I originally wrote this for Patreon on November 25th 2017. I no longer use Patreon and have replaced it with my website (here) but thought I would share some of my old blogs with you for FREE to show my appreciation for you visiting my website! <3
You may recognize this location, last month I posted a set I took of Colorvibes in this same house. I’m so lucky that I know some really wonderful and talented artists locally. I really enjoy being able to create with people multiple times, I feel like each time we come together we’re able to pick up where we left off, nurturing a deeper sense of connection and making more meaningful images each time. This location was special to her, an abandoned house owned by her dad that we had permission to shoot in. She was hurt when he had contractors start tearing it up for renovation and we were lucky enough to be able to shoot there before it was changed forever. We photographed each other and she used expired film to shoot me which gave all of the images a really interesting green hue. I love being surprised by film.
I hope everyone has had a wonderful holiday! I’ve been spending time with family and friends, which is the only thing that’s important to me during this season. I love and appreciate each and every one of you! <3
I’ve got lots of awesome silks videos for you this week! 9 to be exact… with lots of drops! Chair drop, 3 different fuseballs, & tick tock drop. Tick tock was the hardest for me so the exit is pretty messy but I’m really proud that I did it! I can’t wait to do it again next time we’re in that unit so I can see all the progress I’ll make!
You’ll also find 35 of my favorite Instastories including some time at an art show, exploring Asheville, pondering the internet vlog, and some BTS from a recent shoot.
All members have access to this complete 26 image photoset by clicking here, the 6 image Instax set by clicking here, the aerial silks videos by clicking here, and the instastories by clicking here.
I originally wrote this for Patreon on October 14th 2017. I no longer use Patreon and have replaced it with my website (here) but thought I would share some of my old blogs with you for FREE to show my appreciation for you visiting my website! <3
I’ve received a special request for this set so I’m releasing this set of Colorvibes just for you! I’ve been holding onto these for a little bit (we shot this back in June) so now is the perfect time to share it!
Camille and I both live in Charlotte and are both models and photographers. We have worked together several times now and I hope to continue to meet up and create with her, she’s super sweet and I love her creative vision. This set is from our most recent collaboration. I met up with her at an abandoned house that is owned by her dad. He bought the house to renovate it and sell it but it had been sitting abandoned for a while. A rare instance where we had permission to be in an abandoned building, it feels so nice to not have to worry about being caught! Not long before our shoot she visited the house and hadn’t realized that her dad had people starting to tear things up inside to get ready for renovation. We were worried that it wouldn’t be in a condition that we could shoot in but we went there on a day that nobody was working. They had already started to tear out the flooring so there were boards and nails and junk all over the place but we made it work. She photographed me and I photographed her, creating all over the house in the rooms with the most light. I’ll share the photos she took of me in a future post!
Members have TWO nude yoga videos to watch for this month! =] I’ve also uploaded 2 videos from some time I spent exploring in a park and 2 aerial silks videos: angel flow and climbers seat momentum mini-drop!
All members have access to this complete 37 image photoset by clicking here, the nude yoga videos by clicking here, 2 videos from some time I spent exploring in a park by clicking here, and 2 aerial silks videos: angel flow and climbers seat momentum mini-drop by clicking here.
I originally wrote this for Patreon on October 21st 2017. I no longer use Patreon and have replaced it with my website (here) but thought I would share some of my old blogs with you for FREE to show my appreciation for you visiting my website! <3
This set taken by Colorvibes of Satya & me was taken in my parents’ back yard. I shoot there so much but it’s honestly one of my favorite places to be, it’s private, and it’s just beautiful! My sister wanted to have a photoshoot involving bodypaint and a few local photographers and models but things didn’t work out with the bodypaint but we already had a date set and people coming so we winged it! Someone had the idea to use bubbles as another element to the photos and I really love how dreamy and whimsical they make the photos feel! I’ll probably want to do more shoots involving bubbles in the future. We didn’t have a bubble machine so they were all blown by my sister and my mom! Colorvibes took this set of us between Michael O’Neill‘s sets which I’ll be sharing with you in the future! The whole morning was really fun, just a bunch of us taking pictures, playing with bubbles, and having a great time.
I don’t have much of a story behind this self portrait set. I took it during some down time after another shoot because I liked the light coming in from the window and wanted to make some shapes with the plant. =]
I’ve just uploaded 4 bts videos from the shoot with Satya & Colorvibes & Michael O’Neill, along with an 8+ minute nude vlog and 34 nude boomerangs!
Even though I shot this vlog and boomerangs months after the shoot with Satya/Colorvibes/Michael I thought now would be a great time to share it with you because I took it in my parents’ back yard (surprise!) and cuddled with the Magnolia tree (which you can see in some of the photos from today’s set). Yes, I just said I cuddled with a tree. Did you know I really love trees? Haha you’ll see what I mean when you watch the video and boomerangs. =]
(Models: Please email me at bunnyluna@pm.me for references for photographers in the industry)
All members have access to this complete 9 image photoset with Satya & Colorvibes by clicking here, the complete 25 image self portrait photoset by clicking here, bts videos from the shoot with Satya & Colorvibes & Michael O’Neill by clicking here, the 8+ minute nude vlog by clicking here and 34 nude boomerangs by clicking here.
I originally wrote this for Patreon on April 15th 2017. I no longer use Patreon and have replaced it with my website (here) but thought I would share some of my old blogs with you for FREE to show my appreciation for you visiting my website! <3
I have been passing this abandoned house for months and months and just drooling over it because I know it’s abandoned and it’s GOT to be awesome inside. The downside is it’s right on a busy road and is very visible all around it, so I’ve been chicken to scout it out because I don’t want to get caught.
