I originally wrote this for Patreon on October 7th 2017. I no longer use Patreon and have replaced it with my website (here) but thought I would share some of my old blogs with you for FREE to show my appreciation for you visiting my website! <3


    This self portrait set was taken when I traveled to Tampa mid-August to shoot maternity photos of my brother in law’s girlfriend. Whew that’s a mouthful. I’m really stoked about the maternity photos, she let me take a few rolls of film of her nude and is allowing me to share them with you! I’m not quite ready to post them yet but oh my GOSH you’re going to love them!

    Ok, back to this set since I got side tracked haha! The airbnb I stayed at was super adorable and I created a lot while I was there! This is the first of a few self portrait sets I took. I couldn’t leave the house before I shot in this kitchen! I absolutely love the big old sink they had and the way the light was coming in through the windows. I shot some film in this location too! I’ll be sharing that with you sometime soon. =]


    I’ve uploaded 7 videos walking through the airbnb I took this set in + 25 nude body movement boomerangs showing off bruises from aerial silks class for members! Enjoy the example gif below! I’ve got bruises on the backs of my knees and on my inner and outer hips! I have a couple on my arms but you can’t see them here. I love having physical representations of fun things I’ve done. <3

    All members have access to this complete 46 image photoset by clicking here, the videos of the airbnb by clicking here, and the body movement boomerangs by clicking here.

    Not a member? Click here to sign up for instant access!


    I originally wrote this for Patreon on September 30th 2017. I no longer use Patreon and have replaced it with my website (here) but thought I would share some of my old blogs with you for FREE to show my appreciation for you visiting my website! <3


    You can’t tell in these photos, but it was close to raining the whole time DWL Photo and I were shooting that day. I brought my umbrella with me and ended up losing it somewhere along the way. Oops. DWL and I met up at Fairmount Park and took advantage of the fact that not many people were around. We shot these right off of the pathway! We kept our eyes and ears open for people nearby but nobody stumbled upon us, thankfully.

    It’s funny, the reason I worry about people seeing me nude is not because I care that I’m nude, it’s because I don’t want them to be offended by it. Being nude, especially outdoors, in my opinion is one of the most wonderful and natural things in the world. It’s comfortable, it allows me to be closer to the earth, and it’s freeing! I’m sad that I have to worry about other people having a problem with me being myself. We should all be comfortable enough with ourselves to allow others to just be, without judgment or criticism. It is my goal to spread acceptance and love. Will you join me?

    (Models: Please email me at bunnyluna@pm.me for references for photographers in the industry)


    Members now have a fun 16+ minute long nude vlog while I was packing my camera bag the night before my recent shoot with Satya. I’m so excited to see what we created and to share it with you!

    All members have access to this complete 23 image photoset by clicking here, and the nude vlog by clicking here.

    Not a member? Click here to sign up for instant access!


    I originally wrote this for Patreon on September 23rd 2017. I no longer use Patreon and have replaced it with my website (here) but thought I would share some of my old blogs with you for FREE to show my appreciation for you visiting my website! <3


    Oh my gosh this set was hard to narrow down into the abridged set and the photos I’m posting in this blog! Every image came out so wonderfully! Vinny Kim and I created this set during our fun morning in an enormous abandoned school in rural Pennsylvania. We shot a couple sets before and after this one (you’ve seen one and you’ll see the others soon!), but this set is very different from the rest. We kept my face out of view in the majority of the images, and I had my head IN the couch for a lot of them! There were a bunch of out of date discarded electronics strewn around the room and this couch is a wonderful shade of blue so we wanted to incorporate those elements in our images. Which photo is your favorite?

    The video tier now has 12, yes TWELVE new videos to enjoy (whoa so many)! I’ve added a 7+ minute video of me showering, 8 waterfall/wilderness exploration videos, and 2 aerial silks videos: crochet to angel exit & crochet to seated drop back!

    (Models: Please email me at bunnyluna@pm.me for references for photographers in the industry)


    All members have access to this complete 21 image photoset by clicking here, can
    click here for a video of me showering, click here for 8 waterfall/wilderness exploration videos, and click here for 2 aerial silks videos: crochet to angel exit & crochet to seated drop back.

    Not a member? Click here to sign up for instant access!


    I originally wrote this for Patreon on September 16th 2017. I no longer use Patreon and have replaced it with my website (here) but thought I would share some of my old blogs with you for FREE to show my appreciation for you visiting my website! <3


    So much art was made in Philly! I’ve shared a lot of it with you already but there is SO MUCH MORE that I still have to share! I’m so excited to show you everything that was created while I was there.

