Virtual Nude Gathering THIS SATURDAY!
Saturday, March 19th at 1pm eastern
What to expect during a virtual nude gathering:
vulnerability + awkwardness – this is part of the magic of these events, we’re all choosing to be in this together!
meditation + movement practices to connect with our bodies and each other
honest sharing of feelings + emotions – we’re ALL encouraged to participate
a non-sexual environment of acceptance + love
What to expect after a virtual nude gathering:
feeling seen and heard as a unique and valuable part of a community
being more comfortable (even if only slightly!) without clothes on
an increased sense of interconnectedness
a deeper sense of connection to yourself and your body
If you’ve wanted to join but haven’t yet, now’s your chance!
Click the banner below for more info and to apply to join us!
Tattoo Project with Doug Pierce!
Doug Pierce and I got together via zoom recently so that he could interview me about my tattoos! We had a great conversation and got into a lot of the nuances about my most recent tattoo project, so if you’re curious we have a bunch of videos for you to watch! I also took self portraits to document where I am with my tattoo so far so I’ve shared some of those below! Click through to the galleries to see all of the images. The interview was about an hour long and I’ve separated it into 14 shorter clips. It would be too many to embed in this blog post, so I’m gonna link to them instead! CLICK HERE TO WATCH ALL THE INTERVIEW CLIPS
Or if you’re looking for answers to certain questions (individual clips):
– Info about my original back piece tattoo
– How Doug’s use of tattoos (si’gilyn) in his stories impacts how I feel about tattoos
– What was the first tattoo I received and how did I know I wanted it?
– Are most tattoos painful?
– Is there something about the pain that enhances the experience? How do I manage the pain?
– Is getting tattooed a spiritual experience for me?
– What’s the general inspiration for this massive tattoo project?
– Were my ecosexual and/or agender identities a factor in the overall design of this tattoo?
– How does this tattoo incorporate or cover up prior tattoos and why?
– Why is the Poplar Tree in particular so important to me?
– Who are the individual creatures in the tattoo and what is their significance?
– What have I learned about myself in going through this process so far?
– What’s my tattoo healing process?
– Closing information + shout out to my tattoo artistClick here to view the 20 image digital self portrait set
Click here to view the 22 image cell phone self portrait set
Click here to watch the BTS self portrait timelapse video in another window
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Resources for Artists: How to Write An Artist Statement
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Hey, friends, I’m here again to talk to you about stuff that I think will maybe help you. So hopefully it does. I’m going to Dive Right In. Because so January/February is talking about goals and ways that I’m like helping myself and ways that I’m finding opportunities as an artist. And I thought that for March, I would talk a little bit about the tools that I use that help me do all the artists things.
So for this video, I want to talk about kind of an extension from think it was last week or the week before where I was talking about the call for entry website and submitting application for residency. So part of submitting an application for a residency is writing an artist statement, and I don’t know about you, but that was really hard for me to do. I consider myself much more of a visual artist than a writer. So writing an artist statement was a struggle. I feel like I’m not as strong of a writer as I am an artist. And I think that with the way that we are required to submit applications for people to look at our art to consider us for opportunities, we have to know a lot about writing in order to submit those applications. So, I feel like that automatically kind of, like, cuts out a whole lot of people that may or may not actually be wonderful artists, they just struggle with writing.
So, in order to hopefully, help more people have more opportunities as an artist. I want to talk about the resources that I use to help me write my artist statement, because hopefully it will help you too. I feel like a lot of us want our artwork to speak for itself and most of the time, it does. But sometimes in order for the right people to see it, we have to write the right things too. And not just have the right images or paintings or visual or whatever art is. So here we go.
This is how I wrote my artist statement. Well, this is the resource I used to write it. Your artist statement is going to be very different than mine. And the way that you write it is going to be unique to you and your art, but the resource that I have found and used to write a lot of these things is the getting your shit together website. They have a book too, I think, when I was in college, they had us buy the book and use the book as part of one of my art classes. And then I learned later on that they also have a website with a whole bunch of resources for artists. So this getting your shit together website is very different from the call to entry website. The call to entry is for artists to submit their applications for opportunities and like to find opportunities. The getting your shit together website is like all of the kind of back-end stuff that artists need in order to be able to request those opportunities. So, like how to write an artist statement, how to write an artist resume, a whole bunch of stuff like that. Like how to find…
I just got really distracted by a really cute bird out of my window! Okay, sorry.
