• Why Diverse Nude Art Is Important

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    Hello friends! I’m here this week to talk about why I think it’s important for us to be able to see more diverse people naked.

    Obviously, I am of the group of people that has some of the most privileges in this world. I’m white, able-bodied, thin, “conventionally attractive”, whatever the fuck that means. So it’s easier for people who look like me to be naked and be accepted for their nudity, but for people that have more intersections than I do, people that are Black, Brown, Indigenous, people of color in general, people with disabilities… are less visible in art because of many reasons, racism, sexism, like all of the things.

    If more people made art of people that look different than me: people with bigger bodies, people with darker bodies, people with visible disabilities, if more art was made of people like them, then I believe that people would be more accepting and understanding of a wide range of human experiences. And I also believe that if more people of intersecting experiences are able to see art of people that look like them, then it’s probably going to be easier for them to feel like they are accepted and like they are important and like they are art.

    I believe that all bodies are good bodies and that all bodies are model bodies, and I really would love to see more art of people that look different from me. I think it’s very important. I believe that the more diverse models that can be seen by society, the better off society will be. Obviously, like diversity equity and inclusion is kind of the thing right now, for a bunch of reasons. But it’s true. We need diversity. We need equity and inclusion. We need people to make art that is of a variety of different humans, and not just people that look like me.

    Because if it’s just of people that look like me, then all of these, racism, sexism, fatphobia, ableism. Those things are going to continue to run rampant because it’s just going to be compounded on itself.

    We need people to make art and share art and see art that includes people that look different from me. I am like “the norm” in art and I’m fucking tired of it, it is boring. I want to see more diverse people in art, and the more diverse art can be, the more incredible the art community will be, the more stories we’ll hear and the more we’ll learn, and the more we’ll understand other people’s experiences. I think art is kind of a universal language. And if we can see art that includes a variety of different people, then we’ll all be better off for it.

    Please make art if you are anybody that looks different from me! Please make art! Please make nude art! Please make self-portraits! Please make something that is different from me! I’m tired of seeing people that look like me in art! I want to see something else! Obviously, people that look like me in art are still good things, but I’m tired of it being the only art that is accepted and the only art that is seen as important, because that is not true. Art is for everybody. 

    If you would like to make art with me and Lior Allay and Roarie Yum, we are hosting a workshop in Ypsilanti Michigan on August 27 + 28 called Conscious Creativity. We’ll be creating self-portraits and also creating self-portraits in a group. Come and join us! If you can’t afford it, fill out our application for a scholarship. We would like to have you come! All the information is on the Eventbrite, I’m going to link it below.

    Art is important and the more diverse it can be, the better off humanity will be! Thank you.

    I want to be a part of Conscious Creativity! I want to learn more!

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  • Ecosexual memes!!

    I was sharing memes on instagram that included nude images but deleted them all when ig did their most recent update to the terms of service because I was scared of getting my account deleted AGAIN. My original account with 22.6k followers got deleted in October 2018 and I never got it back, so I really would like that to NOT happen again.

    I still love the memes that I made and want to share them, so here are some of the ones that I used to have on my ig before I deleted them!

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    I first heard about ecosexuality through Charles Eisenstein’s essay “The Ecosexual Awakening” and ever since then my life has changed. I now see my entire life through an ecosexual lens. I truly believe that ecosexuality can assist in healing our society and our world.

    I personally avoid saying “mother Earth” because mothers are (unfortunately, thanks to patriarchy) frequently exploited. It’s assumed that mothers are required to do all or most of the housework, cooking, childcare, etc and their work usually is unpaid and unappreciated. I have no intention of doing this to my actual mother or to the Earth.

    My relationship to the Earth is one of reverence, worship, wonder, and love. I view the Earth as a best friend, teacher, partner, and lover. I strive to live my life in loving relationship to the Earth and receive such immense pleasure from simply being with and spending time with the Earth.

    The Earth is sacred. We must treat it as sacred.

    Photo, model + meme: me, Bunny Luna (self portrait in Utah during my 2019 cross country road trip)

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    I personally use both ecosexual and demisexual as my primary sexual and romantic identities. Ecodemisexual maybe? Can I make that a thing? I think I will! It’s my own label so I am able to use what works best for ME.

    If you consider yourself an ecosexual, you’re able to use that label in the way that works best for you. Anyone who says you SHOULD or HAVE TO use a label doesn’t have the right to do that, only you get to decide what label(s) work(s) best for you. The label(s) you use may or may not change over time, and that’s okay! Only you know what label(s) describe you best. How you identify is up to you, not anyone else.

    Do you consider yourself an ecosexual? I have a feeling that more people probably are than they realize, simply because most people aren’t aware of what ecosexuality is. The understanding of labels makes it easier for us to know which ones are right for us.

