Ravyn Alexa in the greenhouse
Video members now have access to:
vlog with the story behind this photoset of Ravyn Alexa in a greenhouse in Portland Oregon during my cross country road trip last summer
- 23 image complete photoset
7+ minutes of BTS video
First Look members now have access to:
everything above
5.5 minute video of me talking about ecosexuality and attraction (nude)
13 minute video of me talking about ecosexuality and sex (nude)
NEW VIDEO: Ecosexuality & Society
This is the 6th of my 9 part ecosexual exploration series that am doing via Youtube livestream every Monday throughout July! I describe how ecosexuality can assist us in creating a new society based on love and connection.
Schedule for livestreams: bunnyluna.com/schedule
Book a one on one video chat with me: bunnyluna.com/offerings
Become a member to receive instant access to my massive photo & video archives: bunnyluna.com/memberships -
New Video: Ecosexuality & Relationships
This is the 5th of my 9 part ecosexual exploration series that I will be doing via Youtube livestream every Monday throughout June & July! I describe how ecosexuality can fit into any relationship style.
Schedule for livestreams: bunnyluna.com/schedule
Book a one on one video chat with me: bunnyluna.com/offerings
Become a member to receive instant access to my massive photo & video archives: bunnyluna.com/memberships -
New video: Ecosexuality & Consent
This is the 4th of my 9 part ecosexual exploration series that I will be doing via Youtube livestream every Monday throughout June and July! I describe how consent fits into ecosexuality and how to understand and communicate consent from the Earth and plants.
Schedule for livestreams: bunnyluna.com/schedule
Book a one on one video chat with me: bunnyluna.com/offerings
Become a member to receive instant access to my massive photo & video archives: bunnyluna.com/memberships -
New Video: Ecosexuality & Sex
This is the 3rd of my 9 part ecosexual exploration series that I will be doing via Youtube livestream every Monday throughout June and July! I describe how sex fits into ecosexuality and how redefining what sex is opens us up to the potential of many new sexual experiences.
Schedule for livestreams: bunnyluna.com/schedule
Book a one on one video chat with me: bunnyluna.com/offerings
Become a member to receive instant access to my massive photo & video archives: bunnyluna.com/memberships -
New video: Ecosexuality & Attraction
The 2nd of my 9 part ecosexual exploration series that I will be doing via Youtube livestream every Monday throughout June and July! I describe why the ecosexual label fits me better than any other label, and how it allows me to describe my complicated sexuality. Join me for a more in depth intimate group discussion as a member of bunnyluna.com every Thursday at 6pm eastern.
Schedule for livestreams: bunnyluna.com/schedule
Book a one on one video chat with me: bunnyluna.com/offerings
Become a member to receive instant access to my massive photo & video archives: bunnyluna.com/memberships -
New video: Ecosexuality & Gender
The first of my 9 part ecosexual exploration series that I will be doing via youtube livestream every Monday throughout June and July! I describe why the ecosexual label fits me better than any other label, and how nature shows us that gender is a social construct created by humxns.
Schedule for livestreams: bunnyluna.com/schedule
Book a one on one video chat with me: bunnyluna.com/offerings
Become a member to receive instant access to my massive photo & video archives: bunnyluna.com/memberships -
What is Ecosexuality?
I just finished this livestream on my YouTube channel discussing ecosexuality!
If you’ve ever been curious about it, watch this video where I talked about what it is, what it’s not, how I express it, and why it matters, along with answering a couple of questions and talking about my own personal experience and history.
I livestream on my YouTube channel every Monday at 6pm eastern, I’d love to have you join me next time!
If you’d like to join an intimate and conversation-based live video gathering, I host them every Thursday at 6pm eastern for members of my website! Click here for the tentative schedule!
With Quinn Sanguine by Megan Ayn
This week’s photoset and BTS video release is from my time with Quinn Sanguine (they/them pronouns) and Megan Ayn (she/her pronouns) in Tacoma Washington during my cross country road trip last summer. I have another set on the way that I took of Quinn and Megan! I stayed with Quinn for almost a week while I was out there, and it was so wonderful to catch up with them again. We originally met a few years ago when they were traveling up and down the east coast before their move to the PNW. You might remember them from previous photosets when they were using a different name (here here here and here if you wanna check those out!). We kept in touch online while they did their own cross country road trip which was also their move from the east coast to the west coast. It was so wonderful to spend time with them again, I consider them a really close friend even if we spend weeks without contacting each other… as soon as we are together it’s as if no time has passed.
I had been wanting to meet Megan for a long time, I knew of her through social media and it was wonderful to finally meet in person! She lives just minutes away from Quinn, and before we were setting up the shoot they had no idea they were so close to each other! Megan is such a kind person and has a great upbeat personality, it was a treat to be able to spend the day with both her and Quinn. I was exhausted and low on energy that day… I almost didn’t shoot any film because there was almost not enough light, but I’m glad I found the one roll of 1600 ISO film that I brought with me. Those photos are coming soon!
CURRENTLY: I’ve been reading a lot over the last few weeks, probably more than I have in the last few years combined. As a kid I used to read allllll the time, but then once I became an adult and was working full time and married… I just didn’t take time to myself to read anymore. I didn’t really realize how much I missed it until I started reading consistently again over the winter.
I recently bought FOUR books by Charles Eisenstein, who has opened up my world and mind to so much more than I ever thought possible. He is the reason I consider myself an ecosexual. Before reading his essay The Ecosexual Awakening I had never even heard of ecosexuality, and now it’s a major part of my life. The label ecosexual gave me the space to be able to fill in and understand a lot of aspects of myself that I didn’t have words for before.
I just finished his book The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible and I just started Climate – A New Story and wow he basically speaks directly to my heart, and it’s everything I’ve been looking for. Have you ever read a book that shifted your perspective so much that something changed inside you? That after reading it, you’re a different person than you were before? That’s Charles Eisenstein’s work for me. After being in despair looking for something to hold on to, something that didn’t crush my heart, something that felt TRUE and REAL and TANGIBLE, his words are giving me hope for humanity and the future of the planet.
If nothing else, I highly recommend watching some of his videos on youtube.
I’m not affiliated with him in any way (though if I was that would be amazing), I just love everything of his that I’ve come into contact with and I hope that his message reaches as many people as possible.
Thank you so much for reading this far, for your continuous support of me, and for your love. I appreciate each and every one of you so much. I literally could not do this without you. Thank you. <3
Photo members: click here to view the full photoset with Quinn Sanguine by Megan Ayn in Tacoma Washington
Video members: click here to view the BTS video
First Look members: click here to view the photoset of me taken by Mandy Darling in Olympia Washington -
Home with my Parents
Photo members now have access to:
- blog post with the story behind these photos
20 image complete photoset I took of my parents
- 16 image BTS photoset of Portraitmami photographing them during their weekly hair cutting ritual
Video members now have access to:
everything above
4 BTS photos & 6 BTS clips
- 13 BTS boomerangs with Portraitmami
First Look members now have access to:
everything above
36 minute video of me rearranging my crystal display in my old room – a full moon life reset
16 minute nude vlog of an Introduction to Ecosexuality