Three totally different photosets
Hi friends! Um so this week I have a bunch of random things to share with you to be honest. I have 3 different small photosets that I’m sharing. One is me modeling for a photographer, Muzse Photography at a studio from like several years ago. Another photoset is me posing with my friend Hannah Elizabeth for Antisocialdisposition, that’s a small photoset and it’s also from a few years ago, and then I have a 3 image photoset also that I took of my friends Marianna Lane and Lauren. This was also taken several years ago. I have other photos of Marianna Lane and Lauren separately, but these are the photos where they pose together so it’s a very small set. I’m sharing a video of me hanging out naked cooking and dancing, because why not? First Look people, I have 2 photosets from Joshua Tree that are self portrait sets that I took, that I’ll be sharing with first look, and that’s what I’m sharing this week.
When this goes live it will be Halloween and it will be a full moon, the second full moon of the month, we had a full moon at the beginning of the month and we have another full moon on Halloween which is going to be the day this comes out. The energy right now that exists in the world that is in this time, for me anyway, is heavier and more difficult and I’m doing my best. I hope you are too. I hear my mom making popcorn in the background.
This morning here it’s been really windy and rainy, but the sun just came out and I guess it’s done being rainy for the day, maybe? I don’t have much to share this week because I don’t have much new going on other than personal stuff that I want to keep personal. I keep feeling unsure of what I want to do with my website, like I want my website to be a place where people can get inspiration, where people can feel like they’re not alone, where people can maybe learn something or help heal themselves in some way, that’s what I want my website to be. At this point I don’t quite feel like that’s how it exists yet, and I want to make shifts to move in that direction, I’m just not exactly sure what that is yet. I am continually figuring it out, you know, that’s all I can really do.
So yeah um… I hope you have a wonderful day. Thank you for being here. Everybody that is a member of my website is like…. yall are my heroes and I wouldn’t be able to do it without you and I appreciate you so much and I’m very excited to continue sharing… something with you, whatever that is. I hope you have a good day, a good week. I hope we all survive this full moon, I think we will, it’s going to be hard I think, but I think we’ll survive it. We’ve survived everything that’s happened so far. I love you, bye <3
me and Hannah Elizabeth taken by Antisocialdisposition
Marianna Lane & Lauren
All members:
click here to view the 21 image complete photoset taken by Muzse Photography
click here to view the 7 image complete photoset of me and Hannah Elizabeth taken by Antisocialdisposition
click here to view the 3 image complete photoset of Marianna Lane & Lauren
click here to view a 20 minute video of me nude cooking and dancing
Click here for access to my archive of 12,500+ photos & 2,000+ videos
Click here for the passwords, they change the 1st of every monthFirst Look/All Access members:
click here to view the 31 image self portrait photoset of me by the pool in Joshua Tree during my cross country road trip summer 2019
click here to view the 20 image complete self portrait photoset of me at sunset in Joshua Tree -
Click here to view this photoset of Hannah Elizabeth.
Click here to view this photoset taken by Hannah Elizabeth in our friend’s empty apartment.
Doubles and slide film with Hannah Elizabeth
Photo members now have access to:
- blog post with the story behind these photosets with Hannah Elizabeth
27 image complete slide film photoset
20 image complete double exposure photoset
Video members now have access to:
everything above
39 minutes of BTS video
First Look members now have access to:
everything above
35 image complete photoset from nude beach gathering outside of Portland Oregon this summer
21 minutes of BTS video
Doubles and slide film with Hannah Elizabeth
Earlier this year Hannah Elizabeth, Antisocialdisposition and I met at our friend Michael O’Neill‘s (who is also a photographer!) condo that was empty because he had it on the market but it hadn’t sold yet. We all took turns photographing each other… you might remember the photos that Hannah took of me & AD that I’ve already shared. It was a really great afternoon of creating and spending time together. I’ve said it before, but I’m so thankful that there are some wonderful creatives that live here in Charlotte with me!CURRENTLY: I’m settling into my new/old house after moving back into my childhood home with my parents last weekend. I’m really loving being back here again after 9 years of living elsewhere, and since my parents are still on their own cross country road trip adventure I’ve had the house to myself, which has been really nice. They’re coming back home sometime late December and I’m honestly just so excited to see them and live with them again! Instead of moving back into my old childhood bedroom, my new bedroom is in the sunroom which has 3 out of 4 walls that are covered in windows, and I have my own entrance, AND I’m closest to our outside patio/backyard oasis! I absolutely love it, I feel like I’m even closer to nature and I am really enjoying the super quick access outside. I still have some decorating to do (I’m gonna FILL UP the one wall with art!), but I’m basically done unpacking and my room feels so cozy already!
Photo members: click here to view the full double exposure photoset & click here to view the full slide film photoset
Video members: click here to view the BTS video
First Look members: click here to view the film photoset I took at the nude beach gathering outside of Portland Oregon this summer, click here to view Ambivalent Ann‘s photos from the nude beach gathering, click here to view Shawnna Lee‘s BTS photos from the nude beach gathering, and click here for the BTS video of the nude beach gathering -
Double Exposures!!! <3
I feel like I’m always talking about double exposures… well, probably because I am. I love them. They’re my favorite kind of image to create. They’re magickal. They’re serendipitous. They’re always a surprise and I love giving control to the universe.
