough emotional times for over a year now, maybe I should get into therapy again. We’ll get there when we get there. This is therapy right here. These… sometimes these videos are also to remind myself more than anyone else, that I’m human and that I actually need breaks and I need to spend time in nature and I need time to do NOTHING. NOTHING. Unless I really want to, like hiking around in NC, or anywhere, or dancing around in my underwear or naked at my house, or lounging and just watching bingeing something. I deserve rest, I need to remind myself of this, this is your reminder. Rest could also be movement, rest could be… I mean rest is what allows you to take action. It’s just as necessary. Just wanted to share this with you. There’s campsites that way, yeah looks like it’s a pretty nice place to go camping. So… also… I would love to do more nude outdoor shoots and spend more time outside so please! Maybe I should put out a casting call, maybe I should put something in my calendar, even if it’s just with myself and no one else. I’m not sure what content I’m posting this week, I’m just doing this because I feel called to do it today. I’m sure whatever I’m sharing today, when you watch this today, is going to be wonderful because I’m really proud of all the work that I’ve created. I love you all! Thank you for spending so much time with me every week, or over time in the last like, 10+ years that I’ve been doing this. Anyone who’s followed my journey for any length of time, you’re wonderful, I super value you. I’m so thankful that you’re a part of my life. I look forward to continuing to broaden my horizons which in turn will broaden yours, I’m hoping. If not, I’m going to live my life the best that I can. I hope that I can share as much love and connection with nature as I can with everyone, because yall deserve it. I LOVE YOU!
Hi! Since I didn’t remember what I was posting when I made the video the other day, I’m going to make a really short video just talking about the stuff I’m posting this week. Everybody is going to have access to the self portrait set that I took, it’s called Desert Dusk I believe. A lot of the self portrait sets that I took last summer on my cross country road trip have similar names because they were taken in similar places and all within like.. well most of them were within a few days of each other. So I never really have been very good at coming up with names for stuff and I don’t think it’s all that necessary so I just like… yeah a lot of them are named very similarly. This photoset was taken in Utah outside of Canyonlands National Park. I was driving on the road to the park which is pretty bare, there’s like nothing on the way there basically. Once you get out of Moab you’re just in desert wilderness, until you get to the parks, so I just parked on the side of the road and just… meandered. I took a bunch of photos so these are some of the photos I took in Utah. I also am sharing with everybody some stuff I took at Arabia Park/Arabia Mountain outside of Atlanta. I think it was late 2018? Like fall or almost winter 2018, I think it was cold so it was probably late 2018. (EDIT: It was February 2019) I went there, I have a friend who lives in Atlanta and I went down to see her, and another one of my friends met us there, and then I met a DIFFERENT friend who I had only known from IG and we all got together and hung out at the park and walked around and it was awesome. I have some photos and videos from that, it’s just nature stuff. I’m sharing a nude yoga video for this month this weekend. First Look people, I’m sharing the photoset that I took of Eva and KH, Eva Luna & KH, from when I was in Portland last summer. So basically just get ready for me to be posting a lot of things from last summer’s road trip, because I still have a fuck ton of content to share with you from that trip, and also I haven’t really made very much new stuff other than that but I still have so much of it to go through and share with you so I don’t feel bad about not making stuff. I need a break creatively, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and I’m proud of myself for giving myself that space because I do need it. Enjoy these photos and videos and all the things. I love you so much! I’ll talk to you soon, bye!
Video members:
click here to view the full self portrait photoset I took in Utah during my cross country road trip last summer
click here to view the BTS video
click here to view the photos & videos from exploring Arabia Mountain outside of Atlanta GA last year (this includes videos of me absolutely BLOWN AWAY because there was a fucking BILLBOARD with my NAME ON IT basically telling me to get a divorce lol)
click here to view the nude yoga videoFirst Look members:
click here to view the photoset I took of Eva Luna & KH at a nude beach outside of Portland Oregon
click here to view the BTS video -
I originally wrote this for Patreon on May 13th 2017. I no longer use Patreon and have replaced it with my website (here) but thought I would share some of my old blogs with you for FREE to show my appreciation for you visiting my website! <3
I know this is kind of obvious but honestly it’s easy to forget about taking care of yourself sometimes. I need to remind myself occasionally, which is partly why I’m even writing this.
The first thing you do in the morning after waking up, the first thing after getting home from work, and last thing you do before you go to bed should be something for YOU and your happiness. Or if that schedule doesn’t work for you, then choose at least 3 times throughout your day that work. Start off with those 3 times daily and add more whenever you can! It doesn’t have to be something big/major/elaborate.
