• Code to get into the virtual nude gathering for FREE

    The virtual nude gathering is Saturday February 26th at 1pm eastern!

    Let’s hang out naked together in a non sexual context!

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  • Virtual Nude Gatherings are BACK!


    Saturday, February 26th at 1pm eastern

    It’s official! Virtual nude gatherings are BACK!

    If you’ve wanted to join but haven’t yet, now’s your chance!

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  • Official Poplar Tree Tattoo Tour!

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    Hey, so I haven’t officially done a tattoo tour yet for y’all and I know I’ve been talking about my tattoos a lot and you’ve seen them and I’ve showed photos and stuff, but I wanted to do like an official tour for y’all today. So, here we go. I might need to move the camera some or like have some weird angles or something, to show you everything or probably just stand on my bed. I don’t know. So I know you’ve seen some of it. And I’m currently like I think I’m getting my next session is next week. So by the time you see this, I’ll already have my next session and it’ll look a little different, but this is where we are. I’m recording this mid-January, but this is going to be shared, I think early February, probably.

    So yeah, I don’t want to… I’m doing it now because I don’t want to do like a tour when I still have a tattoo that’s healing. I want it to already be mostly healed before I do this. Because if it’s really fresh, it’s like bleedy and irritated and frustrated, and it like sometimes looks a little scary. So, I’m doing this since I’m healed from my last session and it’s before my most current session that’s going to happen next week.

    So, here we go. I started this tattoo in September of 2020. We have been doing it about once a month since then. I’ve had a bunch of sessions, we’re over 28 hours into this tattoo. It took 12 hours just to get all the outlining done and we’re getting closer to getting more of the color done. We started color a few months ago and my leg and butt are finished. We’re working up my hip now. So right now, we’re mostly just that we’re working up from the bottom. So the last thing to be done will probably be my arm.

    So all the outlining has been done, but we’re working on coloring it all in. So I’m going to stand up to show you the base of my tattoo, and then we’re going to move up from there. So my tattoo starts down here at my ankle with the… see if I can get closer… with a little frog. And it’s the base of the tree. This is a Poplar tree, some Poplar flowers, lemme move again. So from the front, this is what you see. Here’s the side, my leg. And the back… got my butt done! So excite!

    So on my hip, I have a red tailed hawk. All of these creatures in my tattoo I have a personal relationship with, and I mean, obviously the tree too like, I grew up in North Carolina and a lot of these are around my house or I’ve seen a lot. So here’s my butt I’m gonna go over here so you can see more. I have a little snail on my butt. Isn’t it cute? I love the snail! So this is where we finished off last time. So my butt and leg are done. We’re working up. I’m guessing we’ll probably do this Cardinal next. You might be able to see. Let’s see. Nope, too far.

    You might be able to see the couple of red lines here. We did a color test last time, sometimes people are allergic to ink and tattoos. And that as you can imagine causes a big problem. The most common color to be problematic for people, in terms of being allergic to ink is red. That is like, if somebody is allergic to the ink it’s most likely going to be red ink. So those little red lines. Right there on the, on the Cardinal. Those are a color test to make sure that my skin will heal with that color, and thankfully it did. So I probably won’t have problems with red. So that’s going to be all red. So, Cardinal, we got, the tree comes up my whole side. So this front, this cat was already here.

    I can see in the back. Let’s see if I can point to things, so the cat was already there. Here’s all my branches. Have a dragonfly. It’s going to be painted or not painted, it’s going to be colored in blue dragonfly. On the back here, in the center, this bird, that’s a bilateral gynandromorph rose-breasted grosbeak. And I know you probably are like what the fuck is that? The rose-breasted grosbeak is a bird that I think is more North like Northeast. I haven’t actually seen any in person. This is the only bird that I don’t have a personal relationship with, but in I think it was 2020 scientists and researchers found a bilateral gynandromorph rose-breasted grosbeak and what that means is, it’s the bird, but since it’s bilateral gynandromorph, that means it’s half male and half female, which is really fucking cool. I’ll put a link below with the like an article with information about that. But I was like, I need a half male and half female bird on me. So that’s why that one’s there. It’ll be colored in really cool. So that guy.


