Why Self Portraits Are Important To Me
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Hi friends! I thought that since I have the self portrait workshop coming up at The Light Factory on October 23rd here in Charlotte, in person. So this will be my first in-person Workshop in a few years, I’m very excited! But since I have that coming up, I wanted to talk about self portraits and why I take them and why they’re important to me.
So to give you a little back story, if you’re new. Wow, these mosquitoes are coming after me right now. If you’re new here, I’ve been taking self-portraits since 2010, maybe a little bit before. Actually, definitely before since I got a camera when I was 16, so that was in what? 2006? 2007? 2006… 2006. So even though I was probably taking naked self portraits before I was 18 that I will not share because I was underage and that’s really creepy for other people to see.
Self portraits have been really important to me. At first, when I was younger, when I first started taking photos at first, it was just, I was the easiest subject to find for my photos. I didn’t have to have another person with me to take photos of them. I could just take photos of me to practice and learn my camera. But as time went on, I learned that I somehow felt more connected to myself when I took self portraits. I feel like I could learn more about myself and experience my emotions in a deeper way through self portraiture.
And I think that’s because a lot of times when I’m feeling something and experiencing something I don’t have a mirror or camera in front of me, so it’s all kind of abstract like in my head and in my mind and in my body with like the way that I was feeling… but once I started taking self-portraits, the way that I felt became something that I could see and seeing it helped me experience it more.
I don’t know if you have heard of aphantasia, but I have aphantasia, which is where you don’t have a Mind’s Eye. So I can imagine things, but I can’t see anything when I’m thinking about it. Like I can’t see anything in my head, I can’t visualize. I can like, remember what things are like, because I’ve seen them before and I like, remember it, but I don’t actually see anything in my head. I can’t like, oh, I’m going to imagine a unicorn with rainbow hair and sparkles and it’s going to be prancing across on a rainbow.
Like, I can think about those things, but I can’t see them in my head. And it took me a while to realize that that’s not a normal thing… or well, okay, maybe I don’t want to say that. It took me a while to realize that people could actually see things in their head and I couldn’t. Self portraiture, since I don’t visualize self portraiture helps me actually like make the things that I think about or the ways that I feel more tangible and more real, because I can see them because a lot of times things don’t quite feel real if I’m just thinking about them. But once it’s something that’s visible and tangible than it becomes a lot more real to me.
And I, I got into a much deeper relationship with myself through self portraiture when I was on my cross country road trip in 2019. I was going through a lot like, personally, emotionally, romantically. Yeah, mentally, like life things were pretty wild. That was during my Saturn return. If you’re into astrology, at all, you know that a Saturn Return usually like turns your life upside down, or it can.. and it definitely turned mine upside down. So, I was processing a lot of feelings and a lot of like, Unknown. And I was able to process in a much deeper way because I took so many self portraits on that road trip.
And I learned so much about myself. I mean, if you’ve been around since then, you know that I realized I was non binary like right after I came home from that trip. It really helped me get to know myself and understand myself on a deeper level, through actually being in my body and allowing myself to feel all my feelings while I was taking self portraits and then looking through them later, realizing oh wow, I’m a real person, I have real feelings, and I can see that, and I can like experience that all over again when I look at the photos. So self portraits mean a lot to me. They have allowed me to connect to myself in a deeper way than I ever have been able to before.
And I took a bunch of self-portraits either at the end of 2020 or early 2021 that I haven’t gone through yet, that I’ve talked about already, that I have a members only like webinar hangout thing where we’re gonna go through them together. I’ve already scheduled it, you’ll get a post about it when it’s coming up, I have like notifications that I’ll come onto the website to remind you like hey, this is happening soon! So that’ll be in like mid-November (the 18th at 6pm EST!).
But those self portraits took that we’ll be looking through are really emotional and really personal to me and I’m feeling emotional thinking about them. Yeah, I really let myself feel all of my feelings when I was taking those photos and it was kind of scary and it was definitely vulnerable and I’m kind of nervous to share them with you, especially in their raw form where I haven’t done anything to them and can see all of them. But I’m also kind of excited, because I don’t really want to hide myself from y’all, like you’re supporting me so much by being here, so the least I can do is not hide myself from you.
So, I hope you join me in November (the 18th at 6pm EST!) when we go through those photos together because it’s going to be scary, but it’s gonna be awesome! They’re pretty dark, and I definitely cried when I was taking them, and yeah, it’s gonna be a lot but it’s going to be great.
To give you a little tiny bit more information about them before I end this video. I took them in my sister’s house after she moved out, and it was empty, before she sold it. And that’s where I was living when a lot of not-so-great things happened to me, and I had some not so great experiences there, so it was like my Releasing that house and the feelings that I felt in that house through feeling my feelings and taking self portraits in the house once it was empty. So it was a great release for me. And yeah, I’m laughing because I’m like trying to hold back tears.
Yeah, so I feel like self portraits are really important for me personally, in order to more fully embody how I feel and to more fully experience my life through creating them. So I hope you have enjoyed this video of me being kind of emotional and talking about self portraits. Yeah.
I think that’s all I have to say right now. I really appreciate that you’re here. It means the world to me. I couldn’t do any of this without you, so I appreciate you and I hope you enjoy what I share. I love you!
Thoughts on Creativity + Inspiration
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Hey friends, I don’t have any very big news or anything to tell you this week, so I just thought I would talk about creativity and inspiration. I know that the poll that I’ve put on here a couple of times, like the survey thing, a lot of you have answered, the most common answer has been in terms of what you’re interested in seeing from me is creativity and inspiration and art, photography + self-portraiture. That kind of thing, so, I just wanted to talk about what creativity means to me and how I find inspiration, if you’re interested.
So for me, creativity is something that all humans have inside of them. I also would argue that most living beings like, human and non-human can be creative. There’s a bug. I think this is a kind of ladybug, maybe like the larva or whatever… maybe, let’s see if it’ll like I don’t want to get too distracted, put it on the leaf. Okay, so I believe that humans and non-humans have the capacity to be creative.
I know, it’s probably easy for you to imagine humans being creative so my argument for non-humans being creative is… have you ever seen a spider web? Have you ever seen a plant that has grown around things that maybe it shouldn’t even be able to grow in that place at all? Have you ever seen a bird’s nest? Have you ever seen a flower? I feel like maybe creativity is our ability to, build and create things. Whether they’re useful to us, or not, whether it’s for a purpose, or just because we felt like it.
