Ravyn Alexa with Flowers
I met Ravyn Alexa in Portland Oregon last summer while I was on my cross country road trip. We had followed each other online for a while and I was really happy to be able to meet her in person while I was on her side of the country! I met her at her house (she lived with a few other artists at the time) and we took photos all around the outside of the house. There were so many great natural spots to shoot in without having to go far at all! We took several sets that day, so keep an eye out for more in the coming weeks!
CURRENTLY: I found out about the residency… I didn’t get it. 194 people applied for 9 spots. I’m sad I didn’t get it, but this just means that something else is for me instead. Plus, I’m more prepared to apply for other opportunities!
I made my first meme and posted it on instagram a few days ago! I’m pretty proud of it to be honest. It was fueled by my anger at the two white men who touched me without my consent the night before at my parents superbowl party. There is no reason to touch anyone, unless it’s a life/health threatening situation and you need to help someone when there is no time to ask for consent. Otherwise, ASK AND GET CONSENT BEFORE YOU TOUCH ANYONE, for any reason. As a nude model this is even more important, especially during photoshoots, because I am nude and vulnerable in front of another person, sometimes who I had never met before, and I need to keep myself safe. I am incredibly lucky that I have only had minor consent breaches during shoots, but yes I have definitely had people touch me without consent while I was naked. It is uncomfortable, uncalled for, and NOT NECESSARY. There is never a time when it is appropriate for a photographer to touch a model during a shoot. Anything you think you need to touch us for pose-wise you can use your WORDS to DESCRIBE it to us, or you can use your own body to show us what you mean. Never physically move a model to where you want them to be, unless the model specifically tells you to do so.
Haha I wasn’t expecting to go on a mini tirade about consent during photoshoots, but here we are. After 10 years of being on both sides of the camera, I have a lot to say about photoshoots and how people should interact during a professional interaction. Maybe I should make an ebook or something?
OH! Also today I realized that I forgot to share the cell phone BTS back in December from my time with Sasha Jacobsen, so I’ve uploaded it to the December video folder and you can see all of that awesomeness HERE. Remember the story about the guy with the snake at the end of our shoot? There’s a video of him and the snake in there! Among a lot of other cool stuff, like me naked at a waterfall with a swarm of butterflies! Check it out <3
Photo members: click here to view the full film photoset and click here to view the full digital photoset of Ravyn Alexa in Portland Oregon
Video members: click here to view the BTS video
First Look members: click here to view the photoset with Lior Allay by Chip Willis in Columbus Ohio & click here to view the BTS photoset taken by Lior Allay -
Ravyn Alexa with Flowers
Photo members now have access to:
- blog post with the story behind this photoset of Ravyn Alexa in Portland Oregon
22 image complete digital photoset
- 34 image complete film photoset
Video members now have access to:
everything above
11 minutes of BTS video
First Look members now have access to:
everything above
100 image complete photoset with Lior Allay by Chip Willis in Columbus Ohio
34 image complete BTS photoset taken by Lior Allay
Nude Beach with Ambivalent Ann
Photo members now have access to:
- blog post with the story behind this photoset of me taken by Ambivalent Ann at a nude beach outside of Portland Oregon
62 image complete photoset
Video members now have access to:
everything above
35 minutes of BTS video
First Look members now have access to:
everything above
37 image complete photoset of Tiffany Nacke in her home in southern Illinois
22.5 minutes of BTS video
With V by Kara Perry
Kara Perry and I visited V at her home outside of Charlotte (again, I’m SO LUCKY that so many wonderful creative people live close to me!) to photograph each other, and these are the images that Kara took of us. V was pregnant with her third child (I was fortunate enough to photograph her during two of her pregnancies!) during this shoot. V’s property is a photographer’s wonderland. Not only is her house super cute and great to shoot in and around, she has a couple of abandoned houses within walking distance of her house!
CURRENTLY: I’ve been SO SUPER PRODUCTIVE the last couple of days and it feels great! Planning my blog posts for the next couple of months, updating the menu here on my website to make everything easier to navigate, making new pages to promote my offerings of photography, modeling, mentoring, and energy healing (they aren’t officially live yet, but they’re coming soon!), and scheduling a LOT of weekly free blog posts! It’s amazing how much I can get done in a day when I don’t spend 2+ hours on instagram.
What kinds of things would you like to see from me? How can I make your member experience here better or easier? I’d love any feedback you want to share with me!