    I have a hummingbird up here. It’ll be a ruby-throated hummingbird. So there’s my back. For now. And front goes across here, this is a Carolina Wren. I’m going to this is going to be one of those black and blue butterflies. More tree. This is a tufted titmouse. They’re so cute. We had one when I was a kid. Well, there’s a baby one that fell into our truck when I was a kid and it was too young to be on its own yet, but it was old enough that it didn’t really need a parent. So we fed it like dry cat food that we had soaked in water to let it get really soft. We fed it that for a little bit and then once I started flying and seemed ready to go. We let it outside and there was like a couple of other tufted titmouse, that seemed to adopt it in our backyard. So so cute. So that’s this.

    And then I’ve got a chickadee on the back here. See if I can show you this way. Little chickadee. They’re so cute. My elbow… my elbow is empty right now, but it will have a little spider and spider web in there. Elbow tattoos are painful as fuuuuck. They’re not fun at all. So that’s why I don’t want anything really to cover up the whole space. Like a spider web will be a way less painful, because they have a lot of open space and it’s not all colored in, but I… because I wanted it to not be blank, but I also didn’t want to kill myself with a lot of pain in my elbow because it’s not fun. Even just the stuff like around here was really not fun at all. So spiderwebs going to hurt. That’s gonna be okay. Lower arm. I already had this but I have a, let’s turn this way. This is a Luna Moth that will be colored in eventually. So yeah, that’s my tattoo. 

    Yay! Tattoo tour! if you have any questions about my tattoo, or how it’s going so far, or wanting updates, whatever, comment, let me know. I’d love to hear from you. Yeah. I hope you like the tattoo tour, it was fun. By the time I do another one I’ll have more color. I don’t know how often I’ll do these, but I’m for sure gonna do a tattoo tour when it’s finished, which will probably be another year from now. Thank you for being here! Thanks for watching! I love you so much, and I’ll talk to you soon! Bye!


    PS- My tattoo artist is Alex Santaloci at Iron Ghost Tattoo in Charlotte NC!

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  • Anti-Planning!?

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    Hi friends! So this month I’ve been talking about goals and like setting goals and working toward goals and making goals and I’ve been talking about goals all month so far. And I just a couple days ago, took a mini workshop about anti-planning from Elizabeth Goddard, and it has me thinking maybe goal setting isn’t the best idea for me, always. So I want to acknowledge goal-setting is super great for a lot of people. It may or may not work for you or me or your friend or whoever and I wanted to give another perspective kind of based off of the information that I’ve already given you. So, I’ve already talked a lot about goals and like ways that you can set them and things like that, but I wanted to also talk about getting things done without having really rigid goals and plans.

    As you have already heard, I’ve set some goals for myself and I’m already starting to either not want to do them, or I’m just, like, feeling behind on them already and it’s not even February yet, or I’m just like, they feel like an obligation that’s not really fun. And I’m wondering why I want to do them. So let’s talk about anti-planning and doing things to work towards things we want to do, but in a less structured, you have to do it this way, this time, this place, kind of way. So let’s do it. 

    So Elizabeth Goddard, I don’t, I don’t think I’ve talked to y’all about her very much but she’s in the UK and she’s like a business online business, kind of person and she teaches some courses and stuff and she recently did this Christmas party thing where a lot of her students offered free resources and guides, and worksheets and courses and stuff to anybody that wants them for free. So I downloaded of those and Elizabeth Goddard‘s anti-planning workshop was part of that big bundle of things that we could get. So I did that. She had this option where you can listen to it like a podcast which is really helpful for me because I was able to do the whole thing while I was waiting three hours in line to get a covid test. So I was doing something while also doing something else. Um, so that was really helpful for me, but I wanted to talk a little bit about what Elizabeth said during that anti-planning workshop in this vlog post.


