• Olympia with Mandy Darling



    Hi friends! This is the second to last week of these weekly posts! Holy cow! It’s already like… wow February is flying. This week I’ll be sharing a photoset that’s kinda like a mixed photoset of several mediums. I think it’s digital, 35mm, medium format, and polaroid, I think? from Mandy Darling photographing me when I was in Olympia during my cross country road trip in 2019. Yeah I told you I have a whole lot from that trip I’m still posting, and this is not all of it, you’re gonna see a lot more when I do that mass upload in March. But for now, here’s a bunch of photos that Mandy Darling took of me, this was outside of her parent’s house in Olympia I believe? It was her parent’s house, it was a really beautiful place full of gardens and surrounded by woods and it was beautiful. I had a really great time so I hope you enjoy these photos. I don’t have BTS video, but the video from this week I’m sharing is actually a pretty fun video that I made in the spring of 2020. It’s multiple videos, I think it’s like 8 videos. In the spring of 2020 I took a walk in the woods that are behind my house to go to the ponds that are in my neighborhood, there’s a couple of little secret ponds hidden in the woods so it was me taking a walk in the woods and bringing you with me. Some of my favorite parts of this video are when I see little tiny frogs in the grass, there were so many tiny frogs this spring, it was so cute, I’m really excited to see them again. I think there’s a couple of moments when I’m searching for frogs and you can see how cute and tiny they are. So yeah just hanging out in the woods and taking you with me so I hope you enjoy that.

    First look people, I will be sharing the double exposures that I took of Lior Allay during the Backstage Pass event for Going Beyond the Lens that was in December of 2020. It was so great, they were so amazing. I did doubles of them during this event and people that were at the event helped… what’s the word? helped direct Lior for some of the poses. So the last I think 6 poses of theirs that you see were directed by people that were at the event, so that was super fun and exciting, I really loved it. It was really enjoyable to create together as a group. I had never experienced anything like that and it was amazing. These doubles were taken with the photos of Bryce Canyon that I took during my cross country road trip. I hope you enjoy all of those.

    If you are new here I’ll give you a recap of what is happening very soon. February I’ll do weekly posts like this through the end of February, so after this week there’s one more week of these weekly posts, and then starting in March I’ll be doing monthly members-only hangout gathering virtual live “in person” events, and you’ll also be able to get free admission to some of the paid events that I’ll be participating in or leading that are outside of just members only, they’re also for the public but they have to pay, but members will get to be in there for free. That and I will be in March also mass uploading everything from first look and my backlog which first look hasn’t even seen yet because I have so much content. I’m a little nervous about it because it’s a big change, I’ve been doing for the most part ish, weekly posts like this, since 2016 or 2017, so this is a big major change. I’m really excited about it because it’s going to allow me to have more time to create more free resources for everyone and to have more community experiences, which I’m much more interested in, where I’m in a community where we co-facilitate/cocreate an event together versus right now where I’m just like talking AT you and giving you access to stuff. That’s not as connecting for me, and I’m exited to get to know yall a little better and just…. nurture community. I think we all need community, especially during covid. If you have any questions please let me know, you can comment on this post, you can send me an email, you can contact me in another way if you want. Yeah I’m excited even though I’m scared. A lot will be changing, but I’m looking forward to seeing where this is going to go, because instead of talking AT you, I’ll be talking WITH you and that is more exciting to me. I’m starting off with one members-only event per month starting in March because I don’t want to overwhelm myself with too many things because I’ll most likely be doing 2 events per month for Going Beyond the Lens.

    Speaking of, I think by the time this comes out the event is already happening, I think? Oh I can’t look at my calendar because it’s on my phone and I’m recording on my phone! Oh I have a paper calendar too. Yeah so when this comes out it’s going to be on the 20th and the art share is on the 20th, so when this comes out you have a few hours left to sign up for the art share which is FREE! (CLICK HERE TO REGISTER) It’s going to happen at 1pm eastern time, so you have a little bit of time if you haven’t signed up yet, we would love to have you join us, whether or not you share your art with us. That’s through Going Beyond the Lens, I’ll put a link if you’d like more information (CLICK HERE FOR INFO), it’s the collective that I’m a cofounder of. What else? I think that’s all for this week. Change is scary but I’m excited and super thankful for you for being here with me through it. Yeah you mean so much to me and I’m so excited to have more opportunity to grow with you, so thank you. I love you! *blows kiss*

    All members:
    click here to view the 69 image photoset taken by Mandy Darling in Olympia Washington during my cross country road trip summer 2019
    click here to view the 8 videos of me taking you on a walk through the woods from spring 2020
    Click here for access to my archive of 12,500+ photos & 2,000+ videos
    Click here for the passwords, they change the 1st of every month

    First Look/All Access members:
    click here to view the 38 image photoset of Lior Allay doubled with Bryce Canyon National Park during the Backstage Pass event for Going Beyond the Lens with Roarie Yum
    click here to view 31 BTS photos/videos

    Not a member? Click here to sign up for instant access!

