I originally wrote this for Patreon on July 29th 2017. I no longer use Patreon and have replaced it with my website (here) but thought I would share some of my old blogs with you for FREE to show my appreciation for you visiting my website! <3


    I modeled for Edgar while AD & I were in Chicago for my friend Becca’s wedding. He met us at our airbnb and I showed him around, which didn’t take long because it was a small place but had plenty of different areas to shoot in. We started our shoot in the bathroom, which had a really nice clawfoot bathtub and plenty of natural light. Edgar likes to bring his antique cameras with him for models to pose with. This is perfect for me since I’m a photographer as well as a model so it was fun playing with his beautiful old cameras!

    Enjoy this first set from Edgar, I have a few more sets to share with you in the future!


    I’ve uploaded a few fun videos for you this week! The first one is a timelapse video of me doing yoga while wearing my Totoro onesie! There’s also 2 new aerial silks videos: straight leg scorpion from third wrap and cross back straddle from triple ankle wraps! Straight leg scorpion is one of my favorite moves because it’s SUPER HARD to do but I am actually kinda good at it! I’ll share the most difficult version of this move with y’all in the next few weeks. There’s also a video of my secret hiding place that I go to when I need some alone time outside. There’s a tree that has fallen over and has created a kind of mini tree cave. I love climbing up in the tree and being surrounded by it. It feels like home.

    All members have access to this complete 42 image photoset by clicking here, the Totoro onesie yoga timelapse by clicking here, the aerial silks videos by clicking here, and the secret hiding spot video by clicking here.

    Not a member? Click here to sign up for instant access!


    I originally wrote this for Patreon on July 22nd 2017. I no longer use Patreon and have replaced it with my website (here) but thought I would share some of my old blogs with you for FREE to show my appreciation for you visiting my website! <3


    I’ve been saving this set for a bit because I love it so much. Sometimes I want to hold onto things a little while, I enjoy having solitary time with them before other eyes have a chance to see.

    I am close with my sister Gemini, in both age (18 months apart) and relationship (best friends). We don’t get to see each other as much since AD & I moved to a place about 45 minutes away from her and my parents. We used to be 15-20 minutes away. She has gone through a lot in her life in a way that I’ve been fortunate enough to never experience. She is strong, courageous, intuitive, genuine, complicated, unique, and oh so beautiful. I’m lucky to know her, and blessed to call her my sister. <3

    We took these self portraits together when we were in San Antonio in March. I love creating with her!

    Gemini has been considering starting her own Patreon, I’ll let you know when she has it up and running! She has a kinky side that will definitely show up on her page. You already know this if you follow her on IG, she recently posted some waxplay photos and she loves being an adorable fox (yeah, complete with ears and tail!).


    Since this is a Gemini appreciation post, I’m sharing a video of her foxing around in two futos. It’s fun to practice shibari on her and she loves it. She’s super cute walking around on her knees, especially when she loses her balance hehehe.

    And, just because I feel like it, I’m sharing a backyard yoga timelapse video too! =D

    All members have access to this complete 90 image photoset by clicking here, the backyard yoga timelapse video by clicking here, and the videos of Gemini foxing around in futos by clicking here.

    Not a member? Click here to sign up for instant access!


    I originally wrote this for Patreon on July 15th 2017. I no longer use Patreon and have replaced it with my website (here) but thought I would share some of my old blogs with you for FREE to show my appreciation for you visiting my website! <3


    Yay here’s the first set from my super fun adventure to Pennsylvania a couple weeks ago! I finally met Vinny Kim on the first morning of my trip after talking to him online and admiring his photographs forEVER. We met up at a Cracker Barrel parking lot in the middle of nowhere Pennsylvania. He drove me to an abandoned school he has permission to shoot in… that place is a dreamland! We barely scratched the surface of the huge beautiful building. There are SO MANY places to shoot there that are all totally different. There was one room that had 2 walls full of windows and grass growing on the floor that I really wanted to model in but we didn’t even get around to shooting there! I had a fantastic time exploring and experimenting with Vinny. We shot all morning and afterward we went back to the Cracker Barrel for lunch and some much needed running water to wash my hands hahaha. I was totally covered in dust from head to toe. It felt SOOOOO good to take a shower once I finally got to Tiffany Helms‘ place in Philly later that afternoon.

    I have a few more sets from this shoot to share with you in the coming weeks, be on the lookout for those soon!