    Click here to learn more about Elizabeth Goddard

    I’m not going to go over everything. Obviously. I’m not Elizabeth Goddard. I’m just sharing some of the things that she shared. So first off acknowledging that goals and like rigid planning is not necessarily going to work perfectly for everyone. Everyone’s different. Some people work really well with goals and plans and some people really don’t. So, that is just the beauty and magic of being an individual human. Everybody has different needs and wants and desires, and ways that they go about doing everything in life.

    So, one of the things that Elizabeth shared in the workshop was making a decision about what you want and then figuring out ways that you can work towards that in small increments. So this kind of already like goals, but it’s kind of also not. So once you have a why of what you want to do that helps you have a reason to continue working towards whatever this thing is. You can set smaller goals, like maybe monthly goals or income goals, things like that, but you don’t necessarily have to. She talked about how she doesn’t necessarily make a plan for what she’s going to do any further out than like a month. But what she does do is she has several things that she wants to work toward on an every day, or like a weekly basis that she needs to do her business anyway, which is like growing her audience, nurturing her audience, and selling to her audience. Which that makes sense, right? Like that’s what most online businesses need to do. And for her it’s not necessarily about I have to do this thing, this day, this other thing, this other day, this thing that day, it’s more, like what actions can I do everyday to slowly work toward these things that I want? So growing nurturing and selling you can work toward that every day without having a specific checklist.

    Like she could be I think some of her examples were she would work on emails to her email list. She has Facebook groups that she is in a lot. So she communicates with her people there. Finding new ways to find other people. So, like reaching out to other entrepreneurs and seeing if she could be on like podcasts, things like that. So it’s not really like this huge list of all these things she has to do. It’s she knows the direction she wants to go in and every day she does a little bit in that direction.

    Another thing that she talked about was having like a word or a theme for the year to kind of keep you centered on what it is that you want to work on. So it could be like Focus or Community or Sharing like whatever you feel is important to you and your business right now. Like for me personally, I probably would say Sharing and Community for like if I were to think of a word or theme for the year, because I know that I kind of struggle with like I’ll make a lot of content, but I don’t actually share it anywhere or I’ll just put it behind a pay wall for members like y’all. So that means way less people get to see it, and I’m not really growing and kind of staying in the same place because I’m making things but I’m not really sharing them with anybody. So that would be for me. Like sharing would be a thing that I would like to work toward.

    She also talks about having core desired feelings. Like what do I want to feel this year? And how can I make a steps in that direction? Like I want to feel calm I want to feel happy, I want to feel like I’m helping people… so that can be another way to orient yourself towards what is important for me to work on right now.

    She also talks about making incremental upgrades instead of trying to do like one huge, massive project and a short amount of time. Try to just make one thing a little bit better today and then one thing a little bit better tomorrow or next week or whatever.

    She also talks about creating be do have lists. So things that you want to be, things that you want to do, and things that you want to have. And in that little course thing she was talking about how sometimes when she writes this be do have list, she doesn’t even necessarily have to like be going after all those things all the time, sometimes once she figures out what it is that she wants to be do and have they kind of find their way to her sometimes.

    So I think this is kind of a reiteration of the fact that we need time and space to like mull things over and like, not be doing doing doing all the time and to just kind of be and exist in order to make room for those things to happen or those changes to come to life or whatever.

    So I wanted to make sure that I shared some of this with you because I know that me personally I’m already kind of doubting that I’ll be able to do all of the like weekly and monthly things that I set out that I wanted to do just earlier this month. And just the fact that it’s been a couple weeks already and I’m already like am I really going to be able to make a short for YouTube every week? Do I really want to do that? And with the amount of time it’s taking me to edit this one video, I’m wondering if I’m actually going to be able to like, create a whole video for YouTube every month.

    So, here is me being an imperfect human. I have goals that I may or may not work towards that I have hopes for, but I also don’t want to pressure myself too much about doing them super consistently, because then that’s when I feel like bogged down and like I really don’t want to do it. When I have too many things on my plate, I don’t want to do any of the things. 

