Why Being Nude Outside is Important
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Hi friends! Today I’m going to talk about why I think being naked outside is important.
I’m obviously, as you can see, I’m naked outside right now. I think it’s important because if we can be in our bodies and be outside and be barefoot on the ground, that’s super healing in and of itself. I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of grounding or earthing but sharing our energy with the Earth by physically touching it is very healing for our bodies, and I personally believe it’s important in healing our souls and our emotions and our mental space as well.
Also, it just feels good to have the breeze on your skin and the sun warming your body. I think that phones and computers and technology and houses and buildings, society in general, we have kind of separated ourselves from the Earth and as an ecosexual personally, I think that that’s really sad and I want there to be a world where we can connect deeper to the Earth and to Nature and to ourselves. I think a part of that connection is through being naked outside.
There’s no experience like it. You can only know what it’s like if you personally do it yourself. I definitely understand that it’s scary sometimes, especially if you’re naked in a place where you’re “not supposed to be naked”, and if somebody has maybe told you that you’re doing something wrong if you’re naked. We get a lot of messaging that our bodies are not good and that our nudity is not good and that it’s a bad thing and it’s shameful, but I want to push back on that and say that it’s society that is the not good thing when they’re telling us these things about our bodies that we’re not consenting to.
Being naked outside is like nothing else. To me, if you can be naked outside, I take that chance every time I get. As you can see, I’m here right now, naked with the flowers. I just can’t describe it, you have to experience it for yourself. I feel like I can be more in my body when I’m naked because like there’s a little fly that just landed on my arm and I wouldn’t have noticed that if I had a shirt on. That little moment of seeing a fly, that wouldn’t have happened if I had clothes on. I wouldn’t have felt it. But because I’m naked, I have more sensory ability to be able to notice the things around me and be more present in my body. That might be part of my neurodivergence, it’s definitely a part of my ecosexuality. Yeah, I can be more in my body and more present with myself if I can be naked and I prefer to be outside for many reasons, but those are just some of them.
If you would like a chance to be naked outside, we actually, it starts today when this video goes out, Conscious Creativity in Ypsilanti, Michigan, August 27th and 28th. So this video is going to go out on the 27th, so you have tomorrow, I guess to join us, if you would still like a chance to. Me and Lior Allay and Roarie Yum will be facilitating the two-day workshop on the 27th and 28th of August for taking self-portraits and creating group self-portraits together. If you would like to join us, I’ll have all the information below. I’m so excited! Please come make art with us! I hope you have a wonderful day and I’ll talk to you soon! Bye!
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Wanna Interview Me?
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Hello, I’m Bunny. You probably already know me if you’re on my website. But today, I wanted to talk about if you wanted to interview me. I’m really enjoying doing interviews for podcasts and YouTube channels and I just thought I would invite more people to do that with me some more!
I have over… let’s see. What is it? 12 years? Yeah. Over 12 years of experience with photography and modeling, self-portraiture. I am an ecosexual. I am very queer. I’m agender. So I’m a trans person. So I have a queer perspective. I have, I hope, an intersectional perspective as much as I’m able to with this white abled body of mine.
Yeah, I have a lot to say about creativity, queerness, ecosexuality, healing, connecting with yourself. So I just wanted to see if anyone here on the world wide web would like to interview me about any of these topics. I also have a lot of practice in getting tattoos. I’m over, what is it? 36 hours now into this current half body tattoo. So I have a lot to say about tattoos also and how the pain of tattoos is important to me, even though some people would be confused by that. But yeah, I can say more in another video.
But yeah, I would love to do more interviews. If you are interested in interviewing me for a variety of things. I have a form that I will share below for a way for you to reach out to me and let me know that you would like to interview me. So just fill it out and I will get in touch with you. I’ve really enjoyed doing interviews. I recently did one for Topless Topics, I did one for Nudism.TV. I’m actually not a nudist, but I am naked a lot. I have a lot to say about that, too. There’s a bunch of topics that I could talk about. So if any of the things that I’ve mentioned here are interesting to you and you want to learn more about it, you’d like to share that information with your audience. Yeah reach out to me. I would love to talk with you about it as, yeah, I have a lot to say.
