Nude Beach Gathering!
Photo members now have access to:
- vlog with the story behind this nude beach gathering I facilitated outside of Portland Oregon & my current thoughts/feelings
35 image complete lomo purple photoset that I took
- 8 image photoset taken by Ambivalent Ann
- 5 image BTS photoset taken by Shawnna Lee
Video members now have access to:
everything above
21 minutes of BTS video
First Look members now have access to:
everything above
51 image complete self portrait photoset during sunrise on the canyon rim at Colorado National Monument
Ambivalent Ann at a nude beach
Photo members now have access to:
- vlog with the story behind this photoset of Ambivalent Ann at a nude beach outside of Portland Oregon & info about future upgrades to memberships!
35 image complete photoset
- 3 BTS photos & 1 short BTS clip
Video members now have access to:
everything above
13 minutes of BTS video
First Look members now have access to:
everything above
23 image complete photoset of Tiffany Helms on Bainbridge Island
5.5 minutes of BTS video
Ambivalent Ann at a nude beach
Hi friends! This weekend I’m sharing a photoset that I took outside of Portland Oregon of my friend Ambivalent Ann. I met her during the nude beach gathering that I facilitated outside of Portland last summer, and we met up again to take photos of each other at a different nude beach. It was super fun. There were other people there but it wasn’t super crowded or overwhelmingly a lot of people. I went to the nude beach that she and I went to another time with other models that I’ll be sharing with you. It was a really great time and it’s a beautiful nude beach and I believe I’ve already shared the photos that she took of me so these are the photos I took of her there. I love that we had access to the water and there was natural trees and grasses and stuff that we could hang out in too and of course the sandy beach which is nice. I’m always definitely a mountain person, but the beach is nice too. If I had the choice I’d go to the mountains before I’d go to the beach, to be honest.
I’m excited that I have finally decided what I want to do. Of course it might change because life happens, things happen, I might be called to do something different, but at this moment I’ve decided that I’m going to be making some changes. I’m really excited about them, and I hope you are too! For those of you who are in the photo level, you’re getting upgraded! I’ll explain that in a second. For everybody, on Mondays at 6pm EST I’ll be doing livestreams on my youtube channel. (I’ll link to that HERE!) Make sure to subscribe to my youtube channel so you can see all the Monday livestreams that I’ll be doing! The first one coming up is this coming Monday the 6th and my mom will be a special guest! We’re going to talk about holding space for all of our feelings, because we’ve both learned a lot about holding space and what that truly means over the last couple of years, and we have knowledge that we would like to share about it. We’ll also probably do some mini meditations at the beginning and end and have a conversation, I’m really excited about that! If you’d like to join our circle on Monday, it’ll be every Monday (this time my mom will be joining!) at 6pm EST on my youtube channel, so subscribe!
Every Thursday at 6pm EST I’m doing a members only live video chat via freeconferencecall. I have topics already scheduled out (CLICK HERE FOR THE SCHEDULE) I have the whole list of dates and what all I’ll be discussing (topics) and all of those are up for potential rearranging, changing, upgrading, adding, subtracting. I’m not going to hold myself into a small box of like “this is what I decided to do 3 weeks ago, and I have to follow that 3 weeks from now” when I might have something different going on. It’s like a template, a basic general idea of what I’d like to discuss, but I want to give yall the ability to let me know what you’re interested in and excited about! I would like to cater those Thursday live video chats with yall to what you’re interested in talking about and experiencing. If you want to see what my tentative plan/schedule is, it’s at bunnyluna.com/schedule.
