• 25 Ways To Express Your Ecosexuality

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    Hello. Last week I talked about “you might be ecosexual if…” This week I’m kind of staying on that ecosexual theme and I have a list of 25 ways to express your Ecosexuality. This is a not a comprehensive list. It’s just 25 things that I came up with like, on the spot and feel free to do any of these things or none of them it’s totally up to you. This is just something I want to offer for you and all of these have a connection to Ecosexuality, even if you are like, “I don’t know how that is connected to ecosexuality.” If you are wondering how it is connected to ecosexuality, I’ll link my like whole huge post about Ecosexuality and the caption below so you can do a little more looking up on it if you’re like, “how does this relate to this?” Yeah, or you can ask me a question, like you can comment and be like, tell me more or you can email me. Yeah, I maybe I’ll make another video about it. Okay, here we go.


    I wrote it down so I wouldn’t forget.

    25 ways to express your ecosexuality!

    Number 1, put your bare feet on the Earth. Please do it. It feels so good. Also like scientifically, it’s super good for you. Even if you did nothing else, putting your feet on the ground is so good for your physical, mental, spiritual health. And even if you’re not, woowoo, like you can look up like scientific things that say like, it helps with your blood pressure and it helps you feel less depressed but also science isn’t like the end-all be-all of like what is important to know. I have a lot of things to say about that, but that’s not for this video.

    Number 2, smell a flower or look at a flower. Or just yeah, enjoy flowers.

    Number 3, savor the flavor of a sweet fruit, especially like a juicy peach. I love peaches. Ah fruit. Actually, they have. Have you ever had cotton candy grapes? They exist, and they really do taste like cotton candy and oh my goodness. So yeah. Enjoy some sweet fruit because yeah, that is just a really enjoyable way to express your Ecosexuality.

    Number 4, sit quietly and listen to the sounds of birds and bugs. I am 100% convinced that that is sound healing. There’s a video on the internet of a frog singing, but it’s sitting in a puddle and you can see the ripples of sound going out from it because it’s sitting in a puddle. It is the most Magical video and it’s my favorite video that I’ve ever seen on the internet ever. I like, I’m not even kidding. I watch it on a regular basis. I saved it on my phone because like I need to see this all the time. Yeah. I’m convinced that the songs of creatures, including humans, but especially like birds and frogs for me personally are sound healing. And are like, little love notes from the universe and from the Earth and from the beings who are creating the songs. Okay.

    WATCH THE FROG VIDEO HERE!!!! AHHHHH!!! (Actually I’m pretty sure it’s a toad and not a frog but whatever)

    Number 5, watch the wind in the trees. I feel like this is kind of self-explanatory, but I super love trees a lot. As you can see I’ve like put a bunch of trees on myself permanently forever and ever, trees are important, and just seeing them and the way that they move in the wind… It’s magical.

    Number 6, take a hike and admire the life all around you. Let that sink in for a second. It just feels good for me to be outside. And walking around… I could walk forever. I feel like as a Sagittarius… yeah, I like hiking a lot.

    Number 7, swim naked especially if you can do it below a waterfall. Super magical. Skinny-dipping in general, feels really great but being in like a cold mountain river like near a waterfall. I can’t even explain how magical it is if you haven’t experienced that before.

    Number 8, follow the cycles of the Moon and learn how they connect to yourself and your feelings, and/or your body. So this is one that will take a little bit of time. It’s not like an immediate thing because usually noticing cycles will take at least a few months. So I have a journal and that helps me with that. Yeah

    Number 9, cuddle! Enjoy the feeling of physical touch with another being, whether it’s a human or an animal. Yeah, just use your senses. Any way you can use your senses. I’m just giving you a bunch of cute suggestions. But yeah, like just using your senses and being in your body is a great way to express your Ecosexuality.

    Number 10, honor the seasons of your life. We all must slow down and rest in order to be able to keep going. There is a reason that there are seasons on the planet. Like there’s, you know, spring summer fall winter. Because nothing can be going all the time forever infinitely, which is the same for us. We also need to take breaks. So honoring that and allowing yourself to slow down when you need to is a really big important thing. 