    Um, I wanted to tell you I’m an imperfect human, you’re an imperfect human and we all have things that we want to work on and whether or not we do that in a really structured way… as long as we’re doing something in the direction of where we want to go, whenever we can, that’s the best we can ask for, right? Just surviving 2020 and 2021 is a feat. Congratulations! You are still here! Good job! I’m proud of you, I’m proud of me! We are still here! So that means just like, yeah, everything… everything will be okay whether or not we’re super planning and goal oriented or not. Like we exist, we survived 2020 and 2021. We’re doing good.

    Okay. Yeah. Just wanted to share some anti-planning stuff with you since this whole month has been about goals. So just want to say hi. I love you. Thank you for being here and I’ll talk to you soon! *MWAH* Bye!

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  • Ways to Support + Work Toward Goals

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    Hey friends, I think this month’s theme is goals because I’ve already made a couple videos about it and I’m going to keep going. So I wanted to talk about ways that we can support ourself through reaching our goals. And this is not just advice to you, but it’s also advice to myself because I need to remember these things too. So usually when I’m making videos, it’s for you and it’s also for me.

    So I have learned a lot about goals from Leonie Dawson, who is an entrepreneur mom, autistic person, artist, awesome human being who lives in Australia. (All her courses are here! All her freebies are here!) I’ve taken a couple of her online courses, which are really awesome and I super love them. And I have a couple that I’m signed up for that I haven’t completed yet. But some of the things that I learned from her about goals are, if you don’t have goals, of course, you’re not going to meet them because you don’t have them. But if you do have goals, it’s easier to meet them if you have like a larger overall goal, and then you can break it down into smaller actionable steps.

    So like, for instance, as an example, one of my goals is to monetize my YouTube. So in order to do that YouTube says that I have to have at least 1000 subscribers and at least 4,000 watch hours over a course of 12 months in order to monetize. So right there, that’s a lot of information that I need in order to meet that goal. So if I want to get more subscribers and if I want to get more watch hours, that means I need to make more content and share it on YouTube because if I don’t make any content and I don’t share anything on YouTube, then, of course, nothing is going to grow. So I’ve broken it down to: I want to do at least one longer video a month and at least one short every week. So having more consistent content going on my YouTube will help me meet the goal of having more subscribers and more watch hours. 

    So, to kind of further break that down, if I want to do at least one longer video a month and one short video a week, it might be a good idea to just like write down a whole list of ideas of what my videos could be about because then I can like slowly go through and be like, okay I have…. so if I’m going to do one longer video a month, that’s 12 longer videos for a year. And one short a week is 52 short videos for a year. So if I go through and just like list 15 or 20 ideas for longer videos and like 60 or 70 ideas for shorter videos, then I have enough information that I can just like, look through my list and be like, I wanna make a video about this this week and go from there.

    So right now I don’t have that list, so that would be my next step towards working towards the goal of monetizing my YouTube, is planning out what I would want to share. Yeah, so breaking down goals is really helpful in order to meet them. It’s not like I want to climb this whole mountain in one day. I kind of have to like, let me practice walking X amount of miles a day and then practice climbing smaller mountains and then practice climbing slightly larger mountains and then, you know, so yeah, everything is one step at a time. You can’t just like go from A to Z. You have to go through ABCDEFG, blah blah. So breaking things down into smaller pieces also makes it feel more doable. 

    Also, another way that I can work towards like meeting my goals is to have some form of reminder of what I’m working towards and also a way to like track what I’m doing and help myself continue to do it. So like I have… in my journal, the way that I have these like self-care habits that I do every day. I support myself and doing them by having…. Let me grab it, I’ll show you. This chart of… Let’s see, will it focus? Of like all the things that I want to do, and then the dates and then I color in if I’ve met those things. So, this is not really this like image example is not really goals, but it’s like these are things that I do to support myself every day, but having something visual like this and having it in a place that’s easy to see and I see it every day, it helps remind me. Oh, I haven’t done X today. So let me maybe do that. It’ll only take me five minutes or oh, It’s been a few days since I’ve done Y, so, maybe I want to do that today, but it’s helped me to have something visual that I see and is like, in my space that I’m there on a regular basis to remind me like, oh, there’s this thing that I can do because I kind of tend to float off into space like I turn into just like a floating brain and forget that I have a body and like all these things I need to do.

