Mushroom Messages
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Hello, this is going to be one of my most personal vlogs, probably… probably one of the most personal ones I’ve ever shared. So I just wanted to start with that to let you know how important it is to me. I haven’t shared this with y’all before, but I thought now would be a good time and I might cry. Just to give you a heads up.
So today I’m going to share mushroom messages with you. I had the most spiritual experience of my life (so far) on November 7th of 2020. And I took mushrooms, psilocybin mushrooms, and then I spent the whole day in the forest in the mountains next to a river. And it was so powerful for me and I did a lot of things while I was there, but some of the more noteworthy things that I did was, I journaled a lot and I also made a video but I don’t think I’m going to share the video. I haven’t even watched it. I’m not sure that one’s a little like extra tender, but I read, I read this journal entry from while I was on mushrooms, a couple days ago, and I definitely cried reading it like just reading it to myself to be like, “do I want to share this?” So I might cry reading it just to give you a heads-up, but it’s really powerful and important to me and I hope you enjoy it. Yeah, it’s really like hopeful and heart centered in my opinion. So I’m just going to, I’m just going to start and I’m probably not going to do a fancy ending either. I’m probably just going to read it and stop the video. So yeah, here we go.
We are so interconnected and society sometimes makes it easy to forget. I’m here to help us remember. I’m fully into feeling these lovely, wonderful comforting mushrooms that remind me over and over again, that I’m here for a reason and that we are all here for a reason and that is to remember each other as ourselves, ourselves as each other, and that we are all here to love one another.
I pulled three cards and of course, the first one I got was waterfall, effortless. Of course, the universe would remind me that it’s effortless for the universe to do anything that it wants to. The second card I got was Milky Way perspective because of course the universe is cheeky and wants to remind me that it always knows what’s going on whether or not I do or anyone does. It’s not important to know everything. The holder of the knowing of all there is of everything there is to know is spirit itself. And who are we to question it or think we have the answers? There are only questions and are the answers really even important? Living and being in service to life, are the true answers to everything. And anything else is just trying to sell you something. The third card I pulled was, of course, Forest breath because we are nothing without that which allows us to live. Breathing is our Sovereign right in our divine connection to all that is living on this planet. Where we choose to honor with our breath is sacred simply because we choose it. The intention of our lives is living through our breath at every moment, whether we consciously realize it or not.
I want to consciously choose to imbue every breath with life and love because we all are nourished by each other by being alive. I want my life to be so full of love that it ripples out around me and infects everyone I come into contact with. I want to nurture and nourish the Earth with my love because I know that at every moment, it is teeming with life and love for me. I want the boundaries of where I began and the world ends to disappear with every breath I take because I’m the world and the world is me and I’m sorry for ever forgetting that fact.
With every breath I take, I choose to remember that the boundaries that keep us separate are really all made up. With every breath, I choose to remember the abundance of love and life that is around me every moment simply because I exist. I’m alive. I’m breathing. I’m important. I am needed. I’m a sacred piece of the tapestry of life that extends forever into the past and the future. We are here for each other. We need each other. We are each other. We cannot ever be separated because we are a sacred part of one another. The River of Life flows Forever on the banks of our love. Nothing can ever tear us apart. Spirit and matter love each other so deeply that they choose to forever dance together and every possible combination of life and love just so that they can always be together, no matter what. Thank you. I love you.
Every breath, every moment is love living through me. The fact that we are alive means that we are loved. Life wants to live. Love wants to love and be loved. Life is the love that the Universe gives us every moment. Living is a gift that we are given. I choose to spread love. I choose to make my life about love. I choose love. I choose life. Life and love are expressions of the gift that is forever being given to us at every moment. I choose to breathe life and love into every moment.
This Breath of Life and Love isn’t only mine, it is the same breath that every being past present and future breathes. We all breathe together and life and love. Time doesn’t matter when our hearts are connected. The Earth is my heart, that forever supports and loves me. I’m the heart of the Earth. We are one another. We are each other. Language can’t hold the vast expanses of the reality of my love for myself and each other and the Earth. There’s nothing that will ever break us apart. My heart is the earth. The earth is my heart. I am my heart. I am the earth. I am forever. I am love. Every breath is an expression of my love for myself, which is really also my love of you and the Earth, and my existence is love. I keep seeing tiny chipmunks scurrying around in the woods around me. I think it’s time for me to simply exist within nature. My existence is love.
It’s like every time I read it it brings me back and I feel… I feel all over again. The like heart open.
I love you.
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