So I use the getting your shit together website as a resource for how to write the artist statement, because I was like, I don’t know. I don’t know what to write. I don’t know how to write it. I don’t know what is expected to be in it. I don’t want to write it incorrectly and then they just like throw out my application for this residency. So this website has all the information that you would need in order to write something like an artist statement. Like, for instance, I learned that artist statements are written in first person. So you say like, I me my… that kind of thing in the artist statement. And then of course it has like in the first section, it should say something like this and the second section you should include these things, and the final part you should do this. So it kind of gives you an outline of the types of things you would need in an artist statement, which will help you write your own based on what your artwork is.
Yeah, artist statements are really hard. So yeah, I don’t make this video way too long and I have told you most of the really important information and in order to not repeat myself a lot of times because I think I’d do that… I’m just going to share the link to the getting your shit together website below, and it has a whole bunch of resources for artists in that way. Like, writing artist statements, writing your resume all that kind of thing. So, yeah. I hope it helps you, it definitely helped me. Yeah, I hope you have a wonderful day. I’ll talk to you soon. I love you! Bye!
Check out the Getting Your Shit Together Website
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Welcome video for new members + how to navigate website
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Code to get into the virtual nude gathering for FREE
Let’s hang out naked together in a non sexual context!
You’ve probably already seen my post with more info about the gathering from this morning.
If you’ve already applied for the nude gathering ticket + have been approved, you’ll be receiving an email with info on how to register.
Virtual Nude Gathering: March 19th!
Saturday, March 19th at 1pm eastern
What to expect during a virtual nude gathering:
vulnerability + awkwardness – this is part of the magic of these events, we’re all choosing to be in this together!
meditation + movement practices to connect with our bodies and each other
honest sharing of feelings + emotions – we’re ALL encouraged to participate
a non-sexual environment of acceptance + love
What to expect after a virtual nude gathering:
feeling seen and heard as a unique and valuable part of a community
being more comfortable (even if only slightly!) without clothes on
an increased sense of interconnectedness
a deeper sense of connection to yourself and your body
If you’ve wanted to join but haven’t yet, now’s your chance!
Click the banner below for more info and to apply to join us!
Resources for Artists: How to Find Opportunities as an Artist
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Hey friends. Thanks for coming here again to my website. So happy you’re here! Excuse me. Hi. So, in my last Vlog, I talked a little bit about this residency that I’m applying for, by the time this video comes out. I will have already applied, but as I’m recording this I haven’t submitted it yet. I wanted to follow up about it because I think that, or, I’m pretty sure that a lot of people would like to put themselves out there in that way, for opportunities as an artist, but they don’t know where to freakin start at all. And don’t even know how to find these opportunities. So I wanted to share with you where I find them and how you can do it too.
So there’s this amazing website called CaFE or call for entry. I believe it’s call for entry dot org. And what this website does, is it connects artists with a bunch of opportunities, things like residencies, things like workshops, public art, exhibits, grants, awards. All kinds of opportunities that are geared toward artists. So if you’re an artist and you are like, I really want to put my stuff in the gallery show, but I don’t know where to start you go to this call for entry website and sign up as an artist and then it’ll… you can search through all of the calls and you can search for certain kinds of calls, and if you only want to look for exhibits or if you only want to look for residencies, or if you want to look for anything at all that is potentially available to you. They have all kinds of stuff on there and there’s, it’s constantly being updated. That’s where I found both of the residencies that I’ve applied for. I applied for residency last year that I did not receive, which I was sad that I didn’t get it, but I also can’t expect myself to get everything that I want always. Especially if it was like my first time applying for a residency ever. But that experience applying for residency last year really helped me with applying for one this year because I already had my artist resume created. I already had a lot of like generic kind of responses written out for the kind of questions they would ask for residency. So this one they did have more questions and different questions, but it didn’t take me as long to complete this application than it did for the one that I did last year because I already had a lot of stuff already figured out and put together and I already had kind of figured out a system of how to like figure out what I’m going to even say. So that helped me a lot, just doing it last year, even if I didn’t get the residency, that really helped me to be able to do it this year a lot quicker and easier, and with less stress and less time.