    So when I have that visual cue of like these are some things that you can work on, that helps me a lot. So maybe you can have like a big poster in your room or like me, you have a journal that you like… I leave this journal on my bed, and I’m just like in my room a lot. So I see it and I’ll just like cross stuff off on it while I’m doing it, so having something physical and visual that’s in a place where going to be a lot, would be really helpful to help you work towards your goals or at least remind you of the things that you can work on. If you’re if you have time to do them. 

    Another way to help meet goals is to create habits around them. So for instance, one of my goals is to journal every day. I started journaling every day, January 20th of 2020 and I have journaled every day since then. I’ve already filled up…. this is my fifth notebook and it’s almost full like this is… the this is all that’s left. Actually already wrote all this. Let’s get there. This is what’s left. 

    So, the way that I have actually managed to journal every day is one, I have my notebook on my bed. Like I said, it’s like it’s available to me all the time. It’s right here. Two, I’ve built it into my routine throughout the day. So like every morning, as soon as I wake up, I journal what my dreams were the night before. And then every night, before I go to bed, I journal about my day. So I’ve turned that thing that I want to do into a part of my everyday life and it’s become a part of my like daily rituals and habits.

    So if say like one of my business goals is to monetize YouTube, which means I need to make videos maybe instead of or maybe I can just have a goal of recording something every day, and whether it’s good or not. I’ll have something every day because if I want to post once a week, then if I record something every day, then I’ll have seven things to choose from by the end of the week. And then I can just post the best thing. For me, building those into habits and rituals has to do with like, including it in the things that I already do every day. So, like my journal, I wake up in the morning every day and I just I grab my journal because I have it at the top of my bed. So I don’t have to get out of bed. I can wake up, grab my journal, journal about my dreams and then I’ve already journaled and it’s the first thing in the morning. So like, maybe if doing a video, if I want to turn that into part of my like daily ritual, maybe I’ll have breakfast and then right after doing having breakfast, I’ll make a video and do that every day. So that way, it becomes like… I make a video every morning after breakfast. This is part of my routine. I don’t know if I’ll actually do that like after breakfast because my breakfast was like fluctuating. Sometimes I want it early and sometimes I am not hungry until like 1:00. So something that’s consistent for you that you do all the time, maybe you can like add another thing to it. So it’s like when I do this thing, then this thing also happens. Yeah, so creating habits around your rituals… or creating habits and rituals around your goals can be really helpful. Yeah. 

    And I can’t think of anything else right now. I probably will, as soon as I turn this off, but I also don’t want to make this video way too long. So I’m gonna sign off for now, but I hope this helped you, and I hope that you’re able to create some goals for yourself that are doable, and that support you and that become a part of your everyday. So, that way you are working towards your goals everyday, and growing and learning and changing. Yeah, because it’s nice to have goals. It’s nice to have things to work towards and it I feel like for me it kind of gives me a sense of purpose because otherwise I’m just kind of a sack of potatoes on the couch and that doesn’t feel super great to me. So yeah, I like having goals and I like working towards them and it feels good to have them because then it feels like I’m working towards something. I have something to look forward to.

    And maybe, maybe you can like reward yourself for meeting your goals in some way or like. Say, if my goal to make a YouTube video every week, maybe if I do that for X amount of weeks, then I’ll take myself out on a date or something. You know, like building in rewards and treats for myself for meeting goals. Even if it’s just like, not the full overall, huge goal. If it’s like, here’s the first section of a goal. Once I get that done then I can celebrate and then that’ll help me continue and do more. Yeah. Okay.

    I love you so much! Thank you for being here! I’ll talk to you soon. Thank you! I love you! I can’t do this without you! Let’s meet our goals together!

