• How It Feels To Take Self Portraits In A Group

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    Hi, friends! Today I’m going to talk about how it feels to take self portraits in a group.

    This is something that I have experienced several times in my life. I’ve hosted nude gatherings in person and online, and taken self-portraits in groups for several years and to me, it’s one of my favorite things to do so I wanted to talk about why I love it so much!

    So self portraits, I’ve already talked about why I love them in general, but specifically self-portraits in a group of people to me is really special because the collaboration and the communication and the energy of being in a group of people and making art together is really special. There’s something magical about meeting people, sometimes for the first time, and over the course of a few hours getting to know them and getting close with them, and feeling comfortable enough to like merge our bodies together to create some kind of art is just, *muah* I love it. It’s incredible.

    Some of my favorite experiences have been taking self-portraits in a group of people. For instance, I did a nude gathering outside of Portland, Oregon at a nude beach in 2019. And we roamed around the beach and took a bunch of photos, and then at the end we all made a huge cuddle pile on the beach and took photos together, and that was like, amazing! And most of those people I had never met before, and I felt comfortable enough by the end of the day to be naked and cuddled up with all of them, that it was just, it was such a connecting experience and I felt so comfortable in myself and in my body and with these humans that are lovely that I just, it was yeah, it was amazing. I hope you get to experience something like this. 

    I’ve also done a nude gathering at my house in Charlotte, here, this is technically my backyard. In the house, because it was a pretty hot day, I think it was in August of 2019 when I did that nude gathering. That also was, we created together and by the end of the day we had a naked cuddle pile. Those are my favorite! They’re my favorite. I’m a really like physical touch, cuddly person, and the fact that you can get to know someone and get close to them and feel safe with them and it be multiple someones, and by the end of the day have a good… what’s the word I’m looking for? Like a good relationship with them enough, that you feel safe to be naked and like cuddled up with them for photos. It’s the best. I love, I love it so much and the energy of just being in a group of people creating all together is really special. 

    So excited. Also in 2019, we had Conscious Creativity for the first time. Me and Lior Allay hosted it and that was in Ypsilanti, Michigan. And we, again, people that we hadn’t met before creating all together and by the end of the experience, we were all together in a group taking self-portraits. And yeah, it’s just so special. I’m really excited to say that Conscious Creativity in Ypsilanti, Michigan is happening again in person this year in 2022, August 27th and 28th. If you would like to join us, the whole premise of Conscious Creativity for this year is taking self-portraits, and at the end of the experience we’ll be doing a group self-portrait.

    YAY! Conscious Creativity!

    So, if you would like to participate in one of these experiences, please join us. We would love to have you. I’ll put all the information below. Yeah, if you have any questions that are not answered by all the information on the Eventbrite, let me know. You can email me or put a comment here on this blog. Yeah, I’m so excited, please join us. Let’s take self-portraits together in a group! I’m so excited! Okay. Thank you so much! I love you and I will talk to you soon! Bye!

    Join us for Conscious Creativity! Details + tickets are at this link!

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  • Conscious Creativity 2022!

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    Hello friends, I’m here today to talk about Conscious Creativity. 

    This is an event that I have put on since 2019 with Lior Allay, and this year in 2022, Roarie Yum will be joining us. So obviously in 2020 and 2021, they were online, but we’re able to go back in person this year and we’re so excited. The first in-person event was in 2019, and then, you know, the pandemic happened, so then we had to move online, but it’s in Michigan outside of Detroit. I think the closest town is Ypsilanti, Michigan. It’s near Ypsilanti Ann Arbor area is where the actual physical location that we’ll be at is.

    Join us for Conscious Creativity!

    So, Conscious Creativity. It’s morphed and changed a little bit over the years, but the main focus of it is usually self portraiture and that’s what we’re going to focus on primarily for this year. It is going to be September 27 and 28 (edit: ITS ACTUALLY AUGUST! Silly me, keeping dates in my head is hard! Haha from now on all captioned dates will be the CORRECT DATES to avoid any confusion). It’s going to be two, both of those days, you can come one or both days. It will be at a permaculture farm called Crossing Hedgerows Sanctuary. That’s where we had the first one in 2019 in person and it was amazing. It’s a beautiful space. They have a lot of land and we’re able to be as naked as we want, which is super wonderful. So, the event is going to be two days and it’s a half day each day. We will be providing food and we will be providing a lot of education and resources and information and a wonderful experience for y’all.