You might be wondering… what the heck is a double exposure?!
A double exposure is when two (or more) images are taken on the same piece of film. When two (or more) images are superimposed to create a single image. A lot of people do this with photoshop or fancy apps now, but the kind of double exposures that *I* am always talking about are taken on FILM. Analogue. 35mm or medium format film. These are TRULY magickal to me.
I took my first double exposure on accident, in a Holga camera (does anyone remember those?!). I took a photo, forgot to wind the film, and took another photo. The two images overlapped each other to create one single image! I was amazed and fell in love immediately.
You mean I can take a photo of a landscape, and then take a photo of a person in a studio or an empty room or next to a tree, and the end result makes the person look like they’re IN the landscape?! THEY BECOME A PART OF THE LANDSCAPE?! Hell YES!!!
If you know me or if you’ve followed me for any length of time, you know that I am ecosexual and that the earth, the environment, natural landscapes are where my heart is, where my SOUL is. The fact that I am able to take images that make it look like people BECOME A PART OF the environment makes me so incredibly happy. Being one with ferns, waterfalls as shimmering “clothes”, a crown of butterflies in flight.
It’s important for me to show people that we are not separate from the earth, we are a part of it. We are all connected and this planet, our home, everything we’ve ever known, is the MOST IMPORTANT thing and needs to be loved, protected, cherished. I hope that my double exposures help people see that.
Okay, enough explanation. The images will tell you more than I ever could with words.
With Kyotocat in collaboration with Antisocialdisposition
Self portrait with Quinn Sanguine
With Tiffany Nacke in collaboration with Antisocialdisposition
Really magickal, right?! Now you know why I LOVE double exposures so much!
I am in the process of creating a double exposure course with all of my tips and tricks for getting the most out of your double exposures! If you want to be the first to know when it’s available, join my mailing list (go to my home page, scroll all the way down, and enter your email!)
Want to create your own but don’t know how and want to start RIGHT NOW?
Guess what?! I took several rolls of landscapes while I was on my 2 month solo cross country trip that are READY TO GO for doubles!All you need to do is load one of these special one of a kind rolls into your 35mm camera and take photos! When you get them developed, your images will be double exposed with some of the landscapes that I took while I was traveling!
I only have a few rolls available, so get one while they last! LIMITED TIME AVAILABILITY!
If some of the rolls don’t sell before my birthday (November 30th) I’ll be gifting them to myself!Here are a few of the rolls available to give you an idea of what kind of images you can double over…
I’m even doing a raffle for 2 of the rolls so you have a chance to get one for only $3.33!!!
Raffles are until they sell out. Only 30 tickets, a 1/30 chance of winning!
Several tickets have already been sold, get them while you can!CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE A ONE OF A KIND ROLL TO CREATE YOUR OWN DOUBLE EXPOSURES!
Become a member today for immediate access to my entire archive of photos and videos!
This film photoset taken by Hannah Elizabeth can be found in the July 2019 gallery.
Self portraits with Karolina Von
Daily Photo Blog members now have access to:
5 image mini set
Photo members now have access to:
everything above
33 image complete photoset
18 image Instax set
Video members now have access to:
everything above
84.5+ minutes of BTS video
10 short BTS video clips/boomerangs
First Look members now have access to:
everything above
20 image film double exposure photoset of Hannah
39+ minutes of BTS video
AD & me by Hannah Elizabeth
Daily Photo Blog members now have access to:
blog post with the story behind this photoset that Hannah Elizabeth took of Antisocialdisposition and me
5 image mini set
Photo members now have access to:
everything above
48 image complete photoset
Video members now have access to:
everything above
53.5 minutes of BTS video
7 BTS photos
7 short BTS videos
First Look members now have access to:
everything above
19 minutes of BTS video
- 9 minute nude yoga video at Goblin Valley (coming to the video tier next week!)
AD & me by Hannah Elizabeth
Hannah Elizabeth Antisocialdisposition and I took these in our friend Michael O’Neill‘s empty condo that he was in the process of selling. It was the perfect place to shoot: tons of natural light and lots of empty space to create in!This photoset brings up a lot of feelings for me. It was taken 2 weeks before AD and I mutually decided to get a divorce, and is the last thing that he and I created together. I really love these images and I think they’re so beautiful and painterly, but looking at them reminds me of the end of my relationship with AD, so I’m both happy and sad when I look at them. Life is so complicated sometimes.CURRENTLY:I just got to Portland today (Tuesday the 9th) and will be here for almost a week! It’ll be the longest time I’ve been in one place in OVER A MONTH! Today is day 40 on the road and oh goodness I am definitely ready to slow down a bit. The next 2 weeks will be slower in a sense but also BUSIER! I’ll be staying in the same place and not traveling quite as much, but I have a shoot almost every day for the next two weeks! I’m so excited but I will definitely need to make sure to save myself some downtime!I MIGHT even be going to the Oregon County Fair since it just happens to be the weekend I’m out this way!