Double Exposures!!! <3
I feel like I’m always talking about double exposures… well, probably because I am. I love them. They’re my favorite kind of image to create. They’re magickal. They’re serendipitous. They’re always a surprise and I love giving control to the universe.
You might be wondering… what the heck is a double exposure?!
A double exposure is when two (or more) images are taken on the same piece of film. When two (or more) images are superimposed to create a single image. A lot of people do this with photoshop or fancy apps now, but the kind of double exposures that *I* am always talking about are taken on FILM. Analogue. 35mm or medium format film. These are TRULY magickal to me.
I took my first double exposure on accident, in a Holga camera (does anyone remember those?!). I took a photo, forgot to wind the film, and took another photo. The two images overlapped each other to create one single image! I was amazed and fell in love immediately.
You mean I can take a photo of a landscape, and then take a photo of a person in a studio or an empty room or next to a tree, and the end result makes the person look like they’re IN the landscape?! THEY BECOME A PART OF THE LANDSCAPE?! Hell YES!!!
If you know me or if you’ve followed me for any length of time, you know that I am ecosexual and that the earth, the environment, natural landscapes are where my heart is, where my SOUL is. The fact that I am able to take images that make it look like people BECOME A PART OF the environment makes me so incredibly happy. Being one with ferns, waterfalls as shimmering “clothes”, a crown of butterflies in flight.
It’s important for me to show people that we are not separate from the earth, we are a part of it. We are all connected and this planet, our home, everything we’ve ever known, is the MOST IMPORTANT thing and needs to be loved, protected, cherished. I hope that my double exposures help people see that.
Okay, enough explanation. The images will tell you more than I ever could with words.
With Kyotocat in collaboration with Antisocialdisposition
Self portrait with Quinn Sanguine
With Tiffany Nacke in collaboration with Antisocialdisposition
Really magickal, right?! Now you know why I LOVE double exposures so much!
I am in the process of creating a double exposure course with all of my tips and tricks for getting the most out of your double exposures! If you want to be the first to know when it’s available, join my mailing list (go to my home page, scroll all the way down, and enter your email!)
Want to create your own but don’t know how and want to start RIGHT NOW?
Guess what?! I took several rolls of landscapes while I was on my 2 month solo cross country trip that are READY TO GO for doubles!All you need to do is load one of these special one of a kind rolls into your 35mm camera and take photos! When you get them developed, your images will be double exposed with some of the landscapes that I took while I was traveling!
I only have a few rolls available, so get one while they last! LIMITED TIME AVAILABILITY!
If some of the rolls don’t sell before my birthday (November 30th) I’ll be gifting them to myself!Here are a few of the rolls available to give you an idea of what kind of images you can double over…
I’m even doing a raffle for 2 of the rolls so you have a chance to get one for only $3.33!!!
Raffles are until they sell out. Only 30 tickets, a 1/30 chance of winning!
Several tickets have already been sold, get them while you can!CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE A ONE OF A KIND ROLL TO CREATE YOUR OWN DOUBLE EXPOSURES!
Become a member today for immediate access to my entire archive of photos and videos!
Roarie Yum at Durham Fruit
This is ALMOST the end of the sets I have to share with you from this epic day of creation at Durham Fruit. Roarie Yum and I took these photos in a room full of shelves that used to hold (guess what?!) fruit! A few of the photos were taken in what they called the “Dream Room” (the photos of Roarie on the floor), which is where the last set I have to share with you was taken. First Look patrons already have access to that set, but I’ll be sharing it here in the future!CURRENTLY:I am scheduling this week’s post SUPER early… it’s Sunday (7/14) and this won’t go live until Saturday morning! I have a FULL week of daily shoots ahead of me and I don’t know when I’ll have a chance to do computer work so since today is a free day, I’m getting stuff ready for you now! I’m in Portland for a couple more days, then I’m heading to Tacoma & Seattle! I have a full day shoot at Mt Rainier on Tuesday (with a PARK RANGER so OMG WOW YAY he knows the best spots and we really won’t get in trouble! haha), another group shoot on Wednesday (smaller than the beach one), and several other shoots with modelographers throughout the rest of the week. SO EXCITED!!! All the art is happening all at once! I already have a TON of photos and videos to organize/edit/upload… once I get all the images back from everyone on this trip I’m going to have a ridiculous amount of outdoor nude art (even more than I already have) to share with you!!Thank you so much for your support!!! Because of you I’m able to travel the country, create with so many amazing artists, and take care of myself! I love sharing nude art with you, I couldn’t think of a better way to support myself creatively, spiritually, and financially. <3——————————————You may notice in the galleries that next week’s photoset(s) and videos are already in there… enjoy! The blog post will go up next Saturday like usual, I just had enough time with wifi that I didn’t want to waste it. I don’t know when I’ll have it again! -
Roarie Yum at Durham Fruit
Daily Photo Blog members now have access to:
4 image mini set
Photo members now have access to:
everything above
20 image complete photoset
Video members now have access to:
everything above
7 minute BTS video
9 minute nude yoga video at Goblin Valley
First Look members now have access to:
everything above
38 image self portrait set I took in my host’s house in Tennessee
9 minutes of me being super excited and showing off a cave I found in Colorado (nude!)
This film double exposure photoset of Roarie Yum can be found in the November 2017 gallery.
This film photoset of Roarie Yum at Durham Fruit can be found in the FREE SETS gallery.
This film double exposure photoset of Roarie Yum can be found in the November 2017 gallery.
Thank you so much for visiting my page! Whether you’re a member (thank youuuu!) or you’re just here to check out the free stuff, I appreciate you coming to my little corner of the internet! I create tons of nude art and I’m thankful to be able to share it with you as a full time freelance artist!I just uploaded this 10 image film photoset and 10 minute BTS video from my shoot with Roarie Yum at Durham Fruit to the FREE SETS FOLDER!If you like what you see, I have YEARS worth of photosets and videos instantly accessible for members. -
Basement of Durham Fruit with Roarie Yum & AD
Daily Photo Blog members now have access to:
blog post with the story behind this photoset of Roarie Yum & me taken by Antisocialdisposition in the basement of Durham Fruit
4 image mini set
Photo members now have access to:
everything above
18 image photoset
Video members now have access to:
everything above
28 minutes of BTS video from this shoot
First Look members now have access to:
everything above
3 short dancing/body movements videos
20+ minute nude yoga video for April with weird sounds from a mic issue but I love the flow anyway (coming soon to the video tier!)
11 short videos from a family vacation in TN last summer
Basement of Durham Fruit with Roarie Yum & AD
I’ve already shared a couple photosets from this epic shoot day at Durham Fruit with Roarie Yum, Antisocialdisposition, and Mikki Marvel. This is the next set I have to share with you, and I still have a couple more to share in the future! This was such a fun day full of laughter, running around naked, and taking tons of photos and videos. My favorite kind of day!Mikki had to leave early, so later in the afternoon Roarie, AD, and I shot in the basement after shooting upstairs with Mikki all morning. Down in the basement there were a couple of men doing construction on a few of the rooms so that’s why there’s construction sounds in the BTS videos. They were respectful and didn’t stare or interrupt us or anything, it was really nice. Roarie was working for Durham Fruit at the time of the shoot so she had already warned them that we would be around taking nude photos. Durham Fruit is a really interesting old building with lots of history and the basement shows the history especially well, with the crumbly looking walls throughout and old machinery in one of the rooms. It was really dark down there so we made due with the few lights that were scattered around. It’s always an enjoyable challenge to work with what’s available. =] -
This film double exposure of Roarie Yum can be found in the June 2016 gallery.