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    I originally wrote this for Patreon on November 4th 2017. I no longer use Patreon and have replaced it with my website (here) but thought I would share some of my old blogs with you for FREE to show my appreciation for you visiting my website! <3


    DWL Photo and I went to Fairmount Park in Philly when I was there over the summer and created a ton of amazing images. This set is one of many that I’ll be sharing with you! While we were exploring the park we crossed some railroad tracks (carefully of course) to explore, and found this amazing location. I’ve never modeled in a place quite like this one, and I really enjoyed it. I always delight in having new structures to climb on and create shapes with. I think the compositions and lines that DWL created in this set are stunning. The light couldn’t have been any better: it was perfectly soft and diffused because there were so many clouds. I love how moody the sky looks in some of these. We ended up getting rained on later that morning. =]


    Members can check out the bts location video from this shoot, along with a 2+ minute timelapse of me doing yoga in my back yard, a 2 minute video of the beauty I found while laying in the grass after shooting the timelapse, and 3 aerial silks videos: climbers seat momentum to angel, straddle slack drop, and crochet climb. Whew! Lots of different videos this week!

    (Models: Please email me at bunnyluna@pm.me for references for photographers in the industry)

    All members have access to this complete 17 image photoset by clicking here, the bts location video from this shoot by clicking here, a 2+ minute timelapse of me doing yoga in my back yard by clicking here, a 2 minute video of the beauty I found while laying in the grass after shooting the timelapse by clicking here, and 3 aerial silks videos: climbers seat momentum to angel, straddle slack drop, and crochet climb by clicking here.

    Not a member? Click here to sign up for instant access!

  • Members-only events!

    YAYYYYY it’s official, I’m going to be hosting members-only events again starting in March!

    I plan on one members-only event per month to start off with with the potential to include more in the future.

    I want to do them a little differently than I did before by having a topic to focus on and expand on together. I also want to make sure I’m offering the events on days/times that the most people are available, so I’ve created a survey as an easy way for yall to let me know when works best for you and what topics you’re most interested in. I obviously can’t cater to everyone’s needs, but I will do my best.

    To help make all of our members-only event dreams come true, please answer this quick 5 question survey below!

    CLICK HERE FOR SURVEY (or fill out below)

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  • Self Portraits in Utah – Among Goblins



    Hi friends! Welcome to the.. what is it? Third to last week of these weekly posts like this, whaaat? So this week I’m sharing another photoset from my cross country road trip in the summer of 2019 because I have to much to share from that. I’m not even going to be sharing them weekly like this. I have so many that they won’t fit into the last weeks of February so you’ll get most of them when I mass upload them in March. It’s going to be a lot, a whole lot.

    So this week, are photos, I think it’s over 100 photos, self portraits that I took in Goblin Valley, very exciting, I really like them, I hope you do too. I have BTS videos for these photos also. First look is getting access to the self portrait photoset that I took at my friend Quinn Sanguine‘s house in Tacoma Washington, also during my cross country road trip in the summer of 2019. These I took in Quinn’s bedroom, they had a cool setup with lights on their wall, it was really cute and I really like the orange tone in their room, so I took advantage and took a bunch of self portraits while I was there. So that’s it for what’s new this week.

     To recap the changes that will be happening soon. February is the last month I’ll be doing weekly posts like this. In March I will be mass-uploading everything from my backlog and first look galleries, which is a WHOLE lot, a whole whole lot. So I’m not sure exactly when I’ll be dropping that mass upload, but that will be coming in March hopefully. Also in March start doing at least once a month members-only video hangouts so we can be together live “in person” virtually. I’m starting off with once a month because I don’t want to overwhelm myself with too many things all the time, which is another reason why I am not pressuring myself to do these weekly posts, not pressuring myself to create work constantly because as you know, if you’ve been here for any amount of time, I created like 4 or 5 photosets in the entirety of 2020. I know that my work, it’s not conducive to pressure and the requirement of “oh I have to do this thing right now” that just means I’m going to create something that doesn’t have intention and thought and real creativity behind it if I’m  stressed about it and feeling like “oh I have to make something right now” then it’s just going to be something I made because I felt like I needed to. That doesn’t do justice to me as an artist and it doesn’t do justice to you as a member of my website enjoying my art, because if it’s something I feel like I have to do that I rush through then the quality of it is diminished and it’s just not as good. I’m committed to doing things in the timing that works for me, which is not going to necessarily be consistent. So yeah I hope that you also give yourself grace in that way if you’re able to if you’re a creator.

