Another set from the super creative day at Durham Fruit!! This was the first set that Antisocialdisposition took when we got there. Other people were around occasionally but most of them had already been warned that there would be nude people around that day and we had no issues at all! Free reign of this HUGE and unique space, just wait til I share more from this day! You’ll really see the variety of locations we were able to create in, it was wonderful. <3
Currently in my life: Things have started getting hectic and I’m realizing how fast time is going by! Only a few days until I leave for my 2 week trip to WV, KY, and TN. Once I get back from that trip, I have about a week and a half at home, then I’m off to Ignite, which is like a small burning man in the VA mountains. After Ignite I have 3 or 4 days to unpack, repack, and head out on my TWO MONTH CROSS COUNTRY TRIP!
Wow, I’ve been wanting to do this forever and now I’m DOING IT! I’ve never been to the west coast before. The furthest west I’ve been is Utah, which so far has been my favorite place I’ve ever been. I will of course be spending a week or so in Utah in June so get ready for TONS of desert photos! <3 I love the desert surprisingly enough even though I feel SO at home in mountain forests. What can I say, nature is my true home.
I am incredibly excited to explore the National Parks in Utah, California, Oregon, and Washington!!!!!! June and July, I’m (almost) ready for you! =D