Part of my morning ritual is to pull 2 oracle cards for the day and pick out 5-7 small(ish) crystals to carry with me all day. It takes only a minute or 2 but starts my day off right and on a positive note. It’s something I can easily do every morning that’s just for me. I have a bad habit of getting home from work and immediately starting dishes or laundry or some other kind of housework. (EDIT 2020: I have since realized that house care like dishes and laundry are honestly self care too.) I’ll be working on doing things for myself after work along with you! Something that might count for me is driving home with the windows down. It makes me so happy to have the wind in my face and hair and to hear the wind and nothing else. See? These things can be very simple, but anything that makes you smile, laugh, or lifts your spirit is worth doing as often as possible (as long as you’re not harming anyone else, of course).
My end of the day happiness/thing I do for me is shuffle my oracle cards and put away my crystals. It’s a nice mindless and almost meditative activity to do right before bed and helps me pick the cards and crystals quickly in the mornings. At night I also like to read or spend time with AD if he’s home. (EDIT 2020: My current rituals are very different than my rituals from 3 years ago. Everything shifts and changes over time, and that’s wonderful! Experimentation and novelty is nourishing for our hearts. I hope your rituals have the space to morph and grow too <3 )
What is something simple you can do for yourself every day?
What makes you happy that you can incorporate into your everyday life and routine?
Your happiness is SO important! Make it a priority and your whole life will change. <3
Check out the videos folder for 3 hula hooping videos! The weekend I took these I was in such a wonderful mood the entire time and I was spending it with my family. My dad even hooped with me and my sister Gemini in one of the videos! =D He made these GIANT hoops that are as tall as I am.
All members have access to this complete 49 image self portrait photoset by clicking here.
Columbia River Gorge with ExhibitphotoPDX
Video members now have access to:
vlog with the story behind this photoset taken by ExhibitphotoPDX in the Columbia River Gorge outside of Portland Oregon during my cross country road trip last year
- 143 image complete photoset
- 1 short BTS video
16 minute video – Intro to Ecosexuality (the nude version I shot before doing the clothed Youtube version)
First Look members now have access to:
everything above
144 image complete photoset of me & Eva Luna taken by KH at a nude beach outside of Portland
- 66 BTS photos I took during that shoot
16 minutes of BTS video
Columbia River Gorge with ExhibitphotoPDX
Hello! Sorry my neighbors are mowing my lawn so it’s loud but I really wanted to do this, so hopefully it’s not too loud! This week I’m sharing a photoset that was taken last summer of me by ExhibitphotoPDX who I spent most of a day with in the Columbia River Gorge and it was amazing, we drove around, stopped at a bunch of places and took a whole bunch of pictures and it was so much fun. He brought us lunch and snacks and drinks and he had a cooler and we just hung out. We found this really cool waterfall that was right off the road. We found this structure that went over some water kinda… it was sorta like a pier but it was a funky shape. You’ll see it in the photos… that was really cool. It was very much within viewing distance of a major road, the main road that goes through the gorge… so some people probably saw me naked while they were driving. We just shot there really quick and then left so that if people were having problems with it, it didn’t really matter because we were gone by the time anything would have happened anyway. It was a really fun shoot, I really enjoyed it, and just exploring the Columbia River Gorge is amazing. I spent MOST of my time when I was in Portland in the Columbia River Gorge because it’s fucking gorgeous and amazing and all the nature and that’s exactly where I wanna be, of course.
The First Look people are getting a big photoset that was taken by KH, this was also in Portland. I met up with her and Eva Luna, who is earthyeva on IG, I think she’s still on IG, I know she’s kinda not a big fan of it for a little bit so I don’t know if she’s taking a hiatus from it or not. Eva and I posed for Kisa, and then Kisa & Eva posed for me. The photoset that I’m sharing with First Look now are just the photos that Kisa took, and my BTS photos. I have I think it’s 2 photosets to share with you that are the photos I took of them, in the future, that’s not coming yet but it’s coming soon.
Yeah that’s most of what I have to say today. I’m feeling emotionally weird today, and I know there are some astrological things going on today that are difficult so that makes sense. I’ve noticed… there’s been 2 people that I follow over the last 2 days that have said they’re going to be going offline, and they have HUGE followings… and I’m kinda inspired by them. Even with my measly 4000 followers, which is really not that measly, 4000 people is still a lot of people, but compared to the 22,600 followers I used to have before my original account was deleted in October 2018, I feel like 4000 isn’t that big. But compared to most other numbers and new people on IG it’s a decent sized account, even though it’s way smaller than what my old account used to be. I feel like people who decide to go off social media when they have huge followings, like one of these people have I think it’s 40,000 followers, and the other has 95,000 followers and they’re both like, I’m just gonna do something else. I feel like that’s very brave and that’s inspiring. I’m also wondering, what are they going to do to make money? I feel like so much of my job is on social media, and trying to make money that way. Honestly that’s probably why I don’t like social media that much, because it feels like a JOB. Because I feel like the things that I do on there should in some way try to start making me money or direct people towards me but I don’t like the way that feels. I don’t want my presence to be like “I’m here so give me money” that just feels gross to me. I want to actually connect with people, I want to actually help people and like share resources with people, I don’t wanna just be like “hey I’m here, I deserve money, you should pay me” but also I do deserve money and I should get paid. So it’s like, it’s complicated. I’m inspired by these people who are giving up their huge followings to do something different. It’s so loud, I hope you can hear me, I’m sorry it’s a terrible sound. But yeah it’s inspiring to me, and I’m also thinking about, if I’m going to continue being on social media… oh yay they paused for a second! If I’m going to continue being on social media, I’m going to need to do something different, and I don’t know what that is. Social media either sucks away my time and my life and my good feels and it leaves me feeling drained and shitty. OR the days that I can manage my time better, and get on, post something that’s meaningful, respond to comments and messages, and get off, those are the days that I feel a lot better. I know that time management and self control is something that I need to work on in terms of social media. If any of yall are time management gurus, please reach out to me, I would like help. I’m trying to think of ways that I can manage my time better. Maybe I’ll only be online for like x hours of the day, and if it’s after this hour then I won’t be online. I’m thinking about doing that and I’m sortof starting to implement that a little bit.