I feel like, we are all so capable of creating a number, you know, any number of wonderful things. Maybe it’s capitalism and white supremacy and colonialism and imperialism and patriarchy and all of those things that has like, infiltrated some of our minds and hearts and made us feel like we’re not creative or we’re not worthy of creating something or we don’t have time to create something or what we create isn’t good enough. And I’m here to say that that’s a lot of fucking bullshit! Like life has existed for… I don’t even fucking know how long. Thousands, ten thousands, millions of years. Like the first single-celled organisms that ever existed when there wasn’t even land here is was just like all water. Their like breath their breathing, their like, their ability to sustain themselves, like stay alive, is why there’s so much oxygen in the atmosphere right now, the reason that we are able to be alive, like It’s kind of mind-blowing.
When you really think about everything that it took for us to be here in the first place. Like a whole lot of things had to happen first, a lot, like a fuck ton, like millions of years of things had to happen in order for us to be here right now. And if that isn’t creative, then I don’t know what is. I feel like life, like the existence of life itself is creative. So if you ever feel like you’re not creative or you can’t create something or what you create isn’t good enough, please watch this video and let me tell you that you are creative.
Your work is good enough. What you create is important, whether you share it with other people or not. That part doesn’t matter. Social media makes us think that we have to share everything with everybody, but social media hasn’t been around for that long and artists have been around since…. forever. People were drawing on cave walls before we were even like living in houses. We are creative. We are alive. Therefore we are creative. So, I hope you remember that.
And I also wanted to talk about inspiration, so if that little talk isn’t enough for inspiration for you, I invite you to go outside and just sit under a tree somewhere, and listen and see what you notice… either inside of yourself or outside of yourself. Whatever is available to you. Use all of your senses. What do you see, what do you hear, what do you smell, you taste, what can you touch?
And how do those things move you? How do you feel when you experience those things? What do those things make you want to share with other people, or what do those things make you want to remember in yourself for yourself?
I feel like inspiration can be anywhere. It can be the physical world around us. It can be our emotions and the things that are inside of us. It can be an experience that we have with a friend. It can be an experience that we have with a non-human friend.
Yeah, I really feel like creativity is everywhere, so inspiration is also everywhere, and honestly, I don’t always have inspiration when I create. Sometimes it comes as I’m creating, you know what I mean? Like, sometimes it’s the act of like, getting my camera out, setting stuff up, figuring out. You know, where do I even want to point the camera? What I want to take a picture of? Do I want to be in the picture? If I do, how do I want to feel or look, or pose, or what things do I want to have around me when I’m in the picture? Sometimes, like the act of starting to create brings the inspiration to me or the inspiration maybe reveals itself to me as I’m in the process.
So you don’t necessarily have to have an inspiration before you start. I don’t think, my opinion. I’ve been doing this for over… over 11 years. Yeah, there doesn’t always have to be purpose. It can be just because you are bored and want to do something that’s not staring at a screen and like mindlessly scrolling, which is sometimes why I take photos. Maybe you just want to allow yourself to feel and sometimes the only way to do that is to be in front of a camera, and capture it… that’s definitely something that I experience. Sometimes you want to remember how you felt or how you looked for who you were with, and those are wonderful reasons to create.
Yeah, I hope if you have felt like you are not creative or like you don’t have inspiration, I hope this video helped, even though it’s very vague. But also like kind of specific at the same time. Yeah, that’s just, that’s how I feel about creativity and inspiration. I feel like they’re always around us all the time and we are able to tap into them simply by our existence, so I hope this helped you. I love you. I hope you have a wonderful day and I’ll talk to you soon.
Personal update: residencies + nerve injuries
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Hi friends! I don’t know why I didn’t sit very comfortably… actually. I do know why I didn’t sit very comfortably, because things are wet, but I wanted to be outside, so I’ll be sitting weirdly to try to not get too wet. I have some I guess news to share. It’s not really news? I have been working on an application for a residency in Virginia that would be a month in the spring. I want it so muuuuuch! So I’ve been working on it a lot this last week and I’m close to being finished with it. I’m getting some more feedback from people that I value their opinions. So taking that into consideration. I have some more edits to do but I’m really excited and I’m pretty happy with it so far. And I really, really, really, really, really, really hope that I get this residency. It would be perfect. It’s an hour from Shenandoah, so you know I would be spending a lot of time there! Yeah, so I really hope I get it! I’m really excited, working really hard on it, so hopefully that will happen.
Another new thing. I had a routine STI test because you know, safe sex is hot! And the third time in my life I have a nerve injury. Yay… That’s a very sarcastic yay if you couldn’t tell. Wow, there’s a lot of mosquitoes! I’m not gonna be out here for too long. Okay, so I got my blood drawn in the usual place, you know the crook of your arm, and as soon as the needle went in I knew they nicked a nerve because I felt it like electricity down my hand, down my arm and into my hand. So it’s like the section here and then into the bottom of my thumb, is randomly has lightning strikes in it of pain and little random places of tingly and numbness.
I’m apparently prone to getting nerve injuries. If you were here in 2016, you knew about the wrist drop that I had for three months where I like, couldn’t lift my wrist like this. I couldn’t make a thumbs up and I couldn’t open, I couldn’t expand my fingers all the way. It was on my right hand, which is my dominant hand. I might link to it, if you want to see it. It’s been a really long time, but for three months, I didn’t have use of my right hand. I mean, obviously, I do now, but it was pretty scary. Nerve injuries are not fun.
But in 2019, the same thing happened with the blood draw. I had a blood draw and it was the same thing and I still have a little numb spot right here, from that in 2019. Luckily I don’t have the pain anymore, that part of the nerve has healed, but I still never regained the feeling in this little spot right here. So hopefully this feels and goes away quickly. It’s not fun, nerve injuries are weird.
I’m like surrounded by mosquitoes right now! Holy moly. Okay. Try to move to make them not land on me. Please don’t, I don’t want you sucking my blood! Yeah. So those are the main new things happening in my life. I’m going camping next week, I’m really excited! I get to see my friend and then I have a whole lot going on in October.
