I originally wrote this for Patreon on June 19 2016. I’m planning on switching everything over from Patreon to my website (here) over the next few months and thought I would share some of my old blogs with you for FREE to show my appreciation for you visiting my website! <3


    Hey yall! I just got home from modeling in my favorite abandoned house for a local photographer Bryan. Sadly we didn’t have enough time for me to take any self portraits but I’m going to share some with you from the archives from when I was there in October. =]

    This place has changed more since October than it ever has in the several years I’ve been going there. Some other people have found it and it seems like they’ve done some partying. They busted out all of the rest of the windows and shattered the remaining mirrors. They’ve put graffiti on the walls and this place has never had graffiti until now. They were creepy with a giant stuffed snake that they hung on the wall and put graffiti all around… this stuffed snake is like 12 foot long and they have the head hung about 8 feet off the ground in one of the bedrooms. It’s this weird stuffed “sculpture” thing that’s taller than me with the tail dragging on the ground. That was the worst part about all the changes the house has gone through since I’ve been there.  I know it’s a dirty old abandoned house but they didn’t have to ruin it with graffiti that says “I love xanax more than my parents” and a giant stuffed snake nailed to the wall. So much disrespect. I guess it just bothers me because I know how nice the house was a couple of years ago. I can’t expect it to stay the same forever though, that would be unreasonable and naive. At least I have photos from it’s “better” days when a peacock lived there, the mirrors were still intact, and only a few of the windows were broken. Yes, I just said a peacock lived there. We saw it!! (Once, when I went there with Sarah Voss, J.Noxious, and antisocialdisposition). There are still some feathers scattered around the house.

    Oh, I got my hair dyed purple & blue! I love it so much and really want to dye it ALL purple/blue but my day job won’t let me. I’m going to work on my manager though… I think I might hopefully be able to convince her to let me dye all of it. =D

    Self portraits from the archives at my favorite abandoned house:

    All of those windows are shattered now. Including 3 of the 4 skylights.

    There’s broken glass in this ivy now.

    The single garage door is gone now. Sorry, I’m totally a little bothered by these people ruining this place.

    New self portraits!!!

    These are just 20 of my faves from these sets!! The complete 33 image abandoned house self portrait set, 67 image set of me with purple/blue hair, the 38 image b&w self portrait set, and the 21 image color self portrait set are all available to photo members!

    Become a member today for instant access to my entire archive <3


    I originally wrote this for Patreon on June 12 2016. I’m planning on switching everything over from Patreon to my website (here) over the next few months and thought I would share some of my old blogs with you for FREE to show my appreciation for you visiting my website! <3


    I experimented with rope again the other night and really like the results! I did a self tied body harness that I just made up, it was pretty fun. I’m practicing more with rope now, I really enjoy it. I’ve always been interested in rope and #dancingbearsvacay intensified my interest. I did a couple of harnesses on my sister Kitty (edit 8/20/19 she now goes by Gemini) yesterday too! I’ve made a new folder in the galleries where I’ll put all the photos from my rope practice on others. =]

    Antisocialdisposition and I are taking a 2 week trip to Colorado at the beginning of July!!! We’re going to Denver, Rocky Mountain National Park, Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park, Arches National Park (Utah), and Mesa Verde National Park. Lots of photos and videos and hiking and camping and edibles will be happening, I am so stoked! While we’re gone I definitely still plan on posting content on here but it will most likely be only a couple of photos at a time since I’ll be posting from my phone. I will be posting more frequently than my normal once a week since the posts will be smaller. Look for a couple of huge posts after we get back and I get all the film developed!


    The complete sets have 49 images (with rope) and 40 images (without rope), I’m sharing 14 of my faves here with you.

    Become a photo member for instant access to both of these complete sets and my entire photo archive since 2014! <3

    Post Rope:

    Become a photo member for instant access to ALL of the photos I’ve ever released!


    I originally wrote this for Patreon on June 6 2016. I’m planning on switching everything over from Patreon to my website (here) over the next few months and thought I would share some of my old blogs with you for FREE to show my appreciation for you visiting my website! <3


    I’ve been changing my mind a lot lately because I’m scared I’m making the wrong decision. I hastily decided a few months ago that I wanted to go back to school and finally get a bachelor’s degree. I did all the paperwork and whatnot, signed up for financial aid, went to open house, started thinking about where I would want to go for study abroad….