    (Models: Please email me at bunnyluna@pm.me for references about photographers in the industry)


    I’ve uploaded 6 behind the scenes videos from the abandoned school, make sure to check those out! They really help show you the scale of this place.

    July’s monthly nude yoga video (it’s 10 minutes long!) has also been uploaded!! This month’s video is extra special because my mom joined me! YES, she’s nude too! I love my family… my dad participated by helping me film the video. I am so lucky to have such a supportive family. <3

    All members have access to this complete 18 image photoset by clicking here, the BTS videos by clicking here, and the nude yoga video with my mom by clicking here.

    Not a member? Click here to sign up for instant access!


    I originally wrote this for Patreon on July 8th 2017. I no longer use Patreon and have replaced it with my website (here) but thought I would share some of my old blogs with you for FREE to show my appreciation for you visiting my website! <3


    I’ve been up and down emotionally a lot lately (probably because I’m coming up on my period) so the other day I took a bath for some self care time and to release negativity. Anything you do for yourself and for your happiness is always wonderful, but when you can include ritual that’s even better (in my opinion)! I wanted to share this with you guys because it helps me feel 1000x better after a really shitty day.

     Self care bathtime ritual:

    • Set aside at least 30 minutes to an hour for yourself when you won’t be disturbed
    • Gather anything you would like with you while you’re in the bath: candles, incense, crystals, soft meditative music, a glass of water/tea, a good book
    • Draw your bath. If you have them, put some some epsom salts and essential oils in (lavender is great for relaxation!), or a bath bomb, flower petals, or bubble bath
    • If applicable, light your candles and/or incense, arrange your crystals, place your glass of water/tea and book within arms reach of where you’ll be in the tub
    • Get in and relax for at least 10-15 minutes either doing nothing, leisurely reading, or meditating. For meditating, I like to lay all the way in the water so that everything but my face is submerged and listen to my heartbeat underwater. I take deep breaths in rhythm with my heartbeat, keeping each inhale and exhale the same number of beats and trying to lengthen my breaths. Inhaling counting 5 heartbeats, exhaling counting 5 heartbeats. Inhaling counting 6 or 7 (or more) heartbeats, exhaling counting the same number of heartbeats. If I want to meditate with my crystals I pick one up and look at every part of it, noticing the colors, textures, the way it feels in my hand, the weight of it, if it reflects anything, or seeing if there are any rainbows inside. I’ll do this with each one in turn, seeing how they make me feel and letting my mind become quiet as I focus on my senses of vision and touch.
    • Once you’re in a calm relaxed state, either happy and content (or at least neutral), think of things you would like to release and let go of. What would you like to cleanse from your life?
    • Cup your hands together so they create a bowl shape and use your hands to bring water to your face. Run your hands from your face, up past your temples, up over and down the back of your head, down your shoulders, chest, and thighs.
    • Say to yourself either out loud or in your mind (I prefer to say it out loud because it’s more powerful) “I release *insert that which you would like to let go of* from my life. I allow this water to cleanse me of that which no longer serves me.”
    • Cleanse yourself this way as many times as you want or need to, or for however many things you’d like to release. Examples of things I cleanse myself of: negativity, self-doubt, comparing myself to others
    • I suggest meditating after cleansing yourself, a lovingkindness meditation would be a wonderful meditation to start with.
    • When you are ready to get out, unplug the drain but stay in the bath. As the water drains, visualize all of that which you want to release and let go of going down the drain with the water. Watch as all negativity, self-doubt, and comparison disappear down the drain.


    I’ve added 2 videos showing a couple of the crystal grids I’ve used for bathtime rituals. I’ve also added 17 fun boomerangs I took after a recent bath… lots of booty boomerangs! Make sure to check those out. =]

    All members have access to this complete 27 image film photoset by clicking here, the 20 image digital photoset by clicking here, the 22 image Instax nudes set from an NC mountain trip by clicking here, bathtime crystal grids videos by clicking here, and post bath boomerangs by clicking here.

    Not a member? Click here to sign up for instant access!


    I originally wrote this for Patreon on July 1st 2017. I no longer use Patreon and have replaced it with my website (here) but thought I would share some of my old blogs with you for FREE to show my appreciation for you visiting my website! <3


    When I learned that Liv Sage & Nova Amour would be here at that same time I knew I had to see if the 3 of us could all get together to create! We hosted Liv while she was in town and Nova met us at my house to shoot. Random fun fact: all 3 of us were on our period at the same time! We talked probably over half of the time we were shooting, about all kinds of things like crystals, astrology, and who our favorite people to create with are. Liv took some photos of Nova & me, and I took photos of the two of them. We were chasing the light in my house so we started downstairs and ended up going upstairs by the end of the shoot. I forgot and only took a couple of Instax! I usually like to take at least a pack (10 photos) but only ended up taking 3. Oops. I was just having too much fun. =D Afterwards we went out for dinner and hung out for a while before Nova went back to her airbnb and we went to bed.