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  • My Personal + Business Goals for 2022

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    Hey friends! Last week I talked about making goals and this week I want to share with you what goals I’ve come up with for myself. These will probably change over time and I will probably add to them and change them and things like that. So this is like a working list and it doesn’t include everything but it’s a start. So I wanted to share with you and it’s okay if I don’t have everything figured out because it’s only January and we have a whole year and things change and that’s like a part of life and that’s okay and there’s nothing wrong with that. So I feel like it’s better to have some goals than to not have any at all and even if they change that’s okay because like everyone changes and learns and grows over time, so starting off with some goals whether or not they’re like permanent forever goals, at least there’s a start and that’s something to work off of.

    So, here are some of the goals that I came up with for myself. So, some personal goals that I have. I already talked to y’all about some of these, but I’m just going to go over all of them. So, personal goals. I want to journal every day. I want to do energy every day. I want to take a walk outside once a week or more. I really want to complete my tattoo or get closer to finishing it. I don’t know if that will be completed this year in 2022 just because of how much we have left. But at least continue that process to get closer to completing it. I want to connect more with friends. I want to like text my friends more, see them in person more, hang out with friends. Make more friends. I feel kind of lonely, so friend things, please yes.

    I have several online courses that I’ve signed up for that I want to complete. So those are some more personal goals when I complete those e-courses and I want to read at least 10 books. I think last year I read eight or nine books. I think I actually read more, but the ones that I wrote down were eight or nine. And I don’t know if I wrote all of the books down that I read. So. Yeah, I’m going to actually keep track of that this year. What books I’ve read. So I want to read more books. And those are the start of my personal goals list, at least.

    Business goals. So I like I said, I’ve kind of talked about some of this in the last video, but I’m going to review it a little bit. So business goals. I want to monetize my YouTube which means I need at least a thousand subscribers and at least 4,000 watch hours. So I’m going to plan to create one longer video a month. And at least one short every week in order to hopefully get closer to being able to monetize my YouTube channel.

    Click here to check out my YouTube channel!

    I want to continue doing these Vlogs every week for my website, for y’all because I love you. So a goal is to do a vlog every week. I would like to increase my total income. So I have a like a dollar amount goal to work towards. Right now I’m just like, I want to have a fifteen hundred dollar a month because most months I’m like hovering around a thousand bucks, so my goal is to increase that.

    I want to come up with one free thing to give to people every month. So whether that’s like a worksheet, a checklist, a video, like an online event, something just like one free thing for people every month because I feel like I don’t want to have everything behind a paywall. I want to be able to help people and I’m more able to help people if they have access to it for free. So, I want to make more free content.

    I have been dreaming about making a self-portrait online course, for probably three or four years now and I still haven’t done it. So that’s a goal, is to like work towards that this year, is launching an online course. I want to teach and facilitate more workshops, so that’s another goal is to do at least one or two or three workshops, whether online or in person, this year. I would really like to do that.

    I want to be on some people’s podcasts. I want to get my name out there that can be part of my, like, marketing strategy. Also podcasts are another way to get myself in front of more people. And also, a way to help more people if because, you know, hopefully the podcast that I’m on will be free. So another way to support people through what I know and the things that I can share. So I want to be on some podcasts. 

    Last year, I applied for I think two different residencies and I didn’t get either one, but I want to apply for more residencies because I would actually like to do a residency, an artist residency at some point. So I can only do that if I apply for them. So I have a goal of applying for residencies. And then I think I would really like to Mentor a queer artist like somebody who is just starting in the realm of art, photography, creativity. Since I’ve been doing this for over 10 years I have a lot of knowledge that I can share, so I would like to mentor a queer artist, so that will be another goal of mine.

    Yeah, okay. So those are some of my goals for 2022. I probably am going to update and change these overtime but that’s at least a start. And so, now that I have this list, I know what I can work towards and what things that I need to do on a more regular basis in order to meet those goals. 

    Yeah, goals are kind of hard and also awesome at the same time. I am the kind of person, I’m kind of a perfectionist and I… a lot of the time I struggle with not starting something because I want to do it perfectly, so I just don’t start it at all because I’m scared of failing. So I just don’t do it. And if I think about it, if I don’t start at all, that’s immediately a failure. So I’m like… I’m failing myself before I even start, so I want to not do that.

