• Nature is Queer!

    Click here if you’re having trouble watching the video.

    Hi friends!

    So I have recently finished a book that I am obsessed about, obsessed with, and super excited about. It has totally affirmed all of my queerness in general, but sometimes, I somehow still feel like I need to be affirmed in my queerness even though I’m super queer and like, that’s awesome but we all need some affirmation sometimes, right?

    So I would love to share with you this book Evolution’s Rainbow from Joan Roughgarden who is a trans woman biologist. An amazing person who wrote this amazing book. So, it’s Evolution’s Rainbow: Diversity, Gender, and Sexuality in Nature and People.

    I love everything that I read in this book, I do feel like there were some kind of outdated terms in this book which kind of makes sense because it’s from 10 years ago. It’s been out for over 10 years. So, whatever potentially incorrect language is used in the book, I highly doubt like there was any kind of malice in using those terms. I would like to give Joan and the amount of time it’s been since Joan wrote his book, the benefit of the doubt that some of the like outdated language that was used wasn’t really on purpose. Language from 10 years ago, even if it’s not totally the way things would go today, but it’s nothing like super… what’s the word I’m looking for? Negative, I guess?

    Distracted me! Yay. But anyway, this book is amazing. I wanted to go over this little section called Gender Defined, because it’s real great and it’s probably one of my favorite parts of the book and it’s pretty close to the beginning. 

    If you’re curious about like gender or, not gender, about nature being super fucking queer this is your book. This is all the science behind how queer nature is, nature is super fucking queer. So queer! Like, of course, humans are queer, because queerness is all throughout the animal kingdom! I don’t even like that term, okay, let’s find another term… all throughout life on this planet!

    So I’m gonna read a little bit from this and let’s affirm your queerness too.

    All right, Gender Defined. 

    “Up to now, we’ve come up with two generalizations. One: most species reproduce sexually, and two: among the species that do reproduce sexually, gamete size obeys a near universal binary between very small: sperm, and large: egg. So that male and female can be defined biologically as the production of small and large gametes, respectively.  Beyond these two generalizations, the generalizing stops and diversity begins!

    The binary in gamete size doesn’t extend outward. The biggest error of biology today is uncritically assuming that gamete size binary implies a corresponding binary in body type, behavior, and life history.”

    (I’m going to read that sentence again because I think it is so important to really get in our brain. Here we go, reading a second time.)

    The biggest error of biology today is uncritically assuming that gamete size binary implies a corresponding binary in body type, behavior, and life history.

    No binary governs the whole individuals who make gametes, who bring them to one another for fertilization and who interact with one another to survive in a native social context. In fact, the very sexual process that maintains the rainbow of a species and facilitates long-term survival automatically brings a cornucopia of colorful, sexual behaviors.

    Gender, unlike gamete size, is not limited to two. Gender usually refers to the way a person expresses sexual identity in a cultural context. Gender reflects both the individual reaching out to cultural norms and society imposing expectations on the individual. Gender is usually thought to be uniquely human. Any species has sexes, but only people have genders.

    With your permission though, I’d like to widen the meaning of gender to refer to non-human species as well. As a definition, I suggest gender is the appearance, behavior, and life history of a sexed body. A body becomes sexed when classified with respect to the size of the gametes produced. Thus gender is appearance plus action, how an organism uses morphology, including color and shape, plus behavior to carry out a sexual role. Now we’re free to explore the zoological and botanical counterpart of human gender studies.

    So, we may ask how much variety occurs in gender expression among other species? Let’s take some favorite stereotypes and see. We will look mostly at vertebrae, but even more variety occurs with invertebrates and plants.”

    (All right, this is going to be a list and it’s really great. I want to make this into a like, infographic post because it’s so good.)

    An organism is solely male or female for life.

    No. The most common body form among plants and in perhaps half of the animal kingdom is for an individual to be both and female at the same time or at different times during its life. These individuals make both small and large gametes during their lives.

    Males are bigger than females, on the average.

    No, in lots of species, especially fish, the female is bigger than the male.

    Females, not males, give birth.

    No, in many species the female deposits the eggs in the pouch of the male, who incubates them until birth. In many species males, not females, tend the nest.

    Males have XY chromosomes and females, XX chromosomes.