    I’ve uploaded 2 behind the scenes timelapse videos so you can watch the whole shoot! One video is from when I photographed them and the other is from when Liv photographed Nova & me!

    All members have access to this complete 21 image photoset by clicking here, the 3 instax by clicking here, and the videos by clicking here.

    Not a member? Click here to join for instant access and other member perks!


    I originally wrote this for Patreon on June 24th 2017. I no longer use Patreon and have replaced it with my website (here) but thought I would share some of my old blogs with you for FREE to show my appreciation for you visiting my website! <3


    The new moon supermoon in Cancer is today/tomorrow and oh gosh its bringing about a lot of change for me. It’s both scary and exciting, and I’m ready for it. I don’t think I’ve told you much about my “real” life outside of photography and modeling and want to share some of it with you. Since art doesn’t currently pay the bills and antisocialdisposition is a full time electrical engineering student, it has been essential for me to have a steady income. I’ve been working full time at a major healthcare system for nearly 5 years to support myself and my husband until he finishes his degree.

    Well, working in healthcare kinda started killing my soul a little. Slowly.

    The first 3 years I was working the front desk at a family practice. I loved my work family, (most of) our patients were so sweet, and the benefits were amazing.

    The 4th year I was promoted to the referral coordinator position which was great because it was over a dollar more an hour, but I had to do the work of 2 people. That’s when things started to change for me, I started to not really enjoy coming to work every day like I used to. I was tasked with the job of cleaning up the mess that was made before I was promoted. Trying to condense as much of the story as possible, essentially there was nobody doing referrals for 2 offices for a couple of months before I started, and I had to not only essentially teach myself referrals, I had to catch up with the backlog AND work on the new referrals being added every day. It is so disheartening to know that you’re not doing the best job you could be doing because you have SO MUCH work to do it’s not possible to do it all right. I am not the kind of person that does things half-heartedly. If I do something I want to do it 100%.

    I was a referral coordinator for 1 year. In that year I taught myself how to do referrals, I cleaned up the backlog (over 500 referrals between the 2 offices down to about 40 which is doable in a couple of days), and I created cheat sheets for other referral coordinators to use to help them with their work. I felt trapped, underappreciated, and underpaid. That’s why I was fine with moving over an hour away from work. It was a good excuse to look for a job closer to home.

    I wanted and got a job in the billing department for the same healthcare system that was about 20 minutes away from our new place. It was NOT the job for me. It’s an extremely monotonous job: printing out EOBs and entering them into the computer. all. day. long. I was there for about 5 months.

    Today was my last day working in healthcare. I put my notice in a couple weeks ago after stressing and crying and thinking so much about it. I feel so much better already to not be in a field that I have a lot of problems with. The healthcare system in our country is dismal, and I know first hand how terrible it can be for both patients and those who take care of them. Healthcare needs an overhaul but I wouldn’t even know where to start.

    I will be unemployed for 2 weeks, and on July 10th I start my new full time job at the only camera store in town that still develops black and white film in-house. I am so much happier with the direction of my life already and I haven’t even started my new job yet. Obviously photography and modeling are what I’m passionate about and I am so excited for it to be what sustains me monetarily! I am going to learn so much working there and my new knowledge will only enhance the quality of my art. I am so looking forward to it!!! Change can be so so good.

    I create as much as I can whenever I can, and your support here on patreon has allowed me to allocate more time to creating than I would be able to otherwise. One day with your help I aspire to support myself full time from my art income. I yearn to travel all over the country to find the most beautiful places and photograph the nude there. My goal for after AD finishes his degree: buy a giant work van, custom build it into a mini home, and create in every national and state park I can find. And you know I’ll be sharing it all here with you. <3

    (EDIT 2020: My dreams all came true last year!!! I became full time self employed (via THIS WEBSITE RIGHT HERE, because of the support of members!) in April 2019, and lived out of my minivan for 69 days during a cross country road trip last summer!)


    I am so excited to share these sets with you! This is the film from our member-sponsored (thank you!!! <3 ) mountain trip last month! I really love how these came out, the locations were so beautiful.