Yeah, I still have a whole bunch of self portraits that I took last year I think, or also some this year, but I have a whole bunch of self portraits that I’ve taken more recently that I haven’t had the energy to go through them because there’s so many and it’s kind of overwhelming and I want to, like, pare them down to my favorites, but I’m just overwhelmed by how many there are so I haven’t really looked at them, but I do have them and I need to look through them. It’s just very daunting to me right now at this point. Mosquitoes, goodness! I will have more self portraits for you at some point soon hopefully, I just need to take the time to look through them.
Actually, you know what might be fun? Maybe we can do a thing where you look through them with me and it’s like a co-working thing, except you just tell me which photos are your favorites. Maybe we will do that at some point. I need to like, find the time schedule that because that might actually be really fun. And y’all might like that. I don’t know, but it will definitely help me look through those photos if I had some friend accountability to do it. It’s just so… I it’s like overwhelming because there’s too many to look at and I feel like I need to do it all in one sitting. Maybe that’s my problem is I feel like I need to do it all in one sitting, why do I feel that way?
Oh my gosh mosquitoes, oh a squirrel! Okay, I’m getting it distracted now. I’ve talked about the important things. It’s already been 5 minutes. Okay. I just want to say y’all are amazing. I am thinking about you all the time. I am stressed out by computer work things, which is why I haven’t been posting that much recently. I think about you all the time and I want to figure out a way to be more consistent and like, actually share things on here that is sustainable for me. Because being on the computer for hours a day is not my favorite thing. It stresses me out a lot and it’s not enjoyable. So I need to figure out how to do things in a way that I’m still able to share with you, but it doesn’t require as much time on the computer.
So, if you have any ideas, I’m definitely open to that because I really want to share more with you and spend more time with you. Maybe I maybe instead of having Vlogs, we can just hang out live because that to me doesn’t take as much energy. That’s more fun than just like sitting at a desk. Okay, Yeah. Into feedback! I love you all so much! Thank you for being here and I’ll talk to you soon!
Queer Nature + EXCITING NEWS!
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Hi! It’s actually been quite a while since I made a vlog for you, so I thought I’d come and say hi! It’s starting to rain a little bit, so hopefully it won’t get too much rain, but I have some exciting potential things that will be happening at the end of October that I will probably tell you more about later, but I want to give you a heads-up that like things are happening and I’m excited! So vague, right?
But something I can tell you about is I made a little PowerPoint PDF thing. It’s actually maybe not that little, it’s like 23 pages, but it’s all about how queer nature is. It’s kind of like a mini book report on this book that I read that blew my mind in the best way! Yeah, I wanted to share this PDF with y’all and see what you think. I’m also considering maybe doing like a like mini webinar where I just like infodump about queer nature. If you’re interested in that, please let me know because I have been thinking about maybe doing that because I think it’d be fun and if you want to be live with me while I infodump about queer nature, then let me know and we can do that!
I do want to tell you more about October. So I know one of them is for sure definitely happening, so I’m going to tell you about that one, but there’s another thing that’s happening at the end of October that’s like, most likely going to happen, but I don’t want to jinx it, so I’m going to wait to tell you that.
So the one that I know is happening is there is this photography space in Charlotte called The Light Factory. They do gallery exhibitions, they do photography classes, they do workshops, all kinds of stuff, they do photo walks for the community where they just like, walk around Charlotte (and I’m getting bit by mosquitos). This is where they walk around Charlotte and do photography stuff, it’s pretty cool. They reached out to me to teach a self portrait workshop!!!!
I remember, I was a teenager, dreaming of having art in the gallery there at The Light Factory. And I did, I was part of one of their group member shows way back in the day. Where basically anybody that wanted to share their art could put it in the member show, so it wasn’t like this juried fancy thing or anything, but that felt really cool and I was like in high school or college or something so it was several years ago.
The Light Factory reached out to me!!! Probably because I have a couple friends who teach there already, so thank you friends!! They put in a good word for me! So The Light Factory is like “Hey Bunny do you want to teach a self portrait workshop?” and I’m like “hell yes I do!!!” So at the end of October… October 23rd? 24th? 23rd. I think it’s the 23rd, I will be teaching a workshop about self portraiture with them. I’m really excited. We’re going to do it outside at a park because I don’t want to do anything inside, because of lots of reasons, like covid is probably number 1 reason I don’t want to do stuff inside, and 2 because I just feel like self portraits are so much better in nature, you know me! So yeah, we’re gonna go to a park and I’m gonna teach a self portrait workshop and I’m really excited.
So it’s like a big opportunity for me and I just feel super special that they reached out to me. Like wow… also maybe I should start actually applying to things because that would help me do more cool fun stuff like the self portrait workshop. Yeah, so I’m really excited. And yeah, originally we were going to do a full day workshop, but they are unable to pay my rate, so we’re going to do a short 2 hour workshop, because that is more aligned with what I’m able to provide based on what they’re able to pay me, because I really do want to create a relationship with The Light Factory. So I think even though I’m not getting paid at my full rate for this workshop, I think it’s a good opportunity for me to meet other artists in Charlotte get my foot in the door with The Light Factory, be able to put The Light Factory on my resume. Yeah, mostly I’m just excited to meet the other creative people.
Sorry, like fly… Something’s flying around me! I totally forgot what I was saying. Yeah, so I’m really excited and I’m excited to share that with you, and I’m going to be sharing the link to the PDF for the queer nature below. You can download it if you want, I’m just going to share with you. But yeah, let me know if you want to do like a little webinar about queer nature because I’m obsessed, and yeah, I mean if you have been around for any amount of time, then you know that I love nature and queer nature is like the best way to affirm my queerness because like it’s super natural! Well, not Supernatural but it’s super space natural. It is very natural. Okay, I’m getting kind of goofy now.
I’m gonna go hang out with my sister later today, meet her new doggy! And yeah, I think that’s all I have to share. So, yeah, thank you so much for being here. I love you so much.
I have honestly been kind of struggling with what I want to share on my website now, since I’m not taking as many photos as I used to, but I also really want to start doing more educational kind of things and I just have to make up my mind and actually do something. I think that’s the problem because I have so many ideas! It’s hard to choose and then I don’t do any of them, and I’m like, why? So I need to just pick a thing and go! So that was my queer nature thing, I just picked that and did it, and now I am sharing with you. So, I hope you like it! Hope you have a great day! I love you so much, and I’ll talk to you soon!
Have you ever noticed…
…that Tulip Poplar (scientific name: Liriodendron Tulipifera, Cherokee name: tsiyu) tree bark looks like a variety of vulvas?