I continue to feel weird about my website. Nudity is a big part of my life, photography is a big part of my life, modeling isn’t something I want to continue doing very much unless it’s for specific things. But the way that I have my website set up it’s like “pay me for access to naked photos” and while there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that and it’s been wonderful for me for several years now, it doesn’t really feel quite right to me anymore. It feels really surface level and really… I’m not sure, it just… I continue noticing the need for change and I continue not having the answer to my need yet, and it feels weird to be in this liminal space. I’ve been through so many liminal spaces in the last year and a half. I feel like finding sturdy ground is sometimes a little difficult. But I also really like change, even though it used to terrify me. It’s funny, the things that were my last nightmare or the last thing I ever wanted, ended up being things that I chose for myself a lot over the last few years. It’s weird how things change. Yeah, so uh… I have plans and content that’s going to last me at least through Halloween, and I’ll probably continue with the way things have been just because it’s a few hours a week for me and it’s not like super draining or negative in terms of the use of my time, but I also am noticing that I keep pulling away from a lot of things and trying to make more empty space in my life. So I feel like something’s going to change with my website and I just don’t know what that is yet. I feel like I say this every week, but it’s true! Nothing is forever, and I do need some change, I just don’t know what that is yet and I appreciate you being along for the ride. I love you so much. Have a great day, bye. =]
(Oh, PS…. I just wanted to tell you about one thing I forgot to mention in the video! At the end of my shoot with ExhibitphotoPDX, I was balancing on a rock (the one I’m sitting on in the very last image in the full gallery) and it turned over, causing me to fall into a tree and scrape myself up haha. You can see the scrape in the photo below taken by Jacob Webster at the nude beach gathering. Whoops! In some of these photos with ExhibitphotoPDX you can see the big bruise that was still on the inside of my leg that I got when I was at Lake Tahoe hahaha)
Video members:
click here to view the full photoset taken by ExhibitphotoPDX in the Columbia River Gorge outside of Portland Oregon during my cross country road trip last year
click here to watch the short BTS video
click here to view the video Intro to Ecosexuality (the nude version I shot before doing the clothed Youtube version)First Look members:
click here to view the photoset of me & Eva Luna taken by KH at a nude beach outside of Portland
click here to view the BTS photos I took during that shoot
click here to view the BTS video -
I originally wrote this for Patreon on May 6th 2017. I no longer use Patreon and have replaced it with my website (here) but thought I would share some of my old blogs with you for FREE to show my appreciation for you visiting my website! <3
A few weeks ago I spent a wonderful Saturday with Lilith Jenovax & Lucia Brea Quinn. They met me at my parent’s house and we had a fun & relaxed shoot. We talked a lot while we were shooting and my mom and sister hung out with us a bit too. I taught Lilith a few things about photography and cameras like aperture, ISO, and the relationship between aperture & shutter speed. She took some photos of us and even shot her first ever silhouettes!
We all (including my dad who was home too) ended up outside after Lilith, Lucia, and I took photos indoors. My sister Gemini ended up mostly nude and my mom went topless… why not?! It feels so wonderful to have the sun on your skin and your feet on the earth.
I think these photos sum up this shoot much better than my words ever could.
All members have access to this complete 30 image photoset by clicking here.
There are FOUR fancy timelapse behind the scenes videos too! Don’t forget to check those out. =]
Tiffany Helms in the Ruins
Video members now have access to:
vlog with the story behind this photoset of Tiffany Helms at an abandoned location on Bainbridge Island during my cross country road trip last summer
- 37 image complete photoset
4 BTS videos
- 7 BTS photos
First Look members now have access to:
everything above
34 image complete photoset of Embodoe wearing WhiskeyDog Wares taken by Kara Perry double exposed over images I took of Wyoming and NC waterfalls
- 8 videos (49.5+ minutes total) from a walk through the woods