    Number 11, plant an herb, veggie or flower garden. Any kind of garden, just more plants, even if you don’t have land you can get a little house plant and nurture that.

    Number 12, talk to, hug, love on trees and plants and rocks, and I’m serious, like, I actually hug trees. It’s really wonderful. Just spending some time close to a tree even if you’re not touching it, if you’re like, “I don’t want to touch a tree”, even if you’re just like sitting underneath it for a while just kind of sharing your energy with it. Powerful.

    Number 13, pick up trash. Even if it’s not yours. This is something I do a lot. Sometimes I’ll even just carry a small trash bag with me when I go on walks because sometimes it’s really a mess and even if it’s not my trash, I think it’s important for there to not be trash everywhere, especially if I’m in nature. I feel like it’s just like a sign of basic respect to the planet to not have trash everywhere.

    Number 14, learn more about yourself without the constraints of societal expectations and norms. This is kind of a harder one and one that takes a lot of time and that’s okay. I have some stories about gender things and sexuality things and if you care to look for those, I can find them. Yeah, let me know in the comments if you want me to find them and then I’ll find them but it will take me a little bit I think. Yeah, but getting to know yourself is kind of important, but also kind of really difficult. 

    Number 15, protest for Black Lives Matter in any way you’re capable of, or maybe for land conservation, or maybe, for Reproductive Justice, whatever is important to you personally and is being attacked by the people that are in power at the moment. Yeah, it’s important to stand up for what is important to you and that is definitely an ecosexual act is if you’re trying to protect the things that you care about.

    Number 16, pay reparations to Black and Indigenous folks. This one goes a lot along with the one previous. But yeah, if you’re someone that has wealth, definitely redistribute it as much as you’re able to. I definitely strive to do that myself. I have a couple of recurring places that I donate to every month. And I donate to individuals in need as often as I’m able to, usually on a monthly basis too. Yeah, like if you have any kind of power, whether that’s financial power or any other kind of power, let’s use it for good.

    Number 17, play outside in whatever way feels fun and rejuvenating to you. Just running around or even even if just like sitting and reading as your way of playing and you’re like, “I don’t want to get dirty”, whatever feels good to you. Just be outside and some way that is enjoyable. 

    Number 18, get a house plant and become friends with it. I kind of talked about this when I was talking about making a garden. But yeah, if you don’t have the space for an actual Garden, you can still have plants around.

    Number 19, ride a bike. This is just another way to like, get outside.

    Number 20, protect clean water, and ban toxic pollutants. That’s kind of self-explanatory. We cannot exist without water and obviously if it is contaminated, we can’t survive on contaminated water.

    Number 21, invest in your local community in whatever way that means for you. Everybody has a different role to play and everybody has different abilities and financial access and needs and time that’s available. So whatever works for you, invest in your local community. 

    Number 22, have a picnic outside under a tree, even better if it’s with someone that you care about.

    Number 23, lay in the grass and look up at the clouds, or the stars, depending on what time of day. This is so calming to me and it kind of gives you like a dual benefit in like, you have something cool to look at and talk to about with someone you care about or if you’re by yourself, you can use your imagination and your lying on the ground, hopefully. Getting that grounding that Earthing, that connection to the Earth with your body. So good!

    Number 24, learn about permaculture. If you don’t know what a permaculture is. It’s basically like farming but in a way that is sustainable and able to be continued throughout time and without needing a whole bunch of maintenance constantly and definitely not using bunch of  toxic chemicals and fertilizers and shit. 

    Number 25, learn about animism. I kind of talked about animism a little bit. I don’t… was it this video or the last video? Either way, learn about am animism. It’s a, it’s beautiful.

    This video is really long already, so I’m going to stop here, but I love you. Thank you so much for being here. It means the world’s me that you keep coming back to my website, and I hope to see you again soon.

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