    Go explore the videos folder, I’ve just added 9 bts videos from between shooting these sets. You can really see how beautiful these locations are. There’s a video of me collecting water from the waterfall…. I almost slipped and fell in! Haha

    All members have access to this complete 22 image waterfall photoset by clicking here, the 16 image App Trail photoset by clicking here and the videos by clicking here.

    Not a member? Click here to join for instant access and other member perks!


    I originally wrote this for Patreon on June 17th 2017. I no longer use Patreon and have replaced it with my website (here) but thought I would share some of my old blogs with you for FREE to show my appreciation for you visiting my website! <3


    This shoot is thanks to you, my lovely members who helped me reach my last goal. Because of you I was able to hire a model and begin donating $25/month to the National Park Foundation! <3 <3 <3 You probably remember a couple months ago when I worked with Quinn Sanguine for the first time. They came back through NC one more time before making a 3 month road trip/tour ending in Tacoma Washington, their new home. I knew I probably wouldn’t see them again for a while since they’re on the road for so long and then will be on the other side of the country. I’m really grateful that they came back through and y’all made it possible for me to hire them for a shoot. Thank you!!

    We met in the evening at my parent’s place. What can I say, I shoot there all the time but I love it there and they get such good light through the giant window in their living room onto their beautiful wood floor! I previously prepared a roll of film for doubles and had the nature backgrounds ready to go on some 35mm for this shoot. We took dual self portraits! You can see the cord for my cable release in some of the photos. I’ve only taken film self portraits either by myself or with Antisocialdisposition so it was really wonderful to experiment with another model. I had this other idea using blue thread to represent the connection between everyone but as you can see in the BTS timelapse, it was such a huge tangled mess so we didn’t use it for that many photos. I’ll have to cut some of the knots out of it and experiment with it again. After we shot the dual self portraits we took some Instax and boomerangs out in the back yard.

    We went out for dinner afterward and talked for a couple hours at a pizza place a couple minutes from the house. They have great insight, experience, and advice about polyam relationships, which is very much something that has been on my (and AD’s) mind a lot lately. I’m sure sure if I’m ready to share a lot about this here yet but I’ll just say that it feels like everything happens for a reason and I’m really glad we had the time to talk after our shoot because they gave me a lot to think about, in a good way.


    Check out the videos folder for a behind the scenes timelapse of our shoot AND 16 fun boomerangs that we made together!

    ALSO! Brand new this month, I’m doing a monthly nude yoga video and have just uploaded June’s nude yoga video (almost 9 minutes long!)!

    All members have access to this complete 17 image photoset by clicking here and the videos by clicking here.


    I originally wrote this for Patreon on June 11th 2017. I no longer use Patreon and have replaced it with my website (here) but thought I would share some of my old blogs with you for FREE to show my appreciation for you visiting my website! <3


    Part of the goal that I met recently that allowed us to go on our patreon-sponsored trip a few weeks ago was to create at least one set to share with everyone. I’m excited to say that I shot enough self portraits that I’m sharing TWO sets with you, one with 15 images and another with 11! YAY!

    Click here for the bonus sets! No password required!


    I originally wrote this for Patreon on June 10th 2017. I no longer use Patreon and have replaced it with my website (here) but thought I would share some of my old blogs with you for FREE to show my appreciation for you visiting my website! <3


    Thanks to you wonderful members I met the “take a mini trip with Antisocialdisposition” goal a couple months ago and we took our trip a couple weeks ago. We left home on a Friday afternoon and got to our airbnb a little after 3pm. When we arrived all the power was out in the area. Thankfully we didn’t need it at that time anyway because we left not long after we got there to get a late lunch. We are at a Caribbean style restaurant in a nearby town (which was super delicious!) and the power was back on before we got back.

    I took a bunch of self portraits in the house that afternoon and that night we took advantage of the giant luxurious bathtub in our bedroom by taking a bath with the Nightshift bath bomb from bloodlilybath. Oh my goodness, it smelled like flowers and dirt (which I love) and it made my skin super soft! I’ve uploaded a video to the videos folder if you want to watch it dissolve. =]

    On Saturday we woke up at 5:15am to get to our waterfall location by sunrise and before anyone else got there. We had an entire hour to ourselves before anyone else showed up! Our timing was perfect because we had just finished getting ready to leave when an older couple showed up. We wanted to go to another waterfall location but when we got there it was only an overlook and there were already people there fishing. I want to find the trail to the bottom next time we go.