    What else is new that I’m forgetting? By the time this comes out the EcoLove Playshop will have already happened, but you still have time to sign up for the Art Share for Going Beyond the Lens which is the 3rd Saturday of every month. I’m very excited to see your art. What else? Yeah so while I’m in this transitionary phase, I’m keeping things to a simplistic, minimalistic, sense thing… just to make sure that I’m not overwhelming myself, because I want to provide yall with quality  content and quality time with me. Just because it’s not weekly like it has been in the past, I know that I’m going to be doing my best and still offering yall quality art and time with me. So yeah my archive will be available for all members and will be a lot bigger than it was, very soon in March. Like there’s SO MUCH in first look alone that it’s going to take a while to do the mass upload but I’m excited because yall are going to be in for a huge treat, with all this content. It is really scary to make changes like this and to make a leap of faith with myself and make changes in what I’m doing but I feel much more excited and… what’s the word? Maybe rejuvenated by the potential of what this could be. Right now at this point it feels like I’m talking AT you and just like “here have photos, here have videos” and while I super love all my photos and videos, it doesn’t feel like we’re connecting with each other. It feels like I’m providing content and you’re consuming it, and I would really like to start being in a community space with you instead of like “here you go!” Now it will be more like “lets hang out together and get to know each other and share our art or whatever” so yeah I’m excited for these changes even though it’s scary.

    Okay uhm yeah if you have any questions comments concerns ideas whatever, comment on this post or email me or however you feel like contacting me, I would love to hear from you. I wonder if doing a 2-part content drop would be better than doing it all at once. I’ll think about it. Or you can let me know what you think! Ok I love you, thank you for being here, I appreciate that you are going on this journey of change and exploration and figuring shit out with me, it means a lot! I’m excited to go on this exploration with you and to get to know myself better and to get to know you better, and to have fun. I love you! Bye!

    All members:
    click here to view the 106 image self portrait photoset Among Goblins in Utah
    click here to view the 13.5 minutes of BTS video
    Click here for access to my archive of 12,500+ photos & 2,000+ videos
    Click here for the passwords, they change the 1st of every month

    First Look/All Access members:
    click here to view the 50 image self portrait photoset I took at Quinn Sanguine‘s in Tacoma Washington

    Not a member? Click here to sign up for instant access!

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    I originally wrote this for Patreon on October 28th 2017. I no longer use Patreon and have replaced it with my website (here) but thought I would share some of my old blogs with you for FREE to show my appreciation for you visiting my website! <3


    Gemini and I were both at our parents house recently and I brought my camera and some film along just in case I felt like taking some photos. We were looking for snacks in the fridge and saw a whole bunch of juicy looking cherries and knew that they would make a great (and messy) prop for a photoshoot. We have both been wanting to take photos with either blood or something that looks like blood for a while… cherry juice definitely looks like blood! I’m glad I waited until this weekend (the one closest to Halloween) to share this set with you. I think it’s the perfect set for this time of year.

    We started out the shoot with some detail shots with cherries in them and then quickly started making a mess with them, dripping the juice all over her skin. By the end of the shoot she was absolutely covered in cherry juice! You can really see how covered she was in the behind the scenes photos and videos I’ve added to the galleries. Surprisingly it didn’t take her long at all to rinse it off. I thought it might stain her skin but thankfully it didn’t.

    I’d really like to do a messy fruit shoot like this again. What fruit would you like to see?


    I took a LOT of behind the scenes videos during this shoot, so members have access to all EIGHT of them! I think my favorite one is the one where you can watch me dripping the juice on her chest.

    I’m also uploading a video of me doing a nude headstand, just because it’s fun and I like sharing videos with you. =] It’s wonderful to see videos from a year or so ago when I was first practicing headstands. I was so wobbly and I fell frequently. I’m so much steadier and stronger now! I think aerial silks has helped me a lot not only with strength, but also with balance and confidence in what my body is capable of. Now I want to learn handstands!

    All members have access to this complete 50 image photoset by clicking here, the BTS photos by clicking here, the BTS videos by clicking here, and the nude headstand video by clicking here.

    Not a member? Click here to sign up for instant access!


    I originally wrote this for Patreon on October 14th 2017. I no longer use Patreon and have replaced it with my website (here) but thought I would share some of my old blogs with you for FREE to show my appreciation for you visiting my website! <3


    I’ve received a special request for this set so I’m releasing this set of Colorvibes just for you! I’ve been holding onto these for a little bit (we shot this back in June) so now is the perfect time to share it!

