This film photoset of Satya at an abandoned pool can be found in the October 2018 gallery.
This self portrait set I took with my sister Kitty can be found in the June 2017 gallery.
Extremely rare photoset of me being nude in the snow!!! I don’t like to be cold so I hardly EVER do shoots outdoors in the winter. This photoset taken by Antisocialdisposition can be found in the April 2018 gallery.
Luna Dahlia
This film photoset I took of Luna Dahlia in an abandoned building in a park in Philly can be found in the September 2017 gallery.
This photoset taken by DWL Photo can be found in the August 2017 gallery.
This film double exposure photoset of Stevie Macaroni can be found in the April 2017 gallery.
This self portrait set with some giant balloons can be found in the July 2015 gallery.
This film double exposure photoset of Roarie Yum can be found in the November 2017 gallery.
This self portrait set can be found in the December 2016 gallery.
This film double exposure set I took of Rebecca Roe can be found in the July 2018 gallery.