• Goals vs Resolutions: Brainstorming Personal + Business Goals

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    Hello friends! Today I wanted to talk about goals and I feel like that’s probably something that a lot of people talk about at the beginning of the year because a lot of people have resolutions and things like that, but I want to talk about why I do goals instead of resolutions. So let’s dive in.

    I feel like… I feel like resolutions are maybe not super supportive to people sometimes because there’s this expectation of like I’m a set a resolution and I’m going to do this thing every X amount of time. And if I don’t follow through this resolution, for the whole year then I’m a failure or, you know, like, it doesn’t mean anything, if I didn’t do it the whole year, or if I didn’t meet, whatever that resolution was.

    To me goals feel a little different because they feel like this larger thing at the end of a certain amount of time that you kind of break down into smaller pieces and work towards throughout time like throughout days weeks, months years. And that feels less, it feels like less pressure and it feels like a more consistent like way to meet that goal. Because for me, if it’s a resolution, it’s like I’m going to do X thing every day, or I’m gonna I don’t know. What are some resolutions? And goals, feel more like, oh, there’s this thing that I want to achieve. So, how can I break that into a lot of smaller pieces so I can work on it a little by little throughout time like throughout whatever the time frame is.

    Goals, just feel more achievable than resolutions to me. Also, I feel like… I feel like I have, maybe… How do I say this? I have had goals in the past and I have met them or mostly met them. And I’m at a point right now that I don’t know what my next goals are. So I feel kind of lost. Because the goals that I had, I’ve like, I’ve met the goals, like, my largest goal that I’ve had recently is to, like, get a van and go on a road trip, and I did that. I got a van in 2018, and I went on my cross-country road trip in 2019. And if you’ve been here any amount of time, you’ll know a lot of things happened in 2019 for me and my life kind of like broke apart and then came back together in a different way, and I feel like right now, I don’t know what goals I have and that is kind of frustrating and scary and I kind of feel like I’m floating. You know, I’m just like a blob floating in space with no purpose. So, it’s weird when I’ve met my goals and then I’m not sure where to go next. 

    So I feel like, maybe if I made goals, they would either be too big or too small, but I also feel like Is this my perfectionism getting in my own way? Like I feel like I’m getting in my own way. So I wanted to talk about…. I’m kind of just going to brainstorm here in this vlog right now, about my goals for 2022. For this year. Because, I feel like I’ll feel better if I have goals to work towards. So I’m not just like aimlessly like what am I going to do? Let me just figure it out for today. And then tomorrow have to be like, what am I going to do? Let me figure it out for today. Like I feel aimless. So I’m going to brainstorm some goals right now, and I’m going to grab some paper so I can joy some stuff down also because I need some goals. So if you want to also come up with some goals, grab some paper and pen and let’s do this together. So, I’m gonna…. I’ve kind of brainstormed about goals a little bit already. So, I’m going to kind of separate it into personal goals and business goals. And I feel like the personal goals might be the easier ones, but that’s just me. Okay, so personal goals. Oh, my pen is running out of ink.

    Personal goals and business goals. 

    All right, I already had some stuff written up here. So ignore this but I’m just doing like personal and business and I’m just going to make a list because I love lists and lists help me a lot. So yeah list, I’m gonna start with personal because that feels easier.

    So personal goal. I also am going to set myself up for success because I know that if there’s something on there that I know, for sure that I 100% can do, then I’ll feel better because like I’ll have a goal that I know that I can meet. So I’m going to like start off with something that I know I can do to kind of like get the ball rolling. So I’ve already been journaling every day since January of 2020. So I’m going to continue to do that. So my goal is to journal every day in 2022 because I know that I can meet that because I already met it last year and most of 2020. So I’m going to do that, journal every day. 

    Still on personal goals. I’m gonna also continue to set myself up for success and do a couple more things that I know that I can do everyday or consistently, at least if not every day, just so that I know that I have goals that I can meet, and that way at the end of the year, if I look through my goals and I’m like, wow, there’s something I didn’t meet, but I’ll at least have some that I did meet that way. It doesn’t feel like you know, I’m a failure… because I know that I’m not. It’s okay to not meet your goals, that’s just like more things you can work towards.

    So another goal that I’m going to do for 2022 is to do Energy Medicine, energy healing on myself every day. Which I’ve already been doing almost every day for probably at least a year. So, I know that I can do that. Another personal goal that I’ve been thinking about is walking outside on a regular basis. So I’m going to say once a week, just because I know that like sometimes weather and responsibilities and other things can keep me from being outside, but I really want to be outside. So I’m going to say, take a walk outside every week. Walk outside every week and then if I do it more than once a week, that’s even better, but I least I’m going to do at least once a week. 

    Okay, so that’s just that’s like three personal goals. I’m going to start on a couple of business goals. I really would like to monetize my YouTube channel. So that requires at least 1000 subscribers and 4,000 plus watching hours over a period of 12 months. So that itself, like to monetize my YouTube channel, can be a business goal is to get at least 1000 subscribers and over 4,000 watching hours. 

    So monetize YouTube, which means 1000 subs and 4000 watch hours. So, If I want to do that, that also means I need to make more videos and share more videos on YouTube. So, maybe I will do… Maybe my goal can be like one video. A week. Or month, see I don’t want to, I don’t want to make it too frequent if it’s not something that I can do. I do want to challenge myself, but I also don’t want to put like huge amounts of pressure on myself to do things if I can’t do them. So let’s say I’m going to do I want to try to do at least one longer video a month and one short every week. So that way I at least have some content going up every week. Even if it’s not a long video and I think shorts have been really popular on YouTube. So yeah, I want to do more of those because I posted a short and then like two days later I had 800 views and I was my second most viewed video ever, so I’m going to keep doing that. Okay, so that’s like the main business goal is monetize YouTube. And then there’s some smaller goals underneath that in order to work towards monetizing, the YouTube.

    I want to continue doing Vlogs for y’all every week, so that can be another goal as a member like, website vlog every week. I already have like a list of potential topics to talk about, so I’m going to continue using that but also I’m going to put a survey below, so if there’s anything in particular you want to hear from me, let me know and I’ll try to make it. So survey will be below. Put the link in the caption down there.

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    This video is getting a little long and I want to spend some more time brainstorming goals, so I’m going to sign off of this video and continue thinking about goals and maybe in the next video I’ll go through the whole list of goals with you. So, you know what I’m doing. Thank you so much for being here. I love you so much. I hope that you can make some goals for yourself. Goals that are achievable, but are also, at least slightly challenging so you feel accomplished but not too challenging that you don’t do them because it just feels bad to make a goal then not succeed. 

    So yeah, I hope you get to do some achievable goals that are also slightly a challenge but not too much of a challenge. Yeah, I’m still learning. We’re all learning, we’re figuring shit out. None of us know what we’re doing. We just pretend. Okay. I love you! Thank you for being here! Goodbye!

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