    Camille and I both live in Charlotte and are both models and photographers. We have worked together several times now and I hope to continue to meet up and create with her, she’s super sweet and I love her creative vision. This set is from our most recent collaboration. I met up with her at an abandoned house that is owned by her dad. He bought the house to renovate it and sell it but it had been sitting abandoned for a while. A rare instance where we had permission to be in an abandoned building, it feels so nice to not have to worry about being caught! Not long before our shoot she visited the house and hadn’t realized that her dad had people starting to tear things up inside to get ready for renovation. We were worried that it wouldn’t be in a condition that we could shoot in but we went there on a day that nobody was working. They had already started to tear out the flooring so there were boards and nails and junk all over the place but we made it work. She photographed me and I photographed her, creating all over the house in the rooms with the most light. I’ll share the photos she took of me in a future post!


    Members have TWO nude yoga videos to watch for this month! =] I’ve also uploaded 2 videos from some time I spent exploring in a park and 2 aerial silks videos: angel flow and climbers seat momentum mini-drop!

    All members have access to this complete 37 image photoset by clicking here, the nude yoga videos by clicking here, 2 videos from some time I spent exploring in a park by clicking here, and 2 aerial silks videos: angel flow and climbers seat momentum mini-drop by clicking here.

    Not a member? Click here to sign up for instant access!

  • Doubles with Eva Luna & KH




    Hi friends! Ok so I am excited because I feel better since I have more of a plan for what I want to do with my website. We are officially into February which means it’s our last month of the weekly things like this. I’m excited so here we go!

    This week I’m sharing double exposures that I took of Eva Luna & KH from my cross country road trip in 2019 at that nude beach that I’ve already told yall about a couple of times because I’ve shared.. I think this is the last thing I have to share from that day with them. These are the double exposures that I took of them. The landscapes are from Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks from earlier in that same trip when I was in California. I think they’re super beautiful, I really love how they came out. There’s also behind the scenes video for this photoset, so yay!

    And then first look folks, I’m sharing the double exposures… this is a whole double exposure week. I’m sharing the double exposures that I took of Dawn, also known as coconutdreamin in the past. They’re so dreamy. The doubles…. I think it was last week, I shared me posing for Dawn, and this week it’s Dawn posing for me for the doubles so it was in the same place. I have BTS of this as well. The doubles, the landscape part of the doubles is from Glacier National Park in Montana from my cross country road trip, and the photos of Dawn I took in my house in NC, in… I’m pretty sure it was November or December of 2019. Dawn cut their hair also recently, so this before Dawn cut their hair, but Dawn has short hair now also, pretty exciting. Yeah so I don’t want to make this super long because my plan is to make some of these videos early so that I can get ahead so I can plan more exciting things for yall, and also so that I can get a head start on the mass upload of everything once March rolls around, so excited for that.

    If you’re new here and you haven’t seen the past blogs that I’ve done in the last month, I’m doing an overhaul of my website and February is the last month of these weekly posts like this. In March I’ll be mass uploading everything from my backlog and all the things from First Look will be available for everybody. I’m also I think going to make one membership tier and it’s just going to be sliding scale, that’s what I’m thinking about doing because I feel like, just makes the most sense, it’s the most simple, and it also means that everything is accessible to everybody and you pay what you’re able to pay. I’ll have more information on that soon, I’ll be rebuilding my membership page, rebuilding my whole website yay! Not really excited about that because also how do I brand?! So yeah that’s something I’m thinking about a lot is like, do I wanna do branding for my website? How do I do that? What do I want my colors to be? What do I want my fonts to be? What do I want to emphasize? So right now I’m really focusing on I think… you might be excited for this, because I think most people that come to my website are most intrigued by nude gatherings, which… I am excited to tell you… I don’t have any official plans yet but my plan is to make a plan for virtual nude gatherings! So yay! That’s really exciting to me. So yeah I want to focus on virtual hangout things, nude and non nude, like educational opportunities where I share the knowledge that I have and you also share the knowledge that you have because I’m not a guru that knows everything. I know a little bit about a lot of things so I want to share knowledge, not just dispense it. I want to.. what’s the word. I want to circulate it around, I want to facilitate the sharing of knowledge, not like “I hold all of it and you have to be a certain way in order for me to share it with you” no. So I’m excited about all of that, the potential for all of these changes is pretty exciting, while it’s also scary at the same time. You know, life changes are scary but also exciting.

    So yeah…. I’m going to do a quick recap of my plans, even though I’ve kinda been doing a recap of my plans here already. Weekly posts will continue as they have been through February and then will be no more. I will hopefully in March mass upload all of my backlog and first look into the galleries for everyone. I’ll be redoing my website, restructuring my memberships. If you’re already a member this won’t affect you, because everything will stay the same for you basically, you’ll just be most likely having more access to more content because it’s in my backlog right now that you’ll be getting in March, hopefully. March is the plan. Starting hopefully in March I’ll be doing at least one monthly members-only video virtual hangout community gathering thing. I probably will have themes or topics for us to talk about. I would like to have some kind of structure around it but I don’t want to just be talking AT you the whole time, I want to have a conversation between us.