    Photo/model/meme: me, Bunny Luna (self portrait in Utah)

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    Ecosexuality as an identity/label covers a broad range of experiences and in my opinion can be used to describe many different things about someone. For example: sexual attraction to others (including the Earth) while also covering a range of sexual desires (from asexual to allosexual), the importance of ecological health and healing to an individual, and their understanding of the interconnectedness of all beings, creatures, ecosystems, and life on Earth.

    For me, as an agender trans person, most sexuality labels didn’t feel like they fit me because of the gender component of a lot of LGBTQIA+ labels, some are too narrow and some are too broad. It took me a long time to find a label that fit me, that felt GOOD to use and felt TRUE to my lived experience. Ecosexuality allows me to explain my attraction to others in a way that includes the nuance of my gender, my demisexuality, and my passion and love for the Earth.

    To be specific, I am ecodemi, and for me that means I am attracted to people of many gender expressions, and it’s the connection and interaction that I have with them, and the way they show up in the world, that determines my attraction to them.

    Your specific definition of your ecosexuality may be similar to mine, or it may be completely different. That’s the beauty and magic of ecosexuality, as long as it includes the Earth as a lover, it can mean something different for each of us.

    What’s your flavor of ecosexuality? Comment below, I’d love to hear your perspective/experience!

    Photo/model/meme: me, Bunny Luna (self portrait in Utah)

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    Have you ever seen a flower dripping with dew on a spring morning and marveled at its beauty and eroticism, feeling the urge to put your mouth on its delicate petals?
    Have you ever felt your body come alive after jumping naked into a river, flushed with excitement and pleasure?
    Have you ever become aroused while surrounded by a forest of tall thick trees, their presence changing something deep inside of you?
    Do you yearn for the warmth of the sun’s rays on your skin, the cool squish of mud between your toes, the gentle breeze softly reminding you that we all exist on an Earth that offers infinite sensual pleasures?

    If you feel a connection to any of those questions, or a longing for these sensual experiences, you might be an ecosexual.

    What is your favorite way to connect to the erotic, sensual Earth?

    Photo/model/meme: me, Bunny Luna (self portrait in Utah)

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    I want to talk about two topics that honestly deserve their own individual posts: sex and consent.

    Let’s rethink our definition of what sex is. In this cisheteropatriarchal society, we are conditioned to believe that sex is P in V penetration. This definition excludes many people from the sex conversation, including but not limited to queer and disabled folks.

    I invite us to redefine sex as any consensual, meaningful, pleasurable experience. This gives ALL of us room to define what sex is to us, individually. This means that a lot of us are probably having sex much more than we ever thought we were before.

    Notice that this definition of sex includes CONSENT? This is extremely important, because if you don’t have consent, then it’s not sex, it’s rape.

    Consent in relationship to the Earth is just as important as consent with people. It is possible to communicate with and receive consent from the Earth, it just doesn’t include the language that we are used to (verbal consent). Consent from the Earth may come in the form of an energetic pull or a felt sense knowing. It may come in the form of a dream or a whisper in the wind. It may come in the form of a being joining you in meditation to give you a message or a sign.

    Consent with the Earth isn’t always as straightforward as consent with people. We have to listen harder, feel deeper, and trust that the Earth will share their message with us when they are ready. We must not rush, or push, or pry, or force. We must be quiet, and open to receive.

    Have you received consent from the Earth? What was that experience like for you?

    Photo/model/meme: me, Bunny Luna (self portrait in Utah)

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    If we have learned one thing from this pandemic, it’s that we are ALL interconnected. This doesn’t only involve the interconnectedness of people, but also our connection to animals, plants, insects, bacteria, forests, oceans, deserts, rivers. We all exist together on this planet, we are all connected, and we all influence each other whether we realize it or not.

    Part of my personal ecosexuality is recognizing the impact of colonization, cisheteropatriarchy, white supremacy, capitalism, racism, ageism, ableism (…all the -isms). Recognizing that these systems of oppression exist and impact each other and every one of us (including the Earth). As beings existing on this planet at this time we are all a part of these systems, whether we realize it or not, whether we see the direct impact we make or not.

    This also means that we each individually have the potential to make POSITIVE CHANGE in ourselves and our communities, which in turn impacts the rest of the planet. Every action and every inaction adds up for each and every one of us.

    Imagine what the world would be like if we all collectively chose to live in right relationship with the Earth and each other. If we all actively put in the work to decolonize societies and the planet. If we all live from a heart-centered place, with healthy boundaries and an understanding of how powerful we are. If we all live our lives from a place of love, compassion, generosity, and empathy instead of from a place of fear and separation. This is the world I want to live in.

    When did you first realize how connected you are to the rest of the world?

    Photo/model/meme: me, Bunny Luna (self portrait in Utah)

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