Desert Dusk Self Portraits in Utah
Pay What You Can & Video members now have access to:
vlog with the story behind this self portrait photoset I took in Utah during my cross country road trip last summer
- 56 image complete photoset
4 minutes of BTS video
- 14 photos & 8 videos from exploring Arabia Mountain outside of Atlanta GA last year (this includes videos of me absolutely BLOWN AWAY because there was a fucking BILLBOARD with my NAME ON IT basically telling me to get a divorce lol)
- 8+ minute nude yoga video
First Look members now have access to:
everything above
36 image complete photoset I took of Eva Luna & KH at a nude beach outside of Portland Oregon
30.5 minutes of BTS video
Desert Dusk Self Portraits in Utah
Hello! I just dunked myself in this little spot, there’s a really big waterfall in that direction but it’s kinda a hike that way. I’ve been hiking today because my body needed to be in nature, my spirit needed some nourishment, and I’ve barely been in my body for days and I know that being out here is one of my most favorite and surefire ways to get me back into my body. Came out here, did some Energy Medicine yoga, did some jumping around just moving, dunked myself in water, rubbed my body all over. You know, coming home. I feel like it’s been a while. This is just a tiny bit of the amazingness that I’ve seen today and I’m so glad I came out. Today I think is Tuesday, I think I want this to be the video I share this weekend though because I feel really good and I’m right here and I just want to share the love with you. I personally have been having rough emotional times for over a year now, maybe I should get into therapy again. We’ll get there when we get there. This is therapy right here. These… sometimes these videos are also to remind myself more than anyone else, that I’m human and that I actually need breaks and I need to spend time in nature and I need time to do NOTHING. NOTHING. Unless I really want to, like hiking around in NC, or anywhere, or dancing around in my underwear or naked at my house, or lounging and just watching bingeing something. I deserve rest, I need to remind myself of this, this is your reminder. Rest could also be movement, rest could be… I mean rest is what allows you to take action. It’s just as necessary. Just wanted to share this with you. There’s campsites that way, yeah looks like it’s a pretty nice place to go camping. So… also… I would love to do more nude outdoor shoots and spend more time outside so please! Maybe I should put out a casting call, maybe I should put something in my calendar, even if it’s just with myself and no one else. I’m not sure what content I’m posting this week, I’m just doing this because I feel called to do it today. I’m sure whatever I’m sharing today, when you watch this today, is going to be wonderful because I’m really proud of all the work that I’ve created. I love you all! Thank you for spending so much time with me every week, or over time in the last like, 10+ years that I’ve been doing this. Anyone who’s followed my journey for any length of time, you’re wonderful, I super value you. I’m so thankful that you’re a part of my life. I look forward to continuing to broaden my horizons which in turn will broaden yours, I’m hoping. If not, I’m going to live my life the best that I can. I hope that I can share as much love and connection with nature as I can with everyone, because yall deserve it. I LOVE YOU!
Hi! Since I didn’t remember what I was posting when I made the video the other day, I’m going to make a really short video just talking about the stuff I’m posting this week. Everybody is going to have access to the self portrait set that I took, it’s called Desert Dusk I believe. A lot of the self portrait sets that I took last summer on my cross country road trip have similar names because they were taken in similar places and all within like.. well most of them were within a few days of each other. So I never really have been very good at coming up with names for stuff and I don’t think it’s all that necessary so I just like… yeah a lot of them are named very similarly. This photoset was taken in Utah outside of Canyonlands National Park. I was driving on the road to the park which is pretty bare, there’s like nothing on the way there basically. Once you get out of Moab you’re just in desert wilderness, until you get to the parks, so I just parked on the side of the road and just… meandered. I took a bunch of photos so these are some of the photos I took in Utah. I also am sharing with everybody some stuff I took at Arabia Park/Arabia Mountain outside of Atlanta. I think it was late 2018? Like fall or almost winter 2018, I think it was cold so it was probably late 2018. (EDIT: It was February 2019) I went there, I have a friend who lives in Atlanta and I went down to see her, and another one of my friends met us there, and then I met a DIFFERENT friend who I had only known from IG and we all got together and hung out at the park and walked around and it was awesome. I have some photos and videos from that, it’s just nature stuff. I’m sharing a nude yoga video for this month this weekend. First Look people, I’m sharing the photoset that I took of Eva and KH, Eva Luna & KH, from when I was in Portland last summer. So basically just get ready for me to be posting a lot of things from last summer’s road trip, because I still have a fuck ton of content to share with you from that trip, and also I haven’t really made very much new stuff other than that but I still have so much of it to go through and share with you so I don’t feel bad about not making stuff. I need a break creatively, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and I’m proud of myself for giving myself that space because I do need it. Enjoy these photos and videos and all the things. I love you so much! I’ll talk to you soon, bye!
Video members:
click here to view the full self portrait photoset I took in Utah during my cross country road trip last summer
click here to view the BTS video
click here to view the photos & videos from exploring Arabia Mountain outside of Atlanta GA last year (this includes videos of me absolutely BLOWN AWAY because there was a fucking BILLBOARD with my NAME ON IT basically telling me to get a divorce lol)
click here to view the nude yoga videoFirst Look members:
click here to view the photoset I took of Eva Luna & KH at a nude beach outside of Portland Oregon
click here to view the BTS video