    I will be, OH! I haven’t told yall this yet. Or… I might post about it before this comes out. On February 12th, it’s a Friday, I will be… what’s the word… a special guest maybe? I will be helping with a, they’re calling it a playshop, which is exciting. I’ll be a part of a playshop called EcoLove Playshop that is hosted by Lior Allay & Jenna Citrus. I’m very excited because it’s centered around loving ourselves and loving the earth and coming together as a community to do those things, so I’m really excited about that. I’ll put the link in the caption below so you can sign up. (SIGN UP HERE!) If you’re not a member of my website it’s $11 to register, but as a member, you get to join for free! So I’ll share with you the code to get in for free instead of having to pay for it, so yay, another perk to being a member, is events like that that are pay to register, you’ll get to register for free! (EDIT: You must be a member of mine, Lior’s, and Jenna’s sites to receive a free ticket.) I’m really excited, I think it’s going to be really beautiful. I’ve already sent Lior my two cents to share in the slideshow, and I’ll lead a short energy practice for us. I believe I’ll be at the beginning of the playshop, so I’m excited to do a little thing at the beginning and then experience it with you, yay.

    What else? On the third Saturday of every month is going to be the Art Share through Going Beyond the Lens. That’s going to continually happen. Those are free, whether you’re a member or not those are free for everybody. I’m excited about that. If you have art you’d like to share with us, I’ll share the signup info below also! (REGISTER HERE!) There’s a recurring eventbrite for that through May I believe, is what we have it scheduled through, so far. The plan is to do it every month, we have the recurring event go through May for now. Yeah! I’m excited! I hope you are too.

    It means a WHOLE lot that you’re here in the first place, at all. I really appreciate that you’re here through these changes and updates and… me trying to figure out what I’m doing. It means a lot, so thank you. Yeah… I hope you have a wonderful day and I hope you enjoy these double exposures, I really love them and I hope you do too. *blows kiss*

    All members:
    click here to view the 36 image double exposure photoset of Eva Luna & KH with Sequoia & Kings Canyon National Parks
    click here to view the 15.5 minute BTS video
    Click here for access to my archive of 12,500+ photos & 2,000+ videos
    Click here for the passwords, they change the 1st of every month

    First Look/All Access members:
    click here to view the 37 image double exposure photoset of Dawn Iler aka coconutdreamin with Glacier National Park
    click here to view 16.5 minutes of BTS video

    Not a member? Click here to sign up for instant access!

    Comments Off on Doubles with Eva Luna & KH

    I originally wrote this for Patreon on October 21st 2017. I no longer use Patreon and have replaced it with my website (here) but thought I would share some of my old blogs with you for FREE to show my appreciation for you visiting my website! <3


    This set taken by Colorvibes of Satya & me was taken in my parents’ back yard. I shoot there so much but it’s honestly one of my favorite places to be, it’s private, and it’s just beautiful! My sister wanted to have a photoshoot involving bodypaint and a few local photographers and models but things didn’t work out with the bodypaint but we already had a date set and people coming so we winged it! Someone had the idea to use bubbles as another element to the photos and I really love how dreamy and whimsical they make the photos feel! I’ll probably want to do more shoots involving bubbles in the future. We didn’t have a bubble machine so they were all blown by my sister and my mom! Colorvibes took this set of us between Michael O’Neill‘s sets which I’ll be sharing with you in the future! The whole morning was really fun, just a bunch of us taking pictures, playing with bubbles, and having a great time.

    I don’t have much of a story behind this self portrait set. I took it during some down time after another shoot because I liked the light coming in from the window and wanted to make some shapes with the plant. =]


    I’ve just uploaded 4 bts videos from the shoot with Satya & Colorvibes & Michael O’Neill, along with an 8+ minute nude vlog and 34 nude boomerangs!

    Even though I shot this vlog and boomerangs months after the shoot with Satya/Colorvibes/Michael I thought now would be a great time to share it with you because I took it in my parents’ back yard (surprise!) and cuddled with the Magnolia tree (which you can see in some of the photos from today’s set). Yes, I just said I cuddled with a tree. Did you know I really love trees? Haha you’ll see what I mean when you watch the video and boomerangs. =]

    (Models: Please email me at bunnyluna@pm.me for references for photographers in the industry)

    All members have access to this complete 9 image photoset  with Satya & Colorvibes by clicking here, the complete 25 image self portrait photoset by clicking here, bts videos from the shoot with Satya & Colorvibes & Michael O’Neill by clicking here, the 8+ minute nude vlog by clicking here and 34 nude boomerangs by clicking here.

    Not a member? Click here to sign up for instant access!