It’s so beautiful 😍
I think I’m gonna start posting some of the random stuff here that I otherwise would keep to myself or post to instagram. I’m feeling increasingly frustrated with social media + want to invest my time here instead.
…also now that I’ve started looking up the Indigenous names of plants I want to continue doing this!!! I feel very disconnected from my Choctaw + Cherokee ancestry + this is one way I can start to reconnect.
The rest of my ancestry is primarily Irish + Scottish, I learned this only a couple of months ago! I want to learn more about that part of my ancestry too, like why they came here (to the US), what kinds of rituals they did, how they connected with the Earth + each other, who they prayed to…
For a long time I had no idea what my ancestry was + I felt drawn to a lot of other cultures because they felt so rich + full of life… I wanted that too.
I felt lost + like I didn’t know who “my people” were, where I came from. Now that I know, I can root into the practices of my ancestors, I can reconnect to that lost part of myself. I no longer have to reach for other culture’s practices that don’t belong to me, I can reach for practices that are in my DNA, within me. I am only beginning + it already feels more powerful + true.
Traveling + creation on the horizon!
Hi friends!
So, I wanted to try something new, I am making this early, that’s not new, but I’m making this early, because I will be traveling for the first three weeks of August. and I’m excited!! But I also know that while I’m traveling, I probably will not be able to make a new blog post and stuff for y’all or post them because I don’t know what my internet access is going to be like, so I wanted to do a little bit of stuff in preparation for my trip, so that y’all still had things to enjoy from me while I’m gone + I don’t have to worry about like, “oh no, I need to do something now, but I don’t have internet.” So to alleviate my stress and to make sure that y’all still have fun things from me, I’m making some stuff early Yay! So I don’t have a super plan. I have some self portraits that I’ve taken that I haven’t shared anywhere yet and I haven’t even looked through all of them yet either if I can look through them and like, pick my favorites before my trip, I’m going to share those with you. Otherwise I might have to wait till after but we’ll see how much time I have and if I can look through them and share them before I leave or like at least schedule them.
So that’s a potential thing that I will be sharing, maybe. Yes, I actually took some self-portraits this year and I also thought it might be fun to share some photos and videos from shoots from my past to be like “hey if you’re new here, this is some stuff that I used to do” or like “this is what I used to look like before all the tattoos and the no hair. I looked different. So yeah, I am here to, I guess, just tell you expect some fun interesting things from me that I’m not sure what I’m going to share yet, but it’s going to be cool! I’m excited to share something with you even though I don’t know what it is yet! Yeah I’m excited! So right now today is I think July 22nd? or 23rd? 22nd?
Does it really matter exactly what day it is? It’s the second to last week of July, right now as I’m recording this. So I have a post coming out on the 24th which is this Saturday, which you’ll probably see this before this video comes out but I’m excited about that because I worked really hard on it and it’s about how queer nature is! Well it’s not even all the examples of how queer nature is but it’s a few examples to share with you. So I’m excited for that. August 1st is the virtual nude gathering for August, which…
Oh my, I’m sorry for dropping you. That was not supposed to happen. Okay, I think it’s because I had it leaned a lot because I was like, I don’t.. yeah, sorry, you fell. I already forgot what I was saying.
Oh yeah. The nature is queer post that’s coming out on 24th and then the virtual nude gathering is on August 1st. I’m not sure if you’ll see this before then or not so I’m mentioning it. I have a Blog that I made that I read a part of a book but I think I’m going to post that for the free part of my website. I wanted to post some stuff for just members because y’all are special and I love you and because you need all like I want to share all of the coolest things with you. But I also want to share a lot of cool things for free too because I think it’s important for people to have access to my content without having to pay for it. While also having extra awesome things for the people who do pay for it because the people who pay for it, which is you, are the reason that I am able to like, pay my rent and like have food and go on trips and take photos. So y’all are the reason I’m able to do any of this. So I just wanted to share my appreciation for you and let you know that I have some cool stuff coming up. I’m just not sure exactly what I’m going to share yet because I have a lot of options and it’s hard for me to pick, so yeah.
Also, I don’t know if you’ve seen, I have more color now! Can I show you that? So this one I got already last time… this I already had but all the stuff above my knee is new, can you see it? And then obviously we’re not done because there’s a lot more to go because *gestures at all the outlines not colored in yet* yeah, but… done 2 color sessions! I’m closer to being a tree in color!
Okay, yeah, I don’t want to make this too long and I would like to go and pick what I want to share with you, so I’m going to go do that. I love you! Thank you so much for being here! It means the world. I actually might share a survey here so that you can let me know the kinds of things that you like the most, because that’s important for me to know and I would love to hear what yall are most interested in, so I’ll put a link to that in this blog post too so you can share with me whatever you want to see. And then I can be like, oh, now I know what they want to see, I can do more of that! Okay, I love you! Thank you for being here! I’ll talk to you soon. Maybe before I leave on my trip, maybe during my trip, maybe after. Who knows?! But I’ll have plenty of stuff to share with you while I’m gone. I’ll just queue stuff up because… yeah, I like to plan ahead. I love you! Thank you for being here! I’ll talk to you soon! Mwah!
MASS UPLOAD + future plans + virtual nude gathering + other events
Hello friends! Welcome to another vlog post. I have a whole list of things right here that I want to talk about and I’m going to try to not ramble too much so it’s not too long of a video and/or post. Welcome to the 2nd and last mass upload for my archives! I have 11 photosets and 18 video folders that are now accessible to all members! So yeah this is officially the… now I have no set schedule for these blog posts, for new content coming out in terms of photos and videos for members. (EDIT AFTER RECORDING: This also includes the “weekly free posts” that I was sharing from my old blog archive.) Sooo… I wanted to be abundantly clear about the changes that have been happening and are continuing to happen, what’s going on.