I don’t want to make this video too long because I want it to be accessible to people and not be boring. So I’m going to leave it at that. But if you would like to interview me, I have a lot of information to share and I would love to do that. So, yeah, reach out! I would love to talk with you! Yay! Thank you. Bye!
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25 Ways To Express Your Ecosexuality
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Hello. Last week I talked about “you might be ecosexual if…” This week I’m kind of staying on that ecosexual theme and I have a list of 25 ways to express your Ecosexuality. This is a not a comprehensive list. It’s just 25 things that I came up with like, on the spot and feel free to do any of these things or none of them it’s totally up to you. This is just something I want to offer for you and all of these have a connection to Ecosexuality, even if you are like, “I don’t know how that is connected to ecosexuality.” If you are wondering how it is connected to ecosexuality, I’ll link my like whole huge post about Ecosexuality and the caption below so you can do a little more looking up on it if you’re like, “how does this relate to this?” Yeah, or you can ask me a question, like you can comment and be like, tell me more or you can email me. Yeah, I maybe I’ll make another video about it. Okay, here we go.
I wrote it down so I wouldn’t forget.
25 ways to express your ecosexuality!
Number 1, put your bare feet on the Earth. Please do it. It feels so good. Also like scientifically, it’s super good for you. Even if you did nothing else, putting your feet on the ground is so good for your physical, mental, spiritual health. And even if you’re not, woowoo, like you can look up like scientific things that say like, it helps with your blood pressure and it helps you feel less depressed but also science isn’t like the end-all be-all of like what is important to know. I have a lot of things to say about that, but that’s not for this video.
Number 2, smell a flower or look at a flower. Or just yeah, enjoy flowers.
Number 3, savor the flavor of a sweet fruit, especially like a juicy peach. I love peaches. Ah fruit. Actually, they have. Have you ever had cotton candy grapes? They exist, and they really do taste like cotton candy and oh my goodness. So yeah. Enjoy some sweet fruit because yeah, that is just a really enjoyable way to express your Ecosexuality.
Number 4, sit quietly and listen to the sounds of birds and bugs. I am 100% convinced that that is sound healing. There’s a video on the internet of a frog singing, but it’s sitting in a puddle and you can see the ripples of sound going out from it because it’s sitting in a puddle. It is the most Magical video and it’s my favorite video that I’ve ever seen on the internet ever. I like, I’m not even kidding. I watch it on a regular basis. I saved it on my phone because like I need to see this all the time. Yeah. I’m convinced that the songs of creatures, including humans, but especially like birds and frogs for me personally are sound healing. And are like, little love notes from the universe and from the Earth and from the beings who are creating the songs. Okay.
Number 5, watch the wind in the trees. I feel like this is kind of self-explanatory, but I super love trees a lot. As you can see I’ve like put a bunch of trees on myself permanently forever and ever, trees are important, and just seeing them and the way that they move in the wind… It’s magical.
Number 6, take a hike and admire the life all around you. Let that sink in for a second. It just feels good for me to be outside. And walking around… I could walk forever. I feel like as a Sagittarius… yeah, I like hiking a lot.
Number 7, swim naked especially if you can do it below a waterfall. Super magical. Skinny-dipping in general, feels really great but being in like a cold mountain river like near a waterfall. I can’t even explain how magical it is if you haven’t experienced that before.
Number 8, follow the cycles of the Moon and learn how they connect to yourself and your feelings, and/or your body. So this is one that will take a little bit of time. It’s not like an immediate thing because usually noticing cycles will take at least a few months. So I have a journal and that helps me with that. Yeah
Number 9, cuddle! Enjoy the feeling of physical touch with another being, whether it’s a human or an animal. Yeah, just use your senses. Any way you can use your senses. I’m just giving you a bunch of cute suggestions. But yeah, like just using your senses and being in your body is a great way to express your Ecosexuality.
Number 10, honor the seasons of your life. We all must slow down and rest in order to be able to keep going. There is a reason that there are seasons on the planet. Like there’s, you know, spring summer fall winter. Because nothing can be going all the time forever infinitely, which is the same for us. We also need to take breaks. So honoring that and allowing yourself to slow down when you need to is a really big important thing.