  • Self Portraits in Utah – Enclosed



    Hi friends, okay so this week I’m sharing a photoset with you that I took in Utah in the summer of 2019. This is a self portrait set that I took, this is also… I think recently, when did I do it, at the beginning of January I shared a photoset from the same place. This photoset is a little more closer up than that one was, and it’s more of me in this little private canyon that I had basically right behind my camping area which was incredible and wonderful and I super loved it and I spent a lot of time back there when I was staying there, which wasn’t very long, but most of the time I was there I was in this little canyon. I have several other photosets from the same place that I will be sharing in the future, but for now you have this photoset and the behind the scenes video to enjoy.

    First look people I have some photos to share with you and BTS video of when I was posing for my friend Dawn Iler. You probably also know of her… actually… THEY. Dawn recently started using they/them pronouns so, excuse my error, they took photos of me back… I think it was the winter? November, December of 2019. They were visiting here on their way to… I think they were going to Texas. They live in NY State and they were traveling to Texas so they stopped by and stayed with me for a couple days on their way down there. We photographed each other which was wonderful. I don’t think I shared the photos I took of them with yall yet, but these are the photos they took of me. We took them in my living room, in like a makeshift “studio”. You’ll see what I mean when you see the video because it’s basically like, the black blanket that I keep on my bed, I’m looking around because it’s right here. Underneath my butt, I’m sitting on it. My big black blanket that I keep on my bed, it’s that blanket draped over the back of the couch, which is my “studio” in front of the big window in the living room so the light’s really nice. So these are the photos Dawn took of me.

    For more information about my website: I have made some decisions, not 100% done with my decisions but I have decided to continue doing these weekly like I’ve been doing for years, doing these videos and talking to you and stuff, at least through mid-February. I’m considering if I want to do through the end of February just to keep even months. Then starting in most likely March I will… I don’t know when I’ll mass-upload all of the things, but I’m probably also going to be doing away with the first look membership because I’m just gonna take everything that’s in first look, everything that’s in my backlog, and put them all available for everybody. Yeah this feels kinda scary. So I’m pretty sure that I’ll be doing that maybe early to mid March, in terms of my mass upload of my backlog. That’s going to take some time to do because it’s a lot of things. So I think I will do these weekly posts like I have been through the end of February. I have stuff planned through Feb 13th so I have a couple weeks left to plan, and then after that I’ll sometime in March do a mass upload of everything and update the directories and stuff. And then after that I will… probably not do weekly updates, because I’ll have already shared all of my backlog with you. Right now my thinking is I will do the weekly updates through the end of February. Sometime in March, depending on how long it takes me to get it done, mass upload everything from first look and my backlog so that everyone has access to all the things. Then I will not pressure myself to create things on a weekly basis because I have done that in the past and it… basically like the quality of my work is lower if I feel like “oh I have to do this. Oh it’s Friday and I want to have something for Saturday so let me just shoot something.” That to me that is not the kind of creative artistic process that brings me the ability to do good work. It’s more stressful and “oh let me do something so I have something for them” but that doesn’t feel good. So… I will create if I feel like it. Which, as you know, hasn’t been very much at all in the last like year and a half. But I literally have SO MUCH that you haven’t seen yet so it’ll be quite a while before you’ll be like “I want new things!” I’m not going to pressure myself to… sorry I’m picking a little scab that I have on my arm but it’s really annoying and I shouldn’t be doing it but… I did. So yeah this is pretty stressful and scary for me but I feel like I’m giving myself freedom by doing this. In 2020 I took like 4 or 5 photosets the whole year. So I don’t have an expectation of myself to create constantly, and I don’t want yall to have an expectation of new things from me constantly.

    What I will do instead of sharing new photosets and stuff with you, I’ll be offering more online live video gathering type things when where we can hang out “in person” virtually, which I’m must more excited about than thinking about having to create more photosets. I don’t know the frequency of that yet, I’m probably going to start off with once a month to make sure that I don’t overdo myself because I’m already doing events through Going Beyond the Lens also. So basically members will have access to my archive, will be invited to members-only virtual hangouts, and I want to do more with, maybe more education kind of things, or “let’s learn things together” like I’ll tell you the kinds of things that I’m learning and you can share your personal experience with those things. I have a lot of ideas and thoughts and feelings about queerness, ecosexuality, non monogamy, gender, those kinds of things. So I’d really love to explore those more in depth. My tattoo is so itchy yall! I got my arm done recently and it’s just so itchy, it’s in the itchy stage and I’m trying really hard to not fuck with it.