    No, in birds including domesticated poultry like chickens the reverse is true. In many other species, males and females showed no difference in chromosomes. In all alligators and crocodiles, some turtles and lizards, and the occasional fish, sex is determined by the temperature at which the eggs are raised. A female can control the sex ratio among her offspring by laying eggs in a shady or sunny spot.

    Only two genders occur, corresponding to the two sexes.

    No, many species have three or more genders with individuals of each sex occurring in two or more forms. 

    Males and females look different from one another.

    No, in some species males and females are almost indistinguishable. In other species males occur in two or more forms, one of which resembles a female while the others are different from the female. 

    The male has a penis and the female lactates. (This is probably my favorite one!)

    No, in the spotted hyena, females have a penis-like structure externally identical to that of males, and in the fruit bat of Malaysia and Borneo, the males have milk producing mammary glands. 

    Males control females.

    (Obviously hell no.) In some species, females control males, and in many, mating is a dynamic interaction between female and male choice. Females may or may not prefer a dominant male. Period. (I added the period.)

    Females prefer monogamy and males want to play around.

    No, depending on the species, either or both sexes may play around. Lifelong monogamy is rare, and even within monogamous species, females may initiate divorce to acquire a higher ranking male.”



    Evolution’s Rainbow: Diversity, Gender, and Sexuality in Nature and People by Joan Roughgarden

    Internet Articles:

    11 Animals That Can Change Their Sex by Sidney Stevens

    These are the only 3 animals on Earth who produce offspring this way by Molly Sequin

    Sex Redefined: The Idea of 2 Sexes is Overly Simplistic by Claire Ainsworth

    How Birds Become Male or Female, and Occasionally Both by Jenny Graves

    We Have the Wrong Idea About Males, Females, and Sex by David Robson

    Female Animals with Pseudo Penises by Katie Mach

    And this is in the animal kingdom, or in the life that is non-human on the world… okay!? Yeah so nature is queer as fuck. There’s like transgender hummingbirds. There are plants that are male in the morning and female in the evening, and others of those plants are the opposite, female in the morning and male in the afternoon. Even different genders throughout like one day

    There’s like fish that like are very, like queer, gender weird. At all the things I’m just… *makes excited face*

    Spotted hyena, all of them have penises. Also, it doesn’t say it in that section that I read to you, but in another section about those spotted hyenas, it’s probably, it’s one of my favorite things! Now I’m just like “haaa” …build expectation. 

    Female hyenas have penises too, they all have penises. The spotted hyena all have penises, and an erection is a sign of submission!!!!!!! In spotted hyena world!!!!

    Okay, I’m done. So nature’s queer, end of story. I love you. Let’s go. Let’s check out more queer nature things.

    Do you like this video? If you like this video, comment and let me know and I’ll make more queer nature videos. I love you!

    If you’d like to read this book yourself, the Bookshop link is below!

    Bookshop allows us to support independent bookstores instead of putting more money into billionaire’s pockets.
    As an affiliate with Bookshop, I receive 10% as a commission (at no cost to you!), which I redistribute to the local Black Indigenous, + People of Color creative community here in Charlotte NC.

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  • Some videos, just because!

    I’ve realized I haven’t shared a lot of videos with the public, probably because I want to share them on social media but CAN’T because they’re nude.
    I’ll just share them here instead, where I don’t have to censor them.
    It brings me a lot of joy to be able to look back at these moments, to experience them again + again.
    Enjoy this random assortment of behind the scenes videos from photoshoots throughout the years! ❤

    First up, me + Mommy taking self portraits in the shower to recreate my earliest memory.
    (Click here if trouble viewing)
    And my favorite photo from that shoot…

    Next video is from a creative day with AnaloguePapi + Rhivnnun
    (Click here if trouble viewing)
    My favorite image from that shoot:

    This video is from the nude gathering I facilitated outside of Portland Oregon in July 2019!!!

    Angie Marie, SuraAmbivalent Ann, Liana Pilar, Shawnna Lee, Jitterbugflutterby, Kayla Webster, Jacob Webster

    (Click here if trouble viewing)
    My favorite image from that day:

    From my most recent photoshoot (in June 2021!), with Rachel + Hendrix, where I double exposed them with landscapes from Zion.
    (Click here if trouble viewing)
    My favorite image from this shoot!!!
    Members of my website have access to all the full length videos + photosets.
    Members are the reason I’m able to create in the first place! THANK YOU!