    And today I’m cancelling all of it. My husband AD is currently a full time student taking on about 10k in loans per year and I am the one paying the bills. I no longer enjoy my job and it is so stressful sometimes I come home and just cry. Or I’ll be in such a sour mood when I come home I won’t want to do anything but bitch and complain and he doesn’t deserve that, he’s working hard too, just on calculus and physics homework and stressing out about his new research position.  I rushed into my decision to go back to school without putting a lot of thought into it, I just wanted to escape my stressful day job and make a major change. When we actually looked at our finances and how much we were about to be in debt I just couldn’t justify going back to school. That stressful job I have has amazing benefits and I have a steady paycheck. I’m going to stay but keep an eye out for a different job within the company. Or outside of the company, who knows. I’m still ready for a major change, I just don’t know what that change is yet. We are moving to a different apartment in November, maybe that will be the major change that I need. I think I need more of a change than that, but it’s at least a start.

    I got approved for 2 weeks of vacation in July so we’re going to make the most of it and go on a big trip. We’ve talked a lot about where we’re going to go and I think we’ve decided on Colorado. Unless I change my mind again. I don’t think I will but we’ll see.

    This full photoset has 48 images, I’m sharing 7 of my faves!

    Become a member to view the full set and support me as a full time self employed artist!



    I originally wrote this for Patreon on May 9 2016. I’m planning on switching everything over from Patreon to my website (here) over the next few months and thought I would share some of my old blogs with you for FREE to show my appreciation for you visiting my website! <3


    My mirror experiments took longer and were more difficult than I expected. Each mirror I added brought it’s own complications. Overall I had fun and though I’m not as satisfied with the images as I want to be I still really like some of them. I want to explore a lot more but I definitely need to find a new space to shoot in, my bedroom isn’t empty enough to really get some good angles and I need better light, too.

    (This photoset has 99 images, I’m sharing 10 of my favorites here, the rest of the set can be found in the member galleries!)

    I met Kaiman Kazazian once almost exactly 3 years ago when I was fortunate enough to be able to work with her since she was only in town for a short amount of time. The two of us along with several other photographers and models were all hanging out and shooting in an apartment with bare walls and minimal furniture.  It was a really quick shoot and we only got one roll but there are so many wonderful photos from it. She is kindhearted and inspiring and I hope our paths cross again.

    (This is a 10 image set, here’s 3 of my faves! The rest can be found in the member galleries.)

    Want access to these full sets, along with all of the photos and videos I’ve created since 2014?

    Become a member today for instant access!


    I originally wrote this for Patreon on April 24 2016. I’m planning on switching everything over from Patreon to my website (here) over the next few months and thought I would share some of my old blogs with you for FREE to show my appreciation for you visiting my website! <3


    There are lots of changes coming up for me, the soonest being getting rid of a huge bookshelf and cutting my hair. My mom is on her way here now to help me load up the giant bookshelf and take it to my sister and tomorrow I’m getting a lot of my hair chopped off. It’ll be the shortest it’s ever been and I’m both excited and scared. I just finished up my last self portrait shoot before getting my hair cut so of course I had to incorporate the now-empty bookshelf. Tomorrow I’ll be lighter, one less piece of furniture and a lot less hair. I’m taking a couple of small steps toward the major changes that are going to take place this year: going back to college, possibly (most likely) quitting my desk job, and moving. I’m changing and learning and growing. I’m looking forward to everything that’s going to happen this year.


    Little did I know I didn’t actually end up going back to school and DID end up at another job I didn’t like that much… but not all plans work out like we think they will!


    This self portrait photoset from April 2016 has 70 images total, but I’m just sharing 20 of my faves. =] This is the photoset/bookshelf I mentioned in the blog!

    Become a member to see all 70 images and MUCH more!