    So yeah, the plan is, to recap: things will continue as normal through February, and then starting in March, at some point in March, depending on how much time it takes me to do it, I will mass upload everything that’s in the backlog and in first look. This is pretty scary to think about, and then starting in March I’ll do monthly live virtual hangouts. I’ll probably have a topic for us to focus on so it’s not just like, sitting around just talking about random things. I feel better when there’s a focus, instead of just like “how was your day?” I fucking hate small talk yall, I hate it. I want to have a focus so that we can like… I feel like we’re learning together. So starting in March we’ll have virtual hangouts and uhm I’m going to try to make more free things. I don’t want to keep all of the cool and interesting things behind a paywall, so basically memberships are for people who want to help me continue to make free things for everyone, and also to have access to my archive because that’s a WHOLE LOT of photos and videos and just content in general. So that’s where I’m at right now. I’ll have it fleshed out with better plans in the future. I’m also planning on overhauling my website and making everything different than what it is currently. So also keep an eye out for that, I might do that March-ish? Maybe starting some of it in February? I don’t have a complete schedule for that yet because I’m still figuring out how I want my website to be set up.

    But yeah… it’s pretty scary for me because it’s a big change. I’ve been doing basically the same thing for my website since like 2016 or 2017 so making a big change like this is scary and I’m just going to take the leap because I think I will truly be happier honestly, and less stressed, if I do it this way. I hope you’ll be along for the ride with me. I understand if you signed up for one thing and it’s changing and you no longer want to be here which I understand, no hard feelings. If you want to help support me, pay my bills, help me share queer info with other people for free, it would mean a whole lot. A whole whole lot. It already means a lot that you’re here already. Also I’m probably going to redo my art wall in my room at some point because I’m kinda tired of looking at white naked bodies all the time. Like there’s nothing wrong with it, it’s not bad, I super love naked bodies. I don’t want my work to focus on like.. nude photography. To me, nude photography is super amazing and a big part of my life, but I don’t see it being quite as big of a part of my life in the future, because I want to expand into more purpose and intention and I think that by changing the way that I’m doing things will help me to create that intention and purpose. This is a super long video! Appreciate you watching and listening or reading or whatever you’re doing. Yeah I’m excited and nervous about what is coming. If you have any ideas, questions, concerns, comments, I would love to hear them, please reach out. Comment on this post or email me or whatever way you wanna contact me. Yeah I’d love to hear your thoughts. Ok. I’m done. I love you. Goodbye.

    All members:
    click here to view the 52 image self portrait photoset in Utah during my cross country road trip in summer 2019
    click here to view the 5.5 minutes of BTS video
    Click here for access to my archive of 12,500+ photos & 2,000+ videos
    Click here for the passwords, they change the 1st of every month

    First Look/All Access members:
    click here to view the 40 image film photoset of me taken by Dawn Iler (aka coconutdreamin)
    click here to view 20+ minutes of BTS video

    Not a member? Click here to sign up for instant access!

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  • Sept 2019 Road Trip with Lior Allay + getting closer to big changes for bunnyluna.com



    Hey friends! Welcome to another week of… wildness I guess. Today is the 20th, I’m doing this a little early because tomorrow I’m getting more tattoo done and Thursday is usually my day to prep these, so I’m doing it Wednesday since Thursday I’m getting tattooed.

    This week I’m sharing a photoset that I created with Lior Allay in New York State when we were there in the fall of 2019. I have the photoset that I took of Lior with their camera, it was just a collaborative fun like… we woke up in the morning and went out to this field and just.. did our thing. I’m also sharing a bunch of photos and videos from that trip, so it’s a bunch of random things from that trip. Some of it is in the same place as the photos that we took and some of it was just from our travels, so enjoy this variety scramble of content from me.

    First look members I’m sharing the photos and videos from the other people who were taking photos and videos during the nude gathering here at my house last… not even last year, in 2019 in the fall. They are photos that were taken by an anonymous person who was a participant and photographer there, and also photos that were taken by Nova Amour who is a model and also a photographer, her photography name is Foremost Imagery. I have their stuff to share with you for first look.