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  • New vlog + 2 photosets + BTS videos!

    NEW PHOTOS, WHAAAAT?! I’m actually doing a few photoshoots + seeing PEOPLE again?!

    It feels kinda weird, + I need a lot of along time before + after, but/and I’ve really been enjoying slowly + intentionally beginning to put myself out there creatively again. Very selectively choosing when I’m available to others + when I need time for myself. Not pushing or striving, just going with the flow. I’ve really been leaning into slowness + rest + it feels good!

    Members just got access to…

    • a nude vlog
    • 2 photosets
    • 4 behind the scenes videos

    I wanted to at least share SOME of these wonderful images with EVERYONE!!!

    I am continuously reminded of the importance of connection.
    Connection with self, loved ones, community, nature, + spirit.

    I hope these images help you visualize connection + remind you of the ways we are all interconnected. ❤

    Rachel + Hendrix double exposed with Zion

    Meredith lakeside at a nature preserve

    Click here for the entire roll of Rachel + Hendrix + Zion

    Click here for the BTS videos with Rachel + Hendrix

    Click here for the entire roll of Meredith

    Comments Off on New vlog + 2 photosets + BTS videos!
  • Your FREE CODE for TODAY’s virtual nude gathering

    The virtual nude gathering is TODAY Saturday July 10th at 1pm eastern!

    Let’s hang out naked together in a non sexual context!

    You’ve probably already seen my post with more info about the gathering from a couple days ago.

    If you’ve already applied for the nude gathering ticket + have been approved, you’ll be receiving an email with info on how to register.


    Image: Lior Allay September 2019

    Models left to right: Doug Pierce, Lior Allay, me, Robert Beech, Anon, + Brat_trainer

    Location: Crossing Hedgerows Sanctuary

  • Meredith, Rachel, + Hendrix

    Click to view this video in another browser if issues viewing here


    Hi friends! So today I wanted to tell you about the photos that I took in the last couple of weeks. I actually had 2 photoshoots in the last few weeks + I’m very excited + happy with how the photos turned out!They were fun photoshoots, both outside, both with people I haven’t created with before, local to Charlotte, which was cool.

    The first photoset I took was with Meredith at a nature preserve in the area + we found this really great rock that was heart shaped if you looked at it from higher up, so we took a bunch of photos on those + then some other places nearby. It was beautiful + wonderful + it was fun to hang out. Also there was sadly a lot of trash on the trail + that made me sad so I picked it up + threw it away. They had trashcans, + most of the trash was outside of the trashcan. I don’t know if there was a raccoon or something that got in there, but I put it back in the trash. Things like that, I’m just going to do it. So that was with Meredith, it was fun hanging out with her.

     The next shoot that I had was with Rachel + she brought her little baby, 8 month baby I believe, Hendrix with her. He was super cute. We shot here in the back yard, right over there. My mom helped, she babysat off to the side, when we were shooting. They hung out on a blanket in the yard, + we were in the makeshift mini studio thing we put together. That was really fun, we did double exposures with Zion National Park. They all turned out so amazingly. At the end we did, maybe the last 5 or 6 photos, included the baby! The very last photo we took is the one of her kissing him + it’s my favorite of the whole roll.

    Ok yeah that’s what I wanted to share with you, I’m excited to share them with you + I hope you like them as much as I do! I love you!

    Rachel + Hendrix


    Click here for the entire roll of Rachel + Hendrix + Zion

    Click here for the BTS videos with Rachel + Hendrix

    Click here for the entire roll of Meredith

    (Password link below)

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  • Reminder for July Virtual Nude Gathering!


    This Saturday, July 10th at 1pm eastern

    In 2019 I facilitated 3 in-person nude gatherings and knew that I NEEDED to share more of these experiences with others. Then the pandemic happened and in-person events were no longer possible, so I’ve adapted nude gatherings for the virtual realm!!

    The first virtual nude gathering went so well that I extended the length of time we’re together!

    Several people from the first virtual event mentioned they wished the event would be longer… + I think that’s a wonderful idea!

    Instead of 1 hour we gather for 90 minutes!!

