• Red Studio Couch

    *CONTENT WARNING*: I am walking around outside during the first part of the video. If this is disorienting for you, skip to 1:07.



    Hello friends! Ooh the ground is kinda wet. I wanted to lay down in these beautiful red maple leaves, but the ground is wet and cold so maybe I won’t. But here I will squat so you can see. Yeah it’s just a whole… let me walk over here. Just a big circle where all the leaves have fallen, it’s so pretty. Oh my gosh my toes are frozen though I’m going inside it’s too cold. I wanted to share what I am sharing this week and I will do that as soon as my feet are not numb anymore. It’s cold! I thought it wasn’t going to be too cold but it’s totally too cold. *aagh cold noises*

    This week I have a self portrait set that I took… maybe 2016, 2017, 2018, not really sure what year. A self portrait set that I took a couple years ago, not in 2019 it was before that so probably 2017, 2018? that I took in my friend’s studio on this cool red couch that they had in there. I’m sharing BTS video from that same studio but a different time. The BTS that I’m sharing are BTS that I took when I was assisting my photographer friend Terry Wyse with his photoshoot with Roarie Yum! So it’s BTS of Terry shooting Roarie, and I think that was 2019.

    First Look people are getting… what am I sharing with First Look? Oh the photos that I took with Lior Allay when we were in Pittsburgh in the fall of 2019 and BTS from that and other video things. Yeah so that’s what I’m sharing this week.

    What do I have to talk about other than that? Other than my feet finally warming up? Tomorrow, which is Friday, so by the time you see this it will already have happened, but tomorrow I’m getting more of my tattoo done. The one on my leg with the Poplar tree, I’m very excited. So I’ll probably be tired and not as much up for physical things for a while after that because tattoos wear me out, especially because I tend to do several hours at a time. Yeah I’m really excited because I’m ready to be covered with plants.

    Uhm yeah I don’t have much else to say at the moment, nothing much new is going on. I’m obviously back home for a couple weeks and then I’m going back to Granny’s for a couple weeks. Er, for a week IN a couple weeks, to continue helping her out. Yeah that’s kindof all that’s new with me right now. Love you, thank you for being here. <3

    PS- I looked it up and these self portraits were taken in 2017.

    All members:
    click here to view the 25 image self portrait photoset I took on a red couch in my friend’s studio
    click here to view the 9 BTS videos & 15 BTS photos in that same studio but years later when I was assisting Terry Wyse while he was photographing Roarie Yum
    Click here for access to my archive of 12,500+ photos & 2,000+ videos
    Click here for the passwords, they change the 1st of every month

    First Look/All Access members:
    click here to view the 32 image photoset of me & Lior Allay when we traveled to Pittsburgh together in 2019
    click here to view 12 BTS videos

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