I’m really excited! I’ve wanted to go more into video and more actual community and spending time with each other instead of being like “here’s something that I typed up and here’s photos that I took, that’s it, here enjoy it”. I want to be more connected to yall and have more experiences with you, even if it’s just virtual. For me, especially with everything that’s going on, I’ve really enjoyed the times that I’ve been able to talk to someone and see their face and hear their voice. Even if it’s not in person and it’s just digitally like this. To me it’s so much more connecting than just reading text and seeing a photo. I tend to try to do these blog posts early. Like, today is Thursday (I think? Who knows what day it is). I think today is Thursday. I won’t be starting the live video chats today obviously because you won’t see this video til Saturday. But I like to do things early if it’s something like a blog post and getting photosets ready to show you. I feel like I’m not as present with you when I’m doing that because I’m scheduling stuff for the future. I want to be present with you. I want to have a conversation with you, have a dialogue, see your face, hear your voice (if you’re into that). I would like for us to have a conversation. I want to ask “what is something that you’ve enjoyed that I’ve done?” so I can do more of that.
I’m excited about these changes I’m making. Another change that I’m doing is May 1st I will be discontinuing the photo membership tier, that whole photo membership I won’t sell anymore. I think I have to technically keep it in my store and just have a cap of how many people can join and hide it. Anyone that’s in the photo membership before May 1st will automatically be upgraded to the VIDEO membership on May 1st. I think the only thing different is that since the photo membership is so discounted, like right now I have it at only $10 (usually $15) and the video membership is $33, that’s a HUGE discount. The people that are upgraded from photo to video, they won’t have the video percent off in my store, they’ll have the photo percent off, which I think is 5-10%, but that’s the only thing that would be different, you get everything else. Instead of only having access to the photosets, you’ll also get access to all of my videos that I’ve made since 2015. That’s 5 years of videos, probably thousands of videos, at least hundreds if not thousands. I have a ridiculous amount of content on my website for yall to see already. So if you’re not a photo member, then you already have access to all of these. Video and up already has access to all of my videos. Everybody, all of my members, will always have access to my live video chats. That’s Monday nights on youtube, which is free for everybody, and the Thursday video calls through freeconferencecall which is members only, so all members have access to that. I may or may not record those, the Thursday ones, I don’t know, it depends on how they go and if you’re interested in me recording them. I might record them sometimes, I might not. I’m trying to be open and accepting and willing to change, because I know that nothing stays the same ever, so I might as well let memberships and my website grow with me. I’m trying to make sure I haven’t left anything out. All members have access to all of my videos starting May 1st. If you’re a photo member and you start TODAY, then you’ll only have photo access until May, and then starting May 1st all members of all levels will have video access. I’m excited! Because then I’ll only have 3 membership levels instead of 4 and that will simplify everything. I’ll have the basics of everything which includes video, which I think is important because it allows me to connect with yall in a deeper way.
Starting with video, then first look and all access get extra content for first look and all access… but since you’re watching this then you’re already a member and you probably already know that. I’m really excited, I think since I’m going in the video direction anyway, why keep a photo tier, why not just start at video? In the future, since I haven’t been creating a lot of photo stuff lately, I might not upload a new photoset every week, starting a couple months from now. I have stuff through at least early to mid June at least, from my archives that I haven’t shared yet. So you’re still going to get new consistent content every week at least until early to mid June. Depending on if I’m inspired to create photos or not, and depending on how things work… I think state parks and stuff are closed already so I don’t have as many opportunities to go to the places I’d want to shoot anyway. I don’t want to just shoot everything at my house, I’ve already shot so much here. I might, instead of doing a photoset every week, I might just do videos every week. I don’t know, we’ll see when we get there. I just wanted to give you a heads up because things are changing and I’m trying to be flexible. I think its important to be flexible and to allow things to shift and change and just go with the flow of where life is taking me. I definitely want to go the video route more, I’ve already started that a little bit, and I’m excited to take you on this journey with me!
I’m so thankful yall are here! I literally would not be able to do this without you. Since all of my gigs have been cancelled because of what’s going on in the world, yall are why I have food on the table and I really appreciate that so much! I love that we enrich each other’s lives, and that means a lot to me. I appreciate you and I love you and please let me know if you have things you want me to discuss or questions that you have or things you’d like to learn from me! I have so much stuff in my brain.
Let’s start by, if you have time, checking out the schedule (click here), seeing if the topics for the live chats are something that you’re interested in, and if Thursday at 6pm works for you. It’s a day that I was consistently available, and I figure a lot of people’s schedules have probably changed a lot anyway. I’m going to go with this for now and it’s something that can change in the future if that’s whats best for everyone. I’m excited, I love you, I’m so glad you’re on this wild adventure with me! Thank you so much! I love you, and I’ll talk to you soon!
Don’t forget, Monday, a couple days from now, me and my mom, holding space! On Youtube, 6pm EST! We’re also going to do it on Thursday so Mommy is going to be my special guest all week next week. Yall will get to meet her and converse with her during our private video chat too! If you watch our livestream on Monday and you’re like “oh, I wanna talk to Bunny and Willow about this thing that they mentioned and didn’t talk a whole lot more about it. I wanna ask questions about that!” Come join us on Thursday because she’s going to join me too! We can talk about it because there’s going to be less people and not a livestream on youtube, it’s gonna be an intimate gathering of just members! I’m so excited! I love you! I’ll talk to you soon. Bye!
Click for my youtube channel (and subscribe!)
Click for the schedule with the topics I plan to cover
Click to download freeconferencecall for easy login for the Thursday video chatsPhoto members: click here to view the full photoset of Ambivalent Ann at a nude beach outside of Portland Oregon & click here for the BTS
Video members: click here to view the BTS video
First Look members: click here to view the photoset of Tiffany Helms on Bainbridge Island & click here to view the BTS video -
Ravyn Alexa
Click here to view this photoset of Ravyn Alexa in her back yard.
Liana Pilar
Click here to view this photoset of Liana Pilar outside of Portland Oregon.
Nude Beach
Click here to view this photoset taken by Ambivalent Ann at a nude beach outside of Portland Oregon.
Sura with Pegasus & self portraits
I have soooo much to still share with you from the nude beach gathering I facilitated last summer outside of Portland Oregon! This set of Sura is from that day on the beach! She has such a fun, wild, and exuberant energy and is an absolute pleasure to create with. You can probably imagine how much fun she is just by looking at these photos of her with the Pegasus float she brought with her for the event!
The self portraits I’ve shared this week are from August 2018 (I have several more sets from that trip to share with you too!) when I took my first solo trip to the NC mountains. That was a time of growth and learning for me, when I first started understanding that I can do things on my own instead of having to always have someone with me to have a good experience. That trip really helped me know that I could for sure do the cross country trip by myself last summer.
CURRENTLY: Today is the 10th (getting ready early as always) and I started my period yesterday (during the full moon) and today I have been feeling not so great emotionally. I continue to feel stuck and unfulfilled and like I need more things to change in my life and I’m still not quite to the place where I know what those changes are yet. I do know that I have been gravitating much more toward doing more videos for y’all instead of text and/or photo posts, and I’m VERY seriously considering not doing the daily photo posts anymore because of the time commitment it is for me to get them all prepped for you every month, plus from my understanding most of you probably only sign on to my website once a week or so anyway. Also, you ALL have access to ALL of my photos anyway… so you literally won’t be missing much at all. I feel like I could bring a lot more value to you here if I did MORE video content for EVERYONE and stop doing the daily photos. I do enjoy doing the weekly photoset releases and blogs, so I probably will continue those.
What do you think? No more daily photo posts, and replace them with videos/vlogs 1-4x a month? Comment below or email me at bunnyluna@pm.me!
I have daily photo posts scheduled through the end of this month… the change would start in April.
Depending on how well the group live video chat goes on Sunday I may do those with you every month as well.
REMINDER: Sunday the 15th at 7pm EST is the intimate members only group live video chat with me!
I will share the login info with you HERE on my blog 5-10 minutes before the chat starts, so make sure to check back for all the info on how to join me! It will be via freeconferencecall.com (you can join on your computer/laptop OR via their app on your phone!) so make sure to give yourself 5-10 minutes or so to download the app (for computer or phone) beforehand so you can join us!
Photo members: click here to view the full photoset of Sura with a Pegasus float on a nude beach outside of Portland Oregon and click here for the full set of self portraits I took in the NC mountains
Video members: click here to view the BTS video & click here to view the nude yoga video for this month
First Look members: click here to view the photoset of me at Lassen Volcanic National Park in California taken by From the Edge Photography, click here to view the BTS video, & click here to watch my vlog on reparations -
Sura with Pegasus & self portraits
Photo members now have access to:
- blog post with the story behind these photosets: Sura with a Pegasus float on a nude beach outside of Portland Oregon and self portraits I took in the NC mountains
13 image complete photoset of Sura
- 18 image complete self portrait set
Video members now have access to:
everything above
8 minutes of BTS video with Sura
- 21+ minute nude yoga video for this month
First Look members now have access to:
everything above
33 image complete photoset of me at Lassen Volcanic National Park in California taken by From the Edge Photography
- 8 short BTS videos
19 minute vlog about reparations
A Variety of Throwback Sets!
These photosets have been sitting in the First Look galleries for sooo long so I thought I would share a bunch of them all at once! The images of Jordan Bunniie, VikTory, and Nadine Theresa were all taken somewhere between 2012-2017? The photoshoot for Doug Pierce‘s The Maidens Song book cover was back in 2018. Dang I have a tendency to hoard photos sometimes… whoops! I’m happy to be sharing these with you today. =]
I’ve been thinking a lot about dreams and goals and magick and community lately. They’re all big themes in my life right now and I feel like I’m grasping toward something incredible, I just can’t QUITE reach it yet, and I don’t even know what IT is. All I know is that I am doing what feels best for me, what is exciting to me, what feels like it will help the most people, what brings me joy and connection. I so often feel like I need to have a label, a list, a plan, and the not knowing can be so uncomfortable sometimes. If I think of it another way, the not knowing creates space for something new, something unexpected, something NEEDED, to come along. If I have plans, expectations, and pre-conceived notions about what trajectory my life is “supposed” to go on, then I am potentially suffocating myself with things that I don’t actually want or need. I am not allowing organic and serendipitous happenings to inform my decisions. I am struggling to swim upstream toward something that’s not completely meant for me. Instead, I choose to allow myself to not know. To make plans while also being flexible with potential changes and new opportunities. To follow my intuition based on the way things make me FEEL. This is where the magick happens. I just have to allow myself the space to let it. I joyfully swim WITH the current of my life to find my highest purpose, my greatest achievement, my compassionate heart-centered self and community.
Join me to discuss gender, ecosexuality, and self exploration through creativity!
This intimate online gathering will be held on Friday March 13th, time to be announced (have a preference? let me know!)
Is there something you’re curious about? A topic you’d love to hear my thoughts on?
Comment below or email me at bunnyluna@pm.me with all of your questions and topic requests!Join my mailing list for more updates! I’ll of course also post here, but I share a bunch of cool stuff on my mailing list too so you might as well be on there too! It’s easy to join, just go to bunnyluna.com, scroll to the bottom, and enter your email! <3
The Maidens Song book cover photoshoot:
Photo members: click here to view the image of Nadine Theresa, click here for the full photoset of VikTory, click here for the full photoset of Jordan Bunniie & click here for the full Instax photoset from The Maidens Song book cover photoshoot
Video members: click here to view the BTS video from the book cover shoot
First Look members: click here to view the photoset of me taken by ExhibitPhotoPDX around the Columbia River Gorge in Oregon & click here to view the BTS video -
A Variety of Throwback Sets!
Photo members now have access to:
- blog post talking about these photosets and my current thoughts about life and the unknown
an image of Nadine Theresa
- 7 image complete photoset of VikTory
- 12 image complete photoset of Jordan Bunniie
- 10 image complete Instax photoset from The Maidens Song book cover photoshoot
Video members now have access to:
everything above
18 BTS videos & 2 BTS photos from The Maidens Song book cover photoshoot
First Look members now have access to:
everything above
143 image complete photoset of me taken by ExhibitPhotoPDX around the Columbia River Gorge in Oregon
a short BTS video