Okay so, literally thousands of things for you to look at whenever you want. Archives are massive. The new things are… I’ll be doing a virtual nude gathering every month, starting, well I already started it because I had one last weekend which was awesome! Thank you to those of you who came. Virtual nude gatherings, I’ve decided in order for more people to be able to have access to these really awesome experiences of being naked in community together in a non sexual setting that’s just fun and we connect to each other and we also connect to our own bodies in embodied physical reality kind of way, even though we’re on the internet and screens with each other, I think it’s really special and I want to make sure that more people are able to experience that. I’ll be opening them up, starting next month in April, to the public, but members will always get free tickets! Public tickets, there’s a range of prices, I’m doing sliding scale and offering some free tickets to non-members also, but members of course always get free tickets. The info on how to join us for free at the virtual nude gathering starting April 10th at 1pm, I’ll put the link in the stuff below so you click that, go to to purchase a ticket and use the discount code, it’s BLMBR. Short for Bunny Luna Member, so BLMBR gets you a free ticket. I’ll have that below too.
(CHOOSE A SLIDING SCALE TICKET AND USE CODE “BLMBR” TO GET IN FOR FREE)What else do I want to share? Oh today, the day that this comes out, is the art share for Going Beyond the Lens. If you’re new here… I’ve had a few new people, and I don’t want to repeat myself too much but I also don’t want people to have to search to find information so sorry to those who already know but I’m going to repeat myself a little bit. Going Beyond the Lens is a creative community that I’ve cofounded with Lior Allay + Roarie Yum, and we host monthly art shares, which are available free for everyone, whoever wants to come can come. The community submits their artwork to us and we all hang out and admire it together and talk about what we love about it and we hear the story of the artist who created it and their process and behind the scenes of that and it’s a really special time and I super love it so please come! It’s today at 1pm, I’ll have the link below for you to sign up, it’s free!
Then also next weekend for Going Beyond the Lens, which is Sunday the 28th we have the community conversation. Oh I should tell you the theme! This month the theme is NUDITY so the art share and the community conversation are both going to be centered around NUDITY! Yay naked! So I’m excited. The conversation, we have several questions that are listed in the conversation eventbrite link which I’ll also link below, the questions are in there, we have everyone, when they sign up, if they want to answer the questions… it’s about art and nudity and how you think about nudity. So if you want to answer the questions, that’s great so then we have more material to talk about during the conversation. We mainly go over these questions but they’re kindof like conversation starters, we definitely continue the conversation in a lot more depth in the actual conversation space than what you type in your answer when you sign up. It’s really special and we really dive into the topic. I always learn something, I just love hearing everyones different perspective and the way they think about the world and the things they’ve learned and I’ve learned so much, it’s really wonderful! If you want to be in creative community with an accepting and loving group of people, join us! So today, Saturday the 20th at 1pm is the art share. Sorry by now it’s too late to submit your art, but yeah there’s gonna be art! Then next Sunday the 28th is the community conversation! Yay!
Okay so those are all the really main things. I also want to talk about future plans. So going into the future from right now, okay so right now, the things that you as members will receive from me on a monthly basis are: nude gatherings! We get to hang out “in person” and spend time together naked! Uhm that’s really special, so we get to do that, yall get in for free!
I’m going to start uhm I don’t know if I’ll do it in April but at some point soon, I’ll do it surely before like… lemme give myself a deadline to do it because if I don’t I don’t want to string yall along, so by June I’ll start putting out workbooks or videos or how-to things or resources around 4 topics that I’ll center my life online around, in terms of the things that I provide for other people. I in the past have been doing model/photographer things for a really long time, like 10 years, longer than 10 years, and I’m shifting gears from that world to self love, creativity (which is through Going Beyond the Lens), ecosexuality and queerness in general. Self love is big and encompasses all of those, and they kindof all work together, but those are the 4 main things that I’m going to focus on. I’m going to be creating resources and information and videos and there’s a ton of things I have ideas about, so resources in general. I’m going to be creating and offering a lot of them for free, so of course yall can have them too because they’re going to be free for everybody. Everything that I make yall will have access to first, and also can give feedback if you wanna tell me what your thoughts are, that would be super cool! And… so yeah resources of the queer, self love, ecosexuality, creative type, which you can also find resources for GBTL. I feel like I’m being all over the place, I’m sorry, that’s just how I feel today I guess, I hope it’s not too confusing.
So in addition to all of that, yall already have archive access to my 10+ years of photography and modeling so enjoy that, tons of nude… all the fun things, shenanigans, hangouts, all the things, behind the scenes, interviews, nature videos, me doing aerial, there’s a shit ton of stuff in there, but it’s mostly photography of… my work of other people. It’s also photography of people taking photos of me, from when I used to model and I don’t really anymore. It’s kindof fun to not model right now. So in addition to your archive access, another thing yall get is the satisfaction of knowing that literally as a member you are the reason that I can provide resources for self love and creativity and ecosexuality and queerness for free to the public because yall are the reason I can do any of this, literally. You’re the reason I do it, and you make it happen with your support, and it means so much and I am so excited to go into this new and kindof scary but very exciting direction for myself. Rebranding of my website is coming soon, I don’t have a time on that yet, but we’re like… Lior is actually working with me for branding and I am so excited. So yeah my website will be changing a lot soon, it’s going to be even more awesome than it already is. Don’t worry, you’re still going to have access to the archives and all of the member things.
Yeah I just wanted to let you know that I’ll have no set schedule or regularity that I will be posting vlogs like this and new photosets and whatever (EDIT AFTER RECORDING: This also includes the “weekly free posts” that I was sharing from my old blog archive.), but when things are happening, you’ll know first. I’ll come here and be like “hey guess what?! I’m excited about this thing or that thing or like look at all these resources I’m making or look at this new video” yeah all the things.
Also be spammed a lot about GBTL because creativity *raises hands*. Since I have the immense pleasure of creating that community of 2 other amazing artists, that’s the creativity aspect of my 4 main things that I’m going to be focusing on. Creativity is for GBTL and the 3 others are my personal, “yeah let’s get queer ecosexual self love!” Well, self love really goes for GBTL too, but *smile*
Okay I feel like I’ve talked a mile a minute and it’s been a really long video and I’ve told you so many things, I hope it hasn’t been overwhelming. I’m glad that you can watch this over again or rewind it or pause it or just read the thing because all of these words are gonna also be typed up below. I made my job harder by making it a long video. Okay but I had a lot to say so I wrote it down. Okay *laughs* *sighs*
I’m gonna take a breath because I feel like I got wound up and I hope I didn’t also get you wound up, unless you wanted to get wound up, in that case, you’re welcome, but I’m going to take a breath so that if you got wound up with me, we can both be a little more chill by the time this video is over.