Number 11, plant an herb, veggie or flower garden. Any kind of garden, just more plants, even if you don’t have land you can get a little house plant and nurture that.
Number 12, talk to, hug, love on trees and plants and rocks, and I’m serious, like, I actually hug trees. It’s really wonderful. Just spending some time close to a tree even if you’re not touching it, if you’re like, “I don’t want to touch a tree”, even if you’re just like sitting underneath it for a while just kind of sharing your energy with it. Powerful.
Number 13, pick up trash. Even if it’s not yours. This is something I do a lot. Sometimes I’ll even just carry a small trash bag with me when I go on walks because sometimes it’s really a mess and even if it’s not my trash, I think it’s important for there to not be trash everywhere, especially if I’m in nature. I feel like it’s just like a sign of basic respect to the planet to not have trash everywhere.
Number 14, learn more about yourself without the constraints of societal expectations and norms. This is kind of a harder one and one that takes a lot of time and that’s okay. I have some stories about gender things and sexuality things and if you care to look for those, I can find them. Yeah, let me know in the comments if you want me to find them and then I’ll find them but it will take me a little bit I think. Yeah, but getting to know yourself is kind of important, but also kind of really difficult.
Number 15, protest for Black Lives Matter in any way you’re capable of, or maybe for land conservation, or maybe, for Reproductive Justice, whatever is important to you personally and is being attacked by the people that are in power at the moment. Yeah, it’s important to stand up for what is important to you and that is definitely an ecosexual act is if you’re trying to protect the things that you care about.
Number 16, pay reparations to Black and Indigenous folks. This one goes a lot along with the one previous. But yeah, if you’re someone that has wealth, definitely redistribute it as much as you’re able to. I definitely strive to do that myself. I have a couple of recurring places that I donate to every month. And I donate to individuals in need as often as I’m able to, usually on a monthly basis too. Yeah, like if you have any kind of power, whether that’s financial power or any other kind of power, let’s use it for good.
Number 17, play outside in whatever way feels fun and rejuvenating to you. Just running around or even even if just like sitting and reading as your way of playing and you’re like, “I don’t want to get dirty”, whatever feels good to you. Just be outside and some way that is enjoyable.
Number 18, get a house plant and become friends with it. I kind of talked about this when I was talking about making a garden. But yeah, if you don’t have the space for an actual Garden, you can still have plants around.
Number 19, ride a bike. This is just another way to like, get outside.
Number 20, protect clean water, and ban toxic pollutants. That’s kind of self-explanatory. We cannot exist without water and obviously if it is contaminated, we can’t survive on contaminated water.
Number 21, invest in your local community in whatever way that means for you. Everybody has a different role to play and everybody has different abilities and financial access and needs and time that’s available. So whatever works for you, invest in your local community.
Number 22, have a picnic outside under a tree, even better if it’s with someone that you care about.
Number 23, lay in the grass and look up at the clouds, or the stars, depending on what time of day. This is so calming to me and it kind of gives you like a dual benefit in like, you have something cool to look at and talk to about with someone you care about or if you’re by yourself, you can use your imagination and your lying on the ground, hopefully. Getting that grounding that Earthing, that connection to the Earth with your body. So good!
Number 24, learn about permaculture. If you don’t know what a permaculture is. It’s basically like farming but in a way that is sustainable and able to be continued throughout time and without needing a whole bunch of maintenance constantly and definitely not using bunch of toxic chemicals and fertilizers and shit.
Number 25, learn about animism. I kind of talked about animism a little bit. I don’t… was it this video or the last video? Either way, learn about am animism. It’s a, it’s beautiful.
This video is really long already, so I’m going to stop here, but I love you. Thank you so much for being here. It means the world’s me that you keep coming back to my website, and I hope to see you again soon.
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Ecosexual memes!!
I was sharing memes on instagram that included nude images but deleted them all when ig did their most recent update to the terms of service because I was scared of getting my account deleted AGAIN. My original account with 22.6k followers got deleted in October 2018 and I never got it back, so I really would like that to NOT happen again.