    I have plans for what I’m going to share with you through mid-February, I may or may not go with the plan that I have right now which is to just continue doing what I’ve been doing. I’m really considering dropping all of my backlog at once into the galleries so that yall can enjoy that and so that I can maybe take a break for a month or two in the weekly things… so that I can recalibrate and figure out what I want to do to change my website. That option is kinda scary to me at the moment because I know a lot of you really like having consistent weekly updates, and I’ve been… I think it’s been since 2014, or 2015 or maybe 2016… so it’s been like 5 years of me posting every week on whatever my site is because it used to be Patreon and now it’s my website. I’ve been consistently posting every week for like 5 years and if I do this shift, then that means it’ll be the first time in 5 years that I’ll change what I’m doing in a really major way, and that’s scary but also kindof exciting. I continue to notice that I’m not really excited to do computer work things, well I’m never really excited to do computer work things because I get really drained by looking at screens. I always much prefer the act and the experience of creating than like the, organization, categorization, posting, sharing part of art. I much prefer the act of doing it than any of the stuff afterwards. Like the photos are a really great… memory to share and a really great physical or digital representation of the time that I had either with my self or with other people when I was creating. All of the stuff that I do after the actual creation part is my least favorite part, to be honest. It’s a part of it, because if you take photos, it’s probably smart to have them organized on your computer so you know where to find them, but all of the after-creation stuff isn’t my favorite and it’s actually the creation part that I enjoy doing. So I feel like maybe I’ll… take a month or two or three off from consistent posting on here and kindof recalibrate and figure out… what do I want to create now? What am I excited about creating? How can I do it in a way that doesn’t burn me out? How can I do it in a way that benefits the people that are coming here? And also… do it in a way that it’s something that I really enjoy doing. So… yeah I’m still feeling that out, I haven’t made a solid decision yet, but I’m getting closer to deciding, and I’m really leaning towards taking a month or two or three off. Even though that’s scary because I’m afraid of losing support, I feel like if I’m able to be fully embracing of the things that I need and want, and the things that I really want to put out in the world, which is kindof different than what it has been in the past. I really feel like, if I’m being myself and being authentic and honest then the right people will show up for me, and the people who were only here for the things that aren’t as exciting to me will fall away and that’s okay. Like, I have no hard feelings if you’re only here to see nude stuff every week, I understand if you no longer want to do that, because that’s what you’re here for and  if I’m not going to be doing that then it makes sense. That being said, I probably will never completely stop doing nude things because nudity is a major part of my life. Yeah I just.. I told you before, I’ve taken, I’ve done… like 3 or 4 shoots in the entirety of 2020. I just haven’t… I haven’t been feeling creative, I haven’t felt motivation or inspiration to create something of my own in a while. I’m kindof much more interested now in celebrating queerness and non monogamy, asexuality, ecosexuality, transness… meditation, healing, energy, all of those kinds of things are what I’d like to share about, which is kindof different but also kindof the same as what I’ve been doing for a long time. The road that I’ve been traveling has mostly been the same, I’m just taking a different way than I used to, if that makes sense.

    So yeah I’ll give you a head’s up once I fully decide, hopefully I’ll fully decide soon. I do have a plan for weekly posts through February 13th that’s already planned and ready to go. So maybe that’ll be my last post like this? Then maybe after that I’ll mass upload all of the backlog that I have? So I don’t know, that’s kindof what I’m feeling like, so get ready. If you’re here for the nudes, they’ll still be available. I’m kindof feeling like maybe in the future if I’m changing things after I take a break, when I come back I’ll probably still have my archive and gallery still available, but it won’t be a primary thing that I’m adding to consistently. I want to focus more on community like I mentioned last week, and having online experiences where we can be together “in person” virtually. So I think that would be my focus, is more community and more… free resource kindof things, let’s explore stuff and learn things together kindof…. things. Still figuring it out, but yeah this is your head’s up. Most likely will continue the regular posting posting through mid-February and then after that things will probably change and be different.

    I’ll post an official announcement whenever I officially decide what I’m doing, which I’m still figuring that out, but you have at least an idea now of what direction I’m going so that you can decide what works best for you. I would super incredibly much appreciate your continued support, because you’re the reason that I can pay rent, and also it’s really wonderful to know that there are people here who support me even though I’m shifting and changing. And ALSO if it’s best for you to no longer support me, I totally understand and there are no hard feelings. I would just very appreciate if you stay, because I know that even if I do take a break, which I’m very leaning towards, yes I’m going to take a break for 1-3 months, but if I do take a break I’m excited to see what that opens up for me, and see what I’m drawn to creating during that, if anything, and lean further into community and learning, education, resource stuff. So yeah that’s where I’m at! Okay I think that’s all I have to say today. Yeah I’ll give you more precise information when I have it when I’ve figured that out for myself. I think I’m just scared of change because it is scary and I don’t know what will happen. I love you, thank you for being here, you mean so much to me! Yeah I love you, I hope you have a good day, and I’ll talk to you soon, bye! <3

    All members:
    click here to view the 7 image slide film photoset of Lior Allay
    click here to view the 148 BTS photos/videos from our trip
    Click here for access to my archive of 12,500+ photos & 2,000+ videos
    Click here for the passwords, they change the 1st of every month

    First Look/All Access members:
    click here to view the 42 image photoset taken by Anonymous during the nude gathering I facilitated at my home here in Charlotte (with Leopold model, Canischromatis, Nova Amour, & anonymous)
    click here to view the 26 image photoset taken by Nova Amour aka Foremost Imagery
    click here to view 42.5 minutes of BTS video

    Not a member? Click here to sign up for instant access!

    Comments Off on Sept 2019 Road Trip with Lior Allay + getting closer to big changes for bunnyluna.com