I originally wrote this for Patreon on August 12th 2017. I no longer use Patreon and have replaced it with my website (here) but thought I would share some of my old blogs with you for FREE to show my appreciation for you visiting my website! <3
Tiffany Helms and Jeff Waters hosted me while I was in Philly, and one of the mornings I was there Tiffany and I took these fun photos! She placed a bunch of googly eyes on my shoulder and photographed me using a fancy colorful gadget she made to create all the cute dots of color. You’ll probably recognize the googly eyes from the selfies and boomerangs I shared while I was there.
Later that day we shot in the graffiti-filled abandoned house from last week’s post! Jeff took a few photos of me in the greenery growing all over the inside of the house. That day was just so fantastic. =D
This month’s nude yoga video is now in the galleries! I didn’t plan it this way but my sister Gemini ended up doing nude yoga with me! I practiced leading a yoga flow which I have only done a couple of times, talking Gemini through the poses. I’m excited that I got to practice this because I plan on taking a yoga teacher training course in the next year or two and need all the practice I can get! The video irritatingly cuts off at the end before we finished the flow, which I didn’t realize until we were already done. =[ I ran out of memory/space! I’m currently doing all of my videos with my phone until I can afford a nice video camera so I’m doing the best I can with what I have.
How awesome is it that two months in a row someone from my family joined me for nude yoga?! =D It makes me so happy that my family is so incredibly supportive of me. I am so grateful, I know I’m very lucky to have such a wonderful family.
I’ve added 2 aerial silks videos of me doing star drop to the video gallery as well! It’s a fun drop that doesn’t look super exciting in the videos but I just need to work on it more to make it more dramatic.
Photos Tiffany took:
Photo Jeff took:
All members have access to this complete 5 image film photoset taken by Tiffany Helms by clicking here, the 5 image digital photoset by clicking here, the 11 image photoset by Jeff Waters by clicking here, the nude yoga video with my sister by clicking here, and the aerial silks videos by clicking here.
I originally wrote this for Patreon on August 5th 2017. I no longer use Patreon and have replaced it with my website (here) but thought I would share some of my old blogs with you for FREE to show my appreciation for you visiting my website! <3
When I was planning my trip to Philadelphia I reached out to several models I know that live there, and it worked out perfectly that they were all available on the same day! So of COURSE we had to all get together for an epic group shoot! Tiffany Helms, Vex Voir, Caitlin Michele, Luna Dahlia, Jeff Waters and I all met up at Fairmout Park after roaming around trying to find each other for a little while. The place is huge! Once we all converged in the same spot all 6 of us squished into my 5 seat hatchback (yeah it was pretty tightly packed in the backseat haha) and drove to a parking area near some trails. We didn’t have a solid plan for where we were going to shoot so we just started walking, knowing we would find a place. After stopping a couple of times considering different parts of the trail as a background, we stumbled upon a large open field surrounded by trees and on the far side of the field was a graffitied abandoned building! We KNEW this was the place, it was perfect! We crossed the field and explored inside. Vex brought a portable speaker and played some music while we smoked and chatted and I put film in my cameras. I took photos of all 4 models together, and then Jeff and I took turns shooting everyone individually. We weren’t interrupted the entire time we were there, which was several hours, but we did have a small scare when a couple of people walked into the field next to the building. I think they were just looking for a smoking spot and they didn’t come near or bother us at all before they went along their way. At the end of the shoot Jeff took photos of all 5 of us, some with my camera and some with his. I’ve included the photos he took with my camera in this set along with the photos I took of the group. =]
I had so much fun that day and I’m glad I have photos and a couple of videos to look back on and reminisce.
I’ll share the individual shots I took of them in the next few weeks, so look out for those soon!
I’ve added 2 behind the scenes location videos from this shoot to the video folder for your viewing pleasure. The videos really help you get a sense of the space!
And just because, I’ve also included 17 cheeky fun boomerangs of me in various stages of undress. =]
All members have access to this complete 18 image photoset by clicking here, the 12 image instax photoset by clicking here, the BTS videos by clicking here, and the boomerangs by clicking here.