*inhale in through the nose and out of the mouth 3 times*
I love you, thank you for being here, I’m so glad that you’re here. I love you a lot. I’m excited to see the things I create with your support. I love youuuuu! Bye!
Samples of some of the photosets now in the archives:
(Portraitmami on film, this set is more explicit than the majority of my photography, we took these for their onlyfans which you can subscribe to for more, including the videos I took of them that were only released on OF)
(Portraitmami on film, this set is more explicit than the majority of my photography, we took these for their onlyfans which you can subscribe to for more, including the videos I took of them that were only released on OF)
(with Portraitmami photographed by Rhivnnun)
(with Joey Emanuel)
(with Stevie Macaroni + PhotoWyse, actually taken in 2014 even though the watermark on it says 2020 lol)
(with PhotoWyse when we accidentally came upon a small forest fire, don’t worry firepeople came to contain it, actually taken in 2014 even though the watermark on it says 2020 lol)
(with Morgan Marlowe)
(rainbow selfies from a few days ago)
Self Portraits in Utah – Enclosed
Hi friends, okay so this week I’m sharing a photoset with you that I took in Utah in the summer of 2019. This is a self portrait set that I took, this is also… I think recently, when did I do it, at the beginning of January I shared a photoset from the same place. This photoset is a little more closer up than that one was, and it’s more of me in this little private canyon that I had basically right behind my camping area which was incredible and wonderful and I super loved it and I spent a lot of time back there when I was staying there, which wasn’t very long, but most of the time I was there I was in this little canyon. I have several other photosets from the same place that I will be sharing in the future, but for now you have this photoset and the behind the scenes video to enjoy.
First look people I have some photos to share with you and BTS video of when I was posing for my friend Dawn Iler. You probably also know of her… actually… THEY. Dawn recently started using they/them pronouns so, excuse my error, they took photos of me back… I think it was the winter? November, December of 2019. They were visiting here on their way to… I think they were going to Texas. They live in NY State and they were traveling to Texas so they stopped by and stayed with me for a couple days on their way down there. We photographed each other which was wonderful. I don’t think I shared the photos I took of them with yall yet, but these are the photos they took of me. We took them in my living room, in like a makeshift “studio”. You’ll see what I mean when you see the video because it’s basically like, the black blanket that I keep on my bed, I’m looking around because it’s right here. Underneath my butt, I’m sitting on it. My big black blanket that I keep on my bed, it’s that blanket draped over the back of the couch, which is my “studio” in front of the big window in the living room so the light’s really nice. So these are the photos Dawn took of me.
For more information about my website: I have made some decisions, not 100% done with my decisions but I have decided to continue doing these weekly like I’ve been doing for years, doing these videos and talking to you and stuff, at least through mid-February. I’m considering if I want to do through the end of February just to keep even months. Then starting in most likely March I will… I don’t know when I’ll mass-upload all of the things, but I’m probably also going to be doing away with the first look membership because I’m just gonna take everything that’s in first look, everything that’s in my backlog, and put them all available for everybody. Yeah this feels kinda scary. So I’m pretty sure that I’ll be doing that maybe early to mid March, in terms of my mass upload of my backlog. That’s going to take some time to do because it’s a lot of things. So I think I will do these weekly posts like I have been through the end of February. I have stuff planned through Feb 13th so I have a couple weeks left to plan, and then after that I’ll sometime in March do a mass upload of everything and update the directories and stuff. And then after that I will… probably not do weekly updates, because I’ll have already shared all of my backlog with you. Right now my thinking is I will do the weekly updates through the end of February. Sometime in March, depending on how long it takes me to get it done, mass upload everything from first look and my backlog so that everyone has access to all the things. Then I will not pressure myself to create things on a weekly basis because I have done that in the past and it… basically like the quality of my work is lower if I feel like “oh I have to do this. Oh it’s Friday and I want to have something for Saturday so let me just shoot something.” That to me that is not the kind of creative artistic process that brings me the ability to do good work. It’s more stressful and “oh let me do something so I have something for them” but that doesn’t feel good. So… I will create if I feel like it. Which, as you know, hasn’t been very much at all in the last like year and a half. But I literally have SO MUCH that you haven’t seen yet so it’ll be quite a while before you’ll be like “I want new things!” I’m not going to pressure myself to… sorry I’m picking a little scab that I have on my arm but it’s really annoying and I shouldn’t be doing it but… I did. So yeah this is pretty stressful and scary for me but I feel like I’m giving myself freedom by doing this. In 2020 I took like 4 or 5 photosets the whole year. So I don’t have an expectation of myself to create constantly, and I don’t want yall to have an expectation of new things from me constantly.
What I will do instead of sharing new photosets and stuff with you, I’ll be offering more online live video gathering type things when where we can hang out “in person” virtually, which I’m must more excited about than thinking about having to create more photosets. I don’t know the frequency of that yet, I’m probably going to start off with once a month to make sure that I don’t overdo myself because I’m already doing events through Going Beyond the Lens also. So basically members will have access to my archive, will be invited to members-only virtual hangouts, and I want to do more with, maybe more education kind of things, or “let’s learn things together” like I’ll tell you the kinds of things that I’m learning and you can share your personal experience with those things. I have a lot of ideas and thoughts and feelings about queerness, ecosexuality, non monogamy, gender, those kinds of things. So I’d really love to explore those more in depth. My tattoo is so itchy yall! I got my arm done recently and it’s just so itchy, it’s in the itchy stage and I’m trying really hard to not fuck with it.
So yeah, the plan is, to recap: things will continue as normal through February, and then starting in March, at some point in March, depending on how much time it takes me to do it, I will mass upload everything that’s in the backlog and in first look. This is pretty scary to think about, and then starting in March I’ll do monthly live virtual hangouts. I’ll probably have a topic for us to focus on so it’s not just like, sitting around just talking about random things. I feel better when there’s a focus, instead of just like “how was your day?” I fucking hate small talk yall, I hate it. I want to have a focus so that we can like… I feel like we’re learning together. So starting in March we’ll have virtual hangouts and uhm I’m going to try to make more free things. I don’t want to keep all of the cool and interesting things behind a paywall, so basically memberships are for people who want to help me continue to make free things for everyone, and also to have access to my archive because that’s a WHOLE LOT of photos and videos and just content in general. So that’s where I’m at right now. I’ll have it fleshed out with better plans in the future. I’m also planning on overhauling my website and making everything different than what it is currently. So also keep an eye out for that, I might do that March-ish? Maybe starting some of it in February? I don’t have a complete schedule for that yet because I’m still figuring out how I want my website to be set up.