    And I want to actually, I want to fail. I want to fail some. I want to get some nos. I want to like… I want to apply for things and have people reject me because that’s the only way that I’m going to get over this, is if I actually do it and get rejected and be like, okay, I’ve learned something. Now I can work on something else and continue to get better. So yeah, maybe another goal is to fail some because I need practice with that, because it’s better to fail and learn something than to not try at all. 

    And I’m still learning this for myself, but I wanted to share with you a lot of these things that I share that are like, inspirational and helpful and things like that. It’s also for me because I need help too. And sometimes I need to just listen to my own videos so that I can help myself. So yeah, okay.

    Yeah, so thank you for listening to my goals and I hope that you can set some awesome goals for yourself. And, yeah, I love you so much! Thank you for being here! If you have anything you’d like to share with me, like, goals that you have set or questions that you have about my goals, you can comment below. I’m also going to put the link to my survey below. If there’s anything in particular you want to hear from me. That way I can make the content that you want to see! So link to the survey is down there. Okay. I love you so much! Thank you for being here! *mwah*

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  • Goals vs Resolutions: Brainstorming Personal + Business Goals

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    Hello friends! Today I wanted to talk about goals and I feel like that’s probably something that a lot of people talk about at the beginning of the year because a lot of people have resolutions and things like that, but I want to talk about why I do goals instead of resolutions. So let’s dive in.

    I feel like… I feel like resolutions are maybe not super supportive to people sometimes because there’s this expectation of like I’m a set a resolution and I’m going to do this thing every X amount of time. And if I don’t follow through this resolution, for the whole year then I’m a failure or, you know, like, it doesn’t mean anything, if I didn’t do it the whole year, or if I didn’t meet, whatever that resolution was.

    To me goals feel a little different because they feel like this larger thing at the end of a certain amount of time that you kind of break down into smaller pieces and work towards throughout time like throughout days weeks, months years. And that feels less, it feels like less pressure and it feels like a more consistent like way to meet that goal. Because for me, if it’s a resolution, it’s like I’m going to do X thing every day, or I’m gonna I don’t know. What are some resolutions? And goals, feel more like, oh, there’s this thing that I want to achieve. So, how can I break that into a lot of smaller pieces so I can work on it a little by little throughout time like throughout whatever the time frame is.

    Goals, just feel more achievable than resolutions to me. Also, I feel like… I feel like I have, maybe… How do I say this? I have had goals in the past and I have met them or mostly met them. And I’m at a point right now that I don’t know what my next goals are. So I feel kind of lost. Because the goals that I had, I’ve like, I’ve met the goals, like, my largest goal that I’ve had recently is to, like, get a van and go on a road trip, and I did that. I got a van in 2018, and I went on my cross-country road trip in 2019. And if you’ve been here any amount of time, you’ll know a lot of things happened in 2019 for me and my life kind of like broke apart and then came back together in a different way, and I feel like right now, I don’t know what goals I have and that is kind of frustrating and scary and I kind of feel like I’m floating. You know, I’m just like a blob floating in space with no purpose. So, it’s weird when I’ve met my goals and then I’m not sure where to go next. 

    So I feel like, maybe if I made goals, they would either be too big or too small, but I also feel like Is this my perfectionism getting in my own way? Like I feel like I’m getting in my own way. So I wanted to talk about…. I’m kind of just going to brainstorm here in this vlog right now, about my goals for 2022. For this year. Because, I feel like I’ll feel better if I have goals to work towards. So I’m not just like aimlessly like what am I going to do? Let me just figure it out for today. And then tomorrow have to be like, what am I going to do? Let me figure it out for today. Like I feel aimless. So I’m going to brainstorm some goals right now, and I’m going to grab some paper so I can joy some stuff down also because I need some goals. So if you want to also come up with some goals, grab some paper and pen and let’s do this together. So, I’m gonna…. I’ve kind of brainstormed about goals a little bit already. So, I’m going to kind of separate it into personal goals and business goals. And I feel like the personal goals might be the easier ones, but that’s just me. Okay, so personal goals. Oh, my pen is running out of ink.

