Wanna Interview Me?
Click here to watch the video in another window (now captioned on the video!!!)
Hello, I’m Bunny. You probably already know me if you’re on my website. But today, I wanted to talk about if you wanted to interview me. I’m really enjoying doing interviews for podcasts and YouTube channels and I just thought I would invite more people to do that with me some more!
I have over… let’s see. What is it? 12 years? Yeah. Over 12 years of experience with photography and modeling, self-portraiture. I am an ecosexual. I am very queer. I’m agender. So I’m a trans person. So I have a queer perspective. I have, I hope, an intersectional perspective as much as I’m able to with this white abled body of mine.
Yeah, I have a lot to say about creativity, queerness, ecosexuality, healing, connecting with yourself. So I just wanted to see if anyone here on the world wide web would like to interview me about any of these topics. I also have a lot of practice in getting tattoos. I’m over, what is it? 36 hours now into this current half body tattoo. So I have a lot to say about tattoos also and how the pain of tattoos is important to me, even though some people would be confused by that. But yeah, I can say more in another video.
But yeah, I would love to do more interviews. If you are interested in interviewing me for a variety of things. I have a form that I will share below for a way for you to reach out to me and let me know that you would like to interview me. So just fill it out and I will get in touch with you. I’ve really enjoyed doing interviews. I recently did one for Topless Topics, I did one for Nudism.TV. I’m actually not a nudist, but I am naked a lot. I have a lot to say about that, too. There’s a bunch of topics that I could talk about. So if any of the things that I’ve mentioned here are interesting to you and you want to learn more about it, you’d like to share that information with your audience. Yeah reach out to me. I would love to talk with you about it as, yeah, I have a lot to say.
I don’t want to make this video too long because I want it to be accessible to people and not be boring. So I’m going to leave it at that. But if you would like to interview me, I have a lot of information to share and I would love to do that. So, yeah, reach out! I would love to talk with you! Yay! Thank you. Bye!
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Have you ever noticed…
…that Tulip Poplar (scientific name: Liriodendron Tulipifera, Cherokee name: tsiyu) tree bark looks like a variety of vulvas?
It’s so beautiful 😍
I think I’m gonna start posting some of the random stuff here that I otherwise would keep to myself or post to instagram. I’m feeling increasingly frustrated with social media + want to invest my time here instead.
…also now that I’ve started looking up the Indigenous names of plants I want to continue doing this!!! I feel very disconnected from my Choctaw + Cherokee ancestry + this is one way I can start to reconnect.
The rest of my ancestry is primarily Irish + Scottish, I learned this only a couple of months ago! I want to learn more about that part of my ancestry too, like why they came here (to the US), what kinds of rituals they did, how they connected with the Earth + each other, who they prayed to…
For a long time I had no idea what my ancestry was + I felt drawn to a lot of other cultures because they felt so rich + full of life… I wanted that too.
I felt lost + like I didn’t know who “my people” were, where I came from. Now that I know, I can root into the practices of my ancestors, I can reconnect to that lost part of myself. I no longer have to reach for other culture’s practices that don’t belong to me, I can reach for practices that are in my DNA, within me. I am only beginning + it already feels more powerful + true.
25 Ways to Connect With Yourself! <3
I’ve found that self care is much more about connecting with myself than it is about buying products like face masks and bath bombs. Sure, spending time with yourself to use products like these is beneficial, but it’s not about the THINGS, it’s the TIME and INTENTION that makes all the difference.
I sometimes struggle to be in my body, and have found that this list of self connection practices has helped remind me of the many ways that I can come into my body and spend quality time with myself.
I invite you to choose at least one of these self connection practices to add to your daily ritual and/or routine, and see how it feels to choose yourself every day, even for just a few moments. <3
I’ve also made a fun self connection bingo graphic, so that you can add some play to your daily rituals!
How many days in a row can you get BINGO? Win-win-win all around!
Art Nuance & Evyenia Karapolous
Hello! So… gosh weeks go by so fast now. This week I’m sharing I think it’s 3 photosets actually, that I have modeled for, for my friend Nuance Artistry. One of the sets is in a studio, one of the sets is in an abandoned mill, and the other set is with another model. I always say her name wrong. I can spell it really well, but I don’t know if I’m going to say it right so I’m sorry. Evyenia Karapolous, she goes by a different name in real life, that’s her modeling name so I just call her the name that she goes by in real life but that’s not her modeling name. I think these are really great, these are older sets taken probably… 2 more more years ago now. Which feels weird, because time is really really weird.
I think the stuff that’s going into first look is the last time I saw Roarie Yum in person. They modeled for a photographer friend of mine PhotoWyse and I took some behind the scenes stuff and that’s what I’m sharing in First Look is the behind the scenes stuff that I took of Roarie during their shoot with Terry. I’m also sharing to video people the nude yoga video for this month! So yay.
