Today is my mom’s birthday so I’m celebrating by sharing this photo of her with you!!! <3

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  • Self Portraits with Mommy! <3

    Daily Photo Blog members now have access to:

    • blog post with the story behind this self portrait set I took with Mommy to recreate my earliest memory (this photo isn’t the memory, but it’s my FAVORITE photo from the set! I’m sure you can see why)
    • 4 image mini set

    Photo members now have access to:

    • everything above
    • 28 image complete photoset

    Video members now have access to:

    • everything above
    • 55+ minutes of BTS video

    First Look members now have access to:

    • everything above
    • 32 image photoset with Notrlygrace 
    • 18 minutes of BTS video
    • 50 image self portrait set at a hidden pool near a waterfall
    • 2x 2 minute videos of me nude at Colorado National Monument

    Become a member for instant access!

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  • Self Portraits with Mommy! <3

    I had the idea to recreate my earliest memory a couple months back and my mom (who is a major part of that memory) was all for it! 
    You must be wondering… what’s my earliest memory?
    I was only a couple years old, maybe 3? and Mommy had me on her hip as she was washing my hair in the shower. She would cup her hand and hold it over my head so that no water would get in my eyes as she rinsed the shampoo out of my hair. I remember feeling so warm, safe, and SO SO LOVED. It’s a really simple memory, but I think of it often with a big smile on my face and a lot of love in my heart.
    We took these photos in the SAME bathroom from my memory because my parents still live in the house I grew up in!
    It was really fun (and funny) to turn on the self timer and rush to get in the shower and into position before the 10 second timer ran out.
    I’m in Tacoma at my friend Nadine‘s house for the next few days, then I’m most likely going back to Portland for another day or two before I start heading east again. I don’t have any solid plans yet, and that’s pretty fun. I really enjoy being able to just go with no real plan. I tend to end up at the right places at the right times… thanks universe. <3
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  • FREE SET! In the clouds with my parents <3

    This photoset is really near and dear to my heart. These are my wonderful, amazing, incredible parents. I am so lucky to have them in my life and I’m grateful for them every day. They taught me to be open minded, to ask questions (but only if I wanted the answer), to experience life to the fullest, and they taught me how to love. They have been together for 35 years and are still very obviously in love with each other.

    I took these double exposures of them way back in 2012 for my “In the Clouds” series. I was sooo excited that they were both comfortable with me taking photos of them nude, and I am STILL excited about it because I realize how few people have the kind of relationship with their parents to be in the same room with them when they’re naked.

    I hope that this photoset helps spread awareness that nudity does not equal sex. That nudity is natural. That skin to skin contact is healing, and that we can all use a little more love. <3

    I love you. Thank you for visiting my website. I hope you enjoy this free photoset <3


    If you’d like to see more, please consider becoming a member. Not only does your membership allow me to continue creating, it grants you instant access to YEARS of exclusive art nude content.

  • Infrared with Satya & Michael O’Neill

    Daily Photo Blog members now have access to:

    Photo Gallery members now have access to:

    • everything above
    • 15 image photoset at the Magnolia tree
    • 21 image photoset from above

    Video Gallery members now have access to:

    • everything above
    • 13 minute nude yoga video outdoors
    • 27 minute nude yoga video on the bed – I talk you through the movements so you can do this yoga for yourself! I figure since I’m almost done with my Yoga Teacher Training that I’ll start occasionally making some yoga teaching videos!

    First Look members now have access to:

    • everything above
    • 28 image photoset of self portraits with Mommy to recreate my earliest memory and portraits of her
    • 55.5 minutes of behind the scenes video with Mommy
    • 29 image photoset taken by Mike Tyger (photos from several different shoots)
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