    We had lunch back at our airbnb and then headed out again that afternoon for more hiking. We went to a section of the Appalachian Trail on Roan Mountain and hiked for about 4 miles. There were other people hiking but we still managed to take a lot of photos right off of the trail. We can be pretty sneaky and quick so we didn’t run into any issues. There was one person who walked by while I was struggling to put my dress back on but either they didn’t notice me or they pretended not to notice me. Haha!

    After our photo hike we had another relaxing evening in the bathtub, of course! We used another bloodlilybath bath bomb called Darkened Soul that turns the water black! AD took some film photos of me in the bath before he joined me.

    It rained all that night so instead of getting up and hiking again on Sunday like we planned, we slept in and took our time checking out. It rained most of the day but we enjoyed our drive home. We took the scenic route down the Blue Ridge Parkway and stopped for lunch in Asheville. We are at a vegan place called The Laughing Seed and it was SO DELICIOUS! I cleaned my plate! There’s a photo of my lunch in the folder for the trip if you wanna see what I got. =]

    I hope you enjoy these self portraits I took in our airbnb. I’ll be uploading the film from our hikes and the black bath in the coming weeks so stay tuned for those!


    I’ve uploaded 11 videos from our trip, check them out to see what our airbnb looked like, to watch the bath bomb video, and see me hanging out nude on the porch!

    All members have access to this complete 58 image photoset by clicking here and the videos by clicking here.


    I originally wrote this for Patreon on June 3rd 2017. I no longer use Patreon and have replaced it with my website (here) but thought I would share some of my old blogs with you for FREE to show my appreciation for you visiting my website! <3


    I’ve been thinking a lot lately about what is actually ME vs what has been planted into my brain by our culture, specifically American culture. I want to challenge culture.

    Ok, I guess I probably should explain. Let’s talk about everyday life and things that are “normal.” You get up in the morning, take a shower, put on your gender-appropriate clothes, and get ready for your day. You leave your house or apartment and drive or take public transportation to work or school. You see other people looking the way they “should” look ie: wearing “appropriate” clothes, women wearing makeup with their hair done, men with short hair and possibly facial hair etc. You go about your day, eat at a restaurant or get something take out or delivered for lunch, finish your day at work or school, and come home to your significant other (most likely of the opposite sex). Sounds pretty normal, right? Of course, because it’s what American culture has taught us is normal.

    Well, what would your everyday life be like if you lived in a remote area as a member of a community that doesn’t have the internet or even power, who hunts and gathers and gardens for their food? Normal everyday life would probably be waking up when the sun comes up, doing your duties for the community such as hunting or gathering or gardening, eating meals with family & friends, and telling stories by a fire before you go to bed only an hour or two after sundown.

    “Normal” is different for everyone depending on where and how they grew up. American culture tells us that there is a formula you have to follow in order to be “normal.” If you’re not “normal” those who are very deep into American culture don’t know what to do with you and call you a freak or beat you up or judge you or something else that’s not very nice.

    WHY do we (people with American culture deeply ingrained in them) assume that anyone that’s not like us is bad or weird or stupid or in need of our help to become more like us? I don’t want to live in a world where everyone is the same. I want to live in a DIVERSE world where there are a multitude of different cultures, ideas, and points of view.

    I want to challenge culture. I want to experience things that are not “normal.” I want to do, wear, listen to, be a part of things that make me HAPPY and because I WANT TO, not because it’s expected of me or because that’s what everyone else is doing.

    What do you do every day to follow culture?

    What do you do every day to follow your HEART?


    This week I’ve uploaded a special acrobatic nude video of me hanging out of a tree!

    I’ve also included 2 aerial silks videos from when I was first learning scorpion. One video is me doing scorpion for an entire minute. It doesn’t seem like that long until you’re hanging by your legs doing a backbend, then a minute is a long time! Haha The other is of me doing a skin the cat exit from scorpion. =]

    This month I’m starting a monthly nude yoga video! I’ll be uploading that in the next week or two, look for that soon. Yay! I’m really looking forward to creating these yoga videos. I don’t have a great camera for video but I do what I can, it just limits me to videos at 10 minutes maximum length. I have a future goal of buying a nice video-capable digital camera so every pledge helps me get a little closer to higher quality videos just for you!

    All members have access to this complete 31 image self portrait photoset by clicking here, the 34 image photoset by clicking here, and all the videos by clicking here.