Photo members: click here to view the full photoset with V taken by Kara Perry
Video members: click here to view the BTS video & click here to view the December nude yoga video
First Look members: click here to view the double exposure photoset of Ravyn Alexa, click here to view the BTS video, click here to view the double exposure photoset of Ambivalent Ann, click here to view the BTS video -
With V by Kara Perry
Photo members now have access to:
- blog post with the story behind this photoset with V taken by Kara Perry
22 image complete photoset
Video members now have access to:
everything above
12.5 minutes of BTS video
- 25.5 minute nude yoga video for this month
First Look members now have access to:
everything above
17 image complete double exposure photoset of Ravyn Alexa
3.5 minutes of BTS video
- 6 image complete double exposure photoset of Ambivalent Ann
- 3.5 minutes of BTS video
Liana Pilar in the forest
I met Liana Pilar through Instagram when I was planning the nude beach gathering outside of Portland Oregon this summer. She was already planning on coming to the gathering but we wanted to create together individually as well. I picked her up before the gathering and we got to know each other by exploring the forest and taking these photos down the road from the nude beach. It didn’t take long to shoot this roll of film because everywhere you look in the forest in the PNW is gorgeous, so we had several wonderful backdrops to choose from all in the same place. The images with the wooden structure were taken right on the beach where I held the gathering!
CURRENTLY: This week I chose to take a break from social media through the end of the year. I’ve been wanting to take a sabbatical like this for a while and after postponing it a couple of times (because of feeling like I need to be online a lot in order to make a living), I made the decision and deleted social media apps from my phone. I’ve noticed myself sometimes feeling weird and like I want to distract myself by being on my phone but I do something else and feel better. It’s interesting how addicted we get to checking our phones constantly! I’m still checking my emails every day, and posting here every day, but I’m in front of screens a lot less. Instead, I’m spending more time taking walks, spending time with friends, doing yoga, reading, and doing other things that GIVE me energy instead of draining it like social media does. It’s only been a few days but I already feel better and have more time for the things that are important to me. If you can, I encourage you to take a break from social media… for a day, week, month… and see how it changes things for you.
Photo members: click here to view the full photoset of Liana Pilar in the forest outside of Portland Oregon
Video members: click here to view the BTS video
First Look members: click here to view the photoset of Ravyn Alexa in a greenhouse & click here to view the BTS video -
Liana Pilar in the forest
Photo members now have access to:
- blog post with the story behind this photoset of Liana Pilar in the forest outside of Portland Oregon
34 image complete photoset
Video members now have access to:
everything above
19.5 minutes of BTS video
First Look members now have access to:
everything above
23 image complete photoset of Ravyn Alexa in a greenhouse
7 minute BTS video
Film & Polaroids with Drake Avenue
Photo members now have access to:
- blog post with the story behind this photoset taken by Drake Avenue
15 image complete film photoset
7 image complete Polaroid photoset
Video members now have access to:
everything above
49 minutes of BTS video
First Look members now have access to:
everything above
81 image complete photoset taken by Jacob Webster & edited by Kayla Webster during the nude beach gathering outside of Portland OR
21 minute BTS video
Film & Polaroids with Drake Avenue
Drake Avenue and I have been friends for years and have created together several times. If you’ve been around for a while you probably remember some of the things we’ve created together over the years (at waterfalls, in corn fields, purplechrome in the forest just to name a few). I’m so lucky that I have so many wonderful creative friends that live near me! We took these in and around my parents house (that I now live in again! YAY!)CURRENTLY: It’s Wednesday the 27th because I always prep these weekly posts early (you know how important consistency is for me!), and I can hardly believe I’ll be 30 years old on the 30th (the day this goes live)! I still definitely feel like a teenager sometimes, or like a little kid, or like a twenty-something year old. Time is so weird and it’s useless to fight against it. When I get older I’m reminded that age is really just a number and it’s not about how many circles around the sun you’ve made, but more about how you’ve spent your time while doing it. I am so thankful that this is the life I lead… 5 years ago I couldn’t have imagined being a self employed artist. It’s been my dream for SO LONG and here I am LIVING IT! THANK YOU!! YOU ARE THE REASON I CAN BUY FOOD AND FILM AND GAS! THANK YOU, I APPRECIATE YOU SO MUCH! <3Even with how excited and honored I am to be able to do this, I still long for more. I want more fulfillment, more excitement, more community involvement, more HEALING. I don’t exactly know what’s next, but I have an idea, and I am so looking forward to starting to make it a reality.But first, I hibernate. =]Don’t worry, I’ll still be as consistent as ever on here. I just won’t be on social media for a week or two. That’s gonna feel REALLY GOOD.Photo members: click here to view the full 35mm photoset & click here to view the full Polaroid photoset
Video members: click here to view the BTS video
First Look members: click here to view the film photoset by Jacob Webster & edited by Kayla Webster at the nude beach gathering outside of Portland Oregon this summer & click here to view the BTS video -
Doubles and slide film with Hannah Elizabeth
Photo members now have access to:
- blog post with the story behind these photosets with Hannah Elizabeth
27 image complete slide film photoset
20 image complete double exposure photoset
Video members now have access to:
everything above
39 minutes of BTS video
First Look members now have access to:
everything above
35 image complete photoset from nude beach gathering outside of Portland Oregon this summer
21 minutes of BTS video