So back to call for entry. If you sign up as an artist, you can search. And you can also sign up for their email list, which is really helpful because they’ll send out like new opportunities to your email that they think might work for you. And they also, I think it’s the… it’s either the most recent things or the things that are about to be due, like expire in terms of like you have until this date to apply but they’ll send out a whole list of like, here’s a whole bunch of potential things that you could apply for that are due in the next two weeks, or month, or so. Or here’s a whole bunch of stuff that is brand new that you might want to apply for. So you can get emails sent to you of all these potential opportunities and then you can just scroll through your email be like, oh, this one sounds cool and click through and do your thing.
Another cool thing about the call for entry website is the applications to all of these things like the residencies gallery shows, exhibitions, like workshops all the things, you apply through the website. So not only does it help you find the opportunities, but it also helps you like put yourself in the running for those opportunities. When you apply and say you submit images or something for your portfolio, it’ll have those images in this website already so you can just reuse them for different applications. If you want to use the same photos. So it’s helpful because everything is all in one place. Yeah. It’s been really helpful for me. I think it would be harder to find the opportunities if I was just searching randomly and I probably wouldn’t be able to see as many all in one place if I was just on the internet somewhere else.
So this website is call for entry dot org, that’s spelled C-A-L-L-F-O-R-E-N-T-R-Y-(dot)-O-R-G. This is not a sponsored post or anything. I don’t think they do affiliates, but I just the site has helped me as an artist do I just wanted to share it with you. Yeah, I hope I get the residency we’ll see! And if not, I’ll take another failure because each failure gets me closer to a success and I learn with each one.
So, yeah. Hopefully this helps you as an artist. If you’re wanting to get yourself out there. If you have any questions comment below or send me an e-mail, or you can like submit stuff through my survey. I’ll link that below and yeah. I hope you have a wonderful day! I’ll talk to you soon! Bye!
Click here to check out the Call For Entry website!
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Virtual Nude Gathering THIS SATURDAY!
Saturday, February 26th at 1pm eastern
It’s official! Virtual nude gatherings are BACK!
If you’ve wanted to join but haven’t yet, now’s your chance!
Time until gathering:
Click the banner below for more info and to apply to join us!
Goals Check In – Changing/Updating Them is OKAY!
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Hi friends, welcome to another week in Bunny Town. That’s really silly, okay. Hi. I don’t really have a super plan for what I want to share for the next couple of weeks. But I did want to check in with you about how your goals or not goals are going because I had talked a lot about goals last month. So I wanted to check in. I know, personally, I have met some of them that I’ve made and I’ve also not met some of them and I’m realizing, I think the anti planning stuff, like a combination of not planning and planning is probably going to help me out the most. Because when I have like, very rigid rules and structure of what I need to do, then that like takes away all of my motivation to do it. But when it’s like, here’s a buffet of fun things, you can do. Choose what you want to do and do something every day, that feels a lot better to me.
So I may or may not actually get all the goals that I set for myself at the beginning of the year. Just simply because I think I might have tried to do too many things at once. So, I wanted to check in about goals again with y’all. And tell you that I‘m not necessarily meeting all of mine but that’s okay. That’s kind of why we set them is to try to meet them. But also like just to have something to work towards feels better than just like aimlessly scrolling the internet.
So I’ve been focusing a lot in January on this application for a residency, and I’m like super hoping and dreaming that I’m going to get it. It’s a dream come true to me. If I get it, I’m super hopeful, but if I do get it, I would be spending three weeks in Shenandoah National Park to create art and to offer public programs for Shenandoah National Park, which holy moly. I really would love that to happen so bad. Like dream. So my application is due by the end of the month. Right now I think today is the 25th of January. I’ll probably be sharing this mid-February. So, by the time you see this, I will have already submitted my application and I have my fingers crossed that I’m going to get it. But yeah, so as I was like, right now when I’m recording this it’s due in a few days and I’m pretty sure that I’ve mostly finished it to my satisfaction. I feel like it could be better, but I have spent a lot of hours on it already and I think if I keep tweaking it over and over again, I’m just going to be frustrating myself and maybe not necessarily actually making it any better. So I think I’m to the point where I’m almost ready to submit it.