    This blog post was originally shared to patreon on April 15 2016. I’m in the process of moving everything from patreon over here to my website, and thought I’d share this with you for FREE as my way of saying thank you for visiting my site! <3


    Happy Friday! Things are usually too hectic for me to be able to post more than once a week but yay a Friday with less going on! I thought I’d share some fun facts with you:

    • Modeling for figure drawing groups/classes is super fun. Especially if I’m able to model with antisocialdisposition like in this drawing!
    • I’m a vegetarian, but a new vegetarian. I only started in September. It really wasn’t much of a change for me though since I never ate much meat anyway.
    • I have a cool scar next to my left eye from when I was 2 and jumping on the bed instead of taking a nap like I was supposed to and fell off landing on the bed frame with my face. I needed a bunch of stitches and I’m super lucky I didn’t fall any further down because otherwise I’d be a cyclops right now.-I like scars and their stories. What’s your coolest scar?
    • I’ve only moved 3 times in my entire life, once when I was 2 or 3 so it doesn’t count, and twice within the past 4 years.
    • Moving sucks.
    • This Indian food I’m eating right now is delicious.
    • I plan on getting a Harry Potter tattoo sleeve when I have the money for it.
    • Thanks to aerial silks I can do 6 pull ups in a row.
    • The first time I’ve ever been able to do a pull up was within the past 6 months. Lady muscles! Yeah!
    • I’m going back to college in the fall and should have more time for photos and traveling and exploring!
    • I already have 2 associate degrees.
    • I have a younger sister named Kitty. People always thought we were twins when we were little. We’re pretty sure we’re Irish Twins. I’m only a year and a half older than her.
    • I believe in energy and it’s healing powers.
    • I do not believe in god. I have never believed in god for as long as I can remember.
    • I carry 5 stones with me every day. They’re always different ones, whichever I feel are the ones I should have for that day.
    • I used to squat down and watch ants scurrying across the ground when I was a kid.
    • I still do sometimes.


    Several of those ^^ facts above are no longer accurate, but it’s fun to see where I was in life over 3 years ago…


    Enjoy this self portrait photoset I took in October 2014!


    This blog was originally posted to patreon on April 10th 2016. I am currently in the process of moving everything from patreon over here to my website, because I don’t trust patreon to continue to allow me to have nude content, but here on my website I have COMPLETE CONTROL. I’m hoping to have everything moved over by the end of the year. =]

    I’m posting this archived blog here for FREE as my way of showing you appreciation for visiting my website! <3


    I’ve been thinking today about how much I love exploring and remembering all the wonderful places I’ve been. I’ve clambered up a mountain and climbed down waterfalls to find the perfect little pool in which to photograph a new friend. I’ve been soot-covered in a burned down abandoned house in which I found a death certificate from 20 years ago. I’ve spent 10 minutes just walking around a mansion to see every room, most of which were named after a spice or herb. It was large enough to need 2 staircases and had the most beautiful tree outside the front door, leaves bright yellow in October. I’ve continuously returned to the big abandoned house owned by a peacock and frequented by geese. I’ve been sunburned from not realizing how long I had been taking self portraits in a quarry within walking distance of my apartment. I’ve ran back home after a whirlwind shoot in the quarry right before a thunderstorm started. I’ve been to an abandoned 3 story college with an enormous & prominent staircase on the first floor, all of the giant windows completely broken and gone. I climbed the crooked beams at the back of the college which were mangled as a result of a fire.

    I’m so thankful for these and many other amazing unmentioned places I’ve visited. Don’t even get me started on how lucky I am to have met so many fantastic people. =] <3

    Become a member today to see the complete photosets these images came from (and MUCH MORE)!


    I originally wrote this for Patreon on April 4 2016. I’m planning on switching everything over from Patreon to my website (here) over the next few months and thought I would share some of my old blogs with you for FREE to show my appreciation for you visiting my website! <3


    Okay, so I hardly ever post anything personal on tumblr or instagram (or any social media for that matter) but I thought I would share more here with you guys. If this is something you’ve been wanting, yay! If not… I guess let me know? Hopefully you’d like to know more about me since you support my photography & modeling & whatnot.

    Anyway, on to personal stuff… I had my IUD removed today and replaced it with a different kind. I’ve been at home ever since with cramps and just generally not feeling great or motivated. Thankfully I’m not working today so that’s helped. I had a Skyla IUD which slowly releases small amounts of a progestin hormone into my uterus. Sadly (and embarrassingly) it took me 2 years to realize that this has to be the source of some of the health issues that started in June/July 2014. I got Skyla in March 2014. Coincidence? I don’t think so. Why didn’t I make the correlation sooner?! My body suddenly had more hormones in it than ever, of course it freaked out.

    As of today I’ve switched to ParaGuard, which is a non-hormonal IUD that is just as effective in preventing pregnancy. I expect to start seeing an improvement in my health in the next few months. It was really nice not having a period for 2 years but I’ll take menstruation over health issues any day.


    I took this self portrait set in November 2014!