I still love the memes that I made and want to share them, so here are some of the ones that I used to have on my ig before I deleted them!
Original caption:
I first heard about ecosexuality through Charles Eisenstein’s essay “The Ecosexual Awakening” and ever since then my life has changed. I now see my entire life through an ecosexual lens. I truly believe that ecosexuality can assist in healing our society and our world.
I personally avoid saying “mother Earth” because mothers are (unfortunately, thanks to patriarchy) frequently exploited. It’s assumed that mothers are required to do all or most of the housework, cooking, childcare, etc and their work usually is unpaid and unappreciated. I have no intention of doing this to my actual mother or to the Earth.
My relationship to the Earth is one of reverence, worship, wonder, and love. I view the Earth as a best friend, teacher, partner, and lover. I strive to live my life in loving relationship to the Earth and receive such immense pleasure from simply being with and spending time with the Earth.
The Earth is sacred. We must treat it as sacred.
Photo, model + meme: me, Bunny Luna (self portrait in Utah during my 2019 cross country road trip)
Original caption:
I personally use both ecosexual and demisexual as my primary sexual and romantic identities. Ecodemisexual maybe? Can I make that a thing? I think I will! It’s my own label so I am able to use what works best for ME.
If you consider yourself an ecosexual, you’re able to use that label in the way that works best for you. Anyone who says you SHOULD or HAVE TO use a label doesn’t have the right to do that, only you get to decide what label(s) work(s) best for you. The label(s) you use may or may not change over time, and that’s okay! Only you know what label(s) describe you best. How you identify is up to you, not anyone else.
Do you consider yourself an ecosexual? I have a feeling that more people probably are than they realize, simply because most people aren’t aware of what ecosexuality is. The understanding of labels makes it easier for us to know which ones are right for us.
Photo/model/meme: me, Bunny Luna (self portrait in Utah)
Original caption:
Ecosexuality as an identity/label covers a broad range of experiences and in my opinion can be used to describe many different things about someone. For example: sexual attraction to others (including the Earth) while also covering a range of sexual desires (from asexual to allosexual), the importance of ecological health and healing to an individual, and their understanding of the interconnectedness of all beings, creatures, ecosystems, and life on Earth.
For me, as an agender trans person, most sexuality labels didn’t feel like they fit me because of the gender component of a lot of LGBTQIA+ labels, some are too narrow and some are too broad. It took me a long time to find a label that fit me, that felt GOOD to use and felt TRUE to my lived experience. Ecosexuality allows me to explain my attraction to others in a way that includes the nuance of my gender, my demisexuality, and my passion and love for the Earth.
To be specific, I am ecodemi, and for me that means I am attracted to people of many gender expressions, and it’s the connection and interaction that I have with them, and the way they show up in the world, that determines my attraction to them.
Your specific definition of your ecosexuality may be similar to mine, or it may be completely different. That’s the beauty and magic of ecosexuality, as long as it includes the Earth as a lover, it can mean something different for each of us.
What’s your flavor of ecosexuality? Comment below, I’d love to hear your perspective/experience!
Photo/model/meme: me, Bunny Luna (self portrait in Utah)
Original caption:
Have you ever seen a flower dripping with dew on a spring morning and marveled at its beauty and eroticism, feeling the urge to put your mouth on its delicate petals?
Have you ever felt your body come alive after jumping naked into a river, flushed with excitement and pleasure?
Have you ever become aroused while surrounded by a forest of tall thick trees, their presence changing something deep inside of you?
Do you yearn for the warmth of the sun’s rays on your skin, the cool squish of mud between your toes, the gentle breeze softly reminding you that we all exist on an Earth that offers infinite sensual pleasures?If you feel a connection to any of those questions, or a longing for these sensual experiences, you might be an ecosexual.
What is your favorite way to connect to the erotic, sensual Earth?
Photo/model/meme: me, Bunny Luna (self portrait in Utah)
Original caption:
I want to talk about two topics that honestly deserve their own individual posts: sex and consent.