    This weekend I wanted to post these sets of Luna Dahlia & Vex Voir I took during the group shoot in Fairmount Park I told you about last month! We shot these pretty quickly, I took a few photos of each model in turn while Jeff Waters photographed someone else. This location was truly incredible. I love that nature was taking back the space, there were small trees and lots of plants growing everywhere both inside and out. Since we were there late afternoon and the house had very tall walls and no ceiling, the light was nice and soft but bright, just how I like it!


    What are you doing this weekend? I have off of work today and I’m being super productive! Today is REALLY exciting because I just got my brand new phone in the mail! It’s a Samsung Galaxy Note 8!!!!! I had the Note 4 and I really loved it but a few days ago it stopped charging anywhere above 17% and as soon as I unplugged it, it went straight down to 2% battery. I do so much from my phone, it is an essential for me to be able to work so I desperately needed a new one quickly. I knew I would have off today so yesterday I called Verizon to make sure they had the Note 8 in stock at my local Verizon store so I could hopefully go there today to get one. The Verizon sales rep Allison was super amazing and after a 25 minute phone call, I had a new Note 8 in black (the color I wanted) being overnight shipped to me (at no extra cost), and I wouldn’t even have to go into the store! HELL YES! I’m so thankful for wonderful customer service!

    This little Bunny is really happy and full of gratitude today! <3


    I just recorded a 5+ minute video blog for you! Other videos added this week are straight leg scorpion & practice switching open and closed wrap from aerial silks class (2 different videos), 3 videos of cool art in NoDa (an artsy part of Charlotte), and 4 videos from my friends’ gallery show!

    Luna Dahlia:

    Vex Voir:

    All members have access to this complete 9 image photoset of Luna Dahlia by clicking here, the 7 image photoset of Vex Voir by clicking here, the nude vlog by clicking here, the aerial silks videos by clicking here, and the NoDa art videos by clicking here.

    Not a member? Click here to sign up for instant access!


    I originally wrote this for Patreon on September 9th 2017. I no longer use Patreon and have replaced it with my website (here) but thought I would share some of my old blogs with you for FREE to show my appreciation for you visiting my website! <3


    This set was taken in our first airbnb when AD and I were in Chicago. I say our first because we stayed at this one for the first night we were there and then the rest of the time we stayed at a different one. We wanted to stay in this one for our first night because it was AD’s birthday! This airbnb was so adorable and small but had plenty of space and great natural light to shoot with. They had a huge mirror off to the side of the bed which was of course great for photos, so Edgar suggested for me take a few self portraits with his Leica while he photographed me taking them. I had never used a Leica before but got the hang of it pretty quickly. You can see the photos I took and the photos he took in this set! We also utilized the window above the head of the bed that had a very wide windowsill for a few shots. I got in the windowsill and posed a bit and then he even got a photo of me jumping down! Edgar likes to use vintage cameras as props for shoots so it was of course fun for me to play with all the cameras. =D


    What are you doing this weekend? I’m going to a gem and mineral show in Winston Salem NC today! I’m very excited to see all the beautiful crystals and probably spend more money than I should on getting some for myself and for a little project I’ve been working on. I can’t wait!


    The videos I’ve uploaded this week are: the nude yoga video for September (over 9.5 minutes long!), 24 fun nude body movement boomerangs, and a 3.5 minute video of me placing crystals on myself for a chakra cleansing meditation.

    All members have access to this complete 52 image photoset by clicking here, the nude yoga video by clicking here, the body movement boomerangs by clicking here, and the crystal chakra cleansing placement video by clicking here.

    Not a member? Click here to sign up for instant access!


    I originally wrote this for Patreon on September 2nd 2017. I no longer use Patreon and have replaced it with my website (here) but thought I would share some of my old blogs with you for FREE to show my appreciation for you visiting my website! <3


    I met up with Darius Ollison in South Carolina for this shoot. I drove all the way down from Shenandoah National Park in Virginia the day before, on the last couple days of my Philadelphia trip at the end of June. Yeah, I really drove all over the place….. Charlotte NC to Philadelphia PA to Suffern NY to Shenandoah National Park VA to Sunset SC. SO MUCH DRIVING! It was a thousand percent worth it. I had so many amazing fun creative shoots on that trip, and I had a ton of fun doing it! I have a story about why I went to NY state… but that’s for another day. =]

    Back to this shoot! I had an entire day to myself for my drive from Shenandoah to SC, so I took my time exploring Shenandoah and then meandered my way down to SC. I just had to make sure to give myself enough time to figure out where I was sleeping before nightfall. I drove straight to the trailhead to make sure I knew where it was since I was meeting Darius there early the next morning. It’s in the middle of nowhere down a rural country road, I felt like I was driving into someone’s farm because there were a few houses nearby on the same road. There was absolutely no cell service so I drove back out into the nearby small town to call AD and let him know I made it and what my plans were for that night. The trailhead was small and secluded enough that I felt safe hunkering down there for the night, which is what I did! I actually enjoy sleeping in my car. I have a piece of memory foam that I’ve cut to fit the entire back of my car and I hang black towels up in the windows so nobody can see in. It’s a minimal setup but I love the freedom of living out of a car – I just need to find a decent place to park. =]