    We don’t provide lodging and food before and after and that kind of thing, but while you’re there, we have food, we will be doing self portraiture, we’ll be doing set building, we’ll be doing group self-portraiture if you’re interested in doing that. Everything will be more like Choose Your Own Adventure. So you can participate in whichever parts seem interesting and exciting to you and nothing is mandatory. Just as long as you’re doing what feels best for you, that’s what we want to happen.

    Join us for Conscious Creativity!

    So it’ll be, one of the days is in the morning and one of the days is in the evening. The evening day we’ll probably do a little bonfire at the end, if the weather cooperates. This event will be rain or shine! So, if it does rain, we do have some canopies that we’ll be able to be under so we’re not gonna be getting rained on the whole time. But if you want to be rained on, that’s okay too. If it rains. I just assumed maybe our photography equipment, like cameras and stuff will not want to be rained on but we’re hoping that it’ll be sunny. This far out we have no idea what the weather’s going to be. But I’m hoping it will be not raining so that we can run around the whole place and have no limits of where we can be.

    There will be I believe a composting toilet. So we’re not going to be inside of a building. We’re going to be outside the whole time and there will be bathroom facilities, but they will not be super fancy. That’s part of the magic of being outside is having that experience of being closer to Nature.

    Join us for Conscious Creativity!

    I’m super excited for this opportunity to spend time with y’all and create with yall and make self-portraits together and separately. Whatever y’all are feeling. Let’s see, what else can I say about this. We’ll have a lot of resources and take home materials to give to yall. Most of them will be digital so you can just get an email with all of the things but we have a lot of PDFs and things that we would love to share with you like tips and tricks and meditations and things like that, so I’m extra excited.

    I hope that you join us for both days because we have created this experience to kind of like flow between both days. So the first day is we’re getting to know each other. We have a Welcome Circle. We all introduce ourselves, get to know each other, we’ll give tips and tricks on self portraiture and then we’ll kind of let everyone go and do their own self-portraiture adventure things and we’ll be available, the three of us, me, Lior, and Roarie, will be available for questions and feedback and that kind of thing because it’s a group workshop adventure we are not going to be available for one-on-one in-depth instruction since it’s a group experience. It will be more of like, we’re all going to come together as a group and ask questions and do things together and then we’ll kind of split off and do our own thing, but if you need some help you can wave us over, that kind of thing.

    Join us for Conscious Creativity!

    Then the second day we’ll be doing set building and more self portraiture in the set if you want to be in this created space. You also have all of the nature available as well. And then at the very end of the second day, we’ll do a group self-portrait. If you’re interested in participating in that. That is always my favorite part! The group self-portraits! Just because it’s a really, like, connecting experience and it’s really wonderful to collaborate with multiple people at one time and it’s always just super fun and I love it.

    So I hope you will join us for Conscious Creativity 2022, August 27th and 28th. It’s on a weekend, so Saturday and Sunday in Ypsilanti, Michigan. I’ll have the Eventbrite link to share very soon. I’ll put it in the link below. We do have early bird pricing and I believe that’s going to be through the end of July. And then after, so August 1st and on will be the general admission prices. So if you would like a cheaper ticket, make sure to get it early for the early bird so that way you don’t have to pay as much. And that way we also have a better count of who’s going to be there so we know how much food to have. It’ll be a taco / salad bar. So there will be options for meat eaters, vegans and gluten-free options, so it should be able to cover most people’s dietary needs.

    Join us for Conscious Creativity!

    Yeah, I’m just, I’m super excited. I don’t know if you can tell. I haven’t had a group in person experience like this since 2019, because of the pandemic and I’m just really excited to be here with all of y’all. And yay! I’m so excited! So, yeah, I hope you join us, all the information, I’ll link below and I will talk to you in another video very soon. Bye! 

    All the deatils about Conscious Creativity are here!

    On August 1st general admission prices will begin!

    Conscious Creativity starts in: