Live video gathering starts at 6pm eastern / 3pm pacific!
I’ll do a short recap of the livestream I hosted on my Youtube channel on Monday. I’d love to know what you thought of it. I look forward to hanging out and chatting with you!
I will not be recording this session.
Join the online meeting: https://join.freeconferencecall.com/bunnyluna
You shouldn’t need this, but just in case:
Dial-in number (US): (425) 436-6377
Access code: 502127#
PIN: 3011#
International dial-in numbers: https://fccdl.in/i/bunnyluna
Online meeting ID: bunnyluna
For additional assistance connecting to the meeting text “Help” to the Dial-In number above. Message and data rates may apply.CLICK HERE TO JOIN THE LIVE VIDEO GATHERING!
Live video gathering starts at 6pm eastern / 3pm pacific!
I’ll do a short recap of the livestream I hosted on my Youtube channel on Monday. I’d love to know what you thought of it. I look forward to hanging out and chatting with you!
I will not be recording this session.
Join the online meeting: https://join.freeconferencecall.com/bunnyluna
You shouldn’t need this, but just in case:
Dial-in number (US): (425) 436-6377
Access code: 502127#
PIN: 3011#
International dial-in numbers: https://fccdl.in/i/bunnyluna
Online meeting ID: bunnyluna
For additional assistance connecting to the meeting text “Help” to the Dial-In number above. Message and data rates may apply.CLICK HERE TO JOIN THE LIVE VIDEO GATHERING!
Live video gathering starts at 6pm eastern / 3pm pacific!
I’ll do a short recap of the livestream I hosted on my Youtube channel on Monday. I’d love to know what you thought of it. I look forward to hanging out and chatting with you!
I will not be recording this session.
Join the online meeting: https://join.freeconferencecall.com/bunnyluna
You shouldn’t need this, but just in case:
Dial-in number (US): (425) 436-6377
Access code: 502127#
PIN: 3011#
International dial-in numbers: https://fccdl.in/i/bunnyluna
Online meeting ID: bunnyluna
For additional assistance connecting to the meeting text “Help” to the Dial-In number above. Message and data rates may apply.CLICK HERE TO JOIN THE LIVE VIDEO GATHERING!
Meditation Basics: How to get Started
Check out my newest youtube livestream about getting started with meditation!
Live video gathering starts at 6pm eastern / 3pm pacific!
I’ll do a short recap of the livestream I hosted on my Youtube channel on Monday. I’d love to know what you thought of it. I look forward to hanging out and chatting with you!
I will not be recording this session.
Join the online meeting: https://join.freeconferencecall.com/bunnyluna
You shouldn’t need this, but just in case:
Dial-in number (US): (425) 436-6377
Access code: 502127#
PIN: 3011#
International dial-in numbers: https://fccdl.in/i/bunnyluna
Online meeting ID: bunnyluna
For additional assistance connecting to the meeting text “Help” to the Dial-In number above. Message and data rates may apply.CLICK HERE TO JOIN THE LIVE VIDEO GATHERING!
Live video gathering starts at 6pm eastern / 3pm pacific!
I’ll do a short recap of the livestream I hosted on my Youtube channel on Monday, and if you’re feeling up for it I’ll lead us through an Earth connection meditation.
I will not be recording this session so that we’ll be free to be vulnerable with each other in this space.
Join the online meeting: https://join.freeconferencecall.com/bunnyluna
You shouldn’t need this, but just in case:
Dial-in number (US): (425) 436-6377
Access code: 502127#
PIN: 3011#
International dial-in numbers: https://fccdl.in/i/bunnyluna
Online meeting ID: bunnyluna
For additional assistance connecting to the meeting text “Help” to the Dial-In number above. Message and data rates may apply.CLICK HERE TO JOIN THE LIVE VIDEO GATHERING!
Live video gathering starts at 6pm eastern / 3pm pacific!
I’ll do a short recap of the livestream I hosted on my Youtube channel on Monday about ecosexuality, then we can discuss what you’d like to see for future livestreams and video gatherings! I’ll even do a collective oracle reading for us if you like. <3
I will not be recording this session so that we’ll be free to be vulnerable with each other in this space.
Join the online meeting: https://join.freeconferencecall.com/bunnyluna
You shouldn’t need this, but just in case:
Dial-in number (US): (425) 436-6377
Access code: 502127#
PIN: 3011#
International dial-in numbers: https://fccdl.in/i/bunnyluna
Online meeting ID: bunnyluna
For additional assistance connecting to the meeting text “Help” to the Dial-In number above. Message and data rates may apply.CLICK HERE TO JOIN THE LIVE VIDEO GATHERING!
What is Ecosexuality?
I just finished this livestream on my YouTube channel discussing ecosexuality!
If you’ve ever been curious about it, watch this video where I talked about what it is, what it’s not, how I express it, and why it matters, along with answering a couple of questions and talking about my own personal experience and history.
I livestream on my YouTube channel every Monday at 6pm eastern, I’d love to have you join me next time!
If you’d like to join an intimate and conversation-based live video gathering, I host them every Thursday at 6pm eastern for members of my website! Click here for the tentative schedule!
Holding Space: Feeling all of our Feelings with my mom Willow Luna starts at 6pm eastern!
We will do a short recap of the livestream we hosted on my Youtube channel on Monday, then have a discussion with you about holding space and if you’re up for it, we can all hold space for each other! <3
I will not be recording this session so that we all feel more free to be vulnerable with each other in this space.
Join the online meeting: https://join.freeconferencecall.com/bunnyluna
You shouldn’t need this, but just in case:
Dial-in number (US): (425) 436-6377
Access code: 502127#
PIN: 3011#
International dial-in numbers: https://fccdl.in/i/bunnyluna
Online meeting ID: bunnyluna
For additional assistance connecting to the meeting text “Help” to the Dial-In number above. Message and data rates may apply.CLICK HERE TO JOIN THE LIVE VIDEO GATHERING!
Holding Space: Feeling our Feelings with Willow (my mom!)
In case you missed our livestream, here’s the replay of Holding Space that I did with my mom Willow! <3
We will be back on Thursday at 6pm to talk more about Holding Space during a live video gathering for members, I’d love to see you there!
Subscribe to my Youtube channel and join my livestreams every Monday at 6pm!