I originally wrote this for Patreon on July 15th 2017. I no longer use Patreon and have replaced it with my website (here) but thought I would share some of my old blogs with you for FREE to show my appreciation for you visiting my website! <3
Yay here’s the first set from my super fun adventure to Pennsylvania a couple weeks ago! I finally met Vinny Kim on the first morning of my trip after talking to him online and admiring his photographs forEVER. We met up at a Cracker Barrel parking lot in the middle of nowhere Pennsylvania. He drove me to an abandoned school he has permission to shoot in… that place is a dreamland! We barely scratched the surface of the huge beautiful building. There are SO MANY places to shoot there that are all totally different. There was one room that had 2 walls full of windows and grass growing on the floor that I really wanted to model in but we didn’t even get around to shooting there! I had a fantastic time exploring and experimenting with Vinny. We shot all morning and afterward we went back to the Cracker Barrel for lunch and some much needed running water to wash my hands hahaha. I was totally covered in dust from head to toe. It felt SOOOOO good to take a shower once I finally got to Tiffany Helms‘ place in Philly later that afternoon.
I have a few more sets from this shoot to share with you in the coming weeks, be on the lookout for those soon!
(Models: Please email me at bunnyluna@pm.me for references about photographers in the industry)
I’ve uploaded 6 behind the scenes videos from the abandoned school, make sure to check those out! They really help show you the scale of this place.
July’s monthly nude yoga video (it’s 10 minutes long!) has also been uploaded!! This month’s video is extra special because my mom joined me! YES, she’s nude too! I love my family… my dad participated by helping me film the video. I am so lucky to have such a supportive family. <3
All members have access to this complete 18 image photoset by clicking here, the BTS videos by clicking here, and the nude yoga video with my mom by clicking here.
Tiffany Nacke
Video members now have access to:
vlog with the story behind this photoset I took of Tiffany Nacke in her home in Illinois during my cross country road trip last summer
- 37 image complete photoset
22+ minutes of BTS video
First Look members now have access to:
everything above
148 photos/videos from my road trip with Lior Allay last fall
7 image complete medium format film photoset of Lior Allay that I assisted with
- 4.5+ minute video of me doing intuitive movements & yoga
Tiffany Nacke
Ahh! Hello, I was walking through the tree and it was lower than I thought it was. I’m happy to be here with you again this week! I just walked through a spiderweb. So of course I want to come outside where it feels good and I can put my feet on the ground. So this week I’m sharing a photoset and behind the scenes video from a photoshoot that I did in southern… central Illinois with Tiffany Nacke. I have shot with her a couple of times before but I was actually going through the town where she lives, her home base, home town, or gonna be really close to it on my cross country road trip last summer. She was basically the first stop that I made. I basically drove from my house to Tiffany Nacke’s house in Illinois in the first day of my trip. I might have slept overnight in my car on the way there, but I think I had my first night at her place. I could look back at my calendar to make sure but… this was the very beginning of my trip. She and I took photos of each other and I did an interview with her which I will hopefully be sharing on my youtube soonish. I have so much content that I don’t know what to do with, I don’t know when to share it, I just get overwhelmed and I’m like “oh, I’m just going to hoard it all to myself” I dont know why I do that. I’m excited to share that photoset with you I think they’re great they’re in her bedroom and she has several cats and a couple of them joined us for the shoot so that was cute and fun. I’m sure you’ll like them, any cat lovers here will be excited about this photoset.
Not much is new for me right now, I’m thinking of all the cool things that I want to do with all the videos that I have, but that just involves me being on a computer doing a lot of video editing, and I haven’t taken a whole lot of time to do that yet. It is on my list of things that I want to work on because I want to get better at video editing and have more short highlight reel type videos for yall and promotional videos I can share on social media. I have so many videos! I have over 2000 videos! Probably more than that, those are just in the paid members section, I have way more that are free! Even just counting the videos that I made every day on my cross country road trip last summer, that are all free. Also if you’re new here and you didn’t know that was available, I’ll put a link in the caption so that you can see all the free stuff of all of my travel photos of all the beautiful landscapes that I saw and all of the videos that I made every day I was on my road trip, those are all available for free. (click here for the massive blog post about it and click here for the free galleries!!!) And if you’re a member and you’re watching this anyway, the photos and videos I made there that are NOT free, you’re a member here, you’ll have access to those really soon because they’re coming out in the next few weeks because I have SO MUCH! So look forward to all of that, I’m excited to share with you.