I keep touching my side because I have the last day of this saniderm on my fresh tattoo and it’s so itchy! Tattoo healing is fun.
So yes. Instead of focusing on making a YouTube video this month, I’ve been focusing on working on this application for the Shenandoah residency which I think is a great thing to work on. And I think that if I have like a priority for each month and have that maybe be a little bit different every month, that might help me instead of like make a video for YouTube every month, make a short every week. Maybe instead of that have like January was focused on The Residency, maybe February, I’ll focus on something else, like the video for YouTube or making more Vlogs for y’all or putting myself out there and trying to get on podcasts and stuff like that. Like having like a theme or a focus for the month might help me. So I might be something that I’ll try instead of a really rigid like, do this every month kind of thing. So we’ll see how it goes. I think it’s important to be flexible and I’ve noticed that when I’m really rigid with myself it doesn’t go super well. Yeah, I’m gonna… I’m going to try to be more flexible and go with what makes the most sense and makes me happy and works for me and the things I’m trying to do in whatever time frame it is. Yeah.
So before I take the saniderm off, I’ll go ahead and show you all the newest section of my tattoo. I got it mid-January. So, it’s pretty itchy. It still has saniderm on it. So it’s like a clear sticker, but it’s pretty healed, but the Cardinal and these two branches above it are, what’s fresh. And I think it looks real awesome! I’m so happy! So, I’m eventually going to be a whole tree. But right now I’m half the tree. I’m like, done to my hip. We have a lot more to go, but I’m getting closer almost every month. Trying to think if there’s anything else I want to share with you before I go. I think it’s good to just check in about goals and let you know how I’m doing. And I’d love to hear how you’re doing. Yeah, leave a comment or email me. I would love to hear how things are going for you. If any of my Vlogs about goals or anti planning has helped you at all. I’d love to know. Have a great day! I love you! Bye!
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New Self Portrait Set Experimenting with LEDs!
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Hey friends! Today I actually have a photoshoot to share with you! I haven’t taken any self-portraits I think since the summer of last year. So summer of 2021, I think was the last time I took self-portraits, like, with my actual camera, on purpose that’s more than just like a whim of like, let me take a couple selfies with my cell phone. I’m not really counting those for what I’m talking about. Sorry. I’m itching, my tattoo. Well, the saniderm that’s on it right now.
Okay, so have a photo shoot to share with you. I’m pretty excited it was the first time I played with these new lights that I got. They’re super fancy. They’re actually not but I think they’re fancy and I’m very excited about them. So I’ll tell you about the photoshoot that I did. I was feeling spicy and It was like 11:30 at night. So it was dark. Right now I’m using sunlight because my room is like, mostly windows. So it was much darker than this. It was dark outside. Because it was night time, like 11:30 at night and I have these new lights that I wanted to experiment with. So I was like, I feel like taking self portraits so why not use my new fancy lights?
So I took these photos just a couple days ago, but I think I’ve actually going to share this video in a couple weeks. So by the time you see this I took them a couple weeks ago, but here we are. I’m really excited. I had fun taking them. I’m trying to think if there’s any other, like, backstory information I should tell you. I took them right here, as you will see, very soon, but I was just like on my bed for these. I redid my photo wall so there’s more space. I don’t have to worry about accidentally knocking one, because this one was lower before and I was always like accidentally touching it and like, making it like off balance. So I don’t have to worry about that as much now because I redid my photo wall. It’s nice and curved like this. I really like it.
So I took the photos here and when I did, it was dark outside and I just used these two tiny LED lights. They’re tiny, aren’t they? They’re so cute. So these are called Litratorches. These are two different like generations of them. I think this one’s the newer one, but they’re super cool. I got them at a discounted price because they were used, at my favorite camera store, Biggs Camera in Charlotte. They’ve been locally owned since… it’s been over 60 years now, 60 or 65 years. I love them. I help out, like I used to work there full-time and I just kind of go in to help occasionally.