    I was woken up in the middle of the night by another car driving in and parking next to me. Up until that point I was totally alone at the trailhead, so I was immediately worried about who this person was and why they were there. Obviously they weren’t going hiking since it was about 1 am. I grabbed my knife and peered around the towel to watch what was going on. It was a guy in a minivan. He checked his phone, wrote in a notebook, and smoked a cigarette. He was there for maybe 5 minutes and then a woman walked up from down the road. She got in the car, they talked for a moment, then drove away. I was so relieved! I was definitely scared for a while.

    The next morning I got up extra early so I could drive into town to call AD and let him know I was alright, then drove back to the trailhead to meet up with Darius. He was super nice and funny and I really enjoyed modeling for him. We shot for a couple of hours before the sun got too high. Right after I got dressed a mom and her 2 daughters were coming down the trail! Somehow I have great timing because this has happened at least 3 times at different shoots, I’ll get dressed and right after that people show up!

    It was so hard to pick out only a few photos to share with you here, there are SO MANY amazing ones! Make sure to check out this huge set in the galleries! <3


    There are 4 BTS videos (and 6 photos) from this shoot for that show you just how big and beautiful these waterfalls are.  I’ve added 5 videos from Shenandoah National Park as well! There’s also 2 new aerial silks videos! One in which I do a stag leg drop back, purposefully falling backwards through the air, which is actually really fun! The other video is a 4.5 minute long scorpion sequence with a couple of backbends from ankle hang at the end. Dang that is a major workout!

    All members have access to this complete 170 image photoset by clicking here, the BTS videos by clicking here, the Shenandoah National Park videos by clicking here, and the aerial silks videos by clicking here.

    Not a member? Click here to sign up for instant access!


    I originally wrote this for Patreon on August 26th 2017. I no longer use Patreon and have replaced it with my website (here) but thought I would share some of my old blogs with you for FREE to show my appreciation for you visiting my website! <3


    I’m pretty much in love with this self portrait set I took in Chicago. I wasn’t always in love with it though. The first time I hastily looked through the photos on my phone I was disappointed by them so I stored them and forgot about them. The shadows just looked way too dark to salvage in the small thumbnails. I stumbled across this set again when I was picking out what I wanted to share with you and now I can’t believe I wasn’t happy with it before! I’m so thankful that I held onto this previously discarded set because it’s a new favorite.

    The airbnb we stayed in the majority of the time Antisocialdisposition and I were in Chicago was beautiful. I chose it because it had several windows and so many plants indoors, and I certainly made the right choice! It was even more wonderful in person than the photos I had seen online. I love the nude statue, and the clear chair is definitely an interesting piece of furniture. Of course I had to incorporate those elements into this set!

    Enjoy these reclaimed images that have reminded me to always give second chances, and to look deeper into the dark to see the light. <3


    New to the video tier is a timelapse video of me doing yoga at the airport with my mom from earlier this year. Check out the sweet crop top I’m wearing, it’s the “Your dick didn’t change me” one from a limited run that Jacs Fishburne had made. =D We definitely had people watching us but I was in the zone so I didn’t notice. My dad told us after we finished!

    All members have access to this complete 43 image photoset by clicking here and the airport yoga video by clicking here.

    Not a member? Click here to sign up for instant access!


    I originally wrote this for Patreon on August 19th 2017. I no longer use Patreon and have replaced it with my website (here) but thought I would share some of my old blogs with you for FREE to show my appreciation for you visiting my website! <3


    When I was in Philly last month I was able to catch up with my friend DWL Photo who I hadn’t seen since May 2016 when we met at #dancingbearsvacay! If you’ve been around for a while you might remember that intense & awesome artist’s retreat. Look back through the archives to May 2016 to see what happened. =] DWL and I shot several sets JUST FOR YOU, and I’m excited to share the first of them with you! We went to another part of Fairmount Park (the place is huge) that I hadn’t been to yet and explored and made a bunch of awesome images. At first I thought we wouldn’t be able to find a place secluded enough but we found several cool spots and didn’t have any issues with people spotting us.


    I’ve put a bunch of random videos in the galleries for you this week! 2 videos of me singing in the car with AD, and 4 outdoor exploration videos!