Fast forward to a couple weeks ago my friend Colorvibes, a local model & photographer, posted a photo from inside an abandoned house asking who wanted to model in it for her. I of course volunteered and we scheduled a day that weekend to shoot. Guess which abandoned house it was?! THE ONE I’VE BEEN ITCHING TO GET INTO FOR MONTHS! (Law of attraction, man it really freakin works)
She showed me around the house, which was bigger inside than I thought it would be, and we took photos in several of the rooms. Three rooms in particular really stuck out to me, one with a huge set of windows that still had sheer curtains on them, one with pink walls and teal carpet, and a room upstairs that had a bunch of paint cans all over the floor. I also really really love the front porch, ivy is starting to take over and it’s so pretty and green. We had to be pretty careful out there though, the front faces the busy road so we had to make sure nobody was looking. I took a couple of behind the scenes timelapses for you, and colorvibes is awesome and agreed to take some Instax for you too!
All members have access to this complete 44 image photoset by clicking here.
I originally wrote this for Patreon on November 25th 2016. I no longer use Patreon and have replaced it with my website (here) but thought I would share some of my old blogs with you for FREE to show my appreciation for you visiting my website! <3
I love taking self portraits, but I love modeling for photographers too. There’s nothing like seeing yourself the way others see you.
Colorvibes is a local art student, photographer, and model, and has started taking figurative nude images on film (and digital). We finally met up one day a few weeks ago right when it was starting to get cold when the sun went down. I took her to a spot I’ve used once or twice for photos and we shot for a couple of hours. I love seeing how others view and use places that I’ve shot at before. There are always new ways of seeing places and things that I hadn’t thought of. She was kind enough to allow me to share our photos with you.
Do you remember when AD and I went to the mountains for our waterfall weekend with Drake Avenue? If you don’t remember or are new check out this post if you’d like to read the blog/look at photos. He sent me the behind the scenes film photos he took that weekend! He said I could share them with you too. =]
All members have access to this complete 31 image photoset from Colorvibes by clicking here.
All members have access to this complete 19 image photoset from Drake Avenue by clicking here.
In the Sun
Click here to view this film photoset taken by Colorvibes in an abandoned house that has since been demolished.
Click here to view this double exposure photoset of Colorvibes.
Click here to view this photoset taken by Colorvibes.
Click here to view this photoset of Colorvibes in an abandoned house. She took photos of me in this location too!
Double Exposures!!! <3
I feel like I’m always talking about double exposures… well, probably because I am. I love them. They’re my favorite kind of image to create. They’re magickal. They’re serendipitous. They’re always a surprise and I love giving control to the universe.
You might be wondering… what the heck is a double exposure?!
A double exposure is when two (or more) images are taken on the same piece of film. When two (or more) images are superimposed to create a single image. A lot of people do this with photoshop or fancy apps now, but the kind of double exposures that *I* am always talking about are taken on FILM. Analogue. 35mm or medium format film. These are TRULY magickal to me.
I took my first double exposure on accident, in a Holga camera (does anyone remember those?!). I took a photo, forgot to wind the film, and took another photo. The two images overlapped each other to create one single image! I was amazed and fell in love immediately.
You mean I can take a photo of a landscape, and then take a photo of a person in a studio or an empty room or next to a tree, and the end result makes the person look like they’re IN the landscape?! THEY BECOME A PART OF THE LANDSCAPE?! Hell YES!!!
If you know me or if you’ve followed me for any length of time, you know that I am ecosexual and that the earth, the environment, natural landscapes are where my heart is, where my SOUL is. The fact that I am able to take images that make it look like people BECOME A PART OF the environment makes me so incredibly happy. Being one with ferns, waterfalls as shimmering “clothes”, a crown of butterflies in flight.
It’s important for me to show people that we are not separate from the earth, we are a part of it. We are all connected and this planet, our home, everything we’ve ever known, is the MOST IMPORTANT thing and needs to be loved, protected, cherished. I hope that my double exposures help people see that.
Okay, enough explanation. The images will tell you more than I ever could with words.
With Kyotocat in collaboration with Antisocialdisposition
Self portrait with Quinn Sanguine
With Tiffany Nacke in collaboration with Antisocialdisposition
Really magickal, right?! Now you know why I LOVE double exposures so much!
I am in the process of creating a double exposure course with all of my tips and tricks for getting the most out of your double exposures! If you want to be the first to know when it’s available, join my mailing list (go to my home page, scroll all the way down, and enter your email!)
Want to create your own but don’t know how and want to start RIGHT NOW?
Guess what?! I took several rolls of landscapes while I was on my 2 month solo cross country trip that are READY TO GO for doubles!All you need to do is load one of these special one of a kind rolls into your 35mm camera and take photos! When you get them developed, your images will be double exposed with some of the landscapes that I took while I was traveling!
I only have a few rolls available, so get one while they last! LIMITED TIME AVAILABILITY!
If some of the rolls don’t sell before my birthday (November 30th) I’ll be gifting them to myself!Here are a few of the rolls available to give you an idea of what kind of images you can double over…
I’m even doing a raffle for 2 of the rolls so you have a chance to get one for only $3.33!!!
Raffles are until they sell out. Only 30 tickets, a 1/30 chance of winning!
Several tickets have already been sold, get them while you can!CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE A ONE OF A KIND ROLL TO CREATE YOUR OWN DOUBLE EXPOSURES!
Become a member today for immediate access to my entire archive of photos and videos!