I dont have a lot to say today, I feel like…. so I think I might switch up my schedule again in terms of what I’m doing during the week. I don’t know. Because after July I don’t have very much planned. On Mondays on youtube I’m doing that ecosexual series, and that’ll be finished in 2 weeks I think. I don’t really have anything planned for after that so I might take a break on that. I’ve really been enjoying the Thursday group hangout member gathering things, the video hangouts, but I also feel like maybe I should have more structure around it or change it up for something else. I haven’t decided. I feel like I’m perpetually switching up what I want to do. So I appreciate that yall want to hang around! I for sure am going to do the members hangout this week, which by the time you get this will have already happened because it’s tonight, Thursday night, not Saturday when this is going to be uploaded. Part of me wants to pause those for a little bit and recalibrate. I started doing them kindof at the beginning of quarantine as a way to stay connected, and they’ve been really fun, but at the same time… it’s just hanging out. And I feel like I want more than that, but I also don’t know exactly what I want that to be. But I also know that I want to have time for expanding things in the future like maybe teaching courses, queer hangouts, trans support group… I don’t know! I might switch stuff up, I might slow down or have more structure to or cancel or change the schedule for the group chats. I just know that something isn’t quite how I want it to be yet and I just don’t know where I want to go yet. I change so much! I’m glad that I’m not stagnant and stuck in the same thing over and over again, but I am noticing the need for change, I’m just not quite in the place where I know what that is yet.
I probably will no longer model for photographers, at least for a while, unless they’re like queer and/or trans people. I haven’t really wanted to model in a while and it just feels like another way for people to consume me in a way that is not really me. Because my naked body most people think (some flying thing just came into my space)… my naked body gets attention from people that I don’t necessarily want attention from, and I definitely don’t want sexual attention from like anybody. I feel like if I’m less naked (AHH what’s with the bugs today! there was a bug that was crawling on my foot!) I feel like if I’m less naked on the internet I’ll get less attention in the ways that I don’t want. I also feel like me being naked on the internet is a good chunk of the reason why people give me money and how I can pay my rent so that’s complicated. I definitely want to switch to a more queer trans ecosexual healing kindof platform, but I don’t know how to do that in a way that I’m still sustaining my self financially. I just know that I have way too many cis straight men who follow me and want to work with me, and that’s not really the like… I mean I love all of you people who are here of course… but in terms of new people finding me I’d much rather them be queer or trans or women or you know… not cis straight men. Sorry. Queer people are my people! Trans people are my people! Ecosexual people are my people! Cis straight men are not really my people. I have some wonderful cis straight men in my life that I super appreciate and love a whole lot, but in terms of the audience that I want to gather around myself and the community I want to create around myself and my business is not going to be catered to cis straight men and they are not the people I want to gather around me in large quantities. Because most of them probably see me as a woman and probably see me as somebody they want to have sex with and I do not want either of those things from them. Maybe that’s me not having enough faith in cis straight men to understand my queerness and to not objectify me and sexualize me, but based on my 30 years of life experience, I don’t have a lot of faith in cis straight men doing those things, unfortunately.
I just don’t know what to do to change things to be more of what I want them to be. I guess I just need to show up in the way that is authentic to myself and that will draw the right people around me because if I’m myself then more people like me will find me. I just feel like, I don’t want my work to be centered around…. okay so I love nudity and I DO want my work to be centered around nudity, but I want it to be centered around nudity in a non-sexual way that is healing and affirming and inclusive and NOT in a sexual or exploitative or objectifying in any way. I don’t know, I just know things need to change and I’m not exactly sure what that is yet or what that means. I just appreciate yall being here along for the ride. I’m always changing so my website is always changing and the things I’m doing are always changing. So I appreciate you being here in whatever capacity you’re here, if you’re a cis straight man I hope I didn’t make you too upset. Maybe go through my youtube and look at all my ecosexual stuff and in my resources here on my website I have a video on gender and sexuality that’s over an hour long. So if some of the queerness things are intriguing to you, I have resources already that I would love for you to check out, that’s more of my face talking to you!
I think it’s kinda interesting that… I was looking at some of the videos that I made last summer during my cross country road trip and I was thinking about how different I am from the person that I was last year and it’s made me a little bit sad because I was so much happier last summer when I was in all the nature. Here now is like, quarantine and stress and isolation and stuckness and a lot of numbness so I don’t quite know how to reconcile that and I realize that the whole entire planet is going through a lot right now with all of the oppression and fear and all the bullshit. It makes sense that I’m not the same happy person that I was last year. I also miss that person! I miss being completely overjoyed by rounding a corner and finding some vast amazing landscape, I miss being able to get in my van and just GO and stop anywhere and hang out and not worry about germs and play naked in a pile with other naked people and hang out and cuddle. I just… you probably feel it too. Everything’s harder this year. Thanks 2020!
I just want to find a way that I can share and affirm and honor queerness and transness and uplift that, and heal through that. I’m not quite sure what that means yet, but I’m working in that direction. Thank you for exploring existence with me. I love you, thank you for being here, I appreciate you so much. Bye!
Video members:
click here to view the full studio photoset with Nuance Artistry
click here for the abandoned mill photoset
click here for the photoset with Evyenia Karapolous
click here to view the BTS videos
click here to view the nude yoga video for JulyFirst Look members:
click here to view the BTS photos & videos from Roarie Yum‘s shoot with PhotoWyse