    Join us to create this community space together

    We gathered from all over the USA + the world!

    Past attendees have included people from across the globe including the USA, United Kingdom, Malaysia, Germany, Netherlands + Australia.

    Feedback from nude gatherers:

    “Nude gatherings have helped me to recontextualize nudity with a happy, healing family. I’d been feeling some trauma around the sexualization of nudityI felt warm, welcomed, and cared for after this light hearted session. Community, finding like minded people, playing games and getting to know one another are what I enjoyed most about this experience.”
    -Jenna C

    “Before the gathering started I was very nervous about coming off as awkward, and also worried about how I would feel or react to a “room” full of naked bodies.
    After it was over I honestly felt lighter, and slightly liberated. I left the room feeling great. It was very inclusive and affirming. I felt heard and connected with the other participants in a safe, non-sexual way… Which was a first for me!
    I think everyone, especially those of us who hold marginalized identities, deserves the opportunity to experience nudity in this context. It can be very healing and beautiful.”

    “The somatic part was valuable. I appreciated being able to present my whole body on screen. I’m not an exhibitionist, but I do have body insecurity. Being fully seen and being accepted as I physically am and not judged is validating. Your fears and insecurities are probably based on a misconception of what the event will be like. We aren’t there to gawk at you. We aren’t there for sexual stimulation or arousal.

    “Before the gathering I felt anxious, doubtful, scared, overwhelmed. Afterwards I felt grounded, seen, heard, respected, unashamed, hopeful that society is moving in the right direction.”

    Nude gatherings are for moving past the societal conditioning that our nude bodies are inherently bad, sexual, or to be consumed by others, and reclaiming them as the magical vessels of life, love, and healing that they are.

    If you think your friends would enjoy attending a virtual nude gathering, invite them to join!

    I’m really looking forward to gathering with you 💗

    Exploring nudity + encouraging self love,

    Bunny Luna

    PS: Members of my website get free tickets to all virtual nude gatherings!
    Members: keep an eye out for the blog coming out Saturday morning with the discount code to get in for free!

    Comments Off on Reminder for July Virtual Nude Gathering!
  • Your FREE CODE for the virtual nude gathering

    The virtual nude gathering is Saturday July 10th at 1pm eastern!

    Let’s hang out naked together in a non sexual context!

    You’ve probably already seen my post with more info about the gathering from a couple days ago.

    If you’ve already applied for the nude gathering ticket + have been approved, you’ll be receiving an email with info on how to register.


    Image: Bunny Luna August 2019

    Models left to right: Leopold, me, anon, Canischromatis, anon

    Location: my home in Charlotte NC

    Comments Off on Your FREE CODE for the virtual nude gathering
  • July virtual nude gathering!


    Saturday, July 10th at 1pm eastern

    In 2019 I facilitated 3 in-person nude gatherings and knew that I NEEDED to share more of these experiences with others. Then the pandemic happened and in-person events were no longer possible, so I’ve adapted nude gatherings for the virtual realm!!

    The first virtual nude gathering went so well that I extended the length of time we’re together!

    Several people from the first virtual event mentioned they wished the event would be longer… + I think that’s a wonderful idea!

    Instead of 1 hour we gather for 90 minutes!!

    Join us to create this community space together

    We gathered from all over the USA + the world!

    Past attendees have included people from across the globe including the USA, United Kingdom, Malaysia, Germany, Netherlands + Australia.

    Feedback from nude gatherers:

    “Nude gatherings have helped me to recontextualize nudity with a happy, healing family. I’d been feeling some trauma around the sexualization of nudityI felt warm, welcomed, and cared for after this light hearted session. Community, finding like minded people, playing games and getting to know one another are what I enjoyed most about this experience.”
    -Jenna C

    “Before the gathering started I was very nervous about coming off as awkward, and also worried about how I would feel or react to a “room” full of naked bodies.
    After it was over I honestly felt lighter, and slightly liberated. I left the room feeling great. It was very inclusive and affirming. I felt heard and connected with the other participants in a safe, non-sexual way… Which was a first for me!
    I think everyone, especially those of us who hold marginalized identities, deserves the opportunity to experience nudity in this context. It can be very healing and beautiful.”