I’ve had an idea for a fundraiser but it didn’t feel quite right so I haven’t announced it yet, and now I have an even better idea for a fundraiser, like what I want to do with the funds because that’s what was not feeling quite right. I have an even better idea and I’m excited to start fleshing that out more for myself because I think it’s going to be awesome. So keep an eye out for a fundraiser, I’m going to be posting about that hopefully soon. I’m excited and I have some ideas that I would like to flesh out so I don’t want to say too much about it yet because it’s not 100% ready, but it’s on the way.
ALSO another thing that’s on the way! I’m in the process of making a mini ebook of some of my favorite double exposures I’ve taken that involve people and nature (which is most of the double exposures that I take), this is… I think I have maybe 16 pages or so in this book so far, and I think that might be all that I do, but there’s one or two images per page so that’s a lot more than just 16 photos. I’m excited to share those. That ebook will be available for purchase and I’ll be giving the money to some kind of fund, I’m not sure yet, or at least a percentage of it, but if you don’t want to purchase it I’ll have an option for if you’re a member that you can get it for free! I’m going to make a post about it soon because it’s not quite ready but just to give you a quick heads up, if you write a review for your membership through my shop, so if you go to the sale page for the membership while you’re logged in and scroll down, it has a place for you to leave a review. If you leave a review of your membership I’ll send you this mini ebook of my double exposures for free as a thank you for writing the review. So anybody who’s written a review before the ebook comes out, you’re still going to be getting the ebook in your email so even if you do it today and the ebook isn’t ready yet, you’ll get it when it’s ready. Or you can wait til I make a post about it, either way. I think reviews help people to understand the value that I bring with the memberships and it helps bring more people into this community, and it helps me know what you like that I’m doing so I can do more of that! Reviews are awesome, I super appreciate it if you do leave reviews. I’ve had Don write a couple of reviews for me and those have been great, and Doug has also done some reviews in the past too, just not in this way, but he did a write up of a review before back when I was doing patreon. So anybody that wants that double exposure e-book for free I’ll email it to you once it’s done if you’ve written a review, or I’ll have an option for you to purchase it in my store.
I think that’s all I have to say today, because not much has changed since last week. I did have a photoshoot yesterday (Wednesday) but the photos won’t be coming out on my website, they’re just for the model for their OnlyFans. That was really fun, it was actually my first shoot this year of someone else so that was really great, and I’m hoping that we can get together again so that I can take some double exposures of them because I have some film from my trip still for double exposures. I’m very excited, I hope we do it! But yeah the photos we took yesterday are exclusive to their OnlyFans. I shot with Lauren / Portraitmami, their Onlyfans link is HERE.
That’s all I have to say. Thank you so much! I love you and I’ll talk to you again next week!
Video members:
click here to view the full photoset of Tiffany Nacke in her home in Illinois during my cross country road trip last summer
click here to view the BTS videoFirst Look members:
click here to view the medium format film photoset of Lior Allay that I assisted with
click here to view the photos/videos from my road trip with Lior Allay last fall
click here to view the video of me doing intuitive movements & yoga -
Ivy & Graffiti
Click here to view this photoset taken by DWL Photo in a public park in Philly.
Click here to view this photoset taken by DWL Photo at an industrial site in Philly. I had to hide behind him at one point while we were at this location when a train went by!
Click here to view this photoset of Caitlin Michele in an abandoned building being taken over by nature in Philadelphia.
Click here to view this Polaroid photoset taken by Brunoroids.
Blue Couch
Click here to view this photoset by Vinny Kim taken in an abandoned school in Pennsylvania.