But back to the story of these photos, before I get too distracted. These Litratorches are really cool. They’re LED they’re super bright. They have a little button on the top to turn them on. This one has a little like silicone protector case thing on it. I don’t know if you can see but yeah, so there’s a little button on top turn it on, that’s the only button on it. On the back of it there’s a place for you can turn like I think it’s a quarter twenty tripod screw on the back of both of them.
And then they have a magnet inside of them, so there’s something metal you can just like, like stick it onto a metal thing and it’ll stay there because it’s magnetic. I don’t have anything metal here to show you, but it works. That’s pretty cool. They’re really bright. They actually have two quarter twenty threads. So there’s one on the back and one on the bottom. So there’s two of them depending on how you want to mount it and what kind of like tripod or thing that you have to mount them on. If you want to mount them, I was lazy. I just have to. I just laid them on the bed, so you can’t see it in the screen right now, but I had one laid down on the bed over here and the other laid down on the bed over here. And one cool thing that I really like about these is you can get little tiny gels to go with them. So there are these things that come with it. It’s just like a little plastic Square. I love this tiny case. Look how tiny and cute! So tiny, so these are the gels. Some of them are not ones that originally came with it. Since this was used somebody had these other ones that are like really thin and not actually the ones that are supposed to be with it. But I kind of like the color of them because they’re like a really warm kind of orangey color and you can stack them to make them darker, but I can tell that they’re not the best material because some of them are a little melty from being like somebody using them on the Litratorch for too long, but these are the thicker ones. They’re like green, yellow, blue and red. I used a red one. And I think I used one of these like orangey ones for my colors. So it’s really easy. You have this little square thing and the light. And you put this in the little square and then you put this in front of the light, snap it on. Oh it’s not fitting hold on. And then you have a colored light, so I’m gonna turn it on. I’m gonna not point it at you.
That’s the lowest setting and it has a color filter on the front. So they’re pretty bright. I’m gonna make it brighter, brighter. And then as a flashing one, but I’m not going to do that in case somebody has a problem with flashing but you press and hold to turn it off and that’s it. It’s super easy. And super awesome. And you can put different colors on them and they’re really great and I love them. And I’m really excited and they’re really tiny so they’re easy to travel with, and you just like charge it with little like a little, like tiny USB cord kind of thing and it’s super great. I love them and I’m excited. They also like, if you can buy them with a little, a little diffuser to put on it, to diffuse the light if you wanted to like to make it real soft. I just I’m happy. This is a really good buy in my opinion.
So this is the first time I was experimenting with these little lights and since I didn’t have them on like a tripod or anything and I just put them on the bed with me. The light was coming from below and pointing up towards me because I was like here and the lights were here and here, and in some of the images that looked cool. And in other images, I wish the light was higher up like this height like maybe my face height or maybe like chest height and I think the lighting would have been better if they were a little bit higher, but it was like midnight and I don’t want to figure out how to get a bunch of tripods and stuff over here to put the lights in a better place and I still really like the way the photos turned out. So, I think it was, I think it turned out really great. Even if I wasn’t 100% happy with the light for the whole set, I still think they look really cool. And I had fun making them. So that’s all that really matters. Right? I hope you like the photos. I hope you enjoy my little behind the scenes of what I did to make them. If you liked those that might do something like this again because this was kinda fun.
I used to take behind the scenes video of my shoots and maybe I’m thinking, I might take some behind the scenes video next time because I kind of miss having that, and that’s a kind of nice thing to have to be able to look back at and actually watch a photoshoot happen. Yeah, that’s kind of fun. So I’m gonna try to remember to do that next time. It’s not always easy because I’ll need like my phone and my camera to do it. If I’m going to take photos and video same time.
Yeah, I hope you like these photos. I had fun making them. I felt spicy, can you tell? I was listening to good music too, and that helped me like get into the groove. So also I’m really proud of myself. I usually don’t even look at my photos for like a month after I take them. And then it takes me even longer to actually put them on SmugMug for y’all to see them. But in this case, I looked at them and uploaded them within like a week of taking them so I’m pretty proud of myself that I’m actually like staying ahead of the curve so don’t get behind. Yeah. I hope you like these photos and enjoy my little behind the scenes how I made them. I hope you have a wonderful day and I’ll see you soon! Bye!
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Click here to view the entire 30 image photoset!