    “The somatic part was valuable. I appreciated being able to present my whole body on screen. I’m not an exhibitionist, but I do have body insecurity. Being fully seen and being accepted as I physically am and not judged is validating. Your fears and insecurities are probably based on a misconception of what the event will be like. We aren’t there to gawk at you. We aren’t there for sexual stimulation or arousal.

    “Before the gathering I felt anxious, doubtful, scared, overwhelmed. Afterwards I felt grounded, seen, heard, respected, unashamed, hopeful that society is moving in the right direction.”

    Nude gatherings are for moving past the societal conditioning that our nude bodies are inherently bad, sexual, or to be consumed by others, and reclaiming them as the magical vessels of life, love, and healing that they are.

    If you think your friends would enjoy attending a virtual nude gathering, invite them to join!

    I’m really looking forward to gathering with you 💗

    Exploring nudity + encouraging self love,

    Bunny Luna

    PS: Members of my website get free tickets to all virtual nude gatherings!
    Members: keep an eye out for the blog coming out Saturday morning with the discount code to get in for free!

    Comments Off on July virtual nude gathering!
  • Prana + Bryce + Zion


    Hi friends! It’s been a little bit since I’ve done a video blog thing so I’m here to do that and say hi. I actually have a photoset to share with you that I took with Prana. She was traveling + was in NC + I was like “hey I’m in Charlotte if you’re in the area feel free to come visit me it’d be awesome to hang out + meet you in person!” She met me + she came to my house + we hung out + took some photos together. I have a couple rolls of landscapes that I hadn’t doubled over yet, so she picked out her favorite + we shot a whole roll of doubles + I love how they came out so much!

    We did the photoshoot here in the back yard. We hung a black blanket from the fence right here + did the whole photoshoot here in a makeshift studio in my backyard. It was amazing! I’m sooooo happy with how the photos came out. We doubled her over images of Bryce Canyon + Zion + they’re amazing! I’m sure you can see how amazing they are by scrolling down because I’m sharing a few samples of the roll with you. I’m sharing the entire roll with all of the members of my website so you can see all 37 images from the shoot. And the behind the scenes videos! We took video while we were shooting so you can see how we hang out + talk + interact + stuff during a shoot! Yay! You can see what the setup was too, literally I was right over here.

    I don’t want to be in the sun too long because I don’t have sunscreen on but I wanted to be outside because light. I just wanted to share these photos with you + to tell you how awesome Prana is! We just hung out in my back yard all day, we took 1 roll of film + then after that we just laid on a blanket + chatted. She took self portraits here + we just hung out, it was great. It was so relaxing + enjoyable. I laughed + smiled a whole lot so it was great. Yeahhhh I don’t think that’s… I have really anything else to tell you right now. But yeah I just wanted to share this photoset with you, because I think it’s awesome + I think you’ll like them too.

    Samples below if you want to see some of my faves + if you want to see ALL of the photos members can click the links underneath those photos to go straight to the gallery + to see the behind the scenes video, yay!!!

    I believe Prana is also sharing all of this on her patreon, so I’ll link to her patreon in the caption below so you can check out her patreon too (CLICK HERE!!!) She takes incredible self portraits…. I don’t know if you can hear that? *helicopter flying overhead* Very loud helicopter.

    But yeah Prana takes amazing self portraits + she travels a decent amount, so you can see her self portraits from her travels + they’re incredible + amazing. I really love how she uses self portraiture as a way to heal + to be in her body when it’s hard to be in her body. I very much appreciate that + admire her ability to do that. So yeah, go check out her work, it’s amazing. I hope you enjoy these photos. Have a great day! Mwah!

    MEMBERS: Click here to view the entire roll of film – all 37 images!

    MEMBERS: Click here to watch the behind the scenes videos!

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  • Your FREE TICKET to TODAY’s virtual nude gathering

    The virtual nude gathering is TODAY Saturday June 5th at 1pm eastern!

    Let’s hang out naked together in a non sexual context!

    You’ve probably already seen my post with more info about the gathering from a couple days ago.
    All the info is at the link below!


    Image: Lior Allay September 2019

    Models left to right: Doug Pierce, Lior Allay, me, Robert Beech, Anon, + Brat_trainer

    Location: Crossing Hedgerows Sanctuary

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