Let’s rethink our definition of what sex is. In this cisheteropatriarchal society, we are conditioned to believe that sex is P in V penetration. This definition excludes many people from the sex conversation, including but not limited to queer and disabled folks.
I invite us to redefine sex as any consensual, meaningful, pleasurable experience. This gives ALL of us room to define what sex is to us, individually. This means that a lot of us are probably having sex much more than we ever thought we were before.
Notice that this definition of sex includes CONSENT? This is extremely important, because if you don’t have consent, then it’s not sex, it’s rape.
Consent in relationship to the Earth is just as important as consent with people. It is possible to communicate with and receive consent from the Earth, it just doesn’t include the language that we are used to (verbal consent). Consent from the Earth may come in the form of an energetic pull or a felt sense knowing. It may come in the form of a dream or a whisper in the wind. It may come in the form of a being joining you in meditation to give you a message or a sign.
Consent with the Earth isn’t always as straightforward as consent with people. We have to listen harder, feel deeper, and trust that the Earth will share their message with us when they are ready. We must not rush, or push, or pry, or force. We must be quiet, and open to receive.
Have you received consent from the Earth? What was that experience like for you?
Photo/model/meme: me, Bunny Luna (self portrait in Utah)
Original caption:
If we have learned one thing from this pandemic, it’s that we are ALL interconnected. This doesn’t only involve the interconnectedness of people, but also our connection to animals, plants, insects, bacteria, forests, oceans, deserts, rivers. We all exist together on this planet, we are all connected, and we all influence each other whether we realize it or not.
Part of my personal ecosexuality is recognizing the impact of colonization, cisheteropatriarchy, white supremacy, capitalism, racism, ageism, ableism (…all the -isms). Recognizing that these systems of oppression exist and impact each other and every one of us (including the Earth). As beings existing on this planet at this time we are all a part of these systems, whether we realize it or not, whether we see the direct impact we make or not.
This also means that we each individually have the potential to make POSITIVE CHANGE in ourselves and our communities, which in turn impacts the rest of the planet. Every action and every inaction adds up for each and every one of us.
Imagine what the world would be like if we all collectively chose to live in right relationship with the Earth and each other. If we all actively put in the work to decolonize societies and the planet. If we all live from a heart-centered place, with healthy boundaries and an understanding of how powerful we are. If we all live our lives from a place of love, compassion, generosity, and empathy instead of from a place of fear and separation. This is the world I want to live in.
When did you first realize how connected you are to the rest of the world?
Photo/model/meme: me, Bunny Luna (self portrait in Utah)
Columbia River Gorge with ExhibitphotoPDX
Video members now have access to:
vlog with the story behind this photoset taken by ExhibitphotoPDX in the Columbia River Gorge outside of Portland Oregon during my cross country road trip last year
- 143 image complete photoset
- 1 short BTS video
16 minute video – Intro to Ecosexuality (the nude version I shot before doing the clothed Youtube version)
First Look members now have access to:
everything above
144 image complete photoset of me & Eva Luna taken by KH at a nude beach outside of Portland
- 66 BTS photos I took during that shoot
16 minutes of BTS video
Columbia River Gorge with ExhibitphotoPDX
New video! Ecosexuality & Spirituality
This is the final video of my 9 part ecosexual exploration series that am doing via Youtube livestream. In this video I describe how spirituality and ecosexuality are deeply interconnected for me.
Find more at bunnyluna.com
Book a one on one video chat with me: bunnyluna.com/offerings -
New video! Ecosexuality & Nudity
This is the 8th of my 9 part ecosexual exploration series that am doing via Youtube livestream. The next (and last) one is on Sunday the 26th at 10am. In this video I describe how nudity fits into ecosexuality for me.0
Find more at bunnyluna.com
Book a one on one video chat with me: bunnyluna.com/offerings -
NEW VIDEO: Ecosexuality & Money
This is the 7th of my 9 part ecosexual exploration series that am doing via Youtube livestream every Monday throughout July! I describe how we can reimagine money in order to help build the world we want to live in.
Schedule for livestreams: bunnyluna.com/schedule
Book a one on one video chat with me: bunnyluna.com/offerings
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Ravyn Alexa in the greenhouse