    Personal goals and business goals. 

    All right, I already had some stuff written up here. So ignore this but I’m just doing like personal and business and I’m just going to make a list because I love lists and lists help me a lot. So yeah list, I’m gonna start with personal because that feels easier.

    So personal goal. I also am going to set myself up for success because I know that if there’s something on there that I know, for sure that I 100% can do, then I’ll feel better because like I’ll have a goal that I know that I can meet. So I’m going to like start off with something that I know I can do to kind of like get the ball rolling. So I’ve already been journaling every day since January of 2020. So I’m going to continue to do that. So my goal is to journal every day in 2022 because I know that I can meet that because I already met it last year and most of 2020. So I’m going to do that, journal every day. 

    Still on personal goals. I’m gonna also continue to set myself up for success and do a couple more things that I know that I can do everyday or consistently, at least if not every day, just so that I know that I have goals that I can meet, and that way at the end of the year, if I look through my goals and I’m like, wow, there’s something I didn’t meet, but I’ll at least have some that I did meet that way. It doesn’t feel like you know, I’m a failure… because I know that I’m not. It’s okay to not meet your goals, that’s just like more things you can work towards.

    So another goal that I’m going to do for 2022 is to do Energy Medicine, energy healing on myself every day. Which I’ve already been doing almost every day for probably at least a year. So, I know that I can do that. Another personal goal that I’ve been thinking about is walking outside on a regular basis. So I’m going to say once a week, just because I know that like sometimes weather and responsibilities and other things can keep me from being outside, but I really want to be outside. So I’m going to say, take a walk outside every week. Walk outside every week and then if I do it more than once a week, that’s even better, but I least I’m going to do at least once a week. 

    Okay, so that’s just that’s like three personal goals. I’m going to start on a couple of business goals. I really would like to monetize my YouTube channel. So that requires at least 1000 subscribers and 4,000 plus watching hours over a period of 12 months. So that itself, like to monetize my YouTube channel, can be a business goal is to get at least 1000 subscribers and over 4,000 watching hours. 

    So monetize YouTube, which means 1000 subs and 4000 watch hours. So, If I want to do that, that also means I need to make more videos and share more videos on YouTube. So, maybe I will do… Maybe my goal can be like one video. A week. Or month, see I don’t want to, I don’t want to make it too frequent if it’s not something that I can do. I do want to challenge myself, but I also don’t want to put like huge amounts of pressure on myself to do things if I can’t do them. So let’s say I’m going to do I want to try to do at least one longer video a month and one short every week. So that way I at least have some content going up every week. Even if it’s not a long video and I think shorts have been really popular on YouTube. So yeah, I want to do more of those because I posted a short and then like two days later I had 800 views and I was my second most viewed video ever, so I’m going to keep doing that. Okay, so that’s like the main business goal is monetize YouTube. And then there’s some smaller goals underneath that in order to work towards monetizing, the YouTube.

    I want to continue doing Vlogs for y’all every week, so that can be another goal as a member like, website vlog every week. I already have like a list of potential topics to talk about, so I’m going to continue using that but also I’m going to put a survey below, so if there’s anything in particular you want to hear from me, let me know and I’ll try to make it. So survey will be below. Put the link in the caption down there.

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    This video is getting a little long and I want to spend some more time brainstorming goals, so I’m going to sign off of this video and continue thinking about goals and maybe in the next video I’ll go through the whole list of goals with you. So, you know what I’m doing. Thank you so much for being here. I love you so much. I hope that you can make some goals for yourself. Goals that are achievable, but are also, at least slightly challenging so you feel accomplished but not too challenging that you don’t do them because it just feels bad to make a goal then not succeed. 

    So yeah, I hope you get to do some achievable goals that are also slightly a challenge but not too much of a challenge. Yeah, I’m still learning. We’re all learning, we’re figuring shit out. None of us know what we’re doing. We just pretend. Okay. I love you! Thank you for being here! Goodbye!

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