But yeah… it’s pretty scary for me because it’s a big change. I’ve been doing basically the same thing for my website since like 2016 or 2017 so making a big change like this is scary and I’m just going to take the leap because I think I will truly be happier honestly, and less stressed, if I do it this way. I hope you’ll be along for the ride with me. I understand if you signed up for one thing and it’s changing and you no longer want to be here which I understand, no hard feelings. If you want to help support me, pay my bills, help me share queer info with other people for free, it would mean a whole lot. A whole whole lot. It already means a lot that you’re here already. Also I’m probably going to redo my art wall in my room at some point because I’m kinda tired of looking at white naked bodies all the time. Like there’s nothing wrong with it, it’s not bad, I super love naked bodies. I don’t want my work to focus on like.. nude photography. To me, nude photography is super amazing and a big part of my life, but I don’t see it being quite as big of a part of my life in the future, because I want to expand into more purpose and intention and I think that by changing the way that I’m doing things will help me to create that intention and purpose. This is a super long video! Appreciate you watching and listening or reading or whatever you’re doing. Yeah I’m excited and nervous about what is coming. If you have any ideas, questions, concerns, comments, I would love to hear them, please reach out. Comment on this post or email me or whatever way you wanna contact me. Yeah I’d love to hear your thoughts. Ok. I’m done. I love you. Goodbye.
All members:
click here to view the 52 image self portrait photoset in Utah during my cross country road trip in summer 2019
click here to view the 5.5 minutes of BTS video
Click here for access to my archive of 12,500+ photos & 2,000+ videos
Click here for the passwords, they change the 1st of every monthFirst Look/All Access members:
click here to view the 40 image film photoset of me taken by Dawn Iler (aka coconutdreamin)
click here to view 20+ minutes of BTS video -
Sept 2019 Road Trip with Lior Allay + getting closer to big changes for bunnyluna.com
Hey friends! Welcome to another week of… wildness I guess. Today is the 20th, I’m doing this a little early because tomorrow I’m getting more tattoo done and Thursday is usually my day to prep these, so I’m doing it Wednesday since Thursday I’m getting tattooed.
This week I’m sharing a photoset that I created with Lior Allay in New York State when we were there in the fall of 2019. I have the photoset that I took of Lior with their camera, it was just a collaborative fun like… we woke up in the morning and went out to this field and just.. did our thing. I’m also sharing a bunch of photos and videos from that trip, so it’s a bunch of random things from that trip. Some of it is in the same place as the photos that we took and some of it was just from our travels, so enjoy this variety scramble of content from me.
First look members I’m sharing the photos and videos from the other people who were taking photos and videos during the nude gathering here at my house last… not even last year, in 2019 in the fall. They are photos that were taken by an anonymous person who was a participant and photographer there, and also photos that were taken by Nova Amour who is a model and also a photographer, her photography name is Foremost Imagery. I have their stuff to share with you for first look.
I have plans for what I’m going to share with you through mid-February, I may or may not go with the plan that I have right now which is to just continue doing what I’ve been doing. I’m really considering dropping all of my backlog at once into the galleries so that yall can enjoy that and so that I can maybe take a break for a month or two in the weekly things… so that I can recalibrate and figure out what I want to do to change my website. That option is kinda scary to me at the moment because I know a lot of you really like having consistent weekly updates, and I’ve been… I think it’s been since 2014, or 2015 or maybe 2016… so it’s been like 5 years of me posting every week on whatever my site is because it used to be Patreon and now it’s my website. I’ve been consistently posting every week for like 5 years and if I do this shift, then that means it’ll be the first time in 5 years that I’ll change what I’m doing in a really major way, and that’s scary but also kindof exciting. I continue to notice that I’m not really excited to do computer work things, well I’m never really excited to do computer work things because I get really drained by looking at screens. I always much prefer the act and the experience of creating than like the, organization, categorization, posting, sharing part of art. I much prefer the act of doing it than any of the stuff afterwards. Like the photos are a really great… memory to share and a really great physical or digital representation of the time that I had either with my self or with other people when I was creating. All of the stuff that I do after the actual creation part is my least favorite part, to be honest. It’s a part of it, because if you take photos, it’s probably smart to have them organized on your computer so you know where to find them, but all of the after-creation stuff isn’t my favorite and it’s actually the creation part that I enjoy doing. So I feel like maybe I’ll… take a month or two or three off from consistent posting on here and kindof recalibrate and figure out… what do I want to create now? What am I excited about creating? How can I do it in a way that doesn’t burn me out? How can I do it in a way that benefits the people that are coming here? And also… do it in a way that it’s something that I really enjoy doing. So… yeah I’m still feeling that out, I haven’t made a solid decision yet, but I’m getting closer to deciding, and I’m really leaning towards taking a month or two or three off. Even though that’s scary because I’m afraid of losing support, I feel like if I’m able to be fully embracing of the things that I need and want, and the things that I really want to put out in the world, which is kindof different than what it has been in the past. I really feel like, if I’m being myself and being authentic and honest then the right people will show up for me, and the people who were only here for the things that aren’t as exciting to me will fall away and that’s okay. Like, I have no hard feelings if you’re only here to see nude stuff every week, I understand if you no longer want to do that, because that’s what you’re here for and if I’m not going to be doing that then it makes sense. That being said, I probably will never completely stop doing nude things because nudity is a major part of my life. Yeah I just.. I told you before, I’ve taken, I’ve done… like 3 or 4 shoots in the entirety of 2020. I just haven’t… I haven’t been feeling creative, I haven’t felt motivation or inspiration to create something of my own in a while. I’m kindof much more interested now in celebrating queerness and non monogamy, asexuality, ecosexuality, transness… meditation, healing, energy, all of those kinds of things are what I’d like to share about, which is kindof different but also kindof the same as what I’ve been doing for a long time. The road that I’ve been traveling has mostly been the same, I’m just taking a different way than I used to, if that makes sense.