    I’m currently in Tampa! I drove 10 hours on Wednesday and I’m so relieved that I’m done with the marathon driving. I started shooting some self portraits and videos for you first thing on Thursday morning and plan to create even more for you during any free time I have here. Technically it’s Thursday morning right now as I’m typing this but since I’ll be driving home ALL DAY on Saturday, I’m prepping this week’s post early! I really like consistently posting every Saturday morning so I plan in advance if I need to and queue it for you if I’ll be busy when it’s supposed to post. =]

    I love y’all so much, thank you for being here with me. Thank you for your support and encouragement. I appreciate each and every one of you! <3

    All members have access to this complete 24 image digital photoset by clicking here, the 6 image film photoset by clicking here, the 2 videos of me singing in the car with AD by clicking here, and 4 outdoor exploration videos by clicking here.

    Not a member? Click here to sign up for instant access!


    I originally wrote this for Patreon on August 12th 2017. I no longer use Patreon and have replaced it with my website (here) but thought I would share some of my old blogs with you for FREE to show my appreciation for you visiting my website! <3


    Tiffany Helms and Jeff Waters hosted me while I was in Philly, and one of the mornings I was there Tiffany and I took these fun photos! She placed a bunch of googly eyes on my shoulder and photographed me using a fancy colorful gadget she made to create all the cute dots of color. You’ll probably recognize the googly eyes from the selfies and boomerangs I shared while I was there.

    Later that day we shot in the graffiti-filled abandoned house from last week’s post! Jeff took a few photos of me in the greenery growing all over the inside of the house. That day was just so fantastic. =D


    This month’s nude yoga video is now in the galleries! I didn’t plan it this way but my sister Gemini ended up doing nude yoga with me! I practiced leading a yoga flow which I have only done a couple of times, talking Gemini through the poses. I’m excited that I got to practice this because I plan on taking a yoga teacher training course in the next year or two and need all the practice I can get! The video irritatingly cuts off at the end before we finished the flow, which I didn’t realize until we were already done. =[ I ran out of memory/space! I’m currently doing all of my videos with my phone until I can afford a nice video camera so I’m doing the best I can with what I have.

    How awesome is it that two months in a row someone from my family joined me for nude yoga?! =D It makes me so happy that my family is so incredibly supportive of me. I am so grateful, I know I’m very lucky to have such a wonderful family.

    I’ve added 2 aerial silks videos of me doing star drop to the video gallery as well! It’s a fun drop that doesn’t look super exciting in the videos but I just need to work on it more to make it more dramatic.

    Photos Tiffany took:

    Photo Jeff took:

    All members have access to this complete 5 image film photoset taken by Tiffany Helms by clicking here, the 5 image digital photoset by clicking here, the 11 image photoset by Jeff Waters by clicking here, the nude yoga video with my sister by clicking here, and the aerial silks videos by clicking here.

    Not a member? Click here to sign up for instant access!


    I originally wrote this for Patreon on August 5th 2017. I no longer use Patreon and have replaced it with my website (here) but thought I would share some of my old blogs with you for FREE to show my appreciation for you visiting my website! <3


    When I was planning my trip to Philadelphia I reached out to several models I know that live there, and it worked out perfectly that they were all available on the same day! So of COURSE we had to all get together for an epic group shoot! Tiffany Helms, Vex Voir, Caitlin Michele, Luna Dahlia, Jeff Waters and I all met up at Fairmout Park after roaming around trying to find each other for a little while. The place is huge! Once we all converged in the same spot all 6 of us squished into my 5 seat hatchback (yeah it was pretty tightly packed in the backseat haha) and drove to a parking area near some trails. We didn’t have a solid plan for where we were going to shoot so we just started walking, knowing we would find a place. After stopping a couple of times considering different parts of the trail as a background, we stumbled upon a large open field surrounded by trees and on the far side of the field was a graffitied abandoned building! We KNEW this was the place, it was perfect! We crossed the field and explored inside. Vex brought a portable speaker and played some music while we smoked and chatted and I put film in my cameras. I took photos of all 4 models together, and then Jeff and I took turns shooting everyone individually. We weren’t interrupted the entire time we were there, which was several hours, but we did have a small scare when a couple of people walked into the field next to the building. I think they were just looking for a smoking spot and they didn’t come near or bother us at all before they went along their way. At the end of the shoot Jeff took photos of all 5 of us, some with my camera and some with his. I’ve included the photos he took with my camera in this set along with the photos I took of the group. =]

    I had so much fun that day and I’m glad I have photos and a couple of videos to look back on and reminisce.

    I’ll share the individual shots I took of them in the next few weeks, so look out for those soon!


    I’ve added 2 behind the scenes location videos from this shoot to the video folder for your viewing pleasure. The videos really help you get a sense of the space!

    And just because, I’ve also included 17 cheeky fun boomerangs of me in various stages of undress. =]

    All members have access to this complete 18 image photoset by clicking here, the 12 image instax photoset by clicking here, the BTS videos by clicking here, and the boomerangs by clicking here.

    Not a member? Click here to sign up for instant access!