So yeah I’ll give you a head’s up once I fully decide, hopefully I’ll fully decide soon. I do have a plan for weekly posts through February 13th that’s already planned and ready to go. So maybe that’ll be my last post like this? Then maybe after that I’ll mass upload all of the backlog that I have? So I don’t know, that’s kindof what I’m feeling like, so get ready. If you’re here for the nudes, they’ll still be available. I’m kindof feeling like maybe in the future if I’m changing things after I take a break, when I come back I’ll probably still have my archive and gallery still available, but it won’t be a primary thing that I’m adding to consistently. I want to focus more on community like I mentioned last week, and having online experiences where we can be together “in person” virtually. So I think that would be my focus, is more community and more… free resource kindof things, let’s explore stuff and learn things together kindof…. things. Still figuring it out, but yeah this is your head’s up. Most likely will continue the regular posting posting through mid-February and then after that things will probably change and be different.
I’ll post an official announcement whenever I officially decide what I’m doing, which I’m still figuring that out, but you have at least an idea now of what direction I’m going so that you can decide what works best for you. I would super incredibly much appreciate your continued support, because you’re the reason that I can pay rent, and also it’s really wonderful to know that there are people here who support me even though I’m shifting and changing. And ALSO if it’s best for you to no longer support me, I totally understand and there are no hard feelings. I would just very appreciate if you stay, because I know that even if I do take a break, which I’m very leaning towards, yes I’m going to take a break for 1-3 months, but if I do take a break I’m excited to see what that opens up for me, and see what I’m drawn to creating during that, if anything, and lean further into community and learning, education, resource stuff. So yeah that’s where I’m at! Okay I think that’s all I have to say today. Yeah I’ll give you more precise information when I have it when I’ve figured that out for myself. I think I’m just scared of change because it is scary and I don’t know what will happen. I love you, thank you for being here, you mean so much to me! Yeah I love you, I hope you have a good day, and I’ll talk to you soon, bye! <3
All members:
click here to view the 7 image slide film photoset of Lior Allay
click here to view the 148 BTS photos/videos from our trip
Click here for access to my archive of 12,500+ photos & 2,000+ videos
Click here for the passwords, they change the 1st of every monthFirst Look/All Access members:
click here to view the 42 image photoset taken by Anonymous during the nude gathering I facilitated at my home here in Charlotte (with Leopold model, Canischromatis, Nova Amour, & anonymous)
click here to view the 26 image photoset taken by Nova Amour aka Foremost Imagery
click here to view 42.5 minutes of BTS video -
I originally wrote this for Patreon on June 24th 2017. I no longer use Patreon and have replaced it with my website (here) but thought I would share some of my old blogs with you for FREE to show my appreciation for you visiting my website! <3
The new moon supermoon in Cancer is today/tomorrow and oh gosh its bringing about a lot of change for me. It’s both scary and exciting, and I’m ready for it. I don’t think I’ve told you much about my “real” life outside of photography and modeling and want to share some of it with you. Since art doesn’t currently pay the bills and antisocialdisposition is a full time electrical engineering student, it has been essential for me to have a steady income. I’ve been working full time at a major healthcare system for nearly 5 years to support myself and my husband until he finishes his degree.
Well, working in healthcare kinda started killing my soul a little. Slowly.
The first 3 years I was working the front desk at a family practice. I loved my work family, (most of) our patients were so sweet, and the benefits were amazing.
The 4th year I was promoted to the referral coordinator position which was great because it was over a dollar more an hour, but I had to do the work of 2 people. That’s when things started to change for me, I started to not really enjoy coming to work every day like I used to. I was tasked with the job of cleaning up the mess that was made before I was promoted. Trying to condense as much of the story as possible, essentially there was nobody doing referrals for 2 offices for a couple of months before I started, and I had to not only essentially teach myself referrals, I had to catch up with the backlog AND work on the new referrals being added every day. It is so disheartening to know that you’re not doing the best job you could be doing because you have SO MUCH work to do it’s not possible to do it all right. I am not the kind of person that does things half-heartedly. If I do something I want to do it 100%.
I was a referral coordinator for 1 year. In that year I taught myself how to do referrals, I cleaned up the backlog (over 500 referrals between the 2 offices down to about 40 which is doable in a couple of days), and I created cheat sheets for other referral coordinators to use to help them with their work. I felt trapped, underappreciated, and underpaid. That’s why I was fine with moving over an hour away from work. It was a good excuse to look for a job closer to home.
I wanted and got a job in the billing department for the same healthcare system that was about 20 minutes away from our new place. It was NOT the job for me. It’s an extremely monotonous job: printing out EOBs and entering them into the computer. all. day. long. I was there for about 5 months.
Today was my last day working in healthcare. I put my notice in a couple weeks ago after stressing and crying and thinking so much about it. I feel so much better already to not be in a field that I have a lot of problems with. The healthcare system in our country is dismal, and I know first hand how terrible it can be for both patients and those who take care of them. Healthcare needs an overhaul but I wouldn’t even know where to start.
I will be unemployed for 2 weeks, and on July 10th I start my new full time job at the only camera store in town that still develops black and white film in-house. I am so much happier with the direction of my life already and I haven’t even started my new job yet. Obviously photography and modeling are what I’m passionate about and I am so excited for it to be what sustains me monetarily! I am going to learn so much working there and my new knowledge will only enhance the quality of my art. I am so looking forward to it!!! Change can be so so good.
I create as much as I can whenever I can, and your support here on patreon has allowed me to allocate more time to creating than I would be able to otherwise. One day with your help I aspire to support myself full time from my art income. I yearn to travel all over the country to find the most beautiful places and photograph the nude there. My goal for after AD finishes his degree: buy a giant work van, custom build it into a mini home, and create in every national and state park I can find. And you know I’ll be sharing it all here with you. <3
(EDIT 2020: My dreams all came true last year!!! I became full time self employed (via THIS WEBSITE RIGHT HERE, because of the support of members!) in April 2019, and lived out of my minivan for 69 days during a cross country road trip last summer!)
I am so excited to share these sets with you! This is the film from our member-sponsored (thank you!!! <3 ) mountain trip last month! I really love how these came out, the locations were so beautiful.
Go explore the videos folder, I’ve just added 9 bts videos from between shooting these sets. You can really see how beautiful these locations are. There’s a video of me collecting water from the waterfall…. I almost slipped and fell in! Haha
All members have access to this complete 22 image waterfall photoset by clicking here, the 16 image App Trail photoset by clicking here and the videos by clicking here